Liberty League International - Don't Pass Up The Sales

Liberty League International - Don't Pass Up The Sales


NOTE: Because many words in this article are likely to trigger sp^m filters, we've disguised them with symbols (e.g. sp^m). This will ensure a higher delivery rate if you use this article on your e-zine.The copy then proceeds to deliver on the headline's promise by sales roadmap giving the prospect valuable information - stuff that enables him to assuage a panic, end a pity or fulfill a desire.Why is this good? Organizations are usually open to a capable sales manager for this reason. Jobs in sales management, as I mentioned are not sales of merchandise and occasionally the gap between the two would be to good a struggle to get a sales person that gets promoted to supervisor. Working with a team of sales people is not always easy. For a job in sales management, that is where I saw an opportunity. Applying for these tasks in sales management got a lot easier once I understood this truth. Great sales people do not always make great sales managers.Sales Homework - Select three opportunities from your pipeline in which you don't know how your order will flow to you. Call your top contact there and start with the question,"Prospect, I am putting together our success plan for when you become a client. Can I ask you a couple of questions?" Until they've laid out the complete roadmap, drill baby drill.7) Web Site Design - This is also important, if you want to get indexed! Text content should out weigh the HTML content. The pages should validate and be usable in all sale enablement of the leading edge browsers. Stay away from flash and Java Script, search engines dislike them both a lot.Finally, in the bottom of the list create a heading for total hours. Below this line put the complete number of hours you can work in a week multiplied by.75.These are "I" or"we" questions. Executives don't like that and deflect the"I" questions with ambiguous answers, which stops the sales man in his tracks. So he goes into a song and dance either trying to make a issue or market the latest and best. It's annoying to the executive as it's all about the salesperson.

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