Lesbian Submissive Stories

Lesbian Submissive Stories


Lesbian Submissive Stories


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My wife came to me and said that she could not continue to work at the office and I asked why and she said that at the office she was in charge. She said that it was hard to instruct them in what to do when she was wearing short dresses and that also when she gets home she has to totally change her mind to not questioning or organising or leading but to be quiet and submissive. I said that we will write a letter of resignation so we did. This morning she took the letter into work. Then she called me and said that they have asked if she could continue to work there but just not in the managers position. I said yes that sounded like a good idea. So now they are swapping her and one of her underlings has been promoted to the managers position. The new manager is much younger, female and very self confident.

From the op: from the day we were married I'd insisted on obedience and submission. I imposed some rules. One was skirts and dresses and looking feminine. Being quiet. Responding in conversation rather than initiating. Serving. Looking to look after others. We would practice being submissive at home. When out together I would insist on Mini skirts. Then I started requiring them even when she was on her own.

After getting a handsome job I was the happiest woman in the world. But when my Boss started to flirt at first I objected. But due to compulsions and pressure I had to budge in and we had s** . He was too caring and financially supportive. After one month of daily f*** and suck, the other day he brought in one of his close buddy and introduced a threesome for the first time in my life. It was a wonderful experience, two big c**** of different attitude. They tried all type of positions which made me more h**** . Now I enjoy the threesome s** .

Does your hisband know and if so does it turn him on?

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This is my 1st story so i appreciate some advices and comments hope you guys enjoy it!This is pure fiction btw!

Part 1:

I am a mother of 4 children 2 boys one who's married and moved and the other who is in college and comes home for some weekends since he lives nearby, and i have 2 daughters one(the older one) Teddi who is married but lives nearby so we still spend a lot of time together , my other daughter Abbie is still single and works as a secretary she's in her mid twenties while Teddi works occasionally as a teacher in the same school Abbie works in.As for myself my name is Zena i am in my forties i am currently unemployed and my husband traveled years ago so he comes 1 month almost every year he's an employee in a big company so our income is somehow big income so we live a normal and comfortable life.

Everything was going normal and fine until 1 year ago , One of my nieces had planned to do a bachelor party before her wedding with my daughters having planned the party we were set for a night of our lives as we got to the salon with some of my sisters(I have 7 by the way) , we were taking care of our hair,nails, and makeup , Abbie was a brunette with long hair which was only one of her assets she had a great body with a beautiful face that always attracted others , similar to her was Teddi with small differences such as a highlited blond color hair by Teddi who recently cut her hair a little shorter it suited her, the other difference was that Teddi was a bit more full than Abbie. As for me i am a brunette wish hair not too long neither short it had a medium length as for my body , people around me were surprised i was able to keep a great shape of my body .

It was Friday night, The party started early as on our way there beers and alcohol was being spread around , i wasn't planning on getting that drunk but when we arrived we were greeted by my sister and the bride, the party was already on fire , that when i told Abbie:" I hope you girls didn't go extreme" with a laugh, that is when she replied with a smirk on her face." The party hasn't even started". With that said my sister was coming around and took me to have some drinks , when we came back everybody was already drunk and having a blast , we also were a little as my sister Francesca was a little conservative and didn''t like such wild parties , thats when the music was cut off , Abbie was on stage with the microphone in hand ,She was a little bit drunk and stumbled to say" The PARTY OFFICALLy starts NOOWW!!"and with that said i was surprised to see male strippers entering the party. I was as for Francesca shocked by their behaivoir as the girls jumped to party wildly , After about 30 mins i was going to the bathroom thats when i was shocked in a private room , were my two daughters with my sister(Christina) blowing two male strippers! I entered the room furious when i wanted to talk Christina took me aside and gave me a strong drink and said" Have some fun baby its for one night only" with a wink, after i got wasted i didn' have anything to say when Christina said" How has it bean since u had some fun? Your husband has been away for a long time yous should be a little bit naughty baby so go out there and have some fun". Somehow i thought she was right every woman needs some attention every once in a while. I hesitated when she told me "Follow me" with a smile on her face , We entered a room where we sat on some couches and she brought one of her male strippers who started to give us a show, a part of me wanted more and was excited but i knew it was wrong. Thats when Christina ordered him to strip naked and gave him a tip of 100$ and whispered something to him, i knew she meant to give me the attention , so she started by playing with his cock then came the blowjob she was so good at it as she encouraged me to do it , i was still getting more and more drunk and accepting the idea , when i said why not give it a try. I started with a slow pace blowjob then i got excited and horny and i was wild. With my sister giving me drinks every once in a while i was out of my mind thats when i heard other giggles , i didnt care who it was, i was only paying attention to his cock , i even remembered some flashes and laughs but didnt care , the girls encouraged me even more thats when another stripper came and there was now 2 cocks i was sucking crazy i was almost out when they both cummed on my face i almost was out as all i remember was Christina was standing above me as i was kneeling and said"Good girl the fun has just starte d" with a smirk on her face and lights out.

