Lex Steele Penis

Lex Steele Penis


Lex Steele Penis
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Lexington Steele answers the door of his home on the outskirts of Los Angeles. He’s a handsome man, well preserved for 46, muscularly built, standing taller than 6ft, and dressed in a baggy jogging suit. He has a shaved head and a meticulously groomed beard. His place is neat and organized. Sports biographies line the living room shelves. A vintage photo of Michael Jordan as a college center making a jump shot hangs over an entryway. Steele’s pretty French-Canadian wife buzzes around. Their small dogs yap it up and try to get a visitor’s attention. Steele's demeanor is modest and laid-back. Occasional brags are punctuated by a high-pitched laugh. As we sit down at his kitchen table, it's not immediately apparent what he does for a living, or the enormous appendage that has served as the key to his success. Here he is, in his own words. 
My penis is 10 and a half inches long.
The first time I measured it, I was 10 years old and it was only 6in. It kept growing until I turned 22. As a high school kid, I was the third-base champion -- sexually speaking. None of the girls would let me near home plate. I remember one girl being surprised by my size and repulsed by the pain she might endure if we went beyond a hand job. Generally, things ended very abruptly. Girls realized that going any further would be going all the way and they were having none of it. The funny thing, though, is that up until I was in college, I didn’t even realize that I had a big dick. I went to a peepshow once in New York City, when I was about 15, and the woman on the other side of the glass told me to take down my pants. She saw my dick, hesitated for a minute, and said, "Oh, you have a big one." I figured she said that to everybody.
I finally lost my virginity at 17. I was working part time as a runway model, and one of the female models gave me her phone number. She said it would be a good idea for me to call her. I did, and she came out to where I lived with my parents in suburban New Jersey. She was 24 and had a lot of experience. We went to a house where I used to babysit, nobody was home, and I had a key to the front door. We had sex in there, and it was really great, but she didn't say anything about the size of my penis. This girl was 6ft tall and dated a lot of professional basketball players. So she had experienced plenty of large penises.
My boss noticed the size of my penis and he immediately nicknamed me "Log Cabin." That spread through work pretty quickly. When word got out that I had a large penis, people joked that I really was a "big, swinging dick." They’d seriously ask how it felt to come into the office and know that I had the biggest dick on the entire floor of our building. I told people that it never really occurred to me. In truth, the only time I thought about it was if I had to pee or have sex. It's a little bit like owning a Porsche. Unless you're behind the wheel of the car, you’re not thinking about how great it is to have one.
The gangbang was organized by a brother named Dee, and he proved to be an important contact. The first thing he did was invite me to join a group of guys called the Gentle Giants. It was a team of big-dicked brothers who attended sex parties up and down the East Coast. You had to be black and well endowed to join. We drove to places as far-flung as Vermont and Delaware for orgies. There was no payment but it was fun being one of the Musketeers. That provided me with my first experience fucking older women who really knew what they wanted: big black cock. It introduced me to the fact that women can be as sexually aggressive and as powerful as men. In college, guys were the hunters and women were the prey. In this world, the women hunted and we were the prey.
It wasn’t until I went to college at Syracuse University, where I majored in American history, that anybody made a big deal about my size. There was a girl from the field hockey team. She had never been with a black guy before -- by the way, I’d say that 75% of black guys have big dicks, while maybe 19 out of 100 white guys have them; it’s just the math of this whole thing -- and she provided my first experience of a person being completely enamored with my penis. It was the first time I witnessed the wow factor. I’ve since come to call it shock and awe. First there is shock when a woman takes in the size of it -- she saw it and said, "Holy shit!" -- and next comes the awe as she begins enjoying it. She was unabashedly obsessed. She worshipped my dick, and told other people about it. As a result, let’s just say she was not the only one on the field hockey team that I got the opportunity to fuck. You know how girls are. They talk.
I had one experience in college that taught me a lesson about controlling myself. I walked a girlfriend back to her dorm and gave her a passionate kiss goodnight. To get from her dorm to mine, I had to walk through a driveway where a lot of traffic passes. I had on these really cool white track shorts and was thinking about her when all of a sudden I saw people flashing their brights and honking their horns. I realized they were honking at me! I was still thinking about the girl, and for a good half-block, people saw me walking around with a big erection. It actually broke around my tighty-whities. I got embarrassed and went soft immediately. An incident like that one is a total hard-on killer.
Sometimes there can be a fear factor when a woman sees my penis. I try to alleviate that by letting her know that it's not how big it is, it's what you do with it. If I am very aggressive and make things unpleasant for the woman, she will never want to have sex with me again. Under the right circumstances, though, it can be a memorable experience. Because of my length, I can push my penis through a woman's cervix and right into her uterus. Before getting there, the head of my penis comes up against what feels like a wall. I push against it a little bit, it dilates, and it’s as if you have entered another chamber. It’s kind of like a second pussy but it feels like the first one. It's the closest I’ve ever come to de-virginizing somebody. It’s fun to know you can do it, but it does make some women nervous.
I graduated from Syracuse in May of 1993. By June, a boutique investment company hired me. Later, after I received my full broker’s license, the guy I worked for, the one who trained me, wanted to show me how he partied. He took me to my first swinger experience. This was back when anything went on Wall St, and we wound up at a 19-on-one gangbang. We walked in on 17 naked dudes lined up along a wall, getting themselves hard, waiting for their turns to have sex with an attractive white woman. There were two other brokers from our firm; they were butt naked and making small talk while staring up at the ceiling and masturbating. Meanwhile, the woman was taking on three guys while her husband watched.
As an American-history graduate, I found this to be really interesting. Everybody knows that there was a time when black slaves were used sexually, but usually you think of female slaves and white slave-masters; you rarely hear about male slaves fucking the women. But it happened, and if the brother got caught, it was a wrap. He got killed or castrated. I thought of those sexual dynamics as I experienced the change-up of hierarchy that takes place with these interracial relationships. Normally, in most aspects of life, the breakdown of power starts with the Anglo male. In the swingers’ world, the black man becomes the ruling body because of his dick. I was in an environment where women worshipped at the foot of the big black cock. I was with the Gentle Giants for four years and I felt like I was on the Globetrotters or some shit.
My early years working as a broker were a bit of a struggle financially, and I engaged in some activities to earn extra money. Capitalizing on my penis, I modeled in sex magazines and shot a few videos. While doing that, I never worried about anyone at the firm finding out. I didn’t make my second career into a conversation piece, but I don’t think I would have been fired over it. It would have been the lesser of many evils that went down on Wall St in those days. I knew of people doing blow and expensing hookers and engaging in insider trading. My posing nude in a magazine paled in comparison to frying someone's retirement account while high on coke.
By 1998 I was working for a major investment firm on Wall St and considering a break from finance. I decided to move to LA and get into the adult film business. I gave myself two years -- I had enough money to last me that long, plus my broker's license was good until 2000 -- and things started to move right away. With the Gentle Giants, I got used to performing in front of others and people often made videos of the sex parties. So I knew that I wouldn't be camera shy.
Once I started making a living from my dick, I began to think of it differently from how I once did. I felt like a major-league pitcher who needs to support his arm. I went on to utilize vitamins and herbal mixtures in order to enhance long-lasting erections. It's not unlike when a professional athlete takes legal supplements to make his game as good as it can possibly be. I don't need the stuff, but it's nice to take advantage of what's available. I keep my shit groomed and moisturized. I actually put moisturizing lotion on my dick to make sure it has elasticity. If you have dry skin, it's likelier to chafe. Also, I try not to abuse my dick. I don’t have as much personal sex as I normally would because I need to stay sexually energized. I avoid doing oral sex scenes with girls who wear braces, and I try limiting oral sex scenes in general. The likelihood of a girl not being able to open her mouth wide enough to blow me without getting her teeth involved has always been a danger. I had a girl rip open the bottom of my dick with one of her canines once. She wanted to get as much into her mouth as she could. It would have been good for her career. But I was out of work for a week and my dick looked ugly.
Overall, having a big dick has been good for me. Almost 20 years in, I'm nearing the twilight of my career and enjoying every minute of it -- especially when working with women less than half my age. But people need to realize the downside of size. It can negatively impact your psyche in sexual circumstances. There've been times in my life when I was consumed by having women idolizing my dick. It’s addicting and damaging -- just like drugs in a way. It gives you a false sense of bravado. Over the years, though, I like to think that I’ve come to terms with it. I know there's more to life than being well endowed. Hell, I wish my credit score was as good as my dick is long. I would give a guy half my dick for half of his credit score. If only I could.
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Michael Kaplan is a New York-based journalist. He has also written for Details , Wired , Playboy , and The New York Times Magazine , covers gambling for Cigar Aficionado , and is the author of four books. Follow him: @kaplanwords .

