Libra Man Indecisive About Relationship

Libra Man Indecisive About Relationship


Libra Man Indecisive About Relationship
by Denise June 16, 2018, 7:50 pm
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Not known for being controversial, the Libra man won’t be the one that everyone gossips about. He is the peacemaker of the zodiac, and he prefers a balanced life, especially when it comes to love.
Don’t be disloyal to him, or he will completely eliminate you from his life. He is honest and true, and he expects other people to be the same with him. He doesn’t mind when he needs to take the lead, but he prefers not to as he doesn’t want to somehow be embarrassed. Usually shy, the Libra man doesn’t like to take risks. He keeps his word and he always says what’s in his mind.
Honesty is one of his main traits. You will always have his true opinion. He likes to say things as they really are, without embellishing the truth. People will always want him around just because of this.
When in love, the Libra man is looking to build something long-lasting and truthful with the one he loves. He needs to feel attractive and cared for.
You will know he loves for real when he’ll start talking about marriage. Moving too fast, he sometimes can scare his partner with talks about future and commitment. Air signs are usually like this. Hurried and coming up with ideas very fast. His expectations will be high. He is both a giver and a receiver, and he expects the partner to be faithful and committed.
Many would say he’s superficial and that he’s looking for just a fling, making promises he cannot keep, but he’s in fact looking for something deep and sure. He likes to know where everyone stands from the beginning.
He has an ego that can make him act like a spoiled child oftentimes. It takes a lot of education and patience to make him understand things are not directed at him. If you even say a judgmental thing about him, he will take it as an insult.
If he has found someone whom he really likes, he will want to be with that person forever. He will work at the relationship, even when things are difficult and look like they are going nowhere. Never losing calm, the Libra man will try and resolve any problem with his partner.
He tends to forget about his own ambitions and dreams, becoming completely focused on the love of his life and her needs.
When in a relationship, he will try anything to make the woman of his dreams laugh and feel good. He likes people and their company, often being misinterpreted that he wants to flirt when in fact he wants just to be friends.
If one partner can’t offer him what he wants, he will look for another one. But don’t think he’s unfaithful. He wouldn’t cheat, he would only go away.
Just like mentioned before, the Libra man will only go for the finest things in life. He will look for the most beautiful woman and the nicest house.
However, this doesn’t mean that he will never be with someone because he’s trying to find an ideal. He just looks for someone beautiful who knows how to handle high-class. And he also wants intelligence.
In other words, he wants a lady who is smart, beautiful, and who is also looking for something long-lasting. He will never choose a woman who likes to fight or who raises her voice each time something bothers her. As said before, he is the peacemaker of the zodiac, so someone calm and capable of carrying a nice discussion would be just perfect for him.
Charming and elegant, the Libra man will always be happy to attend high-class gatherings. He likes being in big crowds and he will always look to have beauty and balance in his life.
The woman that he will love is going to be intelligent, classy and beautiful. She needs to have the same tastes as him. This guy is compassionate and caring.
Romantic, he likes being in love and chasing the partner. If he’s in the situation of choosing between a bad relationship and being single, he will go with the bad relationship.
This man needs a woman who is calm and whom as well can keep her cool in disputes. When he falls in love, he becomes very serious. It is advised that you don’t play any mind games with him, or you will get to see him angry.
Don’t expect understanding this guy to be easy. Remember that his main purpose in life is to look for the truth and find the balance in everything. He needs to assess and look for justice no matter what he may be doing.
As far as his interests go, he likes only the finest things in life. You will often see him at the theater or enjoying a classical music concert. He can also go to the most expensive places as he likes high-quality and luxury.
He is pretty indecisive, so it will take him a long time to make a choice, no matter if it’s about work or his personal life. He also becomes incredibly indecisive when he has too much responsibility.
This guy is able to see all the facets of a problem or a situation. It is hard to be too determined when you think of all the possible consequences.
His ego can easily get hurt and he prioritizes things according to the needs of others as he tries to please as much as possible. If he wants to find peace, this man needs to leave what others may think about him behind.
He has to learn how to be alone. Knowing who he is would be the most important thing for his happiness. Charming, he will have many people around him. He likes intelligent and resourceful conversations and he would fit in anywhere. As he is balanced and interested in bringing peace, he will rarely have an argument with someone.
Tactful, mannered and elegant, the Libra man will sometimes date a partner who is the opposite of him. And this can be a problem as he will try and teach the person he has chosen how to dress and behave. It’s his way of feeding the ego that he carries.
Few ladies will want to be criticized by him. If you set some boundaries with him, he will be able to understand and cope with the situation.
This guy will take the woman of his dreams to theater plays and art galleries. He likes to dress up for an occasion. You can go anywhere in public with him. He wants to parade the relationship that he’s having and he doesn’t mind being admired.
The fact that he likes only things that are refined and beautiful can make him seem superficial. Because he gives such importance to outer beauty, he can miss the beauty inside.
Many women will not find him attractive just because of this. They will think he only wants to play and not invest any true feelings.
The Libra man will fight for lost causes, and he wants his partner to join him. Avoiding arguments, he is easy to satisfy.
