Libra Men Liars

Libra Men Liars


Libra Men Liars

Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac."

Libra and Pisces Love Compatibility
Libra With Libra: Their Love Compatibility
Sun in Libra: Zodiac Signs and Natal Charts
Libra and Capricorn Love Compatibility
What a Libra Man Really Wants in Love
Gemini and Libra Love Compatibility
Zodiac Sign Aries Overview for Teens
Libra and Scorpio Love Compatibility

LiveAbout is part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family.

Libras get painted with a beatific brush, but they are secretly the provocateurs of the Zodiac.

Libras make out like they are all love and light, the peacemakers of the Zodiac . A closer look at their dark side, though, reveals that the harmony they create is sometimes imposed in a tyrannical fashion. Like the smile of a predator, it may not mean that they like you.

Libra is the sign of the Scales, and that's what Libras do—weigh things. They are watchful of others' reactions and always adapting, like shape-shifters, carefully calibrating their behavior to get a certain response.

If that need for balance goes too far, Libras become controlling, sneaky, and subversive. This negative behavior is the result of a Libra gift taken to its extreme—the ability to win others over.

More than any other Zodiac sign, Libras are people-pleasers and highly tuned in to others. They have the reputation of being manipulative, for they know how to use their charm to get what they want.

The young Libra John Lennon, when he wanted a guitar and had no money, won over his Aunt Mimi Smith with kisses on the cheek. In a 1981 clip, she told an interviewer , "He's a bit like yourself, a soft soaper." To soft soap someone is to use flattery and sweet talk to manipulate them.

Libras are hyper-aware of their effect on others and have an instinct for what others want to hear. This leads to charges of being fake and makes it hard to know how they really feel about you.

As Sylvia Sky writes in her article on the Dark Side Libra , "Like the diet sodas they love, negative Librans are 'artificially sweet.'"

It is interesting, too, to think of the fake smile as a kind of "baring of the teeth." In the animal kingdom, that's considered a threat.

Libras are a cardinal sign , and their amped-up sociability can be a forceful, even aggressive experience if you're on the receiving end. Libras can control the scene with their friendly chatter, itself a kind of defense.

Libras may present one side to their intimates, and another to the public at large.

Astrologist Sylvia Sky uses the example of Mohandas Gandhi , born October 2, 1869:

Some Libras have secret lives that others would be shocked to discover.

Libras are Venus -ruled, and naturally gravitate to what's artful, pleasurable, and makes them look good. The love of leisure can make them decadent and self-indulgent.

Libras who deny their own darkness can end up even darker when all that's been repressed finally bursts out into the open.

As air signs , Libras are big thinkers, and if they're trying to avoid pain, they'll talk themselves out of dealing with a coming crisis. They can create complex justifications and be blind to the suffering of others when it doesn't fit the picture they want to see.

Libras can be scornful at times when topics they deem negative come up. "I'm just a positive person," they'll say. But it can feel oppressive when there are very real problems in a family or relationship and Libras do not want to deal with them.

Libras use their intellect to spar with others, and when they are feeling negative, use words to bend the will of others. Some use their cunning to ingratiate themselves or to achieve a particular goal.

In love , a shadow Libra is narcissistic and only out to be adored and have their beauty reflected back at them. They are likely to leave behind a string of broken hearts and be cursed afterward as phony.

Some Libras are obsessed with how you make them look, and reject all but the impossible idea of perfection. They also impose this on themselves and may suffer from very high standards, always trying to achieve something that cannot be achieved in real life.

Everyday misdeeds can include blaming others to avoid responsibility. Libras are inclined to weave a web of lies if it will help them avoid facing the consequences of their actions.

