Lick Her Asshole

Lick Her Asshole


Lick Her Asshole
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Zachary Zane
Zachary Zane is a Brooklyn-based writer, speaker, and activist whose work focuses on lifestyle, sexuality, culture, and entertainment.

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It's time to put that tongue to good use.
The first time you learned about anilingus—also known as rimming, tossing salad, ass eating, peach munching, eating the booty like groceries—you probably thought to yourself, “Wait, people seriously do this? What the flying fuck?!” Yes, all kinds of couples enjoy eating some delicious booty. That's because it can feel incredible to stimulate the nerve endings around the anus, not to mention there's something sexy and "taboo" about the act that turns some people on.
All of which is to say, it makes sense that you're curious about how to eat ass. Lucky for you, I’ve eaten well over 500 booties, and I’ve definitely had mine eaten two to three dozen times. I love eating ass, which is why I do it in nearly every sexual encounter I have. I could live off of eating ass for breakfast, lunch, and dinner until I died. Luna Matatas , a sex and pleasure educator, and Alicia Sinclair, founder and CEO of b-Vibe, a line of innovative vibrating anal toys, are also experts in the field. We're here to teach you tips and techniques for eating ass correctly, including all the best moves, and how to make sure your partner is properly prepared.
Here's everything to know about how to eat ass like a pro.
Needless to say, you want to make sure that you or your partner has a clean butthole before you chow down. The good news is that you don’t have to do a full douche or enema before tossing salad. That’s because when you eat a booty, you’re focusing on the external part of the anus. If you happen to have a long and slippery tongue, you may be able to get a half-inch in there, but nothing more. You only need to douche if you’re planning on taking a lengthier penis or dildo that gets deeper inside you.
Really, all you need to do is wash the external anal area with some gentle, antibacterial soap and water. That’s it. “If you're just getting right down to things, you can do a visual and sniff test and communicate,” Matatas says. “Ask your person if they want to get their butthole ready for your mouth, or if they need to 'freshen up.’”
Cleanliness isn’t just important for enjoyment, it’s also necessary to help prevent the transfer of harmful bacteria. “Rimming can run the risk of transferring harmful gut bacteria, like E. coli or salmonella, from the person being rimmed (receiver) to the person doing the rimming (giver),” Matatas says. That’s why you should skip rimming if you or your partner has an upset stomach. Having diarrhea or stomach pain is a telltale sign that you had some contaminated food with harmful bacteria.
It's important to warm up, too. “A lot of people have this perception that they don’t need to do any foreplay with rimming, but just like with every other type of sexual experience, you want to warm up,” Sinclair says in Men's Health Best. Sex. Ever .
“Start by teasing the anus,” she says. “Make circles with your tongue, lick it like ice cream, and play with the entire booty. Really get your hands on it. Spank it. Shake it!” Once your partner is warmed up and ready for more, you can go deeper into the rim job.
You need to find ass-eating positions that are comfortable for both you and your partner. “You want the receiver to be able to relax into the sensations, while you’re comfortable giving continuous stimulation for an extended period,” Matatas explains.
The classic go-to position for rimming is doggy style . This is particularly popular among queer men, because after rimming, you’re in the perfect position to have anal sex . Sometimes, angling can be slightly difficult for the giver in that position, at which point the receiver can lay flat down on their stomach. From there, it’s easy for you to spread those cheeks and dive right in.
Another common position is when the receiver is on their back with their legs spread, or—if they're an expert contortionist—behind their head. “Use a pillow to prop up their pelvis, so you don’t tire out your neck from that strenuous angle,” says Matatas. You really want to tilt their butthole up, so you can feast like a king.
“Face-sitting is also fun to explore, but can be challenging for both the giver and the receiver,” Matatas says. “Prop up your head with a pillow to bring your face closer to their anus. The person being rimmed can use a bed or a wall to help balance their weight off their knees and thighs.
You can also do a reverse face-sit, where the receiver is sitting on your face but they’re facing away from you.
From the reverse face-sitting position, you can easily transition into anilingus 69 (so they’re performing oral on you while you’re eating their booty). All the person on top has to do is lean all the way forward so they can perform oral sex on the partner who's lying down. It's a win-win!
There’s more to rimming than spreading those cheeks and licking. I mean, you could do that, and honestly, you both might enjoy it, but you do have other options if you want to get creative.
Matatas and I came up with a list of tips and techniques for eating ass. Of course, this is in addition to asking your partner what they prefer. That should be your go-to, but we recognize that many folks new to rimming might now know what they like, and even if they do know, it can be difficult to articulate. So here are some tips:
“The crinkles of the anus have lots of nerve endings and fill up with blood as the body of the receiver gets more aroused and relaxed,” Matatas says. “Use your tongue to create circles around them.”
“Try using other parts of your face like your nose or chin,” she says. This is great in case your mouth and tongue start getting tired.
“Lick the butt crack and use a sex toy or your other hand to stimulate the perineum, lower back, and genitals,” Matatas says.
Try a position like face-sitting, which gives more power to the receiver; they can move their butt to control where their anus lands on your tongue and chin.
“Allow for consistency and rhythm of one technique before moving to the next,” Matatas says. “Ask the receiver if they want it faster or slower and harder or softer. Use that feedback and adjust to their pleasure.”
This creates a larger surface area for your tongue, so your partner gets more wetness and pressure from every lick.

