Letter to holders

Letter to holders

NotMayor from Tongochi Team

Dear friends, so much has happened that it wouldn't fit into one post, so there will be a lot of text here, but it's all useful. Don't miss anything important in this text (and everything here is important).

In this article, the following topics are covered:

  • Current results
  • Tongochi earnings
  • NFT Tongochi Zone
  • $PET token
  • Second game

Current results

 1. MAU

As you read the article, you will see that the main metric in Tongochi is MAU (Monthly Active Users). All our future results, from earnings to the price of NFTs and the $PET token, will depend on this metric.

Currently, MAU stands at 1500 users.

2. Trading volumes

After the Super Event, trading volume for 30 days amounted to 1.5M PET, of which 140k PET were burned. The total trading volume from May to November was 18M PET

 3. Partnerships

We have established a partnership with 8XR Games, a major developer of TG games. 8XR Games have added Tongochi to their game catalog, and we have agreed that advertising traffic on their game network will also go through Tongochi 🔥

This is a win-win solution, as 8XR Games benefit from directing traffic through us, due to Tongochi's high retention rate, which is the highest among TON games according to TON Foundation 🔥

In return, we provide 8XR Games with ad placement in @tongochi_bot, which gives our team an additional and very strong source of income, which I will explain in more detail in the "Tongochi Earnings" section.

Another important partnership was formed during the conference in Dubai, specifically with TON Foundation.

The TF representative was impressed with our retention numbers, and we are now officially the top game among TON games in terms of user retention. We have agreed that TF will run several advertising campaigns on Tongochi, and after confirming the numbers, we will discuss further collaboration, including involving funds that are already investing in the TON ecosystem. TF's test advertising campaigns will start in early December. TF also introduced us to ForesightX Fund, which has invested in TonUP. We will continue the communication after the conference.

The third partnership was formed with Getgems. We have agreed that they will organize the sale of the second NFT collection on the Getgems platform, and we will prepare a game event for the next game.

All three partnerships are a huge step forward for the development of Tongochi, and you will soon see the results.

Tongochi Earnings

1. Advertising revenue

Starting from March 2024, we will start earning from each ad impression.

Based on current metrics, the advertising revenue chart looks like this: 3000 impressions per day = $450 per month, 30000 impressions per day = $4500 per month. On average, we get 2 impressions per day per each MAU, so to achieve 30k impressions, we need to increase MAU to 15k (reminder: MAU is currently 1500).

This allows us to forecast the following results. MAU is listed at the bottom, and revenue in dollars per month from the "advertising" tool is listed on the left.

If you think that such MAU will not be available to us in the future, then I suggest considering the following. Currently, TON has about 40,000 active wallets, and in Tongochi, there are 1,500 monthly online users, with 900 of them adding wallets. This means that Tongochi accounts for 2% of all TON users. 

Our goal for 2024 is not only to increase MAU but also to maintain MAU in relation to the total number of active TON users at a level of 1-2%.

With 1 million active users in TON, our MAU will be 10,000-20,000 players, and with 10 million, it will be 100,000-200,000 players.

I have no doubts that TON can achieve such metrics in the future. Just as I have no doubt that we will get our 1-2% in the form of active players.

2. Marketplace

It is difficult to call this income, but with the help of this tool, we have already burned 1.7 million PET. I remind you that for each transaction on @petmarketplace_bot, we take a commission of 5-10% in PET and burn them, thus removing them from the total token supply.

The total trading volume on the marketplace reached 18 million PET, which equals 1.7 million burned PET. A total of 9.7 million PET has been burned 🔥

In the near future, an update will be released, and players will be able to receive NFT items from level +7, and trading will partially move to getgems. At the same time, we will continue to receive a 5% commission from sales. Here is how the income graph looks: 1k TON = 50 TON, 10k TON = 500 TON, 50k TON = 2500 TON.

Currently, it can be predicted that we will maintain an average volume per user of 1 TON per user per month (in petmarketplace_bot, these are the results).

Income is on the left, trade volume is at the bottom.

Trading volumes will increase with the release of new games where these items will be used, building the Tongochi ecosystem. 100% of the trading volumes of these NFT items will also depend on the main parameter – MAU. The higher the MAU, the higher the trading volumes and the higher the income.

