Lick My Toes

Lick My Toes


Lick My Toes

Cory Doctorow

10:23 pm Sat

Oct 5, 2013




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Vancouver's Wet Spots perform the funniest, raunchiest cabaret I've heard — side-splittingly so. Check out the video for "Don't Lick My Toes" above, or get their album Hello Kinky for nine bucks, cheap.

Update: Turns out I had a video of a cover of the song!

Rsreagan writes , "Hi Cory! I love that you linked to the Wet Spots, who are great and also personal friends of mine. But that video is not a video of them performing. Since their patter, acting, and presentation are such a wonderful part of their work, I think that it would be great to link to an actual performance of theirs: here's the least graphic of the songs posted to their YouTube channel, Texas Annie . They don't have a video of "Toes" up, sadly, but you can hear Cass singing it here .

Check out this new video for Ozzy Osbourne's new song, "Patient Number 9." The song features Jeff Beck, and the video was directed by Todd McFarlane and also features his illustrations. describes the project: Todd McFarlane and Ozzy Osbourne are reuniting again — and all in the name of rock and roll. On Friday, Osbourne released… READ THE REST

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Have you been enjoying our deep-dive into all things feet?
Speaking of sexy feet, as far as fetishes go, being sexually aroused by this body part is actually quite common – but not every podophile (as foot lovers are known) likes trotters for the same reason.
For some, it might be linked to humiliation and power play, while others simply like the feeling and sensation that touching/kissing/licking/sucking (we could go on) feet gives them.
In an effort to find out more what it is about feet that makes some people horny, we went straight to the source. Here’s what they told us.
‘ I think my fetish started when I was going through puberty, I would love to look at my older brother’s girlfriends’ feet when they were around.
‘ I personally love the shape and smell of soles, there just seems to be a certain sexiness about it. ‘
‘My first-ever experience was when I was really young, I remember seeing my aunt’s painted toes through her tights and I was so curious about them.
‘My foot fetish is now my main drive sexually, it’s something I need in foreplay. I enjoy kissing, licking, sucking, sniffing and worshipping feet.
‘I prefer the toes painted, and the soles are my favourite part as that’s what I love in my face… preferably with me being on my back or beneath the woman, for instance laying on the floor as she sits over me.
‘I don’t mind a naturally-scented foot, but if they’re too smelly then it’s a turn-off.
‘The most important thing for me is the woman I’m with, if she were to just put her feet up on the table and say “crack on” then it’s not as exciting.
‘For me, I like a woman who knows how much power she has over me and makes me worship her feet for her pleasure, not mine. I think psychology has a massive part to play in this fetish. ‘
‘I regularly incorporate feet into my sexual play. I even f***** a girl with my big toe once – it was incredibly hot.
‘Another partner would suck and lick my toes during sex and it would feel amazing, spreading the pleasure attention to the tips of my body. 
‘Some partners I’ve had have been very resistant to lending me their toes to play with due to insecurities they have with their feet.
‘I mostly massage people’s feet and love massaging the toes because I know how great it can feel, and I like to give pleasure in this way.’
‘It started when I was very young. I find feet sexy, especially when the toenails are painted.
‘I enjoy looking at the feet while the girls are standing on me. I also enjoy the weight on me.
‘I love different footwear as well, for trampling sessions, and kissing toes while the girls are standing on me.’
‘ Well I first started liking feet and specifically women’s feet when I was about 16.
‘It’s really difficult to explain a fetish – I don’t know why I like feet, I just do.
‘I prefer the toes to be polished. I haven’t sucked or licked anyone’s toes yet, but I’d love to try it one day.’
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‘I actually don’t suck or lick, but I like to kiss them while having sex, and I feel the same about hands but it’s less practical to kiss hands while having sex in certain positions, like missionary .
‘I also like the nail polish colours, it’s kind of a symbol to see if a girl takes care of herself or not.’
Do you have a story that you want to share with us?

