Lesbian X Reader

Lesbian X Reader


💐Sweatshirt male crush x male reader
🍋wake up call male crush x male reader
💐cosplay day male crush x female reader
daddys girl male crush x fem reader
🍋whip cream Male crush x male reader
🍋 basement male crush x fem reader
💐 adoption non binary crush x male reader
🍋 Internet Male crush x fem reader
🍋whip cream 2.0 male crush x fem reader
🍋shrek crocs Male crush x fem reader
🍏confessing Male crush x male reader
🍏christmas time fem crush x fem reader
This is a dom crush x fem reader 


I stood in front of the mirror pouting as I wore the bunny girl outfit I ordered to surprise C/n "I can be a top too." I pouted remembering the conversation we had earlier


C/n and I sat on the couch together talking "Noway, I can't see you dominating me." She chuckled her beautiful laugh "What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned she giggled a bit more then put a hand on my cheek "Your just so adorable and small," She smiled "oh i gotta go baby love you bye." She gave me a kiss and left the house.


I picked up one of the whips she had and held it in my hand trying to look as dominant as this adorable face could get "on your hands and knees, im in control tonight..." I continued repeating random phrases that my girlfriend has said "That's cute." I heard someone say from the doorway "I-i thought you left." I stuttered as my face became a crimson shade "I forgot my keys, but im so happy I did." I hurried and tossed the whip on the bed taking steps back as I noticed her moving forward. After several steps I backed into a wall and she quickly grabbed my wrist securing them over my head as she leaned in close enough I could kiss her if i moved even an inch "Whos in charge love?" She said in a deep voice turning me on "Y-you..." I quietly said, "Repeat that"


She had a smirk on her face an almost sadistic one "And dont you dare fucking forget it." With that she gave a rough and passionate kiss, my mind almost instantly hazy.


As she began to slip her tongue in my mouth making me moan she moved one of her hands to slip down to my chest groping my boobs through the outfit "A-Ah C/n" I moaned as she began to pull the outfit down leaving trails of kisses and bites every time it got lower till it was completely off. She grew a smug smirk noticing that i didn't have any panties on under the costume "Well someones excited." She said licking up all my juices that split to my thighs making me moan even more as she got closer to my core. Once she was at my core she began to eat me out like there was no tomorrow as of now i couldn't stop moaning and letting out a few screams feeling the knot in my stomach 'N-no she just started.' I thought already wanting to climax as she worked her tongue technology *Army? Anyone...ill leave* but no matter how much I tried to hold it I couldn't.


    As she lapped up my fluids she began taking her clothes off moving so our legs intersected she then placed pink double sided dildo inside herself letting out the sweet moans she makes. I then put the otherside inside myself also letting a moan out and we proceeded to move in a back and forth motion moaning. When our women hoods touched I couldn't help but moan a bit louder as did she. 


    After a while I felt another knot building "I-Im gonna- Ah~" I was cut off by a moan but she seemed to understand as she nodded and confirmed she was close too. After some time we both released. C/n put the toy away as I laid there "Where the hell did you get a dildo from." I panted as she came back to bed and cuddled me "A secret." She laughed


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Daddy's Hybrid Park Jimin x Hybrid Reader
I'm not putting a description for this book. I'm making a chapter putting all the information in it. Hope you understand! Anyway I hope you enjoy reading this book. BUT...
{Completed} Every year the future Alpha's get together in cities all over the world. This isn't a party, this is training. For five weeks the future Alpha's train in com...
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"She's returned!" One of the men beside me exclaimed and a loud cheer erupted from the crowd. Elsa Arendelle, the former Queen of Arendelle. You've only heard of her, and meeting her would be a miracle from the gods above. One day, however, she ret...
A/N: I know this is pretty obvious, BUT BIG SMUT WARNING. This is EXTREMELY SEXUAL, and if you don't want to culture yourself, PLEASE DON'T READ. I warned you all, but you guys probably don't need a warning if you're here rn lol.
Enjoy 😏


I watched as Elsa fumbled with the room key. Her hands and legs were shaking in anticipation. I rested my hands on her hips and gave them occasional squeezes as she tried to find the right key.


"I'm going to break the door down." I whispered with a glint of annoyance, earning a breathy laugh from the blonde. Finally, the lock clicked and she gently opened the door. I locked it behind us before turning my attention back to her.


My stomach wouldn't stop turning and my heart wouldn't stop pulsating painfully fast. I could pass out, but that would waste this moment.


I pushed her towards the bed until the back of her knees hit the mattress and she slumped down. I hovered above her and immediately slammed my lips onto hers. She let out a muffled moan as her hands found my cheeks and gave them a quick squeeze.


My hands traveled down her sides until they reached her hips. I slowly rubbed them up and down, earning loose whimpers from the blonde. She suddenly pulled her hands away from my face, making me raise an eyebrow.