Part 2:

The next day i woke up around 11Am it was Saturday which mean Abbie will be home anytime now ,she had a some work to do at the office, I was really tired and still lost thats when memories and flashbacks were coming back to me about what happened yesterday, i was shocked at my actions but a part of me had a fantastic time, So i thought as long as it happened , I had fun , and it will pass by and everyone will move on hopefully. I got out of bed but one thing kept me worried if my husband or sons found out, i even hopped my daughters didnt see me last night but that was far from possible. Just as i had my coffee ready and turned the TV on, Abbie came home , i was surprised she was very excited and happy, "Hey Mommy" , she said i was surprised of the word its been long since she called me Mommy. "Someone is excited today" i replied. "Well yeah i'm having a great day already and i feel its going to be better by the night". She said with a big smile on her face. I actually was happy that she didnt mention anything about last night with no comments until she came back after she changed her clothes before going out again she said" I'm going to visit a friend and bring some stuff Mommy , See you later." "Don't get too wild while i'm gone".She finished while laughing, I blushed for a second because its still embarrassing to my daughter seeing that wild side of which made a little bit worried and uncomfortable, i tried to remain calm:"Have fun sweety". When she left i was really worried and embarrassed , worried that this might change her way of looking up to me, and embarrassed by the way she talked to me about my actions and her using the word "Mommy" was weird. For the next Hour and half i spent my day doing daily chores, it was about 2 Pm when Abbie arrived home again. "Mommy im home" She giggled. I immediatly got worried again and tried to stay normal, "Hey honey , got anything new?". Trying to change my focus and maybe hers,"Oh yeah hell of new things but maybe i should keep them a surprise until Teddi comes home tonight." I gotta say something in my stomach or my heart i wasn't sure were but something told me that they had something in my mind, maybe i was a bit worried because of my naughty actions , thats what i convinced myself with, I kept thinking about that for a long time that i didn't even bother to ask her what she has."If u don't wanna know you can keep lost in what you're thinking of thats Okay, you'll find out tonight when Teddi arrives." Teddi used to come over almost every weekend to spend it with us since her husband is on business trips , this helped us spend a lot of time together , but this weekend looks to be special since Abbie has a big surprise, i actually was itching to know what it was because her attitude has changed since today and that wasn't comfortable for me but i didn't want to sound very excited" I am looking forward for it" in a montone voice, "I'm sure you are" she said with a grin, After i finished dinner and ate, she kept her weird comments all day, until it was 5 Pm , we sat watching TV after a couple of minutes Abbie said:"My new heels are killing me and my feet are tired", She put her feet on my lap,"Would you mind massaging them for me Mommy?" I was taken back by her request and her attitude, i used to give my daughters massages its normal but today something felt wrong,and again using the word Mommy! I was now impatiently waiting for Teddi to arrive so i can find out what is going on. Until then i had to act calm and normal, so i said:" Sure honey, no problem". With that i started runing my hand on her feet, she actually had small pairs of feet of size 5.5 ,she always took good care of them as she always has pedicures and massages, which always left her feet perfect but my problem today was their smell, they really were stinky, i wiggled my nose several times with disgust and she realized my disgust when she said"They are smelly i am sorry Mommy but i had no time to wash them since yesterday, but they hurt can you continue?" I had to suck it up as she works all weekend and helped her cousin a lot yesterday so said" I can handle it honey", both us with a smile on our faces, i continued my massage by giving more pressure starting from her toes going down to her soles then worked on her heels, i was about to finish when she said:"Back on my soles", She was know giving me instructions,"OH YESS right there Mommy that feels so goood, you have such great hands".Those comments kept on going i was uncomfortable with it but i ignored them and continued for about 45 mins until i got up and told her that i was going out for my daily walk before Teddi arrives, When i was leaving Abbie said:"Don't be late we don't want to miss the fun", she winked , i smiled, nodded,and left. All the time on the street walking all i could think about is what was the surprise that is waiting me at home, what has changed Abbie's attitude to acting like this and keep calling me MOMMY! That freaked me out she never called me this way, I wondered if Teddy also was acting the same and if she also has changed her attitude.
On my way home, something in my stomach kept telling something is wrong i felt it but decided maybe i'm too worried , but i couldn't hold it anymore so i hurried home..

