Lesbian Take

Lesbian Take


Lesbian Take
Do you ever wonder, Am I a Lesbian?
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13 Types Of Lesbians You're Most Likely To Meet IRL
By Rebecca Jane Stokes — Written on Apr 15, 2021
Even if you aren't a lesbian you've probably heard people use descriptors like "power lesbian" or "baby dyke."
Sure, you might have an inkling of what each word means, but when taken as a whole you have no clue what those in question are talking about.
Plus, as a straight person , it's really disrespectful to start using words like this at all, let alone with no understanding of what you're actually saying. 
Remember, this list is a broad generalization. Every person is different, we can't (and shouldn't) put everyone in an easy-to-understand box . This is more of a fun and sort of silly way in which lesbians refer to one another than some actual, real-life categorization system. 
If you don't know how to identify a person, talk to that person and find out what they are the most comfortable with. And know that every person is more than just a label. 
The activist lesbian is characterized by her passion for social justice especially as it pertains to being a lesbian.
Butch, femme, young, and old, the activist lesbian can look like any other type of lesbian you might meet. She's inspirational, passionate, and a lover of justice. 
A lipstick lesbian, or femme lesbian, loves to dress in a highly feminized or "girly" manner. She is the kind of lesbian that wears skirts, dresses, jewelry, lipstick, elaborate blowouts, and more because these ladies go all out. You can find them lurking in Sephora or shopping up at a store. 
The chapstick lesbian is the dividing line between a lipstick lesbian and a butch lesbian.
While butch lesbians revel in looking masculine and lipstick lesbians like looking ultra-girly, a chapstick lesbian (also known as soft butch) can go either way. She likes dressing up, but she's equally happy in jeans and button-down. 
The butch lesbian presents herself as tough, make-up free and masculine to one degree or another. This doesn't mean she's trying to look like a man, she's just subverting your idea of what a woman should look like and looking hot as hell in the process. 
Stone butch lesbian is a butch lesbian (see above) who derives sexual pleasure from giving other women pleasure. She is a giver — not a receiver — so do not under any circumstances get that noise twisted, my friends. 
There are bois in the gay community and the lesbian community. In the lesbian community, the boi lesbian is biologically female but presents as looking boyish. Bois tend to date older partners. 
The power lesbian is a lesbian with her life together! She's the leader in her field, the top of the top. She's the best surgeon, the best lawyer, the most influential policymaker. She's all about taking on that head honcho role and crushing it. Think Tabitha Coffey. 
A "hasbian" is a woman who once identified as a lesbian but now dates men and doesn't identify themselves as being straight or bi . They were a lesbian, now they are dating a man, and who knows what the future might hold. 
LUG stands for "lesbian until graduation." This is the undergraduate lesbian-curious girl , who is finally exploring her sexuality and discovering that she is attracted to women. It could be a phase, but that's up to them. 
The sport dyke isn't characterized so much as being attracted to other women as much as she is obsessed with her sport of choice. Not all lesbians are sport dykes, but all sport dykes are definitely lesbians. 
The baby dyke lesbian is a fond title given to a woman who has just come out of the closet and started becoming a part of the lesbian community. She could be femme, butch, chapstick, or anything else, but for now, she is characterized by her newness to the scene. 
The femme lesbian is a title for the lesbian who identifies as a woman and falls into the traditionally feminine mannerisms and style. Femme lesbians are sometimes mistaken for straight as they are very feminine and like to dress up and wear makeup and look like a straight girl, however, therefore sometimes they feel like they have to prove their gayness. 
The stud lesbian is a butch woman or a non-binary person who is of Black or LatinX descent. Only Black and LatinX women or non-binary people can use this lesbian term as it's a part of their community and not to be mistaken or meant to be seen as a stud if someone is butch. A stud and butch lesbians are two different types of lesbians and not all butch Black people are studs. 
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer living in Brooklyn, New York with her cat, Batman. She's an experienced generalist with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, pop culture, and true crime.
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7 Lesbian Stereotypes That Are Actually True - and the Surprising Reasons Why

