Letters from a Friend in Paris - letters 16

Letters from a Friend in Paris - letters 16


Her absence is felt.

We had a rather silent dinner, the absence of dear Louisa weighing upon us, and we missed the liveliness and wit for which she was distinguished. After coffee we sat down to a quiet game of whist, previous to which Fred had seized the opportunity of our going together to the terrace to tell me that his father had whispered to Sophie that he should sleep with her that night, as Mamma wished to give up the whole night to her page. Papa had also desired Sophie to request Fred to join them.

This, of course, at once excited a desire on my part to join dear Mamma. So during one of the games, when I had cut out to allow Fred to enter, I saw them occupied in the middle of their game and quietly left the room. Finding no servant about upstairs, I went to Mamma's dressing-room, and took out both the key of the entrance door and that of the door of communication, and put them behind a wardrobe where they were not likely to be seen.

I now felt that I should be able to join in sport with that most splendid woman, and the very handsome and vigorous youth upon whom she bestowed her favours. Besides, I had not yet possessed Mamma in company with anyone else, and I wanted to accomplish this to break down any objection to her letting me into the more secret mysteries of the family.

I also felt that I should tonight realise and indulge in all the lewdness of real possession. I returned to the salon, found that my absence had not been noticed, and cut in again at the end of two rubbers. We retired to our rooms at half-past ten.

I lay awake in bed for two hours so that by that time I knew that not only must all the household be wrapped up in sleep, but also that dear Mamma and her page must have had sufficient time to rub off their first violence of lust. Slipping off my shirt and only keeping on my loose dressing-gown, I stole softly along to her dressing-room door, which, thanks to my foresight, I easily and gently opened. I then approached on tiptoe the door of communication, which was open, and through which shone the blaze of light in which Mamma delighted to copulate.

I could hear their lewd exclamations and the scuffle of their bodies by which I at once supposed they were in the full enjoyment of a fuck. So I boldly put my head round the door, being quite sure that they would be far too much occupied with their sweet encounter to notice my intrusion. And there they were, hard at it.

Thanks to dear Mamma's fancy for always having plenty of light, the delicious scene was visible in all its charming excitement. Mamma was kneeling, her glorious arse well up, and her head well down. The dear boy was kneeling behind; I could not tell in which hole his vigorous young prick was operating, but it was evident, by the fury of their lust, and the speed of their movements, that the crisis was near.

The sight was deliciously exciting, and my cock rose at the scene into bursting stiffness. I allowed them to die away and soak in bliss before I approached them. Mamma's head lay on the pillow and was turned the other way, so she had no chance of observing me.

As I approached William, his eyes were following the lewd wandering of his hands over the superb buttocks before him, so that my clasping her fine form and projecting buttocks was her first intimation of my approach or presence.

For a moment she fancied it was Papa, so that she neither withdrew nor started with surprise. My voice dissolved the spell, as with my other hand laid on the magnificent backside of darling Mamma, I said how delighted I was with the scene I had just witnessed, and with what pleasure I should now join in their delightful recreations.

Mamma turned round her head in amazement, and was about to rise, but I put my hand on her splendid shoulder and begged her to keep her position, as nothing could be more beautiful. She looked confused, and somewhat displeased; probably her pride revolted a little at my finding her in the arms of a servant.

Suspecting these to be her sentiments, I at once reassured her by saying,

'My dear Mamma, how delighted I am, and how fortunate you are, in having such a charming and handsome youth to serve you; it is the very thing I most wished you to have, and I little thought I should meet with such a delightful companion in the joys I came to seek in your arms. We shall now have twice the pleasure we should otherwise have enjoyed.'

My rather long exordium had the desired effect, and gave her time to reconcile herself to my discovery of her intimacy with William, so that she had at once the good sense to see that, after all, it could but add to the gratification of her insatiable lust.

She declared I was a sad fellow, but she supposed she must submit to all the freaks of my fancy. I passed one hand under William's fine buttocks, and handled his hard young balls, noting that his vigorous young prick was in a perfect state of stiffness.

My other fingers had been playing with Mamma's beautiful nipples, which I knew would most wildly excite her lust.

She began wriggling her glorious bottom, and I saw it was time to begin, for which my bursting prick was already rampantly longing.

So, begging William to lean well over Mamma's back and frig her clitoris, I quickly jumped up behind him and kneeling, lubricated my prick with my spittle, then applying its point to the tight little orifice presented to my joy, and which I had first kissed and sucked with my tongue, I gently glided into the aperture, not without difficulty. However, by patience and gentleness, I at last accomplished a complete insertion, then desiring him to imitate the delicious wriggle of Mamma's backside, I proceeded to fuck the enchanting youth.




1. During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I stumbled on a family treasure. Apart from other things I also found a hump of books, diaries, and notes in the treasure which contained classic, Age-old, Erotic books, Novels, and Magazines probably collected by my Ancestors. They are all timeless and precious. They are a must-read for all erotica lovers.

2. The Original Authors of these Stories/Letters or Articles are long dead or Anonymous.

3. Out of the aforesaid collection, presenting an amazing account which was first published 1874, of a sexually omnivorous photographer on the prowl in Paris (probably the first such book).

4. The letters were written by a friend, Mr. Harry from Paris. Harry Hargrove, photographer. Young, beautiful women come to Harry's studio to have their portrait taken, but while there, one thing leads to another, and randy Harry's life becomes one big Parisian orgy. Before internet porn, before porn videos, before porn movies, people lusting for raunchy, X-rated entertainment read pornographic books and magazines. Victorian and Edwardian England had its own adult entertainment industry - countless erotic novels were put out by shady publishers, some books were printed by the authors themselves, and most of the writers were anonymous. Many of these 19th-century books are surprisingly kinky, and some of them may be quite offensive to modern-day readers - in more ways than one. The anonymously written "Letters from a Friend in Paris" was first published in 1874. This novel in the form of letters is a great example of classic Victorian erotica.

5 All characters be read as of more than age of 18 years.

6. My sincere apologies to the author of the Novel and readers for editing, or modifying the underage content, if any, to make it suitable for publishing in Modern times.


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