Libra Man Cheating Risk

Libra Man Cheating Risk


Libra Man Cheating Risk
4 replies on “Is the Libra Man a Love Cheat?”
The question “is a Libra man a love cheat?” is a very deceptive one. It really is a slippery question, seriously.
First of all, we have to break the question down so we can get a solid answer. You can’t just throw around a question like “Is the Libra man a love cheat?” and expect a valid answer because it’s a loaded question.
In case you don’t know, a loaded question in legal proceedings means when you ask a question that has the answer already in the question. When considering the question of an unfaithful Libra man, we have to first ask the question, which Libra man .
We have to remember that Libra guys, just like guys born under all houses of the horoscope, have many different levels.
We all start out at a very basic immature level and then we proceed from there. When life sends challenges our way or when we experience things either good or bad, we change. We go up the hierarchy. We level up.
So to ask is the Libra man a love cheat, you always have to ask, which Libra man? Are we talking about somebody who is fairly young? Are we talking about somebody who hasn’t really experienced hard things in life? Are we talking about somebody who hasn’t had his heart broken?
What are we talking about? So, we have to be clear as to that aspect of the question.
The “love cheat” portion is also problematic. What do you mean by cheat? Many people define cheating as basically going to bed with somebody that you shouldn’t go to bed with.
You’re cheating on your wife when you’re committing adultery, basically, when you go to bed with somebody other than your wife. This is the classic definition of cheating.
However, cheating is actually multidimensional. There are many other definitions of cheating besides adultery and intercourse cheating. You can cheat when your heart is basically devoted to somebody else but you end up with somebody else.
You might not physically touch that person that you are focused on but you are cheating on an emotional level. You are also cheating when you are in love with your work rather than your wife or your girlfriend.
Well, a relationship is all about spending time together and being together and entering each other’s world. In other words, a real relationship is all about a deep and profound sharing of two lives. This can’t happen if your primary loyalty is to a job.
Sure, you’re not emotionally or physically cheating with somebody, but the same effect is there: emotional alienation. Just as you can emotionally alienate somebody by committing adultery behind their backs, you can emotionally alienate somebody when you are so focused on other priorities that that person doesn’t get enough time and attention. So you have to get a clear definition of a love cheat.
With all these in mind, here are some ways you can spot a cheating Libra man:
Even a highly developed Libra man can be flaky. This is a person who can have a tough time making a decision. You have to understand that Libra guys are challenged with making a decision on purely different grounds compared to a Pisces or other signs of the horoscope.
The main reason Libra men have some difficulty making a decision is that they are always weighing things. They are always thinking that as long as I can get more data, I would be able to make the right decision.
The problem is you reach a point where you get more information and you weigh that information and you still cannot decide. At a certain point in time you really have to trust and have faith in your intuition and pull that trigger or get off that fence. Libra guys are not able to do this, at least not initially. They can be very wishy washy.
Even highly developed Libras can still be challenged with this aspect of their personality.
What does this have to do with being a love cheat? Well, when you’re wishy washy, it can easily lead you to look for alternatives or look at other people as another piece of information or another consideration you can weigh so you can make a decision. Obviously, this is not fair to the person that you’re with.
It’s very easy to think that a Libra man is really unable to commit. Well, they’re not unable to commit; they can commit. Even though it is easy to make a Libra man fall in love with you , it takes them a longer time and much more effort to fully commit. They’re always constantly weighing factors.
To complicate matters, they tend to focus on the superficial. They focus on looks; they focus on what other people think; they focus on stuff that you really shouldn’t focus on. If you want to make very important decisions, you have to focus on what matters.
Make no mistake about it, Libra men can commit. The problem is if the wishy-washy side of their personality kicks in or you give that aspect of their personality reason to come to the surface, you might have an unfaithful person in your hands.
By unfaithful, we’re talking not just in terms of physical unfaithfulness, but also emotional unfaithfulness or priorities unfaithfulness.
One of the most common aspects of a cheating Libra man is that they are physically faithful, but they are emotionally cheating. Keep in mind that this only applies to a small portion of Libra men in general.
Not all Libra men cheat; not all Libra men will stab you in the back emotionally. However, one common pattern for those that do cheat is that they’re physically faithful. They’re there. They would give you the attention, but the emotion is not there. It’s focused on somebody else. It’s focused on something else. It can be a big mess.
Another thing that you need to keep in mind about the Libra personality is that they like to look.
They’re all about eye candy. If you put a pretty young thing in front of them, they will look. This doesn’t mean that they’re cheating on you. This doesn’t mean that they’ve given their hearts to this person and they’re just fixated on this person.
They just like to look. The reality is that Libra guys like to be engaged that’s why they like great conversations. They like wit. They like intelligent people around them, and they like to be engaged.
Nothing is more engaging than a very beautiful woman in front of him but this doesn’t mean that they’re cheating on you.