There's this guy I hang out with, he's kinda cute, but we're not together. But I can tell he's into me. Anyways I've always had a kink where I want a guy to worship my feet, and I feel like this guy is my best chance for it to finally happen. I've dropped hints, like asking for a foot rub and laying my feet in his lap. But he is SUPER shy and I don't want to flat out say hey lick my feet. He might be grossed out by feet but I'm not sure, I'm running out of ideas. Should I just pay him to lick my feet or should I try something else?
How can I get this guy to lick my feet?
My advice to you is as follows: 1) Arrange a mutually convenient day and time to invite your male interest to your home, ideally a day when you both have a day off from work. 2) On the day prior to his arrival, soak your feet in a basin filled with very warm water, add some anti-bacterial liquid soap in the basin, then soak your bare feet for 30 minutes, then pat dry using a towel. 3 Get a professional pedicure done, also get your toenails professionally nail-varnished using high-gloss bright-red nail-varnish. You can also draw more attention to your bare feet by wearing a 3/4 length Jeans, or 3/4 length skin-tight faux leather trousers, plus adorn your feet by wearing ankle-chains. Don’t wear any footwear, keep your feet bare. 4) When he arrives offer him to sit at the furthest end of your settee, while you sit at the other end with both your feet resting on the vacant seat between you and him, so as to flaunt your sexy bare feet at him, while the two of you are engaged in a conversation. Eventually you should take out a transparent condom out of it’s wrapper, and encourage him to watch as you stretch the condom over you sexy foot, right past your ankles and upto your knee, then you let out a playful flirty laugh and ask him if he finds your foot sexy; then ask him to kiss and lick your condom-gloved-foot.
Damn, I wish I were meeting girls like you since I've been in a swapped situation (trying to bring it up with the girl). I would say get into a playful situation while barefoot e. g play wrestle and put your foot/feet in his face as a joke and gauge his reaction, or create a light hearted situation where he must kiss your foot to get something, and then build it from there. If he's into feet, it'll bridge a little gap for him. It's difficult since you're not actually together, bringing up the whole friend boundaries, and for me, it's not something I'd bring up with a girlfriend unless I knew it wouldn't be seen negatively (some guys are a bit forward about it and it's not necessarily considered as 'normal' as most fetishes).
Girls, would you let a guy lick your feet clean?
Whose feet should we make him lick?
Conflicted on whether I have a foot fetish?
Girls, Do You Like Guys Who Like Feet?
Had a similar problem and she told me "just stick it in" well today I translate that same advice to you but in ur case I would have to say it's a gamble whether you wash or don't wash your feet it depends on his personal preference maybe walk through something yummy first like a field of bacon
Try to organize a situation where you can innocently put them on his lap. Tell him they feel tired and need a massage. Than look how far it goes. Don't force something he doesn't want, that won't work!
Try to start a game like truth or dare or something with punnishments. You can then get him to do things with your feet and make it seem completely normal, depending on his reaction you can tell if he'd wanna do more. Or with truth or dare you can maybe spill out your foot fetish and be completely open with him. In my opinion thats the best way to get out of doing it awkwardly
Have fun with him get him turned on and I am sure he will do anything you ask that's the best I can think of
Maybe actually have sex first or be intimate in other ways first.
Why dont I ever meet people like you? Haha. I would have licked them years ago!
Just do a night in put on TV and get on couch take off the socks put your feet on him. You will than know how he feels. As of me yup no problem there
Draw a vagina on the sole of your foot
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Now my bf is saying he wants to LICK my feet. We've been together over two years and this is the first time he's asked me this. I'm a grown experienced woman but I've never had a man tell me he wants to lick my feet. Since the beginning of our relationship he's liked touching and rubbing my feet. A foot massage during sex is kinda cool, toe licking? It's gonna really be weird .....right?🤔

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Eh if he wanted to get freaky I'd let my husband. But hell to the NO would I ever do it back haha
My husband has done that to me, at first I was like WTF ew! But in the heat of the moment, that different sensation was actually a turn on! Now I'm not saying, oh baby lick my toes every time..But just to try it was better than I expected. Don't knock it til you try it as I always say.....Well as long as your open minded and comfortable!😉
Mine sucked on my toe while he was in me.. did not expect it but I was super okay with it. If he wants to... by all means, go ahead!

He knew my feet were clean though!!

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