Lesson 3 - Divergence and a promise
King LeonidasI was a broken, lost soul.
I was directionless, self hating and on the brink of a total breakdown.
I turned my life around with a powerful visualisation technique I created.
Now I'm giving it to you.
This is where your journey begins.
This is who I was at 23 years old -
- Running a small town bar owned by my father in a third world country
- Involved in University Politics, not the good kind.
- Hanging around with thugs who frequented my bar
- Sold drugs to inmates from the local prison, thanks to said thugs.
- Trouble with cops
- Pot Head
- Dabbled with MDMA and cocaine.
- Smoking Everyday
- Alcohol almost everyday
- Suicidal thoughts
- Zero ambition
This is who I am 5 years later at 28 -
- Great job
- Fantastic future career prospects
- Lived in 5 countries
- Own two businesses, building another
- Learning new skills everyday
- Clear headed, sober for years
- Quit smoking
- Energetic, ambitious, extremely driven
- Better son & brother
- Great relationships with women
- Fully in tune with myself
When I look back,
Undeniably I feel pride.
But this is just the start of something magical.
Life is a war of attrition. You wear down weakness by relentless effort and focus.
You aren't owed anything.
You take it by force.
How did I get here?
After one of my benders,
I found myself with no wallet,
Sitting on an empty street bench.
Freezing winter night.
As fate would have it,
I saw a homeless bum digging through the trash,
This situation struck me hard, like a punch to my gut.
There's no difference between me and this man.
He was helpless, I am pathetic.
On that day out of desperation and disgust,
I CHOSE to live a better life.
I had to fix myself, It had to start with my mindset.
When your mind is in peak performance mode, Everything else falls into place.
Have patience,
I will tell you how to get there.
This didn't happen overnight and certainly not with my first attempt.
I have failed more times than many of you may have tried.
This is what makes me the best man to show you the path.
Because if there's one good quality in me,
It's that I can be extremely devoted to something.
I devoted myself to building a better version of me.
To dig myself out of my pit of hell, I needed something concrete, Something powerful.
So I built a visualization technique that I still follow to this date.
I call it a technique but it's more of a path.
You will understand as you read further.
Divergence and Salvation.
There comes a time in every mans life when his soul cries for change. He knows deep within his temple of sanity - If he doesn't mend his ways he will be lost forever.
Desperation is what is needed for you to hear this cry for help.
If you hear it, you know.
This technique is simple, it has two moving pieces.
I call them Divergence and Salvation.
Let's move on to the process.
Imagine you are on a path, with a fork right in front of you.
One of the paths is pitch black.
Certain doom.
The other is a source of light.
Go back to the picture above.
I chose it because it represents this accurately.
The path you are on is your life, its the one leading to the fork.
The fork on the road is the point of divergence.
At divergence you have an irreversible choice to make.
You can choose one path -
Left leads to darkness. Right leads to light.
Before you make a decision remember this,
This whole process rests on your integrity as a man.
You MUST stand accountable for your choice.
If not, there's no point to this whole exercise.
You may as well continue the way you are.
You make your choice now.
You choose right. You choose light.
This your promise to embrace all that is good for you and reject all that is bad.
Because you must.
Because that is what is expected of you by those who depend on you.
That's it, you've made your decision.
It's done, there's no going back now.
You've given your word as a man to yourself.
Your entire life rests on this choice.
That's how powerful this decision is.
You choose right and you start walking.
That is,
You start living life.
Anything that holds you back or is a weakness you struggle with, belongs to the dark path.
It belongs there, It MUST stay there. It cannot cross over.
But it will reach over to seduce you.
Try to get you to walk back to the fork and choose the other way.
All you have to do is remind yourself of the promise you made and keep walking.
Keep living.
For how long?
For as long as you lose sight of the path to the left and the light is all you see.
In simple English, for as long as your old habits don't have power over you.
For most guys it's around a 100 days.
During this time you do everything that you can that is good for you.
All the self help guru advice.
Workout, meditate, build skills whatever.
What you're really trying to accomplish is to lose sight of the other path.
Lose sight of your old habits, leave them far behind.
This is the point on your journey when the old fork is a distant memory.
When your old habits are something you look back on and cringe.
When you feel like you are a new man.
The darkness cannot reach over and call out to you anymore.
You are filled with hope and excitement for your life.
You can see infinite potential and possibilities awaiting you.
You will know when you get there.
On first glance, this may seem like a silly exercise.
I mean, all you're doing is choosing to be better.
But it's not, it's so much more.
You are making a choice and giving it life.
You are feeding it energy and nurturing it with belief.
This will work, it's worked for me –
Remember this choice is irreversible.
I will walk the other path and come back on Monday.
You gave your word as a man.
You should be ashamed to even consider breaking it.
Your decision is what will change everything about you.
When you hit salvation, the experience is something words cannot describe.
I will try, euphoric, emotional, joyful, exhilarating.
You will be proud, you will be relieved.
But don't get complacent,
Salvation is only a checkpoint.
The other path is sneaky,
It always hooks you with that 'Just one day'
Before you know it one day turns into ten. And a hundred.
And you're back at the fork, staring at the two paths.
Don't fall into this trap.
Make your choice, stick to it.
Reach salvation. Maintain.
You're welcome to criticize or call bullshit on this.
Before you do that, give it a try and see for yourself - You will be surprised
I believe you can do good with your life.
You just need to believe in it.
Let me know how it goes.
You have assignments
As a part of your divergence,
Make a list of all habits and positive behaviour patterns you want to embrace as the best version of yourself
Print it out or write it down and pin it where you can see everyday.
This should be one of the first things you see when you wake up.
Working on these, developing these skills will be your focus now.
Everything else belongs in the dark. Let it rot there.
Take a picture of this and post it on the channel chat for everyone to see.
Click here to access channel chat room.
This will be your accountability post.
You are off pornography and you are meditating everday.
Excellent, we are on a roll.
Next is to start moving your body.
If you are on a daily exercise regimen, you can choose to ignore this.
For all others,
What I want you to do is this -
An hour's walk with powerful music on. EVERYDAY.
This serves two purpose
It gets your body moving.
Many of you are too lethargic and do not exercise.
We need to warm up the engine.
Do not mistake this to be your exercise regimen,
We will get to that very soon.
This is just you getting used to moving your body.
It gives you a chance to reflect and think as you walk.
Plus, the powerful music makes you think powerful thoughts.
Your thoughts shape your reality.
Talk soon.