L'exercice parfait

L'exercice parfait


L'exercice parfait

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Plus-que-parfait (the pluperfect) – Examples and exercises

Gustav Dahlman
March 28, 2022
Exercises , Grammar
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Plus-que-parfait is a very useful tense. It is not the first thing you will learn in your French studies.
However, at some point in your studies, you need to use it in order to express yourself properly.
Let’s begin this article by looking at conjugation.
This process is actually quite easy to understand.
We need to use ”avoir” and ”être” to create the basic form of this tense. In the imperfect tense, do you remember the conjugation of ”avoir” and ”être”?
This is step number 1. The picture represents our stems . 
However, we need to add an important detail for the verbs that use “être” in “le passé composé.”
We have already picked “parti” to serve as an example. Let’s see what it looks like:
Ok, for the first 3 rows, we might add an “e.” For the 3 following rows, we can add an “e” and “s.” Why is that?
Do you remember that “être” needs to be adjusted in “le passé compose”?
This rule also holds true for “le-plus-que-parfait.” We need to adjust the participle with regards to:
The first three rows only include singular objects. Thus, there is no need to add an “s.”
The 3 following rows include plural objects. Thus, we will always add an “s” to parti.” Sometimes, we’ll also add an “e.”
This concept is actually much easier to explain with concrete examples. Let’s go ahead and do that .
We will consider the following factors:
Let’s continue using the verb “partir,” with the participle “parti,” to serve as an example.
Look at “parti.” We don’t add anything. Why? The subject is a man, and it’s in the singular form “il.”
Now we add an “e.” We must add an “e” because the subject is a woman. She is alone, so we don’t have to add an “s.”
We add an ”s” because now we know that more than one person left “ils.” We don’t add an extra ”e” because at least one man is in the group.
We will add an “e” and an “s” if only women are in a group.
These rules also apply for “ être ” in “ le passé composé .” Thus, learning these rules will help you in more than just this grammatical tense.
There is no difference in pronunciation in the examples above.
Therefore, you don’t have to worry about getting it wrong when speaking French.
This can be comforting to know as these rules take time to understand and master.
Ok, so this sounds rather confusing, right?
It’s much easier to explain this by using an example:
The translation indicates that the first event took place before the others arrived. We would use the same construction in English.
In this sentence, we can conclude that his decision to leave the cat at home happened before she wanted to see it.
We have used 2 subjects in the examples above. This is, however, not a necessary criterium for using “le-plus-que-parfait.”
Let’s look at two examples where there is only one subject doing something:
What conclusions can we draw from all the examples in this chapter?
One conclusion is that it would be near impossible to express oneself at an advanced level without using “le-plus-que-parfait.”
Like I said before, it is not the first thing you learn. However, as you progress in your studies, it becomes critical.
Let’s continue with more areas of application.
This area of application requires 3 different parts.
It can be quite challenging to get it right in the beginning. Thus, don’t worry if you find it complicated .
Si-phrases are important as they help us to make a hypothesis.
So, the first part of the sentence is conjugated in “ le-plus-que-parfait. ” The second part (Je n’aurais pas fait) is conjugated in the conditional tense .
It should be noted that we can change the structure of this phrase:
It should be noted again that we could change the structure of these phrases.
It should also be noted that there are two different kinds of conditional tenses.
We are using the past conditional tense. For instance:
The other version of the conditional tense that we have not used in these examples look like this:
Being able to express a negation is an essential part of any tense. But, do you remember what it looks like in the basic present tense? Let’s look at two sentences that will help you to understand the placement:
Now we can move on to the placement for le-plus-que-parfait :
The placement is quite similar to that of the present tense. You just need to place it before the participle.
You are probably aware of the many different negations. Some of them use the same placement as listed above.
You can place them in any of the examples above. For instance:
Other important negations have a different kind of placement. For instance:
We can look at two phrases with these negations and their placements:
In this case, the last part of the negation will be placed after the participle. This is the opposite of the other negations.
I have tried to stick to “le-plus-que-parfait” in this article. However, I have also felt obliged to describe the “le passé composé.”
These tenses have many similarities, and mastering one of them will help you to master the other one.
Don’t feel discouraged if you have a hard time understanding the extra “e” and “s” to emphasize the plural and feminine forms.
Knowledge of the technicalities will come if you stay persistent.
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Very, very helpful article. Thank you. Are you a native speaker of French? If not, how and when did you…
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Complete the sentences with the correct imparfait form of the verbs in brackets.
Complete the sentences with the correct imparfait form of the verbs in brackets. Remember – some verbs don’t follow the typical conjugation rules.
Complete the sentences with the correct imparfait form of the verbs in brackets. Remember – some verbs don’t follow the typical conjugation rules.
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With Lingolia Plus you can access 24 additional exercises about Imparfait, as well as 622 online exercises to improve your French. Get 3 months membership for just €10.49 (≈ $11.22) .
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1. 1ère personne du pluriel :abjecio,is,ere,abjeci
2. 2ème personne du singulier :credo,is,ere,credidi
3. 3ème personne du pluriel :cupio,is,ere,cupivi
4. 1ère personne du singulier :duco,is,ere,duxi
5. 2ème personne du pluriel :facio,is,ere,feci
6. 3ème personne du singulier :habeo,es,ere,habui
7. 1ère personne du pluriel :interficio,is,ere,interfeci
8. 2ème personne du singulier :jubeo,es,ere,jussi
9. 3ème personne du pluriel :laudo,as,are,laudavi
10. 1ère personne du singulier :sum,es,esse,fui
11. 2ème personne du pluriel :reduco,ie,ere,reduxi
12. 3ème personne du singulier :venio,is,ire,veni

Le parfait est le temps du passé du latin; il correspond, en français , au passé simple ou au passé composé.
Pour trouver le radical il suffit de regarder les temps primitifs :
Avi représente la 1re personne du singulier ! Après il suffit d'enlever la dernière voyelle du verbe et de rajouter les bonnes terminaisons. 
sum,esse,(être) - (verbe irrégulier : observez le radical)
ATTENTION :à la 3e personne du pluriel il n'y a pas de i mais un e
Conjuguer la bonne forme à la bonne personne!
> Plus de cours & d'exercices de latin sur le même thème : Latin [ Autres thèmes ]
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