Lick His Balls

Lick His Balls


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It goes by many affectionate names: Polishing the family jewels, hanging with dickie and the boys, chewing the goo, tea-bagging and gargling sac. The French call it: "service trios pieces" W... Read all It goes by many affectionate names: Polishing the family jewels, hanging with dickie and the boys, chewing the goo, tea-bagging and gargling sac. The French call it: "service trios pieces" We here at Kick Ass don't have time for that bullshit. We simply call it: Lick My Balls. If... Read all It goes by many affectionate names: Polishing the family jewels, hanging with dickie and the boys, chewing the goo, tea-bagging and gargling sac. The French call it: "service trios pieces" We here at Kick Ass don't have time for that bullshit. We simply call it: Lick My Balls. If you're a fan (and we know you are) of sloppy skull sessions with a twist this DVD is for ... Read all
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Last updated on June 5, 2022 by Sonya Schwartz . 
A hopeless romantic that struggled for many years to find her Mr "Right" and made all the mistakes you could think of while dating. Known for always choosing the wrong guys or messing up relationships, Sonya was finally able to change her approach and mindset when it came to dating which helped her eventually find the man of her dreams and become happily married. You can read more about me here ...
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Does your man suddenly
change the way he treats you?
Do you feel like he’s
ignoring you or not enjoying your company anymore?
Does he avoid physical
or eye contact?
Or perhaps he doesn’t
answer your texts or calls like he used to?
Let’s face it! We’ve
all been there.
You suspect your man is cheating and try all
tricks and strategies to figure out if he really is up to something or if it’s
only your imagination.
There are a couple of ways to determine whether he's cheating by his balls which I'll get into later.
However, there is an easier way to find out what he’s been up to lately which you should try first.
I always recommend using a background checker for this (click on the link to link to go to their website).
All you have to do is
enter his details, and the tool will reveal a lot of interesting details.
You can check if he’s
been using any online dating sites lately and who are his (girl)friends on
social media. You can even see who he has potentially communicated with on
Facebook or other socials.
Just enter his name and location into the background checker to rule it out.
If all seems alright, but you still feel like he’s cheating on you, here are a few tangible ways which could tell if your man is cheating or not by looking at his balls and body.
The majority of the ways in which you can tell a man is cheating will be reflected in his behavior. 
However, there are physical things to look out for, and if you suspect it – you can even take measures to check on his body. This article is here to tell you a little bit of information about things you might be able to pick up on, physically if you suspect your man has been cheating.
Let's get straight down to it then. You suspect your man is cheating. What do you do now?
Let's face it. We all have been there at some point in our
lives. We suspect the person we love is cheating on us, but we're not sure if
our suspicions are right, so we creep around trying to figure out more!
Well, I am here to help and tell you some tangible ways in which
you can tell if your man is cheating or not.
Firstly, it is interesting to note that a man's testicles,
before they are even used for any sexual interaction, can tell us a lot about
his faithfulness. Studies have been conducted by scientists at the University
of Oslo, where they found that men who have larger testicles make for less
faithful partners. They looked to the animal kingdom and found that males with
more sexual partners, or those who need to try and produce lots of offspring,
have much larger testicles than those who only mate with one partner for
The research conducted that although not entirely accurate
concerning humans (purely because little research has been done physically with
men), the same can be said. So, ladies, in the first place, if you want a
faithful man, you might want to try and hedge your bets with a man who has
smaller testicles! Of course, please be aware that no matter what the size of a
man's balls, anyone can have their heads turned and be unfaithful, so try not
to take that as Bible, no matter how scientifically correct it may be.
You need to check within the first hour or two of suspecting he
has slept with someone else.
You are very unlikely
to find any evidence that your man has slept with someone else if you leave it
much longer than an hour after you think the sex happened. But if you manage to
see your man and you believe his devious acts were performed only a short while
ago, here is a list of things you can do which might be able to tell you if
he's been cheating.
You are going to have
to swallow your pride and get down and dirty with him, though, to be able to do
these things. The very thought might repulse you after you suspect he's just
been doing the dirty with another woman. But it's necessary if these are the
steps you want to take to see if he's been cheating. I will discuss other
non-physical ways in which you can tell if he's been cheating later, at the end
of the article.
So, without further
ado, let's begin!
While you're engaging
in foreplay, cusp your hands around his balls and give them a fondle. He won't
even realize what you're doing and will most likely just lay back and enjoy it.
But, if they are feeling a little more deflated than usual, this is not a good
sign. They could look empty, and this could be because he has already released
'his load'.
If he has typically no
problem becoming erect, but for some reason, it just isn't working, this is a
significant indicator that he's already had sex. It can sometimes take as long
as two hours for the penis to become hard again.
When you are having
sex, see how long he lasts for. Depending on how long you have been with him,
you should know the rough amount of time he lasts before ejaculation. However,
if he has just slept with someone, he might take a much longer time to finish.
