Let Me Lead

Let Me Lead

👓 Kathleen Sutton
Let Me Lead

Let Me Lead

✅ Three lives cross: a gentle woman, a brutal temptress, and the young man who has their full attention. The result - an insightful story of freedom, power, and purpose. Jared, a ballroom dance instructor, is finally ready to honestly examine his flirtatious lifestyle, but now hes caught between two women: one who loves him enough to help him question his lifes purpose and the other who toys with him for her own profit and amusement. Christine, alone and middle-aged, struggles to start over, but living past the pain of losing her family will test her faith and put her heart in harms way by caring about young Jared. To Tracy, people are merely tools to get what she wants - and what this sensuous, manipulative woman wants is complete control over Jared.


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