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Stereotyping is a necessary evil. Stereotyping simplifies complex information so our brains can easily understand it, reducing the amount of processing we go through when seeing or meeting new people That said, it also causes us to generalize. If we see one hipster drinking PBR and wearing an “Everyone loves Grandpa!” T-shirt, our brain is like, #YesAllHipsters.
When it comes to lesbians, I was curious if the stereotypes had a basis in reality, partly because I am a former gym teacher who drives a truck and loves cats and has a wardrobe that’s 90 percent flannel. I've probed the data to see if the old lines about U-Hauling, lesbian bed death and others had any statistical sway. The results were surprising.
The most common lesbian joke is often attributed to comedian Lea Delaria, who once remarked: “What does a lesbian bring on a second date? A U-Haul.” This plays into the notion that queer women tend to move in together at lightning-fast speeds. While there are no significant statistics comparing the cohabitation speeds of queer vs. straight women, there is some science that pinpoints why a lesbian couple might move in together sooner than a hetero couple. Some of these reasons have to do with societal norms, financial benefits and hormones.
“U-hauling happens for two reasons,” explains clinical psychologist Lauren Costine at AfterEllen . “Biologically our brains are wired for a relationships and connection. We emit much more oxytocin than men. Oxytocin is a hormone women emit when they’re falling in love, having sex, or breastfeeding. It’s biological encouragement to attach. It feels so good that for some women, in this case lesbians, they can’t get enough. Since there’s two women, there’s twice as much oxytocin floating around.”
And we all know what happens when you leave oxytocin floating around: trips to Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Another oft-recited stereotype is that lesbians are known to process everything to death. Q: How many lesbians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: I don’t know. Should we use LEDs? What wattage? Are these recyclable? Maybe this is a sign we should be lowering our carbon footprint. Let’s make a pro and con list of solar panel options and revisit this next year.
Processing is the tendency to overanalyze and overdiscuss every aspect that can be analyzed or discussed. When it comes to relationships, it turns out this works in lesbians’ favor. According to a 12-year study by John Gottman of the University of Washington and Robert Levenson of the UC Berkeley, gay and lesbian couples are excellent communicators who use fewer “controlling, hostile emotional tactics” when fighting, such as belligerence, domineering, and fear. “The difference on these ‘control’ related emotions suggests that fairness and power-sharing between the partners is more important and more common in gay and lesbian relationships than in straight ones,” Gottman explained.
The dreaded “bed death,” or the notion that lesbians in committed relationships stop having sex with each other, is a touchy topic. According to Karen Blair, a professor at St. Francis Xavier University and a member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex , only 15 percent of lesbian couples engage in sex more than twice a week, compared to 50 percent or more of other comparison groups (straight couples and gay men).
But! While it’s true that lesbians have less frequent sex than their straight counterparts, lesbian sex lasts far longer:
“Women in same-sex relationships reported significantly longer durations of sexual encounters than individuals in all three comparison groups, with their median duration falling within the 30 to 45 minute range, compared to the 15 to 30 minute range most commonly reported by participants in other types of relationships.” Also, almost 10 percent of lesbians get it on for more than two hours, compared to 1.9 percent of straight couples.
“Furthermore,” Blair explains, “very few women in same-sex relationships reported very brief sexual encounters, possibly providing a hint as to why their sexual frequency numbers tend to be lower than the other three groups.”
4. Lesbians know how to please their partners.
No doubt partially due to lesbians’ excellent communication skills and lengthy lap-nap sessions, lesbians have more orgasms than straight and bi women. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine polled 1,497 men and 1,353 women who'd been sexually active within the past year. Participants were asked to state their gender, sexual orientation and the percentage of time they orgasmed "with a familiar partner."
Researchers found that heterosexual women reported orgasming just 61.6 percent of the time, and bisexual women following close behind with 58 percent. Lesbians, however, reported coming 74.7 percent of the sexytime.
Way to bring your gAy game, wimmin.
5. The L Word: Lesbians love Leisha.
According to data culled from its four million users, online dating site OkCupid revealed in a survey that “The L Word” was not only the most common phrase used on lesbians’ profiles, it was used so frequently it didn’t even fit on the graph relative to the amount of times lesbians used it. Analysts had to shrink it down to fit OkC’s template. Love it or hate it, if you like ladies, you probably watched the Showtime series that aired from 2004 to 2009. More than once.
Also unsurprising is the prevalence of Tegan and Sara and Ani DiFranco mentions, as well as cult fave TV show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," which featured one of the first lesbian kiss scenes on U.S. television.
6. Lesbians are kinkier and druggier.
Curiously, straight women were more “into sports” (so there goes that lesbian stereotype?), as well as optimistic and far more likely to identify as religious.
7. Lesbians reject cultural norms and dominant beauty standards.
Research has shown that lesbians tend to have better body images than straight women, possibly because they have a broader definition than the general public of what’s beautiful and sexy. (This also contributes to queer women having better sex, as the better one feels about one’s body, the more enjoyable sex is .) Some researchers posit that because dating a same-sex partner is already a move away from the mainstream, lesbians would also reject cultural messages about the “ideal” female body. Feminist values, which many lesbians ascribe to, also play into lesbians’ tendency to enjoy, celebrate and accept more body diversity than their straight counterparts.
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Mangala Dilip

Updated On :
23:08 PST, Feb 19, 2020

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Lesbian teacher, 28, admits to sexually abusing three female students as young as 13 for over two years

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The 28-year-old female teacher worked at a southern suburbs school in Perth and would take her pupils on trips to the beach where she sexually penetrated them multiple times

A 28-year-old arts teacher from a Perth school is facing up to 20 years behind bars after pleading guilty to 48 sex offences against two of her female students.
Australian media outlet The Weekend West revealed that the young female teacher working at a southern suburbs school used to take her pupils on trips to the beach and carried out lesbian relationships with them for over two years.
The abuser, whose name has been hidden to protect the identities of her victims, has lost her job after she was arrested in July last year. She has now been put on an Education Department blacklist. This week, she pleaded guilty to a series of sexual offence allegations against her including the charges relating to a third girl.
“The teacher was dismissed by the Department of Education shortly after,” Mike Cullen, acting executive director professional standards and conduct, revealed.
She had only been teaching in the school since 2013 and, according to the newsletters from the teacher’s former school, frequent trips to the beach and forest were a core part of her responsibilities, along with hosting photography and graphic design workshops. However, it was the activities she hosted with the students outside of the school premises that raised eyebrows and led the police to launch an investigation in the middle of last year, specifically after one of the girls made allegations to the school that she had previously been “in a relationship” with the teacher.
The Rockingham Magistrate’s Court was informed that the first victim was aged between 16 and 13 at the time of the offences and, over 16 months, the teacher dealt with that victim, beyond which she also sexually penetrated her 10 times. The second student, who was 16 at the time, was indecently dealt with and sexually penetrated 14 times in 2017.
Around 23 more charges were filed in relation to the third victim. “Police prosecutors in conjunction with the investigating officer reviewed the evidence and made a decision to amend numerous charges, as well as discontinue several charges,” they said. “The facts of the discontinued charges are being used to support the most serious charge of persistent sexual conduct of a child under 16, which carries a punishment of 20 years.”

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