3. Sales in the cybermarket

Since the appearance of Tongochi, the percentage of players buying premium in Tongochi has remained at 5-7% with a premium price of 3 TON.

The income graph from this tool also depends on MAU and looks as follows:

This graph only takes into account the income from premium. We also expect to generate high income from the sale of chips for PK, reaching an annual income of 40k TON from the cybermarket in 2024 (premium, skins, PK chips)

In 2023, we increased MAU by 10 times, but it should be noted that the base was very low. If we can increase MAU by at least 5 times in 2024, we can predict annual revenues of 50-70k TON, and in the best case, 100-120k.

Income is on the left, MAU is at the bottom.

NFT Tongochi Zone

How I personally see the difference between NFT Tongochi Zone holders and people holding the PET token

NFT Tongochi Zone holders are primarily the people from whom the development of the Tongochi project started. Among the Zone holders, there are many who believed in the project even before the unity game and game marketplace appeared, and therefore before any income was generated in Tongochi at all.

We value your support and want to reward you by sharing our income with you.

Therefore, in 2024, we will allocate 15% of our income to buy back PET and reward Zone holders. The income in the form of PET tokens bought back from the market will be distributed for each NFT Zone.

40% of the income will go to epic Zone holders.

30% to rare Zone holders.

30% to common Zone holders

Our goal is to achieve maximum annual income for Tongochi Zone holders.

The income will be distributed monthly to the holder's wallet. To participate in NFT Tongochi Zone, it must not be listed for sale, pledged, or leased during the wallet snapshot.

But the most important news is that we will burn the remaining NFT Tongochi Zone. Thus, 700 NFT Tongochi Zone will be removed from the market and sent to the burning address soon 😇

Token PET

We also take into account the interests of PET token holders.

Currently, the price is 0.0004 TON and it had dropped to 0.0003 TON, which is half the listing price. The decrease in price was primarily due to low liquidity, and we will address this issue in 2024.

The goal of the Tongochi team is to increase player interest in the PET token through improved game mechanics and token staking.

Objectively, the task is to increase the value of the PET token, which can be achieved through token buyback and burning. For this reason, we will allocate an additional 10% of our earnings towards PET buyback and burning, and adding liquidity, until the token price reaches 0.001 TON, and the total liquidity pool on all DEXs does not exceed 10k TON (currently 4300+500 TON).

At the same time, we will increase the liquidity pool along with the growth of trading volume and project capitalization, in order to reduce price impact.

Second game

We don't want to reveal the lore of the game ahead of time. Let it be a surprise for you. But you can fantasize knowing what some of the main characters look like.

A certain character. There may be a resemblance to a character from a certain community
Another character
Looks legendary and maybe it's true

It will definitely be a game with battles between players PvP and PvE in an open space. In PvE mechanics, you will likely see some move2earn - you will have to explore. And in PvP, you will be able to use an NFT character from a new collection, which we will present soon, first in the Tongochi Zone holder chat and among WL owners, and then in a public sale.

Getgems will help us organize the collection sale.

Number of NFTs in the collection: 3333

WL sale: 333 NFTs for 15 TON each

Open sale: 3000 NFTs for 20 TON each

The PET token will be used in the game, and the revenues from this game will also be shared among Tongochi Zone holders, like other revenues.

WL will be received by holders of:

  • Tongochi Zone
  • PET token from 250k PET
  • PET-TON LP token on Stonfi DEX from 4.8 LP (≈ 50 TON + 123k PET)
  • PET-TON LP token on DeDust DEX from 100k LP (≈ 50 TON + 123k PET)
  • NFT Tongochi Achievements Gold Staker and NFT holders from this collection, which have a combined weight of 20+ (see attributes of NFTs in this collection)


2023 was rich in events, updates, and events.

The most notable update: the introduction of the Unity game and marketplace.

The most notable event: the launch of the rocket with xRocket.

For 2024, we have prepared even more exciting things for our players and the development of the Tongochi ecosystem as a whole.

Thank you for 2023. You are the best!

P.S. Nothing in this email should be considered as investment advice. Please be aware of all possible risks before making any decisions. All figures mentioned are based on past statistics, but no one knows the future.

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