Lesbians Girl 2021

Lesbians Girl 2021


What choice does this vulnerable young boy have other than to remake himself in a way that he perceives will make him more loveable to the women who have charge over his life?
March 30, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The widely-known shampoo manufacturer Pantene is advertising its product in a commercial featuring a young boy being raised as a girl by two homosexual women, leading one commentator to call it “the most disturbing commercial I have ever seen.”
“Pantene, the shampoo company, is now defending — mainstreaming — the sexual abuse of children, in a commercial in which two lesbian women dress a little boy up as a little girl and insist that the boy really is a girl,” noted the Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles in a podcast which has been viewed nearly a half million times.
Knowles said that what the two women are doing is abusive and “should be criminal.”
“Pantene Pro-V should not only be ashamed of itself, should not only be boycotted, this sort of thing should not be permitted,” continued Knowles.
Pantene posted the 2 minute commercial on Twitter two weeks ago.
Hair is a large part of our identity. And for LGBTQ+ youth like Sawyer, who choose to express themselves, their style, & their creativity through their hair style, it can help them feel seen.

Catch up with Sawyer and her mom Ashley & see how this family is #BeautifulLGBTQ ���� pic.twitter.com/GVjndXTqVN
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“Capitalism — corporate America — is going to become the biggest vessel for radical wokeism, radical leftism,” warned Knowles.
Knowles is right. Over the last few years, many of the nation’s largest corporations, most of which are household names, have weighed in with the courts as well as in the court of public opinion in support of transgenderism and the transitioning of children.
In 2019, more than 200 corporations signed an amicus brief urging the United States Supreme Court to interpret the meaning of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964’s prohibition against “sex” discrimination to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”
Among the 206 companies who signed onto the brief originated and authored by high-powered LGBT activist groups were: Airbnb, Amazon, American Express, American Airlines, Apple, Bank of America, Ben & Jerry’s, Best Buy, Disney, Domino’s, Expedia, Facebook, General Motors, Google, Hilton, IKEA, Macy’s, Marriott, Nike, PayPal, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, and Under Armour.
Last year, LifeSiteNews’ Dorothy Cummings McLean reported that Starbucks U.K. had released a commercial showing a short-haired young woman telling a server at a coffee shop that her name is James, after various vignettes in which she is addressed as “Jemma.” The sales pitch ended with Jemma striding past the Starbucks window with her coffee and the captions “Every name’s a story” and “#whatsyourname.” The latter is a reference to Starbucks’s Twitter campaign in support of transgender ideology.
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Woke Corporate America is increasingly antithetical to Christianity in general and the Christian understanding of the complementarity of man and woman — that men and women are made for each other — in particular.
Whether overtly or subtly, the message the two lesbians have delivered to this boy via their romantic and sexual rejection and exclusion of males from their lives, is that only women are loveable.
What choice does this vulnerable young boy have other than to remake himself in a way that he perceives will make him more loveable to the women who have charge over his life?
The result, as the commercial shows, is tragic.
has a self-interest in increasing the population of men who identify as women in order to increase its earnings.PanteneAs a company which focuses on the manufacture of women’s hair products,
Doug Mainwaring is a journalist for LifeSiteNews, an author, and a marriage, family and children's rights activist. He has testified before the United States Congress and state legislative bodies, originated and co-authored amicus briefs for the United States Supreme Court, and has been a guest on numerous TV and radio programs. Doug and his family live in the Washington, DC suburbs.
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Since 1986, the American Girl doll has risen to become a near-staple of American childhood. Originally produced by Pleasant Rowland and her Pleasant Company and now by toy manufacturing giant Mattel, the dolls portray 8 to 11-year-olds girls of various ethnicities, each accompanied by a set of books told from the viewpoint of the individual American Girl.
But in December 2020, American Girls made an announcement that seemed innocent enough: The company's 2021 "Girl of the Year" is a 10-year-old from Michigan named Kira Bailey who travels to Australia. But what the company didn't say in its press release or official tweet, both of which emphasized wildlife rescue, was that Kira's storyline includes a lesbian couple.
Kira's accompanying book Kira Down Under tells the story of her visit to an animal sanctuary in Australia operated by her great-aunts Mamie and Lynette, who are in a same-sex marriage. In the book, she explains that her aunts married "after the law was changed to allow it," referring to Australia's 2017 decision to legalize gay marriage.
A blog post on the American Girl website gives more information:
It's now 2021. It's only been legal for same-sex couples to marry for five years (and even less than that in Australia), yet LGBT people have existed forever. Like Mamie and Lynette, for example. They were in love even before Kira was born, yet their love couldn't be recognized and wasn't widely accepted until a few short years ago. But American Girl- and Erin Teagan, the author of Kira's books- decided to tell their story and show the world that the LGBT community exists, and I am beyond grateful.
But not everyone responded to the news of Kira's storyline with such enthusiasm. Kimberly Fletcher, president and founder of Moms for America, shared the following statement with Charisma News:
My daughter grew up with American Girl dolls. She not only had the Josefina doll, she watched all the movies, read all the books and learned the stories of America's history and heritage while developing strong moral values. It is heartbreaking to learn that such a trusted and cherished franchise has given in to feminist lies and deception, destroying yet another valuable support for mothers raising children. My daughter was heartbroken when the franchise decided to "retire" Felicity, the doll from the Revolutionary era. Felicity and her love of country continue to live in our house, and we encourage mothers everywhere to keep those stories alive and stand firmly for truth in a world of lies. Our daughters and sons need a firm foundation in all that is good, true and beautiful to stand strong in the world they are growing up in. Sadly, American Girls has chosen to abandon that legacy we once embraced.
And an Amazon reviewer noted, in a post headed "Inappropriate for young girls":