His indecisiveness is another negative trait that he has. It’s hard to get an opinion of him as he always weighs in all the pros and cons for too long.
With him, you can never know where to go, what restaurant to pick, or what career path he will follow. This is something that annoys other people. The best solution when he can’t make up his mind is to make the decisions for him.
Governed by Venus , the Libra man can be the best at lovemaking, he is very much interested in pleasuring the partner, and he enjoys the satisfaction that sex brings.
On the other hand, he can also turn the page and be very selfish and unable to develop intimacy with someone.
Not being able to express his Libra sexuality , he will not have a normal sex life and it’s even possible that he becomes impotent. This is a problem that appears when he questions himself too much for then he becomes formal and rigid.
Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope .

© 2022 Astrologify . All rights reserved. Content on this website is for informational and entertainment purpose only. This website is not intended to be a substitute for consulting with a professional. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This website also participates in partner programs with Shareasale, Clickbank, CJ, and a number of other networks.
A Libra man’s relationship style can be confusing. To know a Libra man’s falling in love signs, you’ve got to know what makes him tick.
When you know how to handle a Libra man, you can encourage his attraction.
Once you understand the characteristics of a Libra man in love, you’ll know how to keep balance in the relationship. You may recognize the signs a Libra man secretly likes you.
You need to know the signs that indicate when a Libra man is interested in you. When you understand his mentality, these signs are easy to see.
The key to dating a Libra man is to remember his need for balance, peace and harmony. Libra men are focused on partnership and romance, usually.
Libra men are fixated on the idea of being part of a partnership. They live for relationships. A Libra man will search his whole life for an ideal partner. He always wants to be connected to others.
In fact, a Libra man understands himself better when he is discussing his ideas with a partner. He wants to have balance in everything in his life, and he finds balance through sharing perspectives with a partner. Partnerships and relationships are instrumental to a Libra man.
Though this can include romantic partnerships, it also includes platonic relationships. A Libra man may be in love but he still needs to connect with a variety of friends, including other female friends or even his exes.
A Libra man in bed will also show his desire for connection and balance. He’s sure to reciprocate and show his passion because he sees his partner as his equal. A Libra man often falls in love with the idea of romance and being in love in general.
You may see signs a Libra man is trying to hide his feelings when he flirts with you and then acts detached. When a Libra man loves you and is interested in a relationship, he’s showing that he is attracted to your beauty.
You’re inner and outer beauty will draw him to you. A Libra man finds beauty everywhere. He will try to spend time with you in nature, enjoying a sunset together strolling by the lake or down a scenic street.
He will also be drawn to you if you convey your beauty both physically and in the way you treat others. Libra men will even want their food to reflect their aesthetics. He will likely have high standards for cooking, decorating and setting the stage for comfort at work.
A Libra man can find the beauty in even the most mundane setting. When he doesn’t naturally sense beauty in his surroundings, he will use his artistic tendencies and create such beauty.
In addition to his love of beauty, Libra men love compassion. If you want to know how to get a Libra man to miss you , show him that you are friendly, kind and empathic. He will love to see that you care about the wellbeing of others.
Libra men can be compassionate and understanding and therefore he may be involved in many humanitarian efforts. He may also choose a partner who is more compassionate and loving rather than a partner who is more popular or physically appealing.
The more you appeal to a Libra man’s empathic and loving nature, the more he will want to commit to you. When he is in a relationship, a Libra man will focus on conveying his love, gentleness and sensitivity to others.
Don’t mistake a Libra man flirting with others as one of the signs a Libra man is not into you. Don’t jump to that conclusion. When a Libra man flirts, it’s an extension of his romantic energy. He speaks in romantic, flirty terms.
If you get jealous of his flirtation with others, he won’t take it well. Try to avoid showing insecurities. When a Libra man flirts, it’s part of how he communicates. He won’t cross major lines if he’s committed to you but he will compliment other women and talk in a friendly and flirty way.
As long as you see that your Libra love interest flirts with you just as much, if not more, and also backs up his words with actions. If a Libra man is genuinely not interested, his flirtation toward you will be superficial. He won’t back up his words with attempts to connect with you.
One of the paradoxical aspects of a relationship with a Libra man is that he falls in love quickly but commits slowly. A Libra man is in love with being in love. He knows his ideals often get in the way of his rationality when it comes to love.
When it comes to relationships and romance, Libra men know they get carried away. As a result, they will be slow to commit. A Libra man savors a slow and sensual courtship.
During this courtship, he will waver back and forth on his energy level and even commitment level. He may want to be exclusive one week, in an open relationship the next week and so forth. Be patient as he finds his way to deeper commitment.
What will help a Libra man make a commitment in a relationship is when he sees that you are patient and flexible with him. When he sees that he is still free to be himself and pursue his many interests and social connections.
Also, when he sees that you are empathic, compassionate, sensitive, caring but not dramatic or emotionally smothering. A Libra man is sentimental and romantic but he’s also intellectual and doesn’t like to delve deep into his feelings.
