Libra Passive Aggressive

Libra Passive Aggressive


Libra Passive Aggressive
What are signs a Libra is being passive aggressive towards me? He’s ignoring me and blocked me for no reason after I didn’t answer his phone calls.
Experience with astrology since 1980 · Author has 5.9K answers and 4.8M answer views · 1 y ·
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Are people of the Libra sign aggressive and manipulative?
My crush (a boy) never starts the conversation first, I always do. He always replies back and seems interested, but he doesn’t start the conversation. What does this mean?
Why did a man block me after I called him a liar?
If someone never starts or initiates a conversation, does it mean they don't like me?
Waitress ( 2020 – present ) · Author has 734 answers and 166.4K answer views · 1 y ·
How can I know if a Libra doesn’t like me anymore?
Are people of the Libra sign aggressive and manipulative?
My crush (a boy) never starts the conversation first, I always do. He always replies back and seems interested, but he doesn’t start the conversation. What does this mean?
Why did a man block me after I called him a liar?
If someone never starts or initiates a conversation, does it mean they don't like me?
Why does he stare at me if he blocked me?
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Am I forcing her to talk to me? I initiate conversation everytime. Am I acting like a creep and bothering her? Should I ask her directly that?
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Ladies, when guys privately message you, how often do you presume that they're hitting on you? How often are you right?
How can I know if a Libra doesn’t like me anymore?
Are people of the Libra sign aggressive and manipulative?
My crush (a boy) never starts the conversation first, I always do. He always replies back and seems interested, but he doesn’t start the conversation. What does this mean?
Why did a man block me after I called him a liar?
If someone never starts or initiates a conversation, does it mean they don't like me?
Why does he stare at me if he blocked me?
How do I ghost someone without them thinking I’m ghosting them?
Why do guys stop reaching out all of a sudden?
What is the psychological reason for anxiety caused by unread text messages?
The guy I'm seeing keeps ignoring me for long periods of time, then replying at his convenience; would it be out of order to confront him about it?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
You don’t have any right to stalk and bother anybody like that. Leave him alone. He has shown you that he is not interested in you. Isn’t that enough?
Those are signs. Being a libra has nothing to do with it. Basic human nature says they're angry with you or else they wouldn't have blocked you and be ignoring you.

There’s no doubt about it, Libras can come off as being as mean as can be. Let’s talk about a few reasons why Libras are so rude.
Libras are known as being the most difficult astrological sign to deal with. They’re moody, sensitive, and have a lot of expectations for those around them.
Why are Libras so mean? The answer is complicated, and there’s no one way to explain it. But we’ll try by exploring some reasons why this might be the case.
The problem with Librans is that they are good people at heart, but the ones you’ll meet will mostly be passive-aggressive.
For them to do something directly would feel too confrontational or aggressive, so they have this tendency to just subtly nudge someone in the wrong direction, all the while being stellar actors and pretending they’re innocent.
That’s why some of them are mean – because it’s not always genuinely meanness, but rather a gentle pushing of people towards negativity without doing it outright or admitting responsibility for what they have done.
They don’t want to commit themselves until there can be no turning back. So if you ask Librans how many times they’ve dedicated to something (and hold someone to it), they’ll shy away.
Librans are sneaky, and most of them act like nothing is wrong when they’ve done something terrible to you. They are good at covering it up, but they’ll always make you feel like you’re unfit for suspecting them of doing something terrible, of beginning with.
Librans are also known to have this passive-aggressive nature that makes it hard for others to like them, which is why they’re often viewed as the most challenging sign in astrology by other signs.
They want to be desired, but they don’t know-how, and then when someone doesn’t like them, they go into denial that people are even having a problem with their behavior.
They’re also not very straightforward about how they feel, which is only another reason Librans can seem like the most challenging sign to be around because it’s hard for others to read what you mean and vice versa if someone doesn’t tell you how they feel.
Libras are naturally selfish. They need to feel secure, and they are compassionate people. Continued behavior may make them hostile or bitter, but typically they are good-natured if given the proper care.
Libras are naturally selfish, so they seldom think about the needs of others. Libras don’t look for ways to compromise or offer support. They’ve never heard the expression “live and let live.”
They wouldn’t care if their own best friend was in pain. All they care about is getting what THEY want out of life, and that can be anyway but fair to those around them.
Libras are naturally selfish, often ignoring the needs of others for their gratification. They do not consider other people’s feelings or well-being when making decisions that affect themselves and others.
Librans’ selfish nature is one reason they’re so difficult to deal with because it can be hard to trust them as they’re always looking out for what’s best for themselves and not those around them.
Librans are also known to be self-centered, so it doesn’t take much effort on their part to keep doing what is best for themselves without considering the needs of others.
They don’t think about how a particular behavior might make others feel as long as it benefits them. Librans are also very difficult to deal with because they’re self-centered and don’t care about what other people might need or want.
They’ll take whatever they can get, even if something is wrong for you, so this makes life hard when dealing with a Libra.
Feeling off-balance is another reason why Librans are mean people. When they feel like their world isn’t in order, it’s easy for them to lash out at others because of the stress there is on them about everything else that’s going on around them.
Feeling stressed or overwhelmed triggers this need to be cruel and negative, and they’ll do whatever it takes to make themselves feel better, even if it’s by putting others down.
Libras are not known for being very balanced people, so whenever there’s an imbalance in their life, it triggers their mean side to come out.
They aren’t known for being very balanced people, so when there’s an imbalance in Libras’ lives, it can trigger this negative behavior from them.
Ultimately, it can lead them to be being cruel and mean person that wants to pick on everyone else around them rather than dealing with their issues.
Librans can be rude and mean people, but then again, so can all the other signs in astrology.
Libras are not known for being very discreet or respectful when it comes to how they treat others around them, which is why they’re often viewed as the most challenging sign in astrology by other signs who have difficulty dealing with them.
Libras are not known for being very tactful or respectful in how they treat others around them, which is why they’re often viewed as the most challenging sign in astrology by other signs.
Librans are not known for being very discreet or respectful when it comes to how they treat others around them, which is why they’re often viewed as the most challenging sign in astrology by other signs who have difficulty dealing with them.
Libras are not known for being very tactful or respectful in how they treat others around them, which is why they’re often viewed as the most challenging sign in astrology by other signs.
Though they can be very mean and rude, there are also times when Libras are just generally pleasant to everyone around them without thinking about how others might feel or what they might need.
However, it doesn’t take much for them to turn into mean people who are just looking out for their own best interests.
Libras are never known for being kind or compassionate because that’s not how they’re wired up, no matter what time of year they were born.

