Lesbian Schoolgirl And Teacher

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A newlywed former California high school teacher was busted for having a lesbian affair with one of her students, according to a new report.
Camryn Zelinger was taken away in handcuffs by police from Encore High School for the Arts in Riverside, Calif., where she had worked until Monday’s arrest, KTLA news reported .
She was tossed into the county jail on charges of suspicion of lewd or lascivious acts with a minor and annoying or molesting a child under 18 years of age.
Zelinger, 32, was canoodling with the female student for a “few months” before the victim’s mother got wind of it and reported the allegations to the Riverside Police Department, according to KTLA.
The one-time performing arts teacher was also sending inappropriate “communications” to the victim, who was either 14 or 15 years old, the station said.
Concerned parents told KTLA that Zelinger was “recently married” and “would send requests to other teachers to have them remove the female student out of class so the two of them could spend time together.”
One parent said she never saw any red flags.
“The way she is and the way she interacts with the children, you would never suspect. You would never think she would do something like that,” Tiffany Florez told KTLA.
Zelinger had previously worked at the Orange County School of the Arts and Lola Mae Performing Arts, according to her LinkedIn page.

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Published: 10:40 BST, 29 January 2021 | Updated: 10:45 BST, 29 January 2021
A female history teacher has been struck off for having sex with her former pupil and moving the teenage girl into her home.
Gemma Beckett, 31, started teaching the 18-year-old when she first joined John Henry Newman Catholic College, Birmingham , as a year 13 pupil in September 2016.
A misconduct panel heard later that year the schoolgirl, whose mother had just died, and Ms Beckett, began a 'mutual romantic relationship with each other'.
Teaching watchdogs were told the relationship 'intensified in 2017' and in July the teenager - referred to only as Pupil A - left the school's roll and moved into Ms Beckett's home in October. 
But an investigation was only launched in September 2019 when the school was alerted to their relationship. 
Ms Beckett, who had worked at the school since 2013, resigned before the investigation concluded and has now been banned from the classroom following a Teaching Regulation Agency ruling at a hearing in Coventry. 
Ms Beckett did not attend the hearing but admitted all of the allegations in her signed response.
She also admitted 'that her conduct amounts to unacceptable professional conduct and conduct that may bring the profession into disrepute'.
Gemma Beckett, 31, started teaching the 18-year-old when she first joined John Henry Newman Catholic College, Birmingham, as a year 13 pupil in September 2016
The panel was told that the teacher and teenager had exchanged gifts which the teacher did not tell her superiors about and had met outside school, including in Ms Beckett's home. 
It was also accepted Ms Beckett 'engaged in sexual activity with Pupil A' and 'she moved Pupil A to live in her home'.
The panel ruled: 'Ms Beckett's conduct was sexually motivated and that she had entered into an inappropriate relationship with a pupil.
In the panel's view, whilst Pupil A was over the age of 18 from the start of the conduct complained of, and had left the College before the most serious conduct commenced, the relationship had arisen as a result of Ms Beckett being her teacher and there was some culpability even after Pupil A was no longer on the roll at the College.'
The probe also discovered late-night emails sent from the teacher's College account to the student's personal Gmail, where they also swapped numbers, and that the pair had exchanged gifts. 
Ms Karen McArthur, who chaired the panel, said: 'It was clear from the documents that these were sent to a Gmail account, which included Pupil A's name at the start of the email address.
'The panel was therefore content that Ms Beckett had corresponded with Pupil A, via Pupil A's personal email account.
'From the timings of the emails, it was similarly clear to the panel that these were sent out of College hours and, on occasion, late at night or early in the morning.
'These emails included conversations of a personal nature, such as information on Ms Beckett's university degree, and nicknames and slang terminology being used.' 
Ms Beckett told the college that she had 'been discreet' about the relationship' so she did not put colleagues into difficult position' and 'moved the conversation on' if asked about her personal life.
Ms McArthur added: 'Pupil A was over the age of 18 from the start of the conduct complained of, and had left the College before the most serious conduct commenced.
'The relationship had arisen as a result of Ms Beckett being her teacher and there was some culpability even after Pupil A was no longer on the roll at the College.'
Sarah Buxcey, acting on behalf of the Education Secretary, banned Ms Beckett from the classroom - but she will be allowed to appeal for reinstatement after five years.
Ms Buxcey added: 'In the light of the panel's findings against Ms Beckett, which involved her developing feelings for Pupil A and entering into a relationship with her whilst, for a short time, she remained a pupil at the College, there was a strong public interest consideration in respect of the protection of pupils.
'Similarly, in the light of there being findings of dishonesty and a lack of integrity again Ms Beckett, the panel considered that public confidence in the profession could be seriously weakened if conduct such as that found against her was not treated with the utmost seriousness when regulating the conduct of the profession.
'Her dishonest conduct was, effectively, one of omission / diversion and the sexual misconduct was with an adult, albeit one who was a pupil (or had been a pupil in recent time).
'In the panel's view, these factors just mitigated the seriousness to a level that did not require them to be deemed 'serious'.
'I have also noted 'The panel did not, however, have any further material before it from Ms Beckett to explain how she allowed the events to develop.
'This was would have assisted the panel in its consideration as, being mindful that Ms Beckett was a relatively newly qualified teacher, she should have been more aware of the risks regarding teacher/pupil relationships, by virtue of her training'.
'In my judgement, the lack of insight means that there is some risk of the repetition of this behaviour.' 
The panel dismissed only one allegation - that Pupil A was vulnerable - even though Ms Beckett believed she was.
The teenager may have been vulnerable in late 2016 but the complaints related to a period three months after that - and there was no evidence she was still vulnerable then, the panel found. 
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Back and newly restored, the 1951 French film about a lusty all-girls boarding school remains as strange and sensational as ever.