Since 1982 Imelda Green has been the Psychic Medium and spiritual advisor of choice to the rich and famous. Imelda’s immense gifts have helped thousands of people over the years and each and every day Imelda and the team are flooded with emails and letters thanking them for their insight and advice regarding interpretation of angel numbers, spirit animals, dream meanings etc.
100% Libra Male here. And yes, I’ll admit, I like to roam, hence that’s why im single.
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Ahhh another sniffer of my nutsack. It’s all good! Follow me and I’ll take you on an adventure! I’ll even let you ride shotgun. Let’s go!
I have an older brother who is a Libra. I myself am a Libra female. My Libra brother does not love easily but when he does it is genuine and serious. It’s all about connection and understanding. We do plenty of flirting and then some but for some reason Love is just trickier. And so far as loving Work more than the girlfriend. I think a Libra’s partner should understand that a Libra man wants to be good at work and on a deeper level loving his work is loving his partner and is his way of showing that his partner can rely on him for stability. And lastly the emotional coldness. I admit I think a Libra man can have that to a fault but again, it’s about understanding. Once you have a Libra’s love it’s pretty much yours for life. Even if you move on. Pretty complex.
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Imelda Green has been the Psychic Medium and spiritual advisor of choice to the rich and famous ever since 1982.
Imelda has helped thousands of people over the years and feels blessed to be able to keep helping those who reach out to her and her team.

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Are you wondering what zodiac signs are most likely to cheat?
In the guide below, we explore all of the zodiac signs and how likely they are to cheat. 
These are based on the most common personality traits of each sign and how they tend to behave in relationships.
However, if you’re hoping this guide will help you figure out the chances of your boyfriend cheating on you, it’s important for you to read the following sentences carefully. 
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With that said, let’s take a look at the zodiac signs most likely to cheat.
Stable zodiac signs such as Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio like things to remain steady and are the least likely signs to cheat. These signs don’t tend to like changes and prefer stability in relationships. This does not mean that all of them are always faithful to their partners however these zodiac signs are least likely to cheat.
Sometime people just can’t help themselves and prevent themselves from cheating. It is unfortunate but people born under certain astrological signs often cheat on the one that they love. Everyone has their own perspective on cheating and see different actions as cheating.
For some people, flirting with another person is considered cheating, or for others, it may be a kiss on the cheek. It depends on each person’s point of view.
Everyone is looking for someone that they can spend the rest of their life with, someone who will make them happy and fulfilled. However, remember the saying “the grass is always greener.” Maybe they are not completely happy but choose to continue their present relationship, and start seeing someone else .
Why do they not end their current relationship instead of being unfaithful to their current partner? Some people will always say that they will never cheat, but this is not always true. Some may get bored with their relationship and want something new and exciting with someone new.
Others may blame their cheating on alcohol and the fact that they were drunk when they cheated and they did not know what they were doing. They may blame the other person and say it was all their fault, they came on too strong, and they just couldn’t stop what was happening.
It does not matter however, what causes someone to cheat but it will always break the other partner’s heart.
It is important to be aware of the signs that may indicate that a person is likely to cheat on you. You may be able to tell if they are likely to tell by looking at the astrological sign that they belong to. This doesn’t mean that everyone under these Zodiac groups will cheat, and those that do not fall under these are always less likely to be unfaithful.
However, there are certain signs that are more likely to end up cheating on someone than others. Here are the signs according to the zodiac that are most likely to be unfaithful.
The Aries sign (March 21 – April 19) is ruled by the planet Mars. Mars is a planet defined by sexuality and aggressiveness. According to astrologers, those with the Aries zodiac sign is most likely to be unfaithful and give no thought to it. Aries’ are ruled by their emotions and feelings and these can get in the way of better judgment.
Aries’ men do not have very long attention spans and can often lose interest quickly in their romantic partners and look for something new and exciting. This may lead them to cheat on their partners because their relationship has gotten too dull for them.
This sign may try to hide the fact that they are cheating on their partners but are likely to have difficulty in doing so. Aries’ men tend to have little patience which may lead them to make mistakes and accidentally reveal their unfaithful actions.
The Aquarius sign (January 20 – February 18) might not cheat in a physical sense. However, they may be likely to send flirty or romantic texts to an ex or lead someone on while on a night out. However, it is not likely to ever be a physical affair. Some people might consider this to be cheating and most wouldn’t be happy to know this was going on.
The Gemini zodiac sign (May 21 – June 20) is often regarded out of all the zodiac signs to be the most likely to cheat in a relationship. The Gemini zodiac sign’s symbol is the dual nature of the twins meaning that there are always two sides to their personality. This is something that you need to be aware of if you are in a relationship with a Gemini man.
