Libra Men Bad Traits

Libra Men Bad Traits


Libra Men Bad Traits
Librans are emotional and think logically whenever necessary. They may be indecisive, self-indulgent, and have commitment issues. However, they have several good qualities that can help them work on their flaws.
Alice Smith is an astrologer in Seattle, Washington, who specializes in astrological readings as well writing horoscopes. She is skilled in past life astrology, relationship astrology, medical astrology, predictive astrology for both businesses and individuals, and electional astrology. After graduating summa cum laude from the University of Washington in Seattle with a degree in sociology and anthropology, Alice opened and... more
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journalism from Mumbai University. She is inquisitive about human relationships and likes to study people and how they manage their relationships, during her freetime. At MomJunction, Ratika writes insightful and informative articles on... more
Alice Smith is an astrologer in Seattle, Washington, who specializes in astrological readings as well writing horoscopes. She is skilled in past life astrology, relationship astrology, medical astrology, predictive astrology for both busine... more
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journal... more
Libra is the zodiac sign ruled by the planet Venus. Like other zodiac signs, there are a few known bad traits of Libra too. The seventh zodiac sign, Libra, is represented with a scale symbol, and persons with this sign are known for their fair and balanced attitude apart from being intelligent conversationalists.
Some of the well-known celebrities who belong to this charismatic air sign are Serena Williams and Kim Kardashian.
However, with so many favorable characteristics, this star sign is not devoid of a few unfavorable ones. Read on as we discuss all the negative aspects of Libra that could help you understand them better.
As per astrology experts, a few personality traits of Librans can bring hassles in their life. These traits need not necessarily be seen in all Librans as each person is different and unique.
Librans, being an air sign, deal within decisiveness. In the quest for that perfect decision, they keep analyzing and nit-picking the pros and cons of every scenario. It makes it hard for them to reach a consensus. They can get influenced by people around them and change their thinking. Even if they have to make a small decision, they may take a long time and change their choices multiple times.
Librans are known to have a weakness for beautiful people. While it is said, “ Don’t judge the book by its cover ,” Librans overlook this fact. They get swayed by beauty and judge a person based on their looks. As a result, they are usually given the tag of ‘superficial’ by people around them.
Librans are peace-loving and try to avoid conflict as much as possible. However, in the process of neutralizing the conflict, they might become overbearing and demand others to follow them. They might even manipulate people around them to stick to their decision. So even if their intentions are right, their bossiness could turn people off.
Librans believe in enjoying all the best things life has to offer. They are pleasure seekers who focus on what makes them happy. While they have a charitable side and want to help others, sometimes they act selfishly. This quest for pleasure can make them seem self-centered. During such times, they might disregard the feelings of everyone else around and put themselves first.
When something wrong happens with the Librans, they do have the strength to tolerate it. Though they are peace-loving, they believe in justice and do not easily forgive people. Some Librans know about it and work on this quality to improve their personality.
While Librans are emotional, they can detach themselves. Due to this trait, they think logically and invest emotionally only when they think it is necessary. If a particular situation or person doesn’t stir them, they disconnect and get distant. While it helps them maintain their inner peace and mental health, they may be perceived as unemotional by others.
Librans can get impatient when things don’t go their way. Once they decide on something, they want it to happen as quickly as possible. Waiting makes them restless.
People belonging to the sun sign Libra commit but might not stand by it as they are on the fence about the whole thing. So, they present big ideas and make elaborate plans but fail to follow as they cannot make up their minds.
Librans are enthusiastic at the planning stage, but they might lose their energy and start slacking off at the execution stage. They try to avoid a situation or find an easy way out as they don’t want to confront the problem. As a result, they do not finish certain tasks.
However, there is a brighter side to their laziness. They often come up with clever shortcuts and hacks to handle a tricky situation as they find a way to delegate, outsource, or automate the task and get it done.
Librans use their expertise to manipulate people in their favor. They are good at charming people to get their work done. If anyone disagrees with them, they influence and get them to go along with their ideas.
Librans are people pleasers and want to be in everyone’s good books. They also like harmony and want to avoid confrontations as much as possible. Due to this, it is difficult for Libra to say no. If a friend wants Libra to accompany them for a trip, they might not directly say no even if they can’t go or don’t want to go. Instead, they may back out at the last minute with some excuse. They cannot say not to you at your face, so they choose the cowardly way out.
Due to their sharp observation and excellent communication skills, Librans enjoy talking and sharing interesting tidbits. However, in the process of entertaining the crowds, they sometimes reveal confidential information. While the intention may not be to malign the person, they could inadvertently cause damage.
Librans can sometimes lie to keep people happy around them. In the process of pleasing people and avoiding conflicts, they tend to sugarcoat their words. If you ask their advice or opinion, you might not get an honest answer because they do not want to hurt you. As a result, it could be difficult to trust Libra.
As they overthink, it becomes difficult for them to commit. Knowing every possible way in which things may go wrong scares them. They are romantic at heart but tend to keep their options open. Despite being in a relationship , they might flirt with others due to the fear of commitment. It takes time for them to commit, and once they do, they prove to be loyal.
When the going gets tough, Librans tend to look for assurance and support from their loved ones. They struggle to remain optimistic, but when their ego takes a hit, they vent out. At times, they may go overboard and blame everyone and everything around them. Despite knowing their faults, it could be difficult for them to accept responsibility and make the required improvements. They tend to wallow in self-pity.
Every person belonging to every sign has negative traits, and one should not only concentrate on those qualities while getting to know a person. In the same way, Librans also have a few negative traits and weaknesses, but that does not necessarily define how they are as a person or their characteristics. They also have good qualities that need to be appreciated and focused on. Working on the negative traits with patience and giving them time will help them overcome them and be a better version of themselves.
Copyright 2011 - 2022 MomJunction Private Limited.
All rights reserved. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Read for more information .

