Lesbians Rape Straight Girl

Lesbians Rape Straight Girl


Lesbians Rape Straight Girl

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by Peter LaBarbera, Americans for Truth
Lesbian gangs are raping and bullying girls and engaging in criminal activity, but you probably haven’t heard about this story, right? Now a Memphis TV station and FOX News’ Bill O’Reilly have broken the silence:
Click below to watch two video links that homosexual activists with the group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) desperately tried to prevent the public from seeing:
Lifesite.net news — an excellent, Canada-based pro-family website that we highly recommend – has picked up on the Bill O’Reilly segment with the story below.
I heard about this lesbian bullying phenomenon from former lesbian turned Christian evangelist Linda Jernigan (pictured above), who a few years back was contacted by a teacher about speaking at Rich East High School in Park Fores t, Illinois (a south suburb of Chicago), where this sick behavior was occurring.
Jernigan said she was told that lesbian girl gangs would drag a targeted female into the school restroom, hold her down, and perform oral sex on her to “turn her out” – i.e., forcibly “seduce” the poor girl through lesbian rape.
Former lesbian Linda Jernigan was asked to speak at a Chicago-area public school suffering from lesbian assaults on innocent girls, but she had to turn it down because the school wanted her to ‘de-Christianize’ her testimony.
‘Vagina Monologues’ condoned lesbian predatory rape
Maybe the young lesbian thugs got some inspiration from “Vagina Monologues,” the vulgar feminist-lesbian play celebrated by liberal elites and performed by many female Hollywood stars. Did you know that the original Vagina Monologues book by Eve Ensler contains a chapter about a 24-year-old lesbian woman who plies a 13-year-old girl with alcohol to seduce her ? Ensler turns this pedophile rape into a sort of feminist-lesbian “moral good” by having the girl victim end up as a happy lesbian who says, “I’ll never need to rely on a man” – don’t you just love liberal morality?
Please take a few minutes to watch both the Memphis TV video and the O’Reilly video and ask yourself: where is the rest of the media on this story? We hear from the pro-homosexual Left about “bullying” in schools – as if it’s mainly an “antigay” phenomenon. Now we learn that lesbians are doing the bullying — is the educational establishment taking action to prevent this? Have politically correct, pro-”gay” pandering and the ubiquitous glamorization of homosexuality — in the schools, media, and in pop culture — contributed to this crisis?
How many liberals have joined lesbian “conservative” Tammy Bruce in condemning “Vagina Monologues’” pedophile lesbian rape-seduction chapter? Evidently not enough to stop this lewd play from being celebrated by the cocktail set and from now moving from colleges to high schools . I suppose rape and pedophilia are vile crimes except when performed by lesbians on girls….
GLAAD Tried to Block Story from Airing
In a shocking display of homosexual activists putting politics and P.R. above the welfare of children and crime victims, the powerful homosexual media-pressure group GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ) tried to stop the Memphis TV news story on lesbian gangs from airing. GLAAD did succeed in getting a preview of the news segment, but failed to block it .
TAKE ACTION: Go on th is GLAAD web page link and do the opposite of that they say: commend the Memphis news producers for not succumbing to GLAAD’s pressure tactics. (You can write Bill O'Reilly at oreilly@foxnews.com .) Here is the LifeSiteNews story:
MEMPHIS, July 3, 2007 ( LifeSiteNews.com ) - Last week, the Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor exposed the increasing trend of lesbian gang violence terrorizing neighbourhoods and schools, especially in large cities across the United States. According to FOX News crime analyst Rod Wheeler there are some 150 such gangs in the DC area alone, including Washington, Maryland, and Virginia.