According to astrologers, Geminis require change, independence, and freedom for them to be happy in their lives. Geminis enjoy social interaction, meeting people, communicating and socializing throughout their days.
This duality can also be reflected in their relationships. Geminis want to meet their emotional and physical desires. This may include being involved in multiple relationships at a time. They may not see themselves as cheating on their partners because of their more fluid definition of the word loyal.
Gemini men may never go out intending to cheat, it might just happen sometimes. However, if it does happen and you do find your Gemini man cheating on you, he will find a way to try and talk out of it. Gemini’s are cunning and will often figure out how to hide their affair from their partner.
If you catch him cheating he is likely to tell you exactly what you expect and wants to hear, but don’t be too shocks if he cheats on you again in the future. However, this is not true for every Gemini, it is just something to be aware of if you are in a relationship with this zodiac sign.
Gemini’s can be needy and over the top when in relationships. If they don’t receive all of your attention, they might look for someone who will. They can often be quite indecisive and will enjoy having multiple options. Maybe you are still offering something that makes them want to keep you around.
Geminis like to have everything that they want, and this may mean that they want two partners to give them what they want.
The Libra zodiac sign (September 23 – October 22) is one of the social signs. Libras also love peace and tranquility and like to avoid confrontation. This balanced sign is often very good in relationships. Libra’s are only likely to cheat if they are not being fulfilled by their relationship partner.
Libras will feel guilty about cheating on you but will do their best to hide their actions so as to keep the peace with you. If you confront a Libra about having an affair they are likely to try and deny cheating at first. However, it won’t take them long to be honest with you and confess. They will truthfully tell you what happened and that they didn’t intend to cheat.
It is important to remember that Libras only cheat if they aren’t fulfilled and happy in their current relationship. Once you keep your Libra partner fulfilled he won’t be likely to ever cheat on you.
Libras can tend to be very flirty. This can make some people avoid entering relationships with them to start with. There may even be a reason for this hesitation. The flirting may not, as you might think, stop when they enter a serious long term relationship with someone. It may start as something harmless, but may end up going too far.
This zodiac sign (October 23 – November 21) is often considered to be one of the most faithful of all of the astrological signs. However, if Scorpio does find themselves cheating in a relationship they are likely to try and do their best to hide their unfaithfulness. Scorpio’s are very secretive by nature, making them likely to hide their cheating behavior.
However, the reasons explaining why a Scorpio may cheat is likely much deeper. While it is not acceptable, a Scorpio is usually loyal and may choose to cheat on his partner because of unhealed emotional wounds or relationship issues.
Some Scorpios may even find excitement in keeping an affair a secret from the person that they are in a relationship with. The Scorpio sign is ruled by Pluto, a planet of mystery and secrets. This might make Scorpios good at hiding their cheating behavior. He may be very good at keeping secrets and hiding his unfaithful behavior.
However, Scorpios are often very loyal and if they are caught cheating on their partner it is not likely that they will repeat such behavior in the future. The affair may have been caused by a crisis in his life and he is now renewed, and will likely not cheat again.
Scorpios are usually very loving and loyal partners and may always be that for you, as long as you give them everything that they need too. If he finds that you have been unfaithful in any way, then you will lose his trust, and there is no saying what he might do. This is one of the signs that may be likely to be unfaithful.
The Pisces astrological sign (February 19 – March 20) is another dual-natured sign. Its’ symbol features two fish that are swimming in alternate directions. Pisces are interested in duality and the opposing nature of things. They will often be attracted to someone that is completely different from what they have.
A Pisces may be in a relationship and see someone else that is completely different from the one he is with and fall for her and cheat with her. Pisces is additionally known for escapism while experiencing relationship difficulties. Thus if they are not happy in their present relationship, they may think that something else will be better.
Pisces, however, are not people who enjoy cheating. If they are not happy in their present relationship, they often give in to their dreams and will end up in an affair. Pisces’ don’t tend to like confrontation and will attempt to hide their affair as much as possible. However, cheating is not common among Pisces and as long as you treat your Pisces man well he will be faithful.
Pisces is considered by some astrologers as the most likely sign to cheat. They are usually considered to be an emotional and sensitive sign but they are often likely to experience changes in mood and to act on these changes. If they get annoyed at you, then go out at night, you may not know for sure what will end up happening.
However, because of this emotional and sensitive side, they are probably less likely to leave the relationship that they are in as they hate the idea of hurting their partner. This, however, may seem ironic.
This sign (July 23 – August 22) can be slightly dramatic and want to always have your attention. If you are not giving him all of your attention, and you are not treating him how he believes that he should be treated, he may feel like you are ignoring him and he will do whatever he can to get your attention again.
This sign (December 22 – January 19) often looks for specific things in a relationship and will want to get as much as they can from their relationships. They will want to be happy, loved to feel stable and be supported. It is often hard to find everything in one partner, so they will not put their relationship at risk if th
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