All comments and thoughts are appreciated and even ideas i have other parts on my mind , i will write them if u want
2chs of build up... Come On!!! Thats just cruel. Next ch sounds fun
Im afraid they are going to blackmail their mom. I mean come on who blackmails their sex deprived mom?
Thx for the comments 
afroking92 : I wanted to see if u guys were interested so i could continue and who knows its a huge world there might be someone out there doing this :P

I have some good ideas and will be updating soon
Love the title of this story and love where it is going. I really hope you continue it Ohsane33.
Guys for the next week i have my Finals so i wont have any time to write them but i promise i'll be continuing the story for sure 

I'm Off Wish me luck
You have your priorities totally all wrong ohsane, story comes before revision lol

Good luck
Love to see her sisters and their daughters turn on her
I'm BACK Guyss!! Sorry it took so long and only one chapter but more are coming very soon hope you enjoy this!
And as usual I'm waiting feedback,comments,suggestions..

Part 3:

On my way home something kept tingling in my stomach that this bad day is going to become worse, my daughter Abbie really worried me by her attitude and her actions, after thinking it over that massage I gave her was kind of weird and her way of demanding and giving orders and instructions kept me baffled, I mean it was okay to give her a massage but today something has changed by her smirks,laughter, and what I hated the most her calling me Mommy! I ignored the comments at that time but now I was getting pretty frustrated. After having a good look at things ithe panic I had turned into anger as I wanted to get back in there and take control of things again. As I arrived home , I shut the door and entered the living room with no sign of satisfaction. When I saw Abbie and Teddy lounging there and laughing, their laughter caused more anger in me, I greeted them with a normal tone,"Well, Hello Mommy!", Abbie replied and the girls burst out laughing again, this made things hard to understand , the anger I had was now turned against me I was not comfortable with the situation at all I was lost! But I managed to ask"What's so funny girls? What the hell has been going on lately?!", with pure frustration on my face, I didn't believe as the girls started laughing again. Teddy couldn't stop so Abbie replied what made me shocked" Ohh the angry tone I see , I don't think that's gonna work this time Mommy! If you really wanna know I suggest you go change and get ready because your in for a hell of a treat", with a wink that caused Teddy's laughter to turrn into a grin. At that moment I realized I was in trouble something bad is happening and I lost control! I went into my room , I took my heels and pantyhose off, then put on a top, a miniskirt, and a pair of flip flops, and went back to the living room, on my way back , I wanted to just go in and take back control of the situation as a mother on her own daughters but the surprise they had kept a secret kept me on the edge, I walked in my heart pounding really fast. The girls were staring at me with that same grin,"So what's the Big Surprise Abbie?", I asked hesitantly, "Oh you'll see Mommy Have a seat, Teddy get everything ready."She said with a wink and Teddy took out a CD and put it in the DVD Player, When Abbie took the remote in hand she teased me,"Get ready Mommy the next five minutes will change your whole life". She said with a huge smirk on her face, this got me even more nervous! I have never seen her like this she was clearly enjoying this too much! I didn't comments as I wanted to see their surprise, so ignored her, "Are you sure you're ready Mommy?!" She teased again, this time she got on my nerves so I replied,"Let's just finish this Abbie". "Oh this is just the beginning MOMMY!", That would have worried me if she hadn't hit the play button and with that I was mortified to see a video of me sucking 2 dicks wildly with girls cheering me and chanting my name!! I was totally embarrassed by the scene, I didn't know what to say or how to explain or defend myself when Abbie stopped the video stood up in front of me with a smile on her face, I couldn't even look her in the face, when she said,"Soo.. Mommy does that ring a bell? Because she seems familiar to me doesn't she Teddy?", "Oh yeah Abbie, I think I recognize her , don't you Mommy?!", With grins on their faces I couldn't even get my head up to answer them, no words could come out of my mouth! That's when Abbie came next to me,"Oh come on Mommy we understand this its Okay", somehow this was a relief when she continued," But will Dadyy understand?! Or will our brothers understand seeing their own mother Sucking Dick!!?". I was hurt, destroyed by these comments tears kept falling from my eyes, crying in front of my own daughters was unbelievable, I turned from a wife to a whore! If my husband found out or my two sons this will end what I have built for more than 20 years in five minutes I would be thrown to the streets and be deprived of my own children I couldn't allow that to happen!! I had to react to keep this between us so I started begging them,"Girls I am reallyy reallyy sorry! Thi.. This wasn't supposed to happen , I was drunk and.. You know that all happened", all that time I was crying!,"If your father finds out he will throw me on the streets!!, PlEASE Girls keep this between Us PLEASE I'm BEGGING!!". Teddy was pleased with my reaction , while Abbie was standing unaffected by my begging! My life was going to be ruined if I didn't stop this! I got on my knees!" I'll Do anything you want ANYTHI
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