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Lexington Steele's claim of being 11 x 7

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Aug 24, 2004

The Importance of Possessing, Rather Than Being, a Big Dick

A lot of men wish they had one and a lot of women wish they could try one – though they lie and say they don’t to protect those men who don’t. He has one. But he isn’t one.

In Europe, he’s known as Mr. 30 cm. That’s because they use the metric system over there. sili Europeans. You already know what they call a quarter-pounder.

AVNInsider’s Scott Ross interviewed Lexington Steele about what it is like to have a huge dick. Not about having a huge dick in porn – that’s well documented.

We wanted to know what is like in the real world. Can he use his dick as weapon in a tight spot? Does he get dizzy when all that blood flows into his penis? Do women run screaming out of his bedroom when they see what they’ve gotten themselves into?

His candid responses revealed a rather modest man who claimed that life with big penis isn’t really that big of a deal – unless you’re one of the women that hooks up with it.

AVNInsider: So, Lex, how big exactly are you?

Lex: The exact measurements are eleven inches by seven inches.

AI: 11x7. Seven inches wide?

L: Around.

AI: And eleven inches long… I thought you were 13 inches.

L: The exaggeration does more for the companies that make the exaggeration than for me personally.

AI: So you're not the one that put that out.

L: No. I'm straight up and very accurate.