The Zodiac Signs Ranked Most To Least Passive Aggressive
By Molly Given — Written on Nov 29, 2017
Have you ever felt that someone's behavior was passive-aggressive ? You sense that the person is mad at you, but you can't be fully sure. They didn't come right out and say it, but they definitely are acting like it. Maybe they stopped returning your texts and phone calls.
Maybe they keep throwing you vague compliments wrapped in clever insults. It could be that they always seem to have a resting bitch face .... but only around you.
That is the art of being passive-aggressive. Instead of clearing the air right away sometimes people take more time to come out and say that they are mad. It sometimes takes even longer for them to say what they are mad about. Some horoscope signs are like that and there's a reason why.
Passive-aggressiveness can be ignited in an array of different ways. It's a defense mechanism when someone doesn't know how to approach who they are angry with. It makes the person really work for their forgiveness, or it could be the natural/go-to nature of the person who is being that way. 
If you've been on the receiving end of someone's passive aggressive behavior you know how confusing it can be. You probably have gone through everything you've done with and to that person to try and find the scene of the crime where you could have hurt them.
However, If you have been that passive aggressive person, you know what the deal is. It can be easier to beat around the bush when the problem seems too big or hurts too much. When someone extremely close to you is the one that hurts you being passive aggressive can be a way to punish them for burning you.
Looking at your zodiac sign can help determine where your astrological traits fall on the passive-aggressive scale. According to astrology, some signs just simply are that way and some signs are the complete opposite, maybe being extremely blunt.
Check out the list below to see where you and your friends are on the passive-aggressive rollercoaster. 
A Sagittarius will be the most passive aggressive in situations. They do not see a lot of value in deep conversations. They either want to keep on living their optimistic life without you. This zodiac sign will not come out and tell you what is wrong because they say things they don't mean all the time.
A Sagittarius will beat around the bush instead of dealing with their anger because they do not want to burst their own bubble in life. You will have to pry the information out of them to eventually get why they are mad. 
Libra's do not like to be straightforward all the time. They will keep a smile on their face and a happy attitude while slipping in passive-aggressive habits when they are angry with someone They want to keep balance in their life and they think the best way to do so is to keep all negativity out. That includes their negative thoughts and actions, they simply do not want to deal with the emotion of being mad. 
Geminis are inherently indecisive and not very straightforward because they have a tough time figuring out what they want. They can be mad and ready to talk one minute and then shut down the next. Being so back and forth causes them to be passive aggressive. They don't know another way to get all of their frustration out. Geminis take some time to think things over because they need to be sure of what it is they truly desire. 
Cancers tap into their emotions all the time. If they are feeling a lot of anger and hurt towards someone they tend to be more passive-aggressive. Their emotions are running haywire. They do this to test the people they love and want to know if they can pick up on their mood and see that they are mad. They purely just want to know if the person that hurt them still cares but they do not want to come out and ask them right away.
Aquarius love to have deep and intellectual conversations but when they are mad they tend to halt all the conversations they want to have. They would rather shut it down and be a little snider than anything because they feel that's what the person deserves. When someone confronts an Aquarius they will give them an earful but only if the other person initiates conversation on the subject. Otherwise, they will keep being passive aggressive.
Virgos are cautious and do not jump into anything prematurely. That includes when they are mad, they need to evaluate exactly what and who they are mad at. With that taking time, the only way for them to relate their aggression is to be passive aggressive to the culprit of their unhappiness. Once they feel ready they will launch into why they are mad, but never right away. 
Pisces aren't always passive aggressive but that doesn't mean they never are. They are empathetic but also deeply expressive. They will struggle to try to figure out if they forgive a person or if they deserve to have anger unleashed on them. While dealing with this dilemma they will be passive aggressive until they can figure out what it is they truly want to do. 
Taurus is extremely stubborn and with their stubborn nature, they can be passive aggressive. However, they are also down to earth. Their earthy personality can lead them to be more forthcoming because they do not ever want to be over the top or dramatic with their actions. If they are mad they will say it, they may not budge on why they are mad but they will come out and explain. 
Scorpios are by nature very passionate and expressive. It will be tough for them to hold back when they feel angry or hurt about something. They will unleash their anger in a vindictive way, but not passive aggressively. There are points where they tend to be manipulative but they are upfront about it in the long run. Scorpios want you to know when they are hurt and they are not afraid to remind you as well. 
Capricorns are straightforward when they are angry.They would rather be mature and responsible about a situation before they get dirty or passive aggressive about anything. Being mature and having self-control allows them to express their feelings. A Capricorn prefers to be upfront and honest rather than being dramatic or over the top with anything. 
Leos are loud and proud, they will not be afraid to have they opinion heard and right away. They are extremely vocal about all their opinions right or wrong. This zodiac sign will not hold back if they feel they have been scorned. With their confident nature, they are not afraid to be the center of attention. In fact, being passive aggressive to them is just too subtle. 
Aries are so dynamic and full of energy, it is almost impossible for them to be passive aggressive. They view honesty as being the best policy and do not think that holding anything back is the way to go in any situation. An Aries will almost always say how they feel right on the spot because they simply do not know any other way to be. 
Molly Given is a writer and lover of all things to do with mystery and magic in life. When she's not writing her fingers off she can be found planning her next adventure in a new part of the world. 
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The Most Passive-Aggressive Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers