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→ Sexual acts
→ Anal sex
→ Rimming

D o most women like their butts kissed and their anus licked? I'm very serious! Do they find it pleasurable?

#BMW #CAR #M3 #Turbo #V8 #6cylinder

by Anonymous 3 hours ago



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Y es! If you lick a girls anus, she'll love you for life. It's a fact!
M y wife does, but only after she takes a shower, thank you jessica.
I can't speak for most women however I do. An anal orgasm is very pleasurable.
E ven if they do, they're out of luck, as far as The Reverend Soleil is concerned...
I f thats what my woman wants then, I'll do anything to make her happy...
m y wife enjoys it, and has had anal orgasms, the problem is she doesn't let me do it often. also she licked mine first as she gave me waht felt like the best blow job in the world. she doesn't do this often either. if it were up to me i'd suck her ass,and let her suck mine every time we had sex.
y es my wife loves it. she will deny it if asked but oh man does she get off when i do it.
O h yeah, at first some go no no no...but then they get into it and go yes yes yes...

It really depends on what your hands are doing to.

A finger on the clit the other pinching the nipple with your tongue on/in their anus and they just explode!!!!

But hygiene is important.
M y wife does. I started off by just licking her snatch, after a while i was licking a bigger area and i noticed that i was getting close to the a-hole. I was into it so i thought what the hell and jabbed at it with my tongue. She lifted her hips slightly which made me think she liked it so i spent the next ten minutes licking her ass and tongue fucking her. It was hot and she couldnt get enough. Although we dont talk about it :)
T reat it like a clit and she'll love it. Then you can get her to return the favour. Try not to tounge fuck it cuz it might hurt them.
Y es!! I love it when someone does this to me (and I keep it very very clean so it's more likely to happen!)
Y es, most do and i like a pretty butt and licking a nice clean female anus, it's very sexy!
M y wife loves it when I lick and gently finger her ass, and it really helps her cum harder. I think anybody - male or female - who is approached by a gentle lover can be taught to really enjoy anal stimulation.
I have to start by massaging her neck and back with almond oil or baby oil. After 10-20 minutes of this, I'll work my way down to her bum, gradually getting closer to the target. I brush my thumbs closer to the anus until massaging it. I may then nuzzle her bum whilst continuing the oily massaging. If lucky, I will start licking around the anus and then on it. Occasionally, I'll get my tongue slightly inside!
She denys liking this but she gets incredibly wet.
She must be clean though. It's definitely not a poo fetish!
i like to lick vagina and asshole too (if kept clean)..
just love it
I t depends. I would like to to that for a woman.
I find it very nice, it can be very sensual with the right person :)
i have yet to find a girl who doesn't like it
i hace licked alot of ass them seem to like it
M ost women just love ít and can never get enough if you start with it.:)
e m... no well i dont anyway its a bit creepy
I think most women and girls love it and as long as I can remember most were even insisting that I did for them.
I think it is a quite special thing for girl and women if they get licked their anaus.
As a man I never had feelings like that altough I tried a few times when I was a boy.
The girls wanted to have it from me all the time and so I wanted to find out how it is and found a boy at my age who was willing to accept facesitting by me.
It was of course arousing but not that what I expected and after some time I gave up although the boy was doing a real good job in my butthole.
Perhaps the anus of girls are much more sensitive.
m y wife loves it when I lick hers.she licks mine too.Its so erotic.
n ever had any complaints from my gf's and many of them inititated it first and I obliged them. Wouldn't want anyone licking my ass but I'm happy to do it for her.
I don't know about most women, me I don't like things in my butt. Nope, not me.
I think almost all women and girls are enthusiastic on this.
Seems to be typical for most girls and women.
I love licking my girls ass damn taste good ...
I think women are too different that you could ever generalize.
Some like it, some love it and some hate it.
Every woman or girl is different so that you can not find a rule.
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G uys-if your girlfriend asked you to lick your cum from her ass, would you do it?