A Libra man is notorious for being indecisive. As the sign of the scales, he needs to weigh his options back and forth so that he can determine what course of action to take. Even then, he will usually either procrastinate or let others make the decisions for him.
He does this by constantly surveying his friends or partner, wanting to know what they would do in his shoes. A Libra man doesn’t like to limit his options, which is one of the reasons he can be so indecisive.
He may wait out a tough choice or acquiesce to your desires to avoid making a decision. Even if he does make a decision, he will fret and stress himself out over whatever choice he made. He’ll second guess himself.
As soon as something goes wrong, he’ll insist he should have made a different choice. A Libra man won’t want to be responsible for making a choice that doesn’t work out. In a relationship, this can mean he defers to you.
Libra men hate conflict. They don’t like anything that causes discord or disharmony. The one exception to this is that he will challenge the status quo if he sees a situation as unfair. For the sake of justice or progress, he’ll make waves.
Yet in personal relationships he will strive to keep the peace. He can become passive or even passive-aggressive as a means to avoid conflict. He will avoid confrontation as much as possible.
Not only does a Libra man not like conflict, he will also go out of his way to avoid it. He will determine a relationship is not worth it if there is too much conflict or drama in the relationship.
Libra men are born romantics. They love to be in love and they find romance and beauty in everyday life. If you are in a relationship with a Libra man, the best way to keep the passions alive is to nurture his romantic side.
Play to his desire for romance. Dress, speak and interact in flirty and romantic ways to keep his attention. Give a Libra man as much romantic attention as you can. Play romantic music around him and discuss your favorite romantic movies.
If you want to pave the way for a close relationship with a Libra man, stir up romantic sentiment as much as possible. Prepare romantic dinners or take him to a romantic location on a date or for a casual stroll together.
Libra men are artistic and highly intellectual. Not only does he paint, draw or create music, he also loves to learn, read and discuss intellectual topics. The more you can engage with his intellectual nature, the stronger your connection with a Libra man will be.
Although Libra men love beauty, a Libra man will not want a relationship with someone who has a beautiful appearance but who can’t carry their side of an intellectual discussion. If you are attentive to your appearance but don’t stimulate his mind, he’ll lose interest.
If you want to engage a Libra man in a relationship, stay up to date on current events and political issues. The more you can demonstrate your interest in intellectual topics and your love of learning, the more a Libra man will be attracted to you.
It may seem ironic, but a Libra man not only lives for relationships, he also needs space. Though for a Libra man, space doesn’t mean time alone. He actually hates being alone and is afraid of being abandoned.
Instead, when a Libra man needs space, he’s asking for a chance to recharge by focusing on his other friendships and relationships. Don’t react with jealousy, even if your insecurities are triggered.
He’s not trying to make you jealous. He’s trying to assert his need for a break and for other perspectives. Libra men aren’t good at sharing their attention with a variety of people at one time.
A Libra man will instead do better if he is focusing on one person at a time. When he takes a break from you, he may be visiting with family or catching up with a friend. He may be balancing his energies with others instead.
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© 2022 Astrologify . All rights reserved. Content on this website is for informational and entertainment purpose only. This website is not intended to be a substitute for consulting with a professional. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This website also participates in partner programs with Shareasale, Clickbank, CJ, and a number of other networks.
If you’ve heard a Libra man is submissive, there is good reason for that. Libra men love peace and harmony.
Even when they are upset, Libra men won’t usually rock the boat. They will try to keep themselves balanced.
One of the biggest tricks to knowing how to handle a Libra man is understanding his submissive nature. Otherwise, you’ll see a Libra man’s passive-aggressive side.
A Libra man’s personality is easy to understand when you consider his sign’s symbol, the scales. He always wants to make sure things balance out.
Thus, when he needs to be assertive and make a clear commitment, he will. Yet usually, a Libra man prefers a more passive approach. He prefers to go with the flow.
In nine out of ten situations, a Libra man will be submissive and compliant. He prefers to go along with what you want and not make waves.
On the rare occasion when he is not submissive, it can appear surprising. You may not be expecting a quiet, jovial, good-natured Libra man to suddenly become assertive. He saves these occasions for when he sees acts of injustice.
He can shock others around him by suddenly finding his voice and insisting that something be done about an unfair or unjust situation. Yet almost any other time, Libra men are docile and peace loving.
They will stretch themselves outside of their comfort zone in order to avoid creating conflict. Libra men try to avoid drama as well. You may get used to having things your way when you’re with a Libra man.
One of the signs a Libra man likes you is when he lets you take the lead and make all the important decisions. In part, this is a sign he trusts your judgment. It’s also a natural result of his indecisive nature.
Libra men don’t like to be in charge. They prefer supporting roles in a relationship to being the leader. Part of this stems from their desire to avoid taking responsibility if things don’t work out.
A Libra man will defer to your decision making. At the very least, he knows it will give him a chance to try new things. At best it saves him the trouble of conflict or confrontation if you don’t like his ideas.
This can backfire over time if he builds up resentments. Yet it is often his own doing. He will pretend to be open to any option you suggest. It’s only if he feels he’
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