The gangs, known as Dykes Taking Over (DTOs) or Gays Taking Over [GTOs], are forcing children into homosexuality. Wheeler told host Bill O’Reilly: “there is this national underground network, if you will, Bill, of women that’s lesbians and also some men groups that’s actually recruiting kids as young as 10 years old in a lot of the schools in the communities all across the country.”
In addition to carrying weapons and violently attacking people the lesbian gangs rape girl victims they recruit. “As a matter of fact,” said Wheeler, “some of the kids have actually reported that they were actually forced into, you know, performing sex acts and doing sex acts with some of these people.” (see the O’Reilly Factor segment: http://youtube.com/watch?v=CFgXVyeGh2A )
An Eyewitness News Everywhere report from earlier this year brought in a police officer from the Memphis police department to discuss the growing problem of GTO gang violence in schools. Deputy Beverly Cobb from the Shelby County (Memphis) Gang Unit told Eyewitness News that GTO gang members “will sodomize [with sex toys] and will force (victims) to do all sexual acts, they are forcing themselves on our young girls in all our schools.”
Deputy Cobb noted that the assaults are becoming more frequent and more violent.  The GTO’s she says, “carry weapons . . . they will use them quicker than any male that I’ve ever come upon . . . to try and fight them you’ll get hurt.”
Two jailed GTO members who were imprisoned for robbery claim that the group which formed over a decade ago was originally set up as a support group for lesbians. They admit however that the current generation of GTO members are raping girls and the [Memphis] Eyewitness News report notes that some GTO members are attacking other inmates in prison. (See the Eyewitness News report here: http://blip.tv/file/165392/ )
Homosexual activist bloggers are denouncing the O’Reilly Factor expose as falsehood. The Eyewitness News report, however, also noted that homosexual activists had complained of the news special report. It was presented, said the news station, out of concern for children and parents. GTO incidents were reported in at least ten high schools in the Memphis area.
The story on the GTO gangs is an old one but the story has not received wide media coverage.
An NBC10 report from Philadelphia in 2004 titled “Students fear ‘lesbian gang’ at school” noted DTO members were harassing other students. Young female students were interviewed for the report and told of being bullied to becoming lesbians, of being groped and harassed in gym and girls bathrooms. (see the NBC10 report: http://www.nbc10.com/news/2857417/detail.html )
Violence by gays and lesbians is largely underreported in the mainstream media. In 2004, a report by REAL Women of Canada pointed out that homosexual parenting would be harmful to children. One of the points made in the report speaks of “a higher rate of violence in lesbian and homosexual relationships than in married, heterosexual relationships.”
“A study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence examined conflict and violence in lesbian relationships,” says the report. “The researchers found that 90% of the lesbians surveyed had been recipients of one or more acts of verbal aggression from their intimate partners during the year prior to this study, with 31% reporting one or more incidents of physical abuse.” The findings, says REAL Women are verified by other studies. (see the full report: http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2004/apr/040428c.html )
4-Year-Old Killed for Refusing to Call Mom’s Lesbian Lover “Daddy” http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2006/mar/06032407.html