My daughter purchased Kira on January 1 and was super excited to be one of the first to own the new doll for 2021. In her book, Kira visits her aunt in Australia. Unfortunately, as my daughter began to read the book she read that Kira's aunt is married to another woman. Homosexuality is an inappropriate topic for a children's book and I am very disappointed that it was woven so blatantly into the story line for Kira. This type of content should have been made clear in the advertising so that I as a parent could make an informed choice for my child. My daughter and I have read dozens of American Girl books and have always loved them and highly recommended them to friends. Before now, I have never had to worry about American Girl reading material being wholesome for my child. My daughter had no idea what a lesbian couple is and American Girl has cruelly taken away part of her innocence now that I've had to explain about that lifestyle. It goes against what I believe as a Christian and was not something I wanted my daughter to be exposed to at this early age. I am very, very disappointed in Americans Girl and will not purchase their products in the future.
And another reviewer, without addressing the book from a faith and values perspective, considers the "mature storyline" inappropriate for young readers:
My daughter was so excited to read this book, but it ended up going back the same day we received it. The storyline is inappropriate and far too mature for young readers. While we teach kindness to all in our family, there are things that elementary-age little girls do not need to be exposed to, and this book blatantly introduces very mature topics. We have always loved American Girl books and products and I have never had to worry about previewing them for content before. However, we will not be purchasing Kira or any of her books, and I'm not sure we will be reading American Girl books in the future. American Girl needs to remember that their audience is young children, not adults!
The world has witnessed a surge in promoting LGBT values, even in children's toys and television shows, over the past few years, as with Disney's 2020 commitment to "represent our audience," a marked departure from the company's erstwhile "family friendly" mindset.
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"It's not healthy, it's not necessary, and we moms won't put up with it when schools reopen."
"The rights of male prisoners to identify as being 'women' are more important to the federal government than women's rights and the free exercise of religion," one of the women bringing the lawsuit said.
"Pray that food supplies can get through and stores can stay open—and reopen. Pray for miracles of provision. Pray for revival as people cry out to God."
The board also voted against critical race theory being taught in schools.
With the LGBT agenda and liberals taking their part, we need to be in prayer for the integrity of the spiritual aspect of the Olympic Games coming up.
This is a huge overreach by the government.
Also, a Canadian pastor tells his church, "Don't fear men, fear God" after serving 18 days in jail.
"You think that we'll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked/ Funny, just this once, you're correct."
"We are in shock and very concerned about the future of Haiti."
"Moms want a seat at the table," says MFA President Kimberly Fletcher.
"My faith compels me to serve everyone that comes into my shop, but I can't create every message."
Pride may prevent people from receiving the truth, but the curse of sin in your bloodline can be dismantled and overcome.
Also, does the escalating Iran-Israel conflict mean the last days are here?
As much as my heart goes out to those who feel that same-sex attraction is as natural for them as heterosexual attraction is for me, I cannot for a second affirm the broader goals of the LGBTQ agenda.
"I am glad to see this change being made as we continue to update our state policies and procedures to better reflect the Wisconsinites we serve," he said.
Also, a court overturned Bill Cosby's sexual assault conviction.
Also, has our higher education system become the propagation for anti-Christian and atheistic belief?
This is not an abstract, philosophical question. Not at all.
"Pray Away" explores the "pray away the gay" movement and is scheduled to premiere on Netflix in August.
If you want to get closer with your children, you won't hesitate to do it.
As if the sexual abuse scandals weren't enough.
Also, Disney+ to host LGBTQ pride parade.
Also, the sickening stain of state-sanctioned racism could soon become the educational norm.
Is this not gender madness? Is this not a complete departure from biological reality?
"Where is this money for these operations going to come from? Are we going to take it from the veteran who actually lost a limb, or an eye or has PTSD?"
Kimberly Fletcher, founder and president of Moms for America, believes the American dream and opportunities for success are being stolen from under their feet.
The projection is that he will run for president again in 2024. Here are the latest signals.
Fathers are useful for more than just providing "dad jokes"; their words can have an eternal impact.
Also, Maine church seeks emergency relief from unconstitutional restrictions.
The chaos exploding in our generation spells danger and the urgent need for God's intervention.
Also, the American Family Association issues urgent plea to pray for America's protectors of peace.
"He loves you where you're at. He also loves you too much to leave you there," the Facebook post read.
This is the first time members of the GOP have shown majority support since Gallup began tracking these numbers in 1996.
Also, why the hesitancy and hypocrisy from bishops and Biden when it comes to abortion?
This is like standing in front of a tornado trying to push back the wind. It is as futile as it is dangerous.
A former regular program attendee said, "I can't imagine how my life would have turned out without it."
"The right of every person to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of conscience shall never be infringed."
Freefiltering.org is "designed to make the internet a safer place for souls," per the company founder.
The current law "condemns minors to struggle with unwanted sexual and gender identities without the ability to seek the help they want," says Liberty Counsel founder and chairman Mat Staver.
Real Impact's session will provide an overview of critical race theory and its impact upon our children, our schools and the church.
Whether we realize it or not, our children will mimic the way we talk to and treat the people around us, how we manage stress and what we prioritize.
Will the church stand up to defend the innocence of our children? 
Loudoun County Public Schools are now seen as ground zero for the public controversies that are roiling parents nationwide.
This mother was told her unborn son had a terminal chromosomal abnormality. Three days after she aborted at her doctor's advice, she found out her son would have lived.
This "Lion King" theme echoes throughout history, but there is hope. 
Also, bankrupt Boy Scouts now find themselves in bigger trouble.
"This is two different generations, each inspiring the other."
And what's more, the ideology is an attack on Christian values and American founding principles.
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Lesbians Girl 2021

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