Lesbians Lick Breasts

Lesbians Lick Breasts


Lesbians Lick Breasts
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Mum wakes up daughter, 21, every day by licking her all over and pretending she's a dog
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Mum wakes up her 21-year-old daughter every day by licking her all over
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Theese mother and daughter duos have an unusually close bond - from licking each other all over every morning to taking showers together
Mothers and daughters often have an unbreakable bond - but for some it's MUCH closer than others.
From dressing in identical clothes every day to getting matching plastic surgery, these mum and daughter duos are certainly extreme.
The new series of sMothered examines these super close relationships and all the quirks that come with them.
Marcia, 68, and her 21-year-old daughter, Alena, who says her mum is "definitely my best friend", have a very bizarre routine each morning.
The pair already make sure they do absolutely everything together and that starts the moment they wake up.
"She kept pestering me for a puppy and I couldn’t get her a puppy, so I turned into the doggy. Alena tastes pretty good and all sweet, I just want to eat her all up."
And Alena, who was adopted by Marcia when she was just a toddler, says her mum's puppy antics make her feel closer to her.
The 21-year-old explained: "I love it when my Mamma licks me, it kind of makes me feel closer to her because we’re doing something funny and out of the ordinary. It’s a thing we do every single day."
Licking isn't the only unusual part of the pair's morning routine - when she's finally out of bed Alena playfully chases her mother around the house.
Marcia said: "When Alena was very little she didn’t have much stamina, so I would say ‘you can’t get me, you can’t get me'."
Alena suffers from an enzyme deficiency and the chasing started as a way of increasing her stamina and encouraging growth when she was a child.
But the routine has stuck and the pair continue to chase each other regularly.
Marcia explained: "It was really a good thing to help her grow and it just continued."
Once Alena eventually catches her mum, it’s her turn to play puppy.
She said: "When I catch my Mamma I do all my kissy-poos and I kiss her all up. She’s very kissable."
Marcia recognises that her relationship with her daughter may seem odd to some people - but nothing will stop her being so close to her daughter.
She said: "Some people don’t agree or they wonder what is wrong with her. I love the idea as she’s growing up of being able to do all those silly things.
"It’s getting a little tricky as she’s getting older, but still do all the same antics and we still play the same games and we have fun."
Another new mother and daughter who have a particularly unusual way of starting the day, are 55-year-old Mary and 19-year-old Brittani.
They start each day by by taking a shower together.
Stripped fully naked, the pair share their walk-in shower together and mum Mary even helps wash her daughter, lathering her up and getting her ready for the day.
She said: "The best way to start our day is in the shower. I love her and I don’t see anything wrong with it. I have been helping Brittani takes showers since she was five - I’m just a doting mum.”
For Brittani, it’s the perfect way of spending time with her mum.
She said: "When my mum does simple things like washing my hair or washing my body, it makes me feel comforted."
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Get Dear Prudence delivered to your inbox each week; click here to sign up. Please send your questions for publication to prudence@slate.com . (Questions may be edited.)
Got a burning question for Prudie? She’ll be online at Washingtonpost.com to chat with readers each Monday at 1 p.m. Submit your questions and comments here before or during the live discussion.
Dear Prudence,
My mom let me and my brother breast-feed until we were each about 5 years old. She let us touch and play with her breasts for years after that. She never told us what sex was, and later when I found out, I felt revulsion at the memories of how I touched, and wanted to touch, my own mother. Now I’m 18, a senior in high school, and I have a little sister who’s 9 years old. Mom breast-fed her until really late, and now my sister feels my mother’s breasts the way my brother and I did. My sister is my mom’s last child, and my mother persists in treating her as a baby. My mother refuses to consider she could be encouraging inappropriate impulses in my sister. When I tell my mother that I’m grossed out and that my sister’s too old for this, she won’t listen. But I don’t want my sister to have the same revulsion at her own memories and confused feelings that I suffered. I’m so disgusted it’s keeping me up at night. What should I do?