Friday, July 06, 2007 at 03:25 PM | Permalink

by Peter LaBarbera, Americans for Truth
Lesbian gangs are raping and bullying girls and engaging in criminal activity, but you probably haven’t heard about this story, right? Now a Memphis TV station and FOX News’ Bill O’Reilly have broken the silence:

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After being “correctively raped” in her home country of Jamaica, Angeline Jackson explains why the horrific ordeal spurred her on to become a gay rights activist
When I was taken to the line-up room by a policewoman to identify my attacker, I told her I needed a minute to compose myself. I was shaking violently and my chest was so heavy that it felt like a weight was pressed against it. How would I identify a man who was wearing a bandana and a beanie cap, which covered most of his face when he was raping me? I was terrified of coming face to face with his cold, dark eyes again. And, for a fleeting moment, as the door opened, I looked down the corridor and planned my escape.
I was raped seven years ago, aged 19, after being lured off a lesbian chat room by a girl who acted as a honey trap. There are few, if any places for LGBT people to meet or socialise in Jamaica, which is a deeply homophobic country. Social media is the only way, and even then everyone uses monikers to protect themselves from reprisals.
This is the Jamaica tourists don’t see – where popular culture and institutions are imbued with the messages of the fundamentalist Christian movement, and one of 79 countries in the world where homosexuality is still prohibited. In Jamaica, raping a lesbian is seen as ‘corrective rape’, inferring that it is a cure, which might ‘turn’ them straight. People may be shocked to hear that here, even parents have been known to hire men to rape their daughters to ‘cure’ them.
As the daughter of a church elder, I learned very early on in my life that girls liking girls was a sin. Old colonial laws prohibiting homosexuality still exist here. Everything from music culture to Bible classes drip-feed messages that being LGBT is an abomination. I lived most of my teenage years in hiding, fearful that if I ever came out, Daddy would make me leave home or someone would kill me. I still wake up every day wondering if it is my last; if I will be attacked on the street for being gay and campaigning for gay equality.
I learned to disguise my sexuality by dating boys to stop the rumours. I was torn between being the Jamaican Christian daughter who loves God and her family, and the lesbian girl I was inside. When I was 15, and the mother of someone I had been secretly seeing found out about us, I was forced to go to Christian counselling, because both our families thought I was mentally unwell. My mum and dad’s parenting was analysed as if they had done something wrong to make me gay.
I was told to date boys and try to be straight. My father was sympathetic, but he and my mother hoped that God would ‘cure’ my illness. I had been chatting to a woman on social media for a few months when she finally suggested we meet. She seemed friendly, inviting me to her house, but I asked an old friend to come with me just to be safe. I wish I’d known that day how much danger I was actually in.
When I arrived at the agreed meeting place near her home, the woman didn’t show. Instead, there was a man, who said he was her brother and told me he would take us to her house. It was when he suggested taking a short cut through a park that I panicked.
Suddenly, we were approached by another man wearing a bandana and beanie cap, who had a gun. He blocked our path, and when we begged him to let us go, he held the gun to the back of my neck and marched us to a secluded area. There, he violently forced us to perform oral sex on him and the other man, before ejaculating on us. At one point, he paused to ask if I was Christian. ‘Yes,’ I answered. ‘Then pray for me,’ he said smiling, as both men grabbed my friend and vaginally raped her in front of me. I was screaming and shaking, but they wouldn’t stop.
Afterwards, the guy with the bandana robbed us and left us to find our own way out of the bush and home. I flagged down a bus and begged the driver, telling him we had been mugged. But from the look on his face, I’m sure he could tell that more had gone on.
Following the rape , my friend was deeply ashamed. She said she was never going to tell anyone what had happened and not to name her if I reported it. She shut down emotionally. Her fear of reporting it was typical – most rapists are never caught because women prefer silence. According to the Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition, 40 per cent of Jamaicans say that their first sexual experience is forced, and an Amnesty International report says that 70 per cent of rape victims in Jamaica are under 14. I will never get over the guilt of asking my friend to come with me that day and what happened to her.
Reporting the incident was a big step for me. My parents were very upset. Both saw the rape as a crime that needed to be punished, regardless of my sexuality. But the authorities were not quite so supportive. When I took the police back to the scene of the crime, a policeman referred to me as a sodomite. A female officer suggested that if I had been a good Christian girl, dating boys, this wouldn’t have happened to me. ‘Why don’t you leave this lifestyle and return to the church?’ she said. ‘What do you expect?’
The day I entered the line-up room at the police station, all these negative, deeply ingrained messages ran through my head. But I felt a duty to all the other women out there who had experienced rape, too. I knew that those who rape lesbians, beat up gay men and transgenders, throw acid on them and kill them were the real sinners, not me. I had to speak up, but I also knew I risked becoming a target forever.
The ID room was dark, and I could smell disinfectant and body odour as I walked in front of the men, willing my legs to stay strong. I was shaking and feverish with nerves. But I knew as soon as I saw them, they were the right men. It was their eyes – deep-set and shifty. I asked the policeman in the room to tell each man to say, ‘Pussyhole, go over there’. These were the disgusting words they uttered during our ordeal. Images flashed back of my assault and, once again, I felt the rapist’s hands all over me. He was cold, inhuman. ‘That’s him,’ I told the officer, and walked out. I later discovered he had raped more than 100 girls and women.
My attacker got 27 years in prison – two years for sexually assaulting me, the rest for multiple convictions involving robbery and possession of a firearm. I’ve had counselling to deal with what happened, but flashbacks, insomnia and anxiety about being in public are now part of my life. My rapist’s sentence was recently overturned after he appealed and he is now out of prison. The police never apprehended the girl who lured me off the chat room, or prosecuted her so-called brother who took part in the rape itself. When I think of this, I feel overwhelmingly sad – and scared.
But there have also been so many positives. I did law and Bible study courses to reconcile my belief in God with my homosexuality. Over time, I discovered that the only thing wrong is that my country made me ashamed of who I am. And that’s when I decided to come out, not just to my family, but also to my country.
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