Lesbian Sniffing

Lesbian Sniffing


Lesbian Sniffing

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I really feel uncomfortable writing this but it’s something I can’t stop thinking about.
I caught my boyfriend sniffing my 14-year-old daughter’s underwear in the bathroom. I know what I saw Kate, but he tells me it fell and he was hanging it out. I don’t want to judge him lest I get punished by the Lord.
Kate, we have been together for five years. My daughter was nine when we met and he’s like a father to her. I don’t know what to make of it.
I feel so uncomfortable even asking my daughter if he ever touched her inappropriately. I don’t know if I should let it go but he’s always had a special kind of love for her.
I just took it to mean it was because he loved me he loved my child. What should I do?
You need to make sure that what you saw was actually correct.
And if it is, then you need to speak to your daughter who will most likely confirm if it’s true and vice versa.
She is 14 and is totally aware of her sexuality and would be able to say if she was ever taken advantage of by the man who played the father role for several years.
Let’s deal with the worst part first. If it is so that your common-law boyfriend had sexually abused your daughter or even attempted to speak or talk to her inappropriately, then you need to report it to the police and take it from there.
However, if this is not the case, you would need to apologize to him while letting him know how you feel and why you had these concerns.
I cannot and will not advise you to leave your companion because he could have really been just “hanging out the underwear” but it wouldn’t hurt to always be on the alert for predators.
You mentioned not wanting to be punished by the Lord. I take it to mean that you fear the Lord. And based on that I will ask that you trust him as well.
Take comfort in this : Mark 4:22 “For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light.
Real life problems and Kate’s real life responses.
Have a problem? Write to Dear Kate at antiguanewsroom@gmail.com
All letters are subject to editing and the editor has the right to not publish an article if it does not meet the company’s editorial standards. Also, the advice given is not necessarily expert advice, and is basically an opinion, therefore we accept no liability that result from giving any opinion. As such we encourage you to seek the advice of a professional counselor.
“You need to make sure that what you saw was actually correct.”
Excuse me?? To hang something out you don’t need to bring it to your face AT ALL.
She opens the letter saying she knows what she saw and she very much seems to think that he’s lying.
If she already has that conviction, next step should be talking to her daughter. Not in an accusatory way but ask her the question and if she says it happened, believe her. Not him. This is not the kind of chance you want to take with your child, lady. We do not give benefit of the doubt where sexual abuse of children is concerned. How much more do you think the Lord would punish you for that?
Disappointed by your weak answer, Kate.
Completely agree with The New Grassroots. It’s answers like the one you just gave that leave our children at risk for abuse. You’ve basically said “check with him and if he says he didn’t do it, say sorry for thinking he did and move on.” WHAT?
Helping people deal with potential abuse is not your forte, and you need to pass on answering these questions or get assistance before you do. She should speak to her child. NOW. And she should do it with a professional trained in it. A counselor or priest. Everything else flows from that.
Orrrr je could be sniffing it to zee IF she’s already sexually active……fear is the devils playground…STOP thinking n start ASKING..Take her oit the house away from him n casually ask her…be kool abt your approach..
Asking either of them is a waste of time, just like ‘asking Kate’ who is a stupid b*tch and so are you for asking her. YES! He was smelling the teenage panties! Of course you stupid c%nt! He is a man, and biologically he is attracted to a young fertile member of the opposite sex that is not his genetic offspring. This doesn’t mean that they are fuck*ng, but realistically, if they are not, they both want to be. Just realize that we are all just animals, and this is not predatory behavior like C%nt Kate would say, but PERFECTLY natural, and there is NO LORD. Christianity is just stupid shit your parents tricked you with like the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and you should know better you stupid b*tch.
It truly isn’t natural to sniff panties of your daughter, and it isn’t natural to have sex with your offspring. Have you seen an animal having sex with their girlfriends child? No! Animals don’t even have girlfriends and do not mate with other animals that aren’t ready to mate. Also there are gay people too!
^^ best answer ever! The only one with common sense here.
He wants to fuck her. They probably are fucking. Dating a mum with a 9 yr old? So much baggage… he was probably always a pedo, living in hevean with a dumb as post church retard and her hot daughter.
This is a conversation that should be solicited but isn’t. It’s not even tolerated. The one to bring it up is castigated. 30 years from now . . . what fools we once were.
Maybe your flower is not fragrant and the daughters is. Once through puberty fragrance peaks as sexual signals. He might have been reminiscing from when he was younger. My guess is that he would not touch your daughter if he loves her and is a kind person. You have more to worry about if she is a horny type who would seduce him – if she is hot it would be hard to resist and would be a crime, but the sniffing is not a crime. You can turn him into your slave if you put her panties on his face while you are having sex with him – most likely the ultimate fantasy! He will tell you it is just fantasy like we all have and if he loves you he would not touch your daughter. If he is a narcissist type of self centered then I would watch the relationship between them for clues, but it would be bad to confront the daughter without evidence because it would create doubt and uneasiness.
Probably he was inhaling your daughter’s pantie-stink because she has the AIDS which she got from Kate who first took it up the anus hole when she was 9 and the priest told her it made her closer to Jesus if she pulled her butt cheeks wide for him and now Kate is retarded in the chocolate starfish area and loves Jesus even though he died on a cross so priests could be pedofiles and the pope could put his fingers in boys’ rectums then sniff them then give Mass.
I am 34 yrs old. I sniffed the dirty thong of my 44 yr old girlfriends 19 yr old niece and they smelled like butt and were delicious. The 19 yr old niece caught me asked me what the fuck I was doing and I told her that I wanted to know what her butt smelled like so she said ok pulled her pants down & let me smell it for real. That was in 2008. Now we have been married for 11 yrs and have 3 children together. Yes it may sound sick and perverted but it was a situation that we both agreed on and she was of legal age. But a 14 yr old? That is pedophilia.