Dear No More,
I hope you missed the newsstands last week and didn’t see the cover of Time featuring a young mother with an almost 4-year-old latched to her breast. That picture would have given you some traumatic flashbacks. I’m not insinuating that women who breast-feed their children past toddlerhood are doing something wrong. It’s your description of the postweaning, clearly sexual breast fondling that is alarming. Your mother sounds like a sexual predator disguising herself as the ultimate attachment parent. Because there are so many more male molesters, it’s easier for sick women to get away with it. Being an earth mother is the perfect ruse that allows your mother to use her own children to gratify her disturbed impulses. It’s awful to look back on your childhood with shame, but it’s a good thing that you feel revulsion for what happened to you. It shows you are able to distinguish appropriate boundaries, see how you were manipulated, and mourn for your childhood. You don’t mention a father (or fathers), so I’ll assume he is not in the picture to provide help. As painful as it is to contemplate turning your mother in to the authorities, for the sake of your sister, that’s what’s you should do. But it would be best if you had some adult support in taking that step, which will be a life-changer for everyone in your family, perhaps in the most positive way if you mother gets some help. You could go directly to Child Protective Services, but as an interim step consider making an appointment to talk to your sister’s pediatrician, who perhaps is still your doctor, too. You might be more comfortable talking first to a professional who is familiar with your family. The pediatrician will be a mandated reporter, which means she or he will be required to forward any suspicion of abuse. You should continue your healing with a therapist who specializes in sexual mistreatment. This should help you feel comfortable with the normal sexual impulses your mother cruelly exploited.
Dear Prudence,
About a year ago my mother-in-law passed away and left us her house, which is within walking distance of ours. We decided to sell the property, and since it’s in superb condition, all we need to do is box up my mother-in-law’s belongings. My wife still misses her mother and finds it too difficult to spend much time there, and I’m busy with work, so the responsibility has fallen on our 15-year-old son, “Brandon.” During the course of packing, Brandon found a box of old videotapes and inserted one into her VCR. He discovered that his grandparents had been swingers for years. Brandon has already told his older sister, which I am furious about, and the two of them want to tell their mother. I want to throw the tapes on a pile and set them ablaze, but my children have convinced me that it is not my right. They say their mom should be told, and it should be her decision what to do with the tapes. Am I right for not wanting my wife to know about this? I certainly wouldn’t want to know if it were my parents.
Dear Reruns,
A while back I had a letter from a widow who couldn’t bear to dispose of the erotic tape she and her husband had made but was afraid that if she didn’t, her children might find it when she was gone. It’s too bad your mother-in-law didn’t follow the brilliant advice suggested by readers for elders with similar memorabilia: Label the tapes “Matlock, Seasons 1-4.” That way the kids will dispose of them without being tempted to look. How shocking for your son to discover that his grandparents carried on like Dominique Strauss-Kahn on a business trip . It’s good news that he was apparently amused, not traumatized, by this revelation. Stop being furious at Brandon for telling his sister. The poor kid had to let someone know that Grammy and Grampy did more in the rec room than host bridge tournaments. It’s rather sweet that your children think their mother should decide whether she wants to track her parents’ aging by watching 20 years of their orgies. I agree she surely doesn’t want to know, but now that everyone else in the in the family does, it’s not going to work to keep this a secret. Think of how baffled she’ll be when her children snicker every time she mentions how devoted her parents were to each other. Tell your kids you’ll take care of informing their mother. Then say to her that Brandon found a box of videos at his grandmother’s house, he looked at one, and it was an erotic tape of her parents. (You don’t have to reveal there was a substantial cast of characters.) Chances are she’ll ask you to dispose of the entire oeuvre. Then you can tell your kids this is one of those things that they have to keep private, and if you hear them blabbing about it, you’ll make them watch the sex tapes of you and their mother.
Dear Prudence,
The other night, after a few drinks, a colleague told me that our boss had been very u
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