AI: Do you have a nickname for your penis?

L: Yeah. Max.

AI: As in Maximillian?

L: No, just Max. As in maximum.

AI: So, are you the biggest male performer working in adult today?

L: No, not at all. There's some guy, Mister Eighteen. Biggz is also about my size, if not larger. There's Sean Michaels, these guys are comparable in size. Mister Eighteen is obviously longer. You have Jack Napier --

AI: Is he actually 18 inches, Mister Eighteen?

L: So they say. I've never seen the guy in life but from the pictures on the boxes and the girls who have worked with him, they do say that while he's less than functional he is indeed a foot and a half. It is real. But I would say that the guy who is bigger than me size-wise, who happens to be a pretty good performer, is Mandingo.

AI: Seven inches around. That's…what would that be ...? What's a physical object that would be a similar size?

L: Say like a liter bottle of Aquafina, for instance, or a ... take about the size of a telephone in your hand and then add about two inches on it - the receiver plus two inches.

AI: Yeah, thanks for choosing the phone as an example, since we’re interviewing you on a phone. Now we have to do the interview on speakerphone.

(Pause as Ross switches to speakerphone and logs on to Suicidegirls.com to erase image of phone from head and validate heterosexuality).

How old were you when you realized that you have a big penis?

L: I would say not until I got to college. Before that I really hadn't had a lot of sex. The girls I had been with before I went to college were a lot older and they had probably seen a few dicks of size before. But it became most definite when I got to college and other girls my age who had never seen, like, you know. In college I think I was about nine inches progressing toward eleven.

AI: So, when you were 18 and in college you were nine inches and by the time you graduated you were eleven?

L: I would say by my mid-twenties I definitely topped out.

AI: Wow. I didn't know your penis still grew. Maybe I should re-measure. It's been since high school.

At 11 inches, do you have to buy special clothes?

L: No, man.

AI: I think I saw something about guys with big dicks needing special clothes on a HBO special about male strippers and then there's that Rolling Stone article about somebody with a 12-inch dick.

L: They said they had to buy special clothes? Maybe so. But me personally, no. Here's the thing about it: there are certain guys who are the same size and when they become aroused they just become hard and erect. There are other guys whose dick will grow exponentially when becoming erect.

I'm one of those guys where if my dick isn’t hard I'm not necessarily, y'know, any more than the average guy flaccid.

When I do get aroused, yeah, I do grow exponentially, so on the day to day I would have no reason to need any excess space in that particular area.

AI: No special underwear or anything?

L: Not at all. As a matter of fact I don't even wear underwear.

AI: Were you ever an underwear wearing type?

L: I've worn underwear my whole life and it's really only been like the last maybe eight years since I started not wearing underwear. It has nothing to do with sexuality. It has more to do with being comfortable, but not comfortable based or predicated upon room or lack thereof. All my pants are baggy but it's not for comfort. That's my style.

AI: What happens if you're in a room and a really hot chick walks by and you get a hard on?

L: Well, there have been problems like if I had shorts on or…I usually wear most of my clothes and pants very loose. I wear a lot of wide-leg jeans anyhow. If there's a moment where there's a little arousal I particularly know the embarrassment that can follow, not necessarily embarrassment but the difficulty with the fact that it would be all for the world to see if I was to get to full arousal. If I get excited I definitely pull back the reins, so to speak.

AI: And because you're an adult performer you probably have better control?

L: No, not because I'm a performer. I had a massive dick long before I ever started doing porno, so it's case where, over the years, you know because you're bigger and that's something that's been a part of my life so I definitely know that unless I want everybody to know that I have a hard on to really make sure that I keep myself under control.

AI: Because people would notice.

L: Yeah, but unless I want the girl to know. If I want it to be known then there's no problem.

AI: Has it ever happened to you where you didn't want people to know?

L: Hell yeah. Say, like, I'm in a movie theater with my girlfriend and she's rubbing my leg or has her hand on me, whatever, I mean, my girlfriend, Vanessa Blue, her tits are like incredible so she can pretty much get within range of me and I'm ready to go. So there's some times where I might have a sweat suit on and we left the movie theater after being close to each other and I'm damn near at a full hard on and there's no way to get up immediately and walk away because once you come out of the theater there's all that light.

Everybody's going to see you with a fucking foot-longer going down the middle of your leg.

AI: How do people react?

L: It's interesting because most people are less inclined to believe that what they are looking at is actually a dick underneath there, so people might think it's something that is in my pocket that is extending down my leg as opposed to it actually being a penis because they just can't fathom that.

AI: How far does that go? Down to your knee?

L: No! I would say about half way, a little over half way down my thigh.

AI: Has anybody ever used the line "Are you happy to see me or is that a….”

L: No. When that happens the reaction is more like "Wow!" Once they know what it is they are like "Jeez".

And a lot of times you get women who did become a lot more interested in actually seeing it and that's somewhat of an awkward situation, y'know, like "Hey, I'm not gonna pull my dick out here."

It's happened where, say,
Sweet Black Shemale
Man Watching Lesbians
Lisa Ann Red Tube

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