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Ranked: Zodiac Signs Who Are Liars To Those Who Are Honest (His And Hers)

By Jacklyn Janeksela
Published Jan 29, 2018











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Some of us are way more guilty and prone to lying than others...
Now don't get all offended when you finish reading this list, because know that this list isn’t accurate. Why? Because we are all liars. On average, we tell, or don’t tell, lies about ten times per day. That’s quite a bit. And whether you’re lying to others or yourself –remember, a lie is a lie is still a lie even by any other name. Some call lies omissions, fibs, or white lies.
Whatever you call a lie, know that we are all super guilty. However, that being said –some of us are more guilty than others. Some of you already know who you are. You’re already ready to defend yourself or shrinking into yourself. Lying is a technique we learned early on in life, in childhood, as a way to deal with our surroundings. If you want to know where and why it all started, we can easily find the answer to most of our character (flaws) in our formative years. So don’t run and hide from your lying nature. Look at it and study it if you dare –for when we are willing to face our truth we can really transform into our best, most authentic selves.
When it comes to lying, the Aries female fits the bill. You are not a sign that will blatantly lie. That’s totally not your style, Aries. Actually, you have got way too much on your plate to create some fabricated story. So then how did you make it on the list of zodiac sign liars? Truth –you’re not always so honest about how you feel. You hide away and often deny feelings out of fear. It’s not that you don’t want to admit that you have feelings, but admitting them to other people make you vulnerable. Considering you prefer to put your tough side forward, you won’t say how you feel more often than not. This leads to one major character flaw known as passive-aggressive. You are the queen of answering the question “What’s wrong?” with “Nothing!” but no one is fooled by your emotional denial.
Much like your female counterpart, the Aries male is also trying to sweep some of his emotional baggage under the rug. It’s not that he’s not in touch with his feelings, but his feelings are more than distractions and cause him to get stuck in his head. Aries men are often living too much in their head space as it is. So in order to avoid dwelling in the head zone forever, the Aries male will brush off feelings. He’ll even say he doesn't have any just to get people off his back. Not only passive-aggressive but highly volatile, the Aries male isn’t one to have a heart-to-heart. If he is provoked into such a conversation, you’d better believe he’ll make up something just so his partner doesn’t complain about how closed off he is.
Oh dear, here we go with the elusive Gemini female. You are so hard to get ahold of –and for so many reasons. As an air sign, you are flighty, flirty, and fun-focused. The life you lead is one free of stress and constraints. You like to be free and you like that people can’t pin you down. But that’s where the lying aspect comes into play. In all honesty, despite your air-like constitution and way of thinking, deep down, you do want someone to hold onto you and hold you down, so to speak. You might not even be ready to admit it to yourself yet. But this is why you go from one relationship to the next. Not because you like that lifestyle so much, but because you’re afraid to confess that you’re searching for true love –one that puts you on cloud nine.
When it comes to lying, the Gemini male’s version is much different than his female counterpart. His lies are the standard lie that men tend to go for. It’s the, “Of course I love you, baby,” that gets him in trouble. Not because it’s not genuine. But because he’s saying it to several females at once. It’s also the, “I do not know who that female is,” because Gemini males are known for their promiscuous and flirty behavior and he’s got a treasure trove of boos. He’s unable to control himself when it comes to expressing himself in a physical way. It’s part of his nature. And he’ll steady lie to his partner time and time again until he finds the right one who will put him in his place.
He might be the king of the liars, but the Cancer male would disagree and do so vehemently. Why? Because the Cancer male does not want people to know him like that. He’s so private and even reclusive –he’s all about that hermit life. Anytime someone gets close, he’s not only apprehensive, but he’s suspicious. In order to protect himself, he’ll lie about little things. They aren’t even things of great significance, but he feels the need in order to maintain space between himself and the cold, dark, cruel world. The Cancer male is highly sensitive, so he’s just protecting himself. However, on the other hand, because he’s so intuitive, he’ll hone in on your weakness and learn to manipulate you which is a fancy word for bending the truth, deceiving, or tricking.
