Let Me Post Your Letters Granny

Let Me Post Your Letters Granny


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If you’re lucky to have the kind of grandma who’s played an important role in your life, you may want to repay the favor by letting her know you care about her. There are naturally many ways to do so. You can call, text, or if Grandma is tech-savvy, even get in touch via social media.
You might also want to take the opportunity to send letters to Grandma. Sending a letter to your grandma gives you the opportunity to pen a heartfelt message she’ll appreciate. Because people don’t send letters as often as they used to, receiving a letter from you would be a pleasant surprise.
Keep these tips in mind as you write. We’ve even provided examples to help you get started.
Writing a letter to Grandma doesn’t need to be a chore. Just follow these easy steps.
There are a few practical steps you should get out of the way first when you decide you’re going to send a letter to Grandma:
Choose your method. Sending a traditional paper letter is nice, but some grandmas don’t particularly care how they receive a letter. Yours might be completely happy with an email. If you’re sending a letter for a special occasion (such as your Grandma’s birthday) at the last minute, sending an email ensures your message will reach its destination on time. Choose whichever method you think your grandma will most appreciate.
Get contact info. Depending on the circumstances, you might not be completely sure your contact info for grandma is correct. For example, maybe she recently moved into a nursing home and you’re not sure what address you should send the letter to anymore. Family or relatives can probably help if you need to confirm this info.
Get supplies. If you’re sending a traditional paper letter, you may want to write it on special stationery. Get these supplies ahead of time if you think your grandma would appreciate that extra touch. You’ll also need stamps. Consider finding stamps featuring images your grandma will love.
Why send letters to Grandma in an age when you can call her up and let her know you love her right away? There are many answers to that question. In general, however, letters give you the chance to truly consider everything you want to say (and how you want to say it) as you express your feelings. This often makes them more heartfelt and meaningful than a simple phone call.
That’s why you should treat your letter to Grandma the same way you treat a school essay or letter to a potential employer. If you want to earn a good grade or land a job, you probably don’t submit the first draft. You write at least one more draft after the first one is complete.
There are two main ways to write the first draft of a letter to Grandma:
Neither of those options is the “right” choice for everyone. Choose the option you think will work best for you.
No matter which method you choose when writing the first draft, you probably shouldn’t send that draft. It’s a better idea to read through it and more clearly determine which points you want to include in the final letter. You might also find there are more effective ways to express some of the points in the original drafts.
When you’re done with the final draft, all you have to do is re-read it carefully to make sure there are no errors, then send it on its way. If your grandma is getting older and doesn’t check her mail or email as often as she used to, you may want to let her know she should expect to receive a letter from you soon.
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It’s important to remember that your letter to Grandma needs to express your authentic feelings. These examples should simply help you get started. You’ll want to make changes and add more personal details before sending your letter.
That said, a letter to Grandma might sound something like the following.
I’m writing to wish you a happy birthday! All my life, you made every single birthday special by [consider including a few specific examples here]. I know there’s no way I can do the same for you. Even so, I just wanted to let you know I love you, and I hope your special day is perfect. You deserve it.”
I miss you so much! I wish we lived closer. Luckily, we can still stay in touch through the mail. I’d like that. Maybe we can also talk on the phone once a week. Does [suggest a time and day] work for you?
You’ve played such an important role in my life and I love you so much for that. I hope you’re doing well, and I hope to see you soon!”
I wouldn’t be who I am today without my amazing mother. Of course, she wouldn’t be so amazing if her mother wasn’t amazing as well. We both love you very much.
Thank you for being the best grandma and mom anyone could ask for.”
I miss you every day. Nothing can replace your kindness and humor. However, your spirit lives on in our family. I know you’re always here in some way because of that.
Life without you can be hard sometimes, but that’s only because life with you was so joyous. Thank you for touching so many lives in so many ways.”
There are plenty of reasons to send a letter to your grandma. Here are just a few common examples.
It’s important to wish your grandma a Happy Birthday on her special day. If she’s had a positive impact on your life, odds are good she wishes you a happy birthday every year. You should do the same.
Unfortunately, you may not live close enough to your grandma to see her on her birthday. Consider sending gifts to Grandma instead. They might not be substitutes for your presence, but they’ll still let her know you’re thinking about her.
Perhaps more importantly, make sure you include a letter with the gifts. There’s a good chance Grandma will treasure the letter more than the actual presents!
Her birthday isn’t the only day your grandma might appreciate getting a letter from you!
You could also write a letter wishing her a Happy Grandparents Day. Grandparents Day falls on the first Sunday in September after Labor Day.
You can’t be a grandmother without being a mother first! You and your mom might want to send Mother’s Day gifts to Grandma, along with a letter from both of you.
This also gives you the chance to bond with your own mom as you share memories and feelings about your grandma.
It’s worth noting that Grandma doesn’t need to still be here for you to write her a letter. Some people find emotional comfort in the process of writing a letter to someone who’s passed on.
You can place this letter at your grandma’s grave. Consider this option if you’re looking for a way to say “Happy Birthday in Heaven, Grandma.”
Even if it’s not her birthday, you could simply write this type of letter as a tribute to a grandma you miss.
Keep in mind that you don’t need a specific reason to write a letter to Grandma. Sometimes the best letters are those you send for no other reason than to say you care.
Consider writing a letter to your grandma the next time you want to get in touch. Whether you’re wishing Grandma a happy birthday, expressing your love for a grandmother who’s passed on, or simply letting Grandma know you love her, a letter gives you the chance to get your feelings across in a genuinely heartfelt way.
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I miss you more than words can ever explain.
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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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