Jenni Olson is one of the world's leading experts on LGBT cinema history and a co-founder of PlanetOut.com. Her latest film project is "The Royal Road."

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A legendary and rarely seen lesbian classic, the 1951 film Olivia is being rereleased in theaters thanks to Icarus Films. Like the better-known 1931 German drama, Mädchen in Uniform, this story of a young girl’s love for her teacher was written and directed by women. Olivia bears many striking resemblances to Mädchen, but at least it does not end with a suicide.
Based on the 1949 British lesbian novel of the same name by Dorothy Bussy (née Strachey), which was published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf’s Hogarth Press, Jacqueline Audry’s Olivia was first released in France, then in the U.S. in 1954 (Colette Audry wrote the screenplay). Its sensational original U.S. title, Pit of Loneliness, was clearly meant to evoke Radclyffe Hall’s 1928 lesbian novel, The Well of Loneliness.
Olivia ’s initial tone of girlish playfulness and its quaint period atmosphere shifts in fits and starts to become lurid and even creepy. Like other early portrayals of homosexuality on screen, we get a little titillation and a lot of psychological warning.
It’s the late 1800s in the French countryside. Impressionable, innocent English girl Olivia (Marie-Claire Olivia) arrives to her posh new boarding school in a horse and buggy and is quickly immersed in the dramas of her new home. We soon discover the strange partnership and rivalry of the two women who run the school, Miss Julie (Edwige Feullière) and Miss Cara (Simone Simon), who clearly share a special relationship and also seem to compete for the affections of their students—”the Julists and the Carists,” one character calls the two factions.
The languid Miss Cara is a caricature of manipulative, neurotic femininity—all flounce and lace and coquettishness. Her pouting and obviously feigned illness (she suffers from “migraines” when she gets upset) is at once a ploy to earn Miss Julie’s sympathy and a passive-aggressive jealous brooding over the fact that the students seem to prefer Miss Julie to her. We get additional shades of lesbian pseudo-psychology in fellow teacher Frau Riesener (Lesly Meynard), who co-dependently cares for Miss Cara, looming as a constant presence. Serving as a comic chorus, the school cook, Victoire (Yvonne de Bray), and math teacher Miss Dubois (Suzanne Dehelly) gossip incessantly and often hilariously about Frau Reisener, Miss Cara, Miss Julie, and all of their nonsense.
But the film’s primary arc is the evolving relationship between Olivia and Miss Julie, some of which is depicted in private in their one-on-one scenes and much of which is acted out in classroom and dining hall sequences—this public display of tension makes the story all the more shocking.
“Did you see? She was walking as if in a dream,” says one of the girls after seeing Olivia utterly smitten with Miss Julie after a classroom reading of Racine.
Our young protagonist grapples with her increasingly passionate crush on her teacher, and Miss Julie’s feelings for Olivia also gradually blossom—the portrayal of this dilemma vacillates between subtle restraint and overwrought torment as Feullière unfolds a masterful performance of pedophilic lesbian agony.
Similar to Mädchen in Uniform, we get numerous scenes in which the student recklessly makes known her feelings for the teacher. When they visit a museum together in Paris to see Jean-Antoine Watteau’s painting The Embarkation for