Firstly, because he's probably exhausted from getting at it with someone else,
but also because his balls won't have enough left in them for all his little
swimmers to come out quickly!
This is one of the
best ways to tell if someone else has been on him. Sorry ladies it's about to
get a little more graphic…
If when you are going down on him, you can lick and smell his penis. This taste/smell could be a sure sign for a few things. Firstly, if he has used a condom, you will be able to tell, due to the distinctive lube and latex taste. Secondly, if he hasn't been using a condom, you will be able to tell the difference if he has had sex with someone else – there may be different kinds of body fluids on there.
Another physical sign
that someone else has been all over your man is if he has peculiar marks or
scratches on him, that seem to have appeared from no-where. If you enquire
about them and he acts shady or standoff-ish, you can be sure to know that some
other woman has been touching your man.
Another thing you
might find on him could be pubic hair from the other woman. If there is a stray
pubic hair nestled in with his – this is a big sign.
This is one of the
oldest tell-tale signs of an affair, in the book. If when your man gets home
from 'spending an evening with his boys' and you can smell a strange feminine
scent on him, it is probably time to start asking some questions.
Unless he's very
careless, or you catch him before he's had time to shop in the shower, you will
probably not be able to find anything on him. Cheaters are very sneaky people,
and this means that they will tend to cover their tracks well. So, if you
notice that for some reason, every time that he has been coming home recently,
he's jumping straight in the shower – flag this behavior.
If you notice your man
is staying much later at work frequently, or he's spending a significant amount
of time not at home, this could be a sign that he is having an affair. If he is
overly protective of his phone or has magically taken a great interest in doing
his washing, these are all indicators that he is sneaking around behind your
Continuous patterns
will produce the most transparent and most true conclusions. Please do not get
suspicious of your man if he decides to go out for a drink with his friends or
comes home late from work once or twice. You will most likely know in your gut
if you feel something is wrong and if he is unfaithful to you.
Finding out that your
man is cheating on you is an awful realization. If you have concluded that he
is cheating on you, it is super important that you are very sure about your
suspicions. Speak about your doubts with some you trust and can confide in.
Then, once you're
sure, it is time for you to confront him. Be completely honest with him and say
exactly what you think. However, I would suggest missing out the parts that you
have been secretly smelling him and tracking how he's been acting – this could
come off super odd.
After he has admitted
to cheating, it is obviously up to you how to move forward. Trust is one of the
most prominent players within a relationship, and now he has broken that trust
for you, it might be hard to move forward together.
I will say it over and
over again, but communication between two people in a relationship is vital to
ensure there is success. If people communicate clearly and feel open with each
other, then hopefully the action of cheating will never occur. Communication is
also crucial when discussing or resolving problems. Make sure all communication
is done in a safe space for both people.
I hope with the use of
these tips you can understand if your man is cheating on you or not. Even
though it is awful, how amazing are our bodies to be able to show us when
sexual activity has taken place? Use the knowledge you have soaked up from this
article to your advantage and find out if he is as unfaithful as you think.
Did this article help
you at all? If it did and you liked what you read, please let us know in the
Since your relationship is unique, the most important thing is that you use a tailored approach to tackle your relationship issues.
A generic approach with advice you read online can often even make things even worse!
The best way to get this advice is through someone with experience that is able to listen to the issues you are facing in your relationship…
That is why I highly recommend the website Relationship Hero that gives you specialized advice for your relationship .
In fact, a few weeks ago I reached out to them when I was going through an extremely difficult patch in my relationship.
I had hit rock bottom, and couldn’t even turn to my friends for advice anymore.
After speaking to Lucy (my relationship coach at Relationship Hero) and telling her of my desperate situation, she was able to give me some concrete steps to follow over the following days.
I was able to check in with her on a daily basis as I implemented her advice, and she helped me through every step.
Not only was she super helpful and empathetic, she eventually helped me solve some of the issues had been plaguing my relationship for years .
Ok,,, now how to tell if a woman or wife is cheating ?
This is all really self-destructive. You shouldn't arrive to this point of forcing yourself into intercourse with your partner trying to weight his balls and sniffing around like a dog. You won't be a better person than the eventual cheater and definitely more miserable
Lol this is just an article on the internet, it's up to the person reading it to listen to it or not. If you don't like it don't do it, that simple. What's self destructive is listening to everything you hear/read.
Yes he's testicles are deflated and he does stay away at times I'm sure he's cheating but he keeps lieing about it but I knew this before I Google it thank for the proof
Hi in my case my husband walked out on me 5 years ago when he left he'd come over almost every day or when he felt honey. Then about yr ago it changed he stop having it as much with me then one day about 5 months ago he told me he was not sexually attracted to me the time with in these few months his penis isn't completely hard . then 2 months ago for a month he'd wake up @ 4 an have sex with me then it would be hard an he'd have a lot of cum . not its been another two months no sex at all he just touches my butt or grab me around the waist I always asked if he was cheating on me or ever an he says no never he claims he masterbates to porn more than any man in this world but some one has seen him buy condemns he denies it but I know its true. He says he really masterbates an his tireof pleasing women. I just seen his testicles while he was sleep 3 days ago they are full any help?