I stayed above her as I watched her flick her wrists. This was where we left off last time. But we weren't going to stop here.


Her hands were shaking and ice began to fill the hot atmosphere. I hummed impatiently as her dress was fading away painfully slow.


My body began to grow in heat, making me let out heavy breaths above her. Her brows furrowed and she quickened her pace.


Finally, her bra and panties went into my view through her ice dress. I gulped in an attempt to keep myself from salivating. God, I'm not okay right now.


The last bits of the ice fabric went into the air. This was what I saw before when I would walk in on her changing on accident. But she was doing this in front of me this time.


She was out of her dress completely. Her perfect, porcelain skin was in my touch. My hands found its way back on her hips. She panted softly and shut her eyes closed.


Then, I realized that her chest was in my face. She had a pale blue bra on that matched with her panties.


She covered her flushed face with her hands. I laughed softly before taking her wrist and slowly pulling it away from her.


"Look at me, Elsa." Her eyes slowly opened and her icy blues met mine.


"You're gorgeous." I whispered before kissing her lips softly. She whimpered and her hands stayed glued to my shoulders.


I pulled away and realized what I had to do next. I traveled down her body, earning an audible gulp from the blonde beneath me.


Her lightly freckled neck covered my view. I quickly attached my lips onto her soft skin, causing her to gasp and her grip to tighten.


I started off with gentle sucks first. I went to the skin beneath her jaw and sucked gently. She moaned softly before biting her lip to silence herself.


I sucked hard onto the skin before giving it a quick bite. She let out a mix of a groan and a moan. Her voice was so feverish, it made me want more.


I gave the bruise a lick before pulling away. My eyes widened from how big the bruise was on her jaw.


She tilted her head down and watched me with her gaze.


"Good luck hiding these." I whispered and she playfully rolled her eyes before grinning weakly.


"I don't care about that right now." My eyes widened as she spoke with a controlling growl. I went down to her collar bone and quickly attacked the bone.


She gripped onto my shoulders as her head hung back against the mattress. Once I sucked lightly, she let out a loud gasp before moaning.


"Is this your sweet spot, love(cringe)?" I whispered teasingly. She playfully pinched my cheek before her eyes returned to its dark origin. I grinned before returning to her skin.


I bit hard and sucked to try to soothe the pain. She seemed to like it, since moan after moan left her bruised lips each time I even touched the spot.


I pulled away and watched her expression. Her face drove me crazy.


Elsa's eyes were screwed shut and her lips were slightly parted as she panted heavily. She opened one of her beautifully blue eyes and stared me down.


"D-Don't stare." She mumbled as her cheeks flushed red. I hummed teasingly before keeping my gaze on her pale chest.


Her skin was flawless, just like the rest of herself. Her eyes were swimming with lust as she watched my hungry stare.


"Can I?" I asked and met her gaze. She licked her bottom lip before giving me a small nod. I smiled reassuringly before going from behind her chest and unclipping the clasp of her bra. It went undone, and my heart dropped into my stomach from excitement.


She covered her eyes with her wrist and I could still see her bruised lips parted. I grinned before taking the strap and throwing the bra down off the bed. Once I did, I could see Elsa gulp before biting her lip.


"You're beautiful, Elsa." I whispered and caressed her cheek with my thumb, causing her to flinch from my warm touch. She hummed nervously and dropped her wrist, her eyes still screwed shut.


Then I finally allowed myself to look at her. Her slightly freckled, fair breasts were in my grasp. Elsa slowly opened her eyes and watched me with anticipation.


"Tell me if you want me to slow down." And with that, I immediately attached my lips to the skin above her nipple. She gasped loudly before biting her lip, but that didn't stop me from hearing her beautiful voice.


"Mm~." Elsa moaned out and her bottom lip only turned more bruised from her own harsh bites. I licked her soft skin, earning moan after moan from the blonde.


Suddenly, this overwhelming heat flooded my mind and it felt like a drug that could make me do anything. My hand went down to her hip and I played with the hem of her panties, immediately hearing her breath hitch.


Suddenly, she tugged my shirt with all the strength that she had left.


"Y-Your clothes. Take th-them off." Her eyes watched me carefully as I nodded. I sat up on top of her and threw my shirt and pants off my body. I could feel her eyes watching my every move.


I returned to my spot above her. She bit her lip before speaking lowly.


"You look amazing." She mumbled and her cheeks turned a tint of red. I scoffed before returning down to her breast. I gulped before finally connecting my lips to her nipple. Her back arched off the bed and a long moan escaped her lips.


"Mmh~!" She breathed out and her back slowly laid back down onto the bed. I smirked before repeatedly flicking my tongue against her erect nipple. Each time I did so, her moans could no longer be restrained and they quickly left her throat.


My other hand flew up to her other breast, bringing pleasure throughout her entire chest. She let out a grumbly moan and her head hung back onto the mattress.


.·:·.☽✧𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧✧☾.·:·.
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