Astrologers warn that one particular sign is more likely to betray than others.
Here's why being friends with this astrological sign is "not for the faint of heart" (but worth it).
Experts reveal that there's one particular sign that worries more than others.
Astrologers warn that one particular sign is more likely to betray than others.
Here's why being friends with this astrological sign is "not for the faint of heart" (but worth it).
Experts reveal that there's one particular sign that worries more than others.
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Astrologers reveal which zodiac signs are experts at silencing their frustrations.
We all know someone who isn't particularly upfront about their feelings. You can sense a tinge of attitude in their tone or demeanor, but they're not particularly forthcoming about what's wrong. This is a common form of passive-aggressive behavior, or according to Psychology Today, when someone clearly feels negatively about a situation, whether anger or annoyance, but chooses to express it indirectly instead of directly . Unfortunately, it's usually up to you to figure out why that is—and for people who are direct communicators, this can be particularly frustrating. The good news is that there might be a reason this person is exhibiting these moody qualities: their zodiac sign . Read on to see the most passive-aggressive astrological signs ranked from slightly apathetic to completely avoidant.
Leo is a quick-to-get-heated sign who wants to be in the spotlight. "Instead of facing an issue head-on, Leos are likely to passively address an issue because this keeps the drama alive and puts them right where they want to be—the center of attention," says astrology consultant Sofia Adler.
Aquarius is extremely smart and quick-witted, unafraid to get into a heated discussion if and when needed. However, this rebellious sign can also be a know-it-all and see themselves as better than others. "Aquarius is likely to not even bother addressing an issue because they don't think it (or you) is worth their time," says Adler.
Cancers have been reincarnated with the gift to feel. "This water sign is incredibly sensitive and quick to get offended if their desire for connection isn't reciprocated," says Adler. Cancers get lost in their emotions easily and don't always look to solve the issue at hand. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb
"They will not complain in this case but will instead engage in passive aggressiveness and make unpleasant comments until you arrive and inquire about the matter," says psychic reader and spiritual healer Emily Newman. Direct talks are off the table until then.
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