First off I just wanted say I’m so sorry you have go through that hun look way I see it is your man should always be attracted to you. He married you for reason ♥️ and I’d ask him why he feels need watch porn when he clearly has you right there 🤷‍♀️ I find what he’s doing disrespectful and maybe it’s lack communication on his part is there something he’s not getting in bedroom ? Or is his excuse for not wanting doing anything with you is bc porn but he’s really cheating 🤷‍♀️ I don’t want assume but no man your married to, took vows to, should be sitting there saying he ain’t sexually attracted to you . I would sit him down lay down some stuff on table like stop bullshitting with me like him being half hard or not wanting do things as much is probably bc he’s doing it with somebody else and when he gets home he’s to tired to with you something is fishy especially if somebody seen him buy condoms ? Tell him your sex life is boring he stopped doing what he used to do make him give you explanation 🤷‍♀️ If he fails give you reasons back up claims you deserve better you deserve man finds you attractive no matter what . You need sit his ass down tell him your feelings how you feel in bedroom how things have changed. Life’s to short be miserable. Best luck.
So apparently now, if your man suffers from ED and has naturally small balls, he's cheating?
What if he masturbated before coming over because he wanted to last longer for you?
If the OP knew literally ANYTHING about male anatomy, they would know that semen is manufactured RIGHT BEFORE ejaculation. There is no "Empty" feeling.
Also, testicles (balls) manufacture testosterone. Men with higher testosterone have naturally higher libidos.
How about this instead, have constant wild sex with your man, worship him in the bedroom and you will literally have ZERO competition. Case in point, I have women proposition me all the time but my girl is a total explosion in the sack. Even if I wanted to cheat on her, I ain't finding someone better in bed than her.
So basically your saying your girl is only good in your eyes based on the sex and that the sex determines the loyalty of your relationship,,,nice!👍
If you suspect someone is cheating the last thing you should be tasting is their equipment.
No way to know if the sex was safe, if the condom broke, etc.
This is just asking to eat a disease.
F that. If you suspect your man is cheating, spy or hire a PI.
If he knows you're paranoid due to nearly 1/3 of men cheating(last time I checked, that number has been going down though) he should understand.
& if not, dump him bc no D is worth dying over from some jerks STDs and selfishness.
Further, the testicles don't deflate. That's patently ridiculous.
& even if they did, porn would be an equally probable cause.
I've heard stories of security guards finding guys jerkin it in a parking lot.
Not sure why he would, but that's possible too. Some guys even use condoms to avoid the mess.
Regardless, if you think your man is CHEATING, don't reward him to find out. That just puts you in danger for no reason.
Back off, say why or don't, and when your suspicions are confirmed or he's vindicated move on from it. Either you break up or look into counseling because the trust is gone if he cheated.
& if he didn't he may feel rightfully insulted by your actions, counseling could help there too.
Just don't put a dirty D in your mouth or other areas where it could spread disease. He isn't worth gonorrhea.
Great info its my parants 2 times a week
My boyfriend n I been dating for 4 years n lives together for 6 months landlord wasn’t paying taxes n the bank’s foreclosed on the house n we had to move to separate houses n since that happened he has accused me of seeing my x behind his back n that wasn’t even true just something he built in his head bc my x has friends n family that live by my moms house uugghhh n since we went to separate homes not only did he accuse me I can’t ever go to his place n he never wants to stay at mine and some times he would b fast n other times he would b long so I started to check his balls n I noticed the times he lasted long his balls was soft n when he was fast his balls was hard he goes about 30mins normally and we both would b done around the same time but for the last year it’s always been him he can’t ever stay the night at my house n I can’t ever stay at his house if we do make plans for him to stay at my house something always happens to where he can’t stay n he wants to get hotel rooms a lot lately n not all night just a few hours most times it’s a hit it quit it n every time I express myself he will get upset over it and I’m the 1 who calls or text he never texts or calls me 1st when b4 the separate home thing he would text me n call me every day I’m gonna move to Missouri n he don’t want me to go n I tell him to give me a reason to stay he will just look at me n say I’m not gonna tell u to stay for me n that just says hurry up n go I don’t know what to think I just know that he is my whole world n he’s taken my love for granted while my x will text me n call me every day just to see how I’m doing n say how much he misses me n that I’m his mi amor my boyfriend was friends 4years b4 we started this whole dating thing I have drove by his house n seen his kids mother’s car in his drive way n his 2 cars too n he said he’s doing over time I’m pretty much just waiting for him to say she’s pregnant when we first became friends I wouldn’t do anything with him bc he was married he said that they don’t stay in the same room that he lives downstairs then he told me that his wife was pregnant n I think he’s still messing with her n staying at his house gots to b a re
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