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The men I dated loved that smell, the raw meatiness of it. They couldn't help it. I imagine it was one part tenderness for their smelly little girlfriend and two parts all instinctual, animal sex-beast-magic.
Co-founder | Creative Director of The Establishment.co
Jul 12, 2014, 09:47 AM EDT | Updated Sep 11, 2014
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Co-founder | Creative Director of The Establishment.co
When someone sighs and says, "Mmmm you smell so good," they are not talking about that person's smell. They are talking about a bottle of liquid, jar of cream or tube of goo that the person has rubbed all over their body.
I've always had a very conflicted relationship with my body's smell. And prolific sweating. Not only do I kind of always stink, I also sweat a whole f*cking lot, so in high school, my "hyperhidrosis" was the bane of my existence. My armpits were at the very center of my universe. (I was also buck-toothed, flat-chested and liked to dress in men's polyester and bell-bottomed golf pants, so already my come-hither status was dubious at best.)
When puberty finally hit around 14, I had just started attending boarding school, which, thank sweet baby Jesus, allowed me to go back to my room several times a day (usually around 4 p.m.), at which point I would change my clothes to swap out a soaked, stinking shirt for a new one. After field hockey practice (go Falcons!) I would duck into the nearest restroom and clandestinely scrub my armpits with hand soap in the dining hall's bathroom before traipsing down the stairs for dinner.
Alternatively, I would line my shirt with paper towels, pinning the damp rags between my arms and body. Or kneel beneath the hand drier and let the hot air work its magic. Oh, and for extra-special events -- like prom! -- where my "situation" would be so visible, detectable by dance partners and/or capable of ruining whatever I was wearing, I had an over-the-counter deodorant from my doctor made of almost pure aluminum chloride (which, just for the record is sinister f*cking sh*t).
My poor ex-WASP mother would grimace sadly when I would get into the car sometimes, wrinkling her nose in pity and utter confusion. "Your body odor is very strong right now," she'd sigh, slipping the car into drive. My response tended to be a vague, "Yeah, I know," or generally aggressive and defeated. "You think I don't know that?! Lay off!" Neither interaction was satisfactory. She still had a daughter who stank.
When I graduated and entered the college fray, however, I shifted my attitude. I refused to wear anything. No more antiperspirant, perfume, deodorant, salt sticks, rubbing alcohol, "bird baths" in the sink or wet strands of toilet tissue clinging to my armpits. There in the suburban bowels of Allentown, Pennsylvania, I found these cerebral, crunchy bitches who were drinking my "f*ck-it" Kool-Aid. I wore my stink like a badge of honor. I didn't conceive of it as a feminist act, but as a kind of down-with-the-man protest. "You stink," they'd say. "Yup," I'd smirk. "People don't smell like a Fiji Breeze! I smell like a human!" And of course when my pals would more-than-happily remind me that they too, were humans, but did not possess that kind of raw onions situation, I insisted that wasn't the point.
I had been so ashamed and exhausted from wrestling with my armpits for five years I couldn't help but suffer from my own delusions; I actually derived pride from people's incredulity. I'd curl up beside my pal Liz and she'd turn to Naomi with her patented Janis-throated-growl and mutter, "Dude, Katie's smell is so intense today." My eventual college boyfriend told me he knew if I had stopped by and he wasn't there. He could smell it.
Also true -- and apologies if it turns your stomach (it really makes my brother want to purge in the bathroom) -- the men I dated loved that smell, the raw meatiness of it. They couldn't help it. I imagine it was one part tenderness for their smelly little girlfriend and two parts all instinctual, animal sex-beast-magic. They'd get a whiff as we embraced hello or I climbed into the backseat of their car and I could see their nostrils quiver and eyes dilate. Call it pheromones, call it a Pavlovian response, call it "f*cking sick" (as my brother is wont to do), but they really dug it.
After an internship at Daily Candy, my brother's wife -- who had helped finagle the gig for me -- was told by someone on staff that while I was a lovely gal, a talented writer and blah blah blah... but I smelled . I wanted to curl up and die. I imagined the whole team of women -- all clad in frothing, flowered sun-dresses -- flashing toothy grins over the "smelly intern." I imagined their dread when I walked over to their desk and they tried to hold their breath until I left their nostrils in peace. The worst part? I had been trying , keeping up diligently with my hygiene duties to avoid just such an embarrassment.
I thought about surgery. I thought about acupuncture. About changing my diet. About homeopathic scrubs. About committing hara-kiri. But when my soul-searching smoke cleared, I decided I still kind of liked it. I just had to curb it. Like a naughty dog.
Every woman on earth has a bodily cross to bear and mine is armpits that smell like old soup. We've all got something we hate about our vessel; call it internalized patriarchy, call it whatever you like. This life and body are far from perfect, but they're mine.
This article first appeared on ravishly.com, an alternative news+culture site for women.
Co-founder | Creative Director of The Establishment.co

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