Libra Men Traits

Libra Men Traits


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He might come off wishy-washy, but he’s really just a dreamer.
WATCH: What Your Zodiac Sign Says About You
There are just a few basics that need to be explored when you first start dating someone. Where is he from? What does he do for a living? Oh, and most definitely, when’s his birthday? This isn’t just for remembering when to send that “happy b-day :)” text! Knowing a potential boo’s zodiac sign can really help in understanding his behavior. Astrology helps us break down personality traits, pet peeves, and, yes, even dating patterns. It can be fun and informative to look up his sign and see how yours works with his.
If you’re dating, Insta stalking (hi, guilty), or just fantasizing over a Libra man, we’re here to help you navigate one of the most alluring signs. These complex beings are stylish, flirtatious, and charming AF—in fact, they’re so charming it’s sometimes hard to tell what they’re really thinking. And they might not even know! Libras are notoriously indecisive, after all.
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Luckily, astrology allows us to decipher personality traits, pet peeves, and so much more. And trust me when I say, there is sooo much more to a Libra man than you initially realized.
So if your guy was born between September 23 and October 22, you’re in for a treat. Libras make life feel special, but as it goes with any sign, there are some things you may want to keep an eye out for. Read on because we’ve got the tea on all things Libra!
Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn Is All About Work
Birthday: September 23 to October 22
Keywords: Romantic, charming, intellectual, flirtatious, polite, indecisive
Famous Libra men: Donald Glover, Zac Efron, Ryan Reynolds, Will Smith, John Mayer, Snoop Dogg, Hugh Jackman, John Krasinski, Matt Damon, Nick Cannon, Bruce Springsteen, Bruno Mars, Usher
Fiery Leo is a great match for Libra! Leos are artistic and fascinating to Libras, and both love to be gushy when it comes to romance. For similar reasons, Aries is a great match for Libra too. Sure, they’re technically opposite signs, but Aries is unique, upbeat, and a cardinal sign just like Libra, so the two of them are never bored with each other.
Libra also vibes well with fellow air signs Gemini and Aquarius. They are all quick-witted, playful, and just get each other. Like Libra, Taurus is ruled by Venus, so these signs share a love of pleasure and beauty—they probably are the most stylish couple around (and have an incredible sex life too).
Libra is ruled by Venus, which is the planet of love and pleasure. Translation: They’re super romantic and incredible in bed. They also take foreplay just as seriously as sex itself—they love teasing their partners.

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, and like the set of scales they’re represented by, Libras have an innate sense of balance and strive for harmony. They’re also motivated to start conversations and instigate action in social settings, thanks to being a cardinal sign. Your Libra man is an expert communicator, always knowing the perfect thing to say in any situation to come off as diplomatic, tactful, and charismatic. He’ll make you laugh and become besties with your besties. And he’s definitely the guy you want to take home to meet the ’rents, and you’ll be confident they’ll love him.
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Libras supporting their fire sign friends
Libra is one of two signs ruled by Venus, planet of love, pleasure, and relationships. Libra, being an air sign, is filled to the brim with romantic thoughts and loves to share them. He has a soft, gentle, and nonthreatening Venusian vibe, with great taste in fashion and art to boot. He usually moves in a graceful way, but when the balance is off, it is off! If he’s caught off guard or surprised, his demeanor immediately becomes clumsy and nervous! Honestly, though, it’s kind of cute.
He’s the best guy for finding a silver lining to every cloud, no matter how dark or stormy it appears to be.
Libras are known to be indecisive, weighing every option very carefully to find the best one before making a commitment. This can be a hassle sometimes, but it stems from his open-mindedness and willingness to find a solution. He’s the best guy for finding a silver lining to every cloud, no matter how dark or stormy it appears to be. His natural optimism is one of the main reasons he’s such a great partner to have—he always has the perfect advice to give, ice breaker to strike up a conversation, or witty one-liner to make the whole room laugh.
What You Need to Know About Dating a Gemini Man
Being the sign of relationships, your Libra guy is hella social and has a ton of friends, but everything you do is as a partnership. He’s so relationship focused that it could feel as if you’re joined at the hip sometimes, but he also turns every outing into an exciting and romantic experience with his charm and silliness. He truly treats you as an equal (if not someone better than him) and is super accommodating, especially when it comes to the bedroom. Not only is he putting your needs before his, but he’s also open to kinks and new positions. Variety is the spice of life for him, and he’ll try anything once.
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If you not dating a Libra, what you doing?? 🤔
His fun-loving, flexible nature can get annoying, however, when you feel like he’s actually inconsistent. Libras can come off as shallow and uncommitted in the early stages of dating—he can be your Romeo at first but then ghost you in the blink of an eye. And then right when you think he’s over you, he’s back, charming as ever and acting as if he never went anywhere. He’s open-minded and openhearted, which can be a good thing if you’re actually dating him, but when he’s too busy debating if he actually likes you or not to commit, he can put you through a lot emotionally.