Leo ladies, don’t be surprised to find yourselves here. You know damn well that you lie for your own benefit. Don’t be ashamed –it’s gotten you to where you are today, hasn’t it? A Leo female focuses her attention on her heart’s desire and from there –all is fair game. When it comes to achieving success, the Leo female has already put deception as part of her plan to reach top levels. Nothing is beyond her when it comes to making her dreams become reality. She will lie on job applications and resumes. She’ll say she knows so-and-so just to get noticed. And she will say she can do this and that when she’s never even tried in the first place. For her, it’s not just about ego, but saying the right thing, albeit a lie, to get her foot in the door. From there, she can let her creative juices flow and be her truest self.
Very similar to his female counterpart, the Leo male will lie to get ahead. However, his primary focus is on ego. Whereas the Leo lady is likely to be on a heart mission, Leo male is always looking to boost his ego. It should come as no surprise that the Leo male is a liar either. With his need to be seen and heard, it makes perfect sense that he would be the one lying up a storm just to get noticed. He won’t call it lying, though. He’ll say he is simply exaggerating, but when it comes to Leo there is not simple exaggeration –it’s over the top and overdone. This is allows him to be expressive, even if not everything is 100% legit. His stories will top anyone else’s –he’s got a knack for adding those special touches that make other people’s stories look rather commonplace or even boring. When his fire is on –it’s all the way on. There’s no putting out his light even if you call him a liar to his face.
Under the tutelage of Venus, it would make sense that the Libra female would have a bit of liar in her. Venus doesn’t lie, but she does make things work to her benefit. Should someone call that lying, then so be it. The Libra female will see it as being resourceful and creative. You have a gift for attracting what you want. It has a lot to do with your ability to generate dishonest answers –answers that those listening want to hear. You are likely to get your way, too. You will stop at nothing. Whether you fabricate a story or tell a little white lie or two –once you have your mind set on something, there’s no stopping you from obtaining that which you seek. You will call it determination and others might disagree and call it lying.
Not wanting to call the Libra male out, but the truth is –he cannot tell the truth. He is not into lying, per se. That’s to say, he does not make it his objective to lie. But what he does do is leave out large pieces of useful information. He’s the withholder in so many ways. That’s part of his charm. And that’s what happens when Venus is on his side. The Libra male keeps his distance by omitting details. Yet strangely, you’ll feel like you know him because intimately he will give you his all. Deep down, he’s got secrets he doesn’t want you to know. Namely, he’s in love with another and he’s not thinking about leaving her for you –ever. He’s got the ability to love strongly and multiple women at once. Get ready to call a spade a spade when it comes to the Libra male.
When it comes to lying, the Capricorn male is the absolute worst. This is not to say that he lies constantly or he’s an addict to lying or something. No, that’s not the case. Capricorn males will stretch or bend the truth and often to protect his ego and the way the world perceives him. He doesn’t want to be seen as weak or having too many emotions –that would make him vulnerable. He cares how the world perceives him and he hates to be the odd man out. So he implores lying as a technique. Funny enough, for as much as he has lied, he never gets any better at it. He’s the worst liar in the bunch. But one things is for sure, he’ll keep on trying because to safeguard his true intention is well worth the risk.
Having been crowned the rebel of the zodiac, it should be no surprise to find the Aquarius female on the list of liars. You lie because you can. And because why the hell not. You lie because it’s your right as a human being. Others won’t understand this philosophy because others aren’t as deep in the psyche as you are, but you use lying as a way to shake up the system. Sure, you’re a solid person with a good heart and all that, but you enjoy spicing things up. If that means being dishonest to a friend, cheating on a lover, or manipulating others for a career move –you’ll do it and you won’t think twice about it. Just be warned, karma is coming for you. Better watch how many people you hurt by messing around with life like that.
Much like the rebellious Aquarius female, the Aquarius male has a bad habit of lying, too. He does it for similar reasons –to get a rise out of people, to stir the pot. But he’s got another reason that runs much deeper. It’s not that he’s got no feelings, but he views sentiments much differently than his fellow human. Yes, the Aquarius male is a huge humanitarian, but one might say he goes so far off the deep end in order to connect with f
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