#BMW #CAR #M3 #Turbo #V8 #6cylinder

by Emma is sick of ignorant bullies 3 hours ago



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i f it is mine i would do it for her but not if it was someone elses...
I would love it if my hubby did that for me... We have your cum in our mouths why can't you have you own??

*Most guys have there gfs lick their fingers after fingering them... same thing?

I think its hot
n o not lick it i usually use a straw
I would do whatever my wife told me to do. I have licked it out of her temple but she doesn’t like anal intercourse. It is all about making her the happiest lady in the world.
I t depends. If she lets me cum in her mouth then I would. Why should I expect her to put something in her mouth that I won't put in my own. But if she doesn't want my cum in her mouth then no.
I 've done this with my ex before so yeah why not! Although I would say its more comparable to going ass to mouth for girls, rather than putting fingers in your girls mouth after fingering her pussy - that's kinda different.
I wouldn't but i would let it drip into my mouth from under her.
w ell i guess i will do it for sure, its all about sex nothing is worng in sex, you should try everything atleast once then decide from there that what is good for you and what is not.
o nly if she let me cum inside her ass.
d efinitly have and will again. anywhere anytime and even if it's anouther mans.
Y ea!! I would do that for her!! I go down and lick her pussy after I cum in her. Our juices together are very erotic!!!
i would if she would let me... if only she would be open to it
I will lick her ass clean if she will suck me off, fair is fair right.
I would absolutely do it provided of course it was clean. I love to rim my lady and am very turned on by sticking my tongue up her ass, so the only question is if I would eat my own cum.

She loves to suck my dick and I cum in her mouth all the time, so I expect that if she asked me to eat my cum I would also (she hasnt). Heck, I would get the camera out and record it so that she could watch the entire thing! Then we could do it from her pussy, her mouth, heck -- experimentation!!
H ell yes! Already lick it off her breasts and swap with her :)
I would absolutely do this... especially if "ordered" - not asked - to do this. In fact, I once had an on-line domme that ordered me to cum in my hand and eat it for her, since she could not be there to do it for me.
s ure. I've done it from every where else but that. The chance just hasn't come up. In reality usually when I lick my cum from my wifes pussy its because I haven't made her cum yet so once my turn was over I get on my merry way to help her. She gets off I eat my own cum.
y es and won't give it a second thought
y es and won't give it a second thought
y es i would aslong as she would lick my arse for me aswell i also drink my piss from her arse aswell as drinking hers and she drinking mine. we al;so have lots of men cum up her arse so much that it is bursting then she sat on my face and she exploded with me drinking all the cum.
T o be honest, I wouldn't taste my cum if it was on my hands. I wouldn't taste my cum at all! And never will I lick anyone's ass crack. Hell no!
I have licked my cum from everywhere on my wifes body and have swapped cum in kisses after a bj. If I came on her asshole, I would lick it. If I came in her asshole, I would think twice. Depends on the cleanliness.
I would if my wife would sit on my face after I cum in her pussy. I would make sure she was all clean up.
I would lick it off her ass, not out of her ass, I eat it all the time for her now, so cant go the ass thing
I would be honored to do it. I wish she would be open to it. I love to lick pussy so licking cum from it would be even tastier!!!!
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