His ability as a master wordsmith is a huge asset but also potentially his worst trait.
Geminis have the reputation as the zodiac’s most two-faced sign, but Libra is more than capable of stealing that title! He changes his tone and mannerisms in order to be well liked by everyone around him. His ability as a master wordsmith is a huge asset but also potentially his worst trait, as his words drip with honey when he’s with a crowd but his silver tongue can turn sharp if the two of you get into an argument. He’ll rebalance eventually and go back to being sweet, but you might not move on as easily.
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Once you lock down a committed relationship with a Libra (which is half the work, honestly), the real challenge is handling his need to please and tendency to talk for hours. He’s a chatterbox who can exhaust someone who thrives in silence, especially when he presents a dilemma, asks your opinion, challenges it until you agree with him, and expects you to defend his original opinion! It’s a crazy dance you have to keep up with, but it’s all lighthearted banter to him. Entertain his love for conversation, indulge him in his need for romance, and be patient with his indecisiveness if you want to enjoy the pluses of dating a Libra!
Jake Register Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan’s weekly Sexoscopes.
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Born between September 23 and October 22 is the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra traits includes masculine, cardinal, positive and it is an Ari sign. Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac; all the others represent either humans or animals.
The symbol associated with your sign is the scales of balance which represents the balance that you continually seek in your self and your life.
The sign of Libra is symbolized by “balance” and they are often found balancing between two sides in difficult situations. Librans are known to maintain peace and harmony.
They are also very level headed and therefore can be sought after for practical solutions. People born under this sign are agile but they also tend to run out of energy easily.
The most important Libra characteristics are described in the infographic below.
Their symbol, the scales indicate that the Libras are the most balanced zodiac sign. Libra signifies balance and they rightly do justice to their name. If the Libras take a decision, you must know they will be fair and correct.
Libras are born charmers. Their magnetic appearance is the first trait, which you will notice in them. For this reason, they do not have to exert extra effort to get noticed or recognized.
They are very diplomatic. Whatever the situation maybe, they keep a close eye not to hurt anyone’s feelings in the course of their actions.
Libras are born romantics. When they are in love, they are the most passionate lovers. They won’t stop at anything to impress the one they love.
On the flipside, Libras are very indecisive. They are often struggling between diplomacy and biasness. Although they are endowed with enough potential to make the best for themselves they often tend to lose the opportunity by thinking about the other various options available to them. However, once they make a decision they usually stick to it. They also have a tendency to retreat from a situation than actually facing it.
Libra Traits suggest that Librans are two faceted characters; both cheerfulness and darkness are prominent in them. They seem joyful and friendly, always ready for communicate; however, Libras are also brimming with contradictions. They can turn really mean at times. Librans usually have phases of heightened activities as well as phases of complete inactivity and indifference.
However, Librans are intelligent and intuitive which can make it a fun being around them. They are great communicators and can engage people in interesting chats. Librans have charming personalities and often make great hosts and hostesses. Librans love to balance so they love to harmonize things in proper order. Known to be peacemakers, they do not love arguments and want to maintain silence and calm in their surroundings. They are also known for their kind-heartedness.

The Libra personality is one that requires orderliness, fairness and peace. Librans are very aware of injustices of others. The Libra is the first of the Zodiac signs to lead protests for unfair treatment to all forms of life. They make impassioned arguments for fair treatments. Sometimes you get the feeling that they simply enjoy listening to their verbal passion more than they feel outraged at the issue. It might be a close race. While the Libra loves fairness, they also love debate and the attention that their words bring to them.
Librans are sensitive to the needs of others and have the gift; sometimes to an almost psychic extent, of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism – they are the kind of people of whom it is said, “They always make you feel better for having been with them.” They are very social human beings. They detest cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity and conflict between people, so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them, and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity. Librans are champions of justice, and they will bring out their swords of steel anytime justice has been deprived.

