Lesbians First Time

Lesbians First Time


Lesbians First Time

Joseph Lamour

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'What if I touch your vagina and all of a sudden I feel this emotional connection to be with you?'

A lot of kids, curious about the world around them, find themselves wondering about the body. Since sexuality is taboo when you're a kid, lot of us missed on learning from experience exploring the body -- and that's where a new series of videos comes in.
YouTube channel Bria and Chrissy has created a series that explores that concept. Not every person has seen every part on every body, especially if a their sexuality precludes them from seeing certain folks naked.
That's why when Bria and Chrissy created " Lesbians Touch a Penis for the First Time ," it struck a chord and went viral, garnering over 28 million views and kicking off conversations about peoples' bodies, sexuality, and how the two intersect.
In their new video, " Straight Women Touch Another Vagina For The First Time ," volunteer Stevie welcomes three cis, straight women to touch a vagina that isn't their own, and like all the other videos in the series, it's a eye-opening experience.
"I grew up Catholic, so I feel like there is a lot of guilt associated with exploring your own body," one of the volunteers states, echoing the idea that because the world sexualizes the body in all situations, touching yourself -- and especially other people -- is always considered sexual.
As for the volunteers, one is markedly nervous about the upcoming experience, but all three are totally open and honest about what they're about to do. One remarks, "All of my girlfriends, including myself as well, do this," as she grabs Stevie's breast, making a good point about what is socially acceptable touching between some people.
All in all, the experience proved valuable, highlighting that not every touch is sexually charged. "I think it's very disrespectful and rude and offensive to sexualize everything that woman does," the volunteer continues. "I'm not an object, I'm a human being and interactions with other people, and they don't have to be sexualized."

When was your first lesbian relationship? How did it happen?
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Holy crap that made me catch my breath.
Well it wasn't a lesbian relationship since neither of us was a lesbian. Just a same gender relationship.
It happened when I was 15. We had met at school, we were in the same grade and class, and I had started coming out to people back then. She came out to me too, told me she liked me and I liked her back so we started dating. Pretty straightforward. We'd make out in the school bathroom lol
I told my mom I was bisexual after dating her. She blew me off...
In my late 20s, I hooked up with a female friend. I called my sister after I left and said, omg this, I think this is it. Several years of happy dating later, we got married. Still happy years after that. I'm like the opposite of a gold star lesbian.
I can't exactly say it's a lesbian relationship, since I consider myself bisexual and my best friend is (most probably) straight but anyway.. We were around 16 and we were best friends. I was always clingy (it's seriously embarrassing now that I think about it, I can't even hold hands now X_X) and she didn't seem to mind. We were inseparable. Since she lived far away she would stay at my home to study during exams, and also attend tuition from my home. We slept together and one night it simply just happened...I couldn't sleep or something (I can't exactly remember) and she kept patting my head, and I insisted I sleep if she slept and started patting her. Then we kissed, and things went spiraling after that. It continued for a few years, can't say I regret it...
I don't ever use the term "lesbian relationship" or "gay relationship" to describe two same sex people in a relationship. It's presumptuous.
For example, both my gf and I are bisexual.
Anyway, we met at school when we were 14. We quickly became best friends despite coming from very different home lives. However, one thing that was the same and might've bonded us together emotionally is that we were each abused by our parents (to varying degrees) and had never told others before. We just got crazy close. First though, I dated a guy and she dated his best friend. Then we ditched the guys and started dating each other at age 15.
And now it's about 3.5 years later, still going strong.
I always thought that lesbian/gay could be used as an adjective specifically to describe a relationship independent of identity? I'm bisexual as well but would refer to my relationship as lesbian, even though I wouldn't call myself a lesbian.
I'm bi, and before I came out/acknowledged it, I had a female friend with whom I always had awkward sexual tension around. We would party with the same groups and when drunk, we we would often dance together, cuddle, hold hands, etc. She was openly bi, and I knew this. My bff at the time kept telling me I was bi, but I brushed it off (strict religious upbringing, horribly afraid I was a lesbian) thinking that we only flirted when drunk and it didn't mean anything.
The first time I actually kissed her was on spring break, when she and a large group of friends was crashing at my apt for the week, kind of a stay-cation while most people left. We ended up fooling around that night and then the rest of the summer. It was a beautiful time. I ended up coming out to my parents during that time and I embraced my attraction to women. She and I never were "official" but we did consider ourselves to be "together" at least briefly. It fizzled by the end of the year, but we remain friends today.
We met at summer camp as kids. Started dating in HS. Moved in together a year ago. We're getting married in September.
tell me how this whole story was horrifying from start to finish and then I wind up choking on my tea at "strictly dickly"
It's not exactly lesbian, as I am bi, and my ex was bigender, but it was a female-presenting same-sex relationship (god, words ).
We met online, through RPing, when I was 16. We sucked at RPing and just chatted out of character all the time. With a month of me meeting her (she uses both pronouns; I tend to use female pronouns and male-gendered nouns to refer to her) I remember biking home and thinking "I could fall in love with her". And I did. She was exuberant and full of love and life, just bubbling with joy for the things she loved. She had her demons, of course, and they were eventually what did us in, but goddamn, she was a light .
A few months later I confessed to her I was in love with her. She didn't say anything in return, started dating someone else, but that relationship fell apart and then just casually one day, over a year later, when I wasn't expecting it at all, she said "because I love you. Really."
I was 23, and it was my first relationship ever (though not the first time I'd ever had sex with another woman). I was never all that interested in dating in general, and for a few years prior I'd actually identified as aromantic-- which tbh looking back was probably actually a combination of being alexithymic growing up and internalized homophobia/compulsory heterosexuality bullshit. :T I was trying to make more friends locally post-college so I started using OKC because I was too socially anxious for meetups or socializing like a regular person, lol. I ended up meeting a girl I became really good friends with really quickly, and it took me months to realize I had a raging crush on her. Made a super awkward confession through text and we ended up dating for a year.
A friend of mine and I both came out to each other that we were bisexual while spending the night at her place. From there I opened up that I had more than friendship feelings for her and she revealed the same and right then and there we started our romantic relationship.
i was 23 and in my first year of uni. this gorgeous exchange student i became friends with just threw herself at me. we hadn't talked about liking girls, and she was being very obvious, but i thought for sure it was a cultural difference because there was no way someone like that could like me .
i was fresh out of an abusive marriage and just couldn't cope, plus she had to go back to her home country in 4 months. i broke up after 2 months.
I was 25, semi-recently single and looking forward to going to DragonCon and, as I put it at the time "just flirting with everyone." (It had been a long time since I'd been single for any appreciable amount of time, so I was giddy.)
I'd found out a couple of months before the con, as I was prepping my Korra (Legend of Korra) cosplay, that an acquaintance from the previous year was putting together a Lin Bei Fong cosplay, and I made plans to spend some time with her with us both in those costumes on the first day of the con. I wasn't actually super-flirty by most people's standards (I am almost never super-flirty by most people's standards, even when attempting to be), but after we'd parted for the afternoon to hang out with other groups of friends, she texted me to ask if I wanted to get drinks later that night.
And then we ended up spending as much of the rest of the convention together as we could, and dated semi-long distance (we were four hours apart by car) for a year after. Most of the ensuing relationship was actually kind of a train wreck, but I remember the early parts fondly.
When I was 17. I always knew I was into girls but my best friend(who was actually a bit older) had recently realized she did. It didn't happen instantly, but seeing as I had kinda had feelings for her for a while we ended up in a romantic relationship for a little over a year until everything exploded.


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