Librans are emotional and think logically whenever necessary. They may be indecisive, self-indulgent, and have commitment issues. However, they have several good qualities that can help them work on their flaws.
Alice Smith is an astrologer in Seattle, Washington, who specializes in astrological readings as well writing horoscopes. She is skilled in past life astrology, relationship astrology, medical astrology, predictive astrology for both businesses and individuals, and electional astrology. After graduating summa cum laude from the University of Washington in Seattle with a degree in sociology and anthropology, Alice opened and... more
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journalism from Mumbai University. She is inquisitive about human relationships and likes to study people and how they manage their relationships, during her freetime. At MomJunction, Ratika writes insightful and informative articles on... more
Alice Smith is an astrologer in Seattle, Washington, who specializes in astrological readings as well writing horoscopes. She is skilled in past life astrology, relationship astrology, medical astrology, predictive astrology for both busine... more
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journal... more
Libra is the zodiac sign ruled by the planet Venus. Like other zodiac signs, there are a few known bad traits of Libra too. The seventh zodiac sign, Libra, is represented with a scale symbol, and persons with this sign are known for their fair and balanced attitude apart from being intelligent conversationalists.
Some of the well-known celebrities who belong to this charismatic air sign are Serena Williams and Kim Kardashian.
However, with so many favorable characteristics, this star sign is not devoid of a few unfavorable ones. Read on as we discuss all the negative aspects of Libra that could help you understand them better.
As per astrology experts, a few personality traits of Librans can bring hassles in their life. These traits need not necessarily be seen in all Librans as each person is different and unique.
Librans, being an air sign, deal within decisiveness. In the quest for that perfect decision, they keep analyzing and nit-picking the pros and cons of every scenario. It makes it hard for them to reach a consensus. They can get influenced by people around them and change their thinking. Even if they have to make a small decision, they may take a long time and change their choices multiple times.
Librans are known to have a weakness for beautiful people. While it is said, “ Don’t judge the book by its cover ,” Librans overlook this fact. They get swayed by beauty and judge a person based on their looks. As a result, they are usually given the tag of ‘superficial’ by people around them.
Librans are peace-loving and try to avoid conflict as much as possible. However, in the process of neutralizing the conflict, they might become overbearing and demand others to follow them. They might even manipulate people around them to stick to their decision. So even if their intentions are right, their bossiness could turn people off.
Librans believe in enjoying all the best things life has to offer. They are pleasure seekers who focus on what makes them happy. While they have a charitable side and want to help others, sometimes they act selfishly. This quest for pleasure can make them seem self-centered. During such times, they might disregard the feelings of everyone else around and put themselves first.
When something wrong happens with the Librans, they do have the strength to tolerate it. Though they are peace-loving, they believe in justice and do not easily forgive people. Some Librans know about it and work on this quality to improve their personality.
While Librans are emotional, they can detach themselves. Due to this trait, they think logically and invest emotionally only when they think it is necessary. If a particular situation or person doesn’t stir them, they disconnect and get distant. While it helps them maintain their inner peace and mental health, they may be perceived as unemotional by others.
Librans can get impatient when things don’t go their way. Once they decide on something, they want it to happen as quickly as possible. Waiting makes them restless.
People belonging to the sun sign Libra commit but might not stand by it as they are on the fence about the whole thing. So, they present big ideas and make elaborate plans but fail to follow as they cannot make up their minds.
Librans are enthusiastic at the planning stage, but they might lose their energy and start slacking off at the execution stage. They try to avoid a situation or find an easy way out as they don’t want to confront the problem. As a result, they do not finish certain tasks.
However, there is a brighter side to their laziness. They often come up with clever shortcuts and hacks to handle a tricky situation as they find a way to delegate, outsource, or automate the task and get it done.
Librans use their expertise to manipulate people in their favor. They are good at charming people to get their work done. If anyone disagrees with them, they influence and get them to go along with their ideas.
Librans are people pleasers and want to be in everyone’s good books. They also like harmony and want to avoid confrontations as much as possible. Due to this, it is difficult for Libra to say no. If a friend wants Libra to accompany them for a trip, they might not directly say no even if they can’t go or don’t want to go. Instead, they may back out at the last minute with some excuse. They cannot say not to you at your face, so they choose the cowardly way out.
Due to their sharp observation and excellent communication skills, Librans enjoy talking and sharing interesting tidbits. However, in the process of entertaining the crowds, they sometimes reveal confidential information. While the intention may not be to malign the person, they could inadvertently cause damage.
Librans can sometimes lie to keep people happy around them. In the process of pleasing people and avoiding conflicts, they tend to sugarcoat their words. If you ask their advice or opinion, you might not get an honest answer because they do not want to hurt you. As a result, it could be difficult to trust Libra.
As they overthink, it becomes difficult for them to commit. Knowing every possible way in which things may go wrong scares them. They are romantic at heart but tend to keep their options open. Despite being in a relationship , they might flirt with others due to the fear of commitment. It takes time for them to commit, and once they do, they prove to be loyal.
When the going gets tough, Librans tend to look for assurance and support from their loved ones. They struggle to remain optimistic, but when their ego takes a hit, they vent out. At times, they may go overboard and blame everyone and everything around them. Despite knowing their faults, it could be difficult for them to accept responsibility and make the required improvements. They tend to wallow in self-pity.
Every person belonging to every sign has negative traits, and one should not only concentrate on those qualities while getting to know a person. In the same way, Librans also have a few negative traits and weaknesses, but that does not necessarily define how they are as a person or their characteristics. They also have good qualities that need to be appreciated and focused on. Working on the negative traits with patience and giving them time will help them overcome them and be a better version of themselves.
Copyright 2011 - 2022 MomJunction Private Limited.
All rights reserved. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Read for more information .

Libra is the kind of person who is tactful, who is kind and at the same time a peace lover. They want to keep everyone happy and these traits of them become the reason they get hurt. Librans are wise in nature and are always balanced and diplomats at the same time. They play fair games and are known for fair judgments. Along with these traits, Libra has a number of negative traits. Here is the list of 10 bad traits of a Libra.
People often find a Libra untrustworthy because telling them a secret means telling the whole group. It’s hard for people to rely on Libras. You can’t be dependable on them for anything because they can hardly be relied on. This is one of the bad traits of a Libra.
Trying to make everyone happy they fail to take a correct decision at the right time. They cannot take up things to be done now because they lack in making the right choice.
You will find a Libra running away from everything, they don’t want to participate in the group, working in a team becomes difficult for a Libra because of these traits. They will hardly participate in anything.
They are considered as emotionless because Libras don’t feel deeply, they see things in a shallow way and even feels emotions in a shallow manner. Librans don’t try to go deep into matters or try understanding it. They are often unaware of someone’s emotions and can hurt you because of this bad trait Libra has.
Whatever they do is correct, whatever they want is justified, a Libra thinks that way. They have a narcissistic ego, they don’t want to agree on someone’s view because they think they know everything. They are perfectly perfect and this is known as one of the bad traits of a Libra.
They think in a superficial manner and even behave the same way. They don’t try giving a reality check before doing anything. And this act as a hindrance to their growth.
They are known as trouble maker wherever they go. They will mess up things at times, irritating everyone around them.
They can go to an extent when things come upon them. They can be very selfish at times and it often reflects in their behavior.
If you hurt them or go against them, they keep that grudge and believe in seeking revenge from you, making it one of the worst traits of a Libra.
For them, they are the world and they behave like they don’t want anyone. They will be busy in their own self leaving aside everyone. This becomes the reason they are not socially active and hardly have friends.

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