With a set of scales as his Zodiac symbol, it is no surprise that the Libra man needs an equal balance of fairness and order in his world.
The Libra male is a perfectly balanced specimen of a man. His is the sign of partnership, of equality, and of justice. He will strive to stay on an even keel, always trying to be objective. He will often seek to do what he thinks is best for everyone. He believes that you can please everyone all of the time, if you study every possible angle in any situation.
He is a pacifist and dislikes conflict. Nothing can be achieved with a temper tantrum and a Libra man will go to any lengths to avoid confrontation. He much prefers peace and quiet. He strives for harmony and balance. He’d rather talk things through and try to understand your side of the story, than slam doors or throw things. The Libra man will go to great lengths to avoid conflict and achieve calmness in his life. He is objective, fair, and can always see both sides of every argument. The Libra man struggles with an indecisive nature and his fear of making the wrong decision will sometimes stop him from making any decision at all.
Libra is ruled by Venus and he is an ambassador of the Goddess of Love. He is stylish and refined. He has a fondness for beautiful things like jewels, sleek cars, and shiny gadgets. He also likes beautiful people, and the Libra man is in his prime at cocktail parties, the ballet, or the theater. He is suave and charming, and will always know just the right thing to say in any circumstance. He has a keen eye for beauty in people, objects, music and words. The Libra man’s intriguing stride and striking physical appearance have eyes turning wherever he goes.
Despite his brutish appearance as the “Wolverine” in the highly successful, “X-Men” movie franchise; Australian actor Hugh Jackman, born 12 October 1968, is a typical Libra Man. In addition to his success in big budget Hollywood action movies, Jackman is also a Broadway star. In 2004, he won the Tony Award for Outstanding Actor in a musical for his portrayal of Peter Allen in the musical “The Boy from Oz”.
Jackman is also a renowned philanthropist supporting several charities and foundations such as The Global Poverty Project and the MPTV Fund Foundation.

The Libran woman embodies fairness, justice, and balance. She is represented by the scales, ideally weighted, flawless and complete. Librans are sociable and have a gift for communication. She is charismatic and captivating, drawing people to her naturally and easily.
The very epitome of yin and yang, Libran women are a fascinating mix of rationale logic and erratic emotion, shooting holes in your flawed opinions then making up for winning the argument with her charm. However she is always open to reason and common sense and will good-naturedly admit her mistakes if you can logically talk her onto your side.
The tendency to weigh out options and possibilities too long can often cause indecision in Libran women. Your Libra friend may leave you frustrated when she cannot choose between what movies to watch, but take heart; her indecisiveness is on your behalf. She just wants what’s best for everyone. Librans make excellent friends, and will take into account your taste, preferences, needs, and wants as if they were her own. It’s that famous sense of fairness coming into play again. Librans love company, and will surround themselves with friends and family. They are usually found chumming about with Leo and Sagittarius.
All in all, they are creative people who love the exotic and beautiful. They make for the best hostesses, who will shower you with attention and manage to successfully engage in the most constructive and analytical discussions you will ever have. They are beauties with brains, who are terrible money managers but fantastic mothers who love and nourish their children, and yet never refrain from scolding their children if they are disobedient or remotely disrespectful towards their father.
Perhaps the most stylish Libra woman is American actress Gwyneth Paltrow, born 27 September 1972. In addition to her wide body of work in the movies, Paltrow has made a name for herself in the culinary industry as a writer and as a cook. Paltrow also launched a weekly lifestyle newsletter “Goop” which encourages its readers to “nourish the inner aspect” and take action.

Librans can be surprisingly energetic, though it is true that they dislike coarse, dirty work. Although some are modestly content, others are extremely ambitious. With their dislike of extremes they make good diplomats but perhaps poor party politicians, for they are moderate in their opinions and able to see other points of view. They can succeed as administrators, lawyers (they have a strong sense of justice, which cynics might say could handicap them in a legal career), antique dealers, civil servants and bankers, for they are trustworthy in handling other people’s money. Libran financiers sometimes make good speculators, for they have the optimism and ability to recover from financial crashes.
A lot of Librans are drawn to the arts and world of entertainment. Some Librans are gifted in fashion designing or in devising new cosmetics; others may find success as artists, composers, cinematographers, critics, writers, interior decorators, welfare workers and they have an ability in the management of all sorts of public entertainment. Some work philanthropically for humanity with great self-disciple and significant results.

Librans are ruled by Venus. Therefore, they are absolute romantics at hearts. Romantic relations with Libra can be exciting and full of fun. They also tend to settle for long term relationships and stay loyal to their partners.
Librans are not into “love at first sight”. They would take time in disclosing their true feelings. Also, the right kind of ambiance is necessary for the Librans to flourish. They will move cautiously in their romantic relations and don’t get intimate readily.
Librans are tender lovers. They attach high value to beauty. Librans are often attracted to pretty faces. Their desire to climb high in the social ladder also makes them careful about choosing their partners. Libran women are sensual when Libran men are charming. Both of them can attract partners very easily.
Librans are most compatible with Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo, Libra, Aries and have their most clashes with Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius.
Read about Libra’s compatibility with other horoscope signs.
Though most Librans are blessed with good health, some of them could suffer from problems like allergies, asthma, frequent colds and flu. Librans are very active; looking after other people takes up a lot of their lives. They should always take time out and rest when they need it. Some of them could put on a few extra pounds, though getting rid of them should not be a problem as Librans are active people who enjoy sports and dance.
Librans generally have clear complexions, fine hair and teeth. They also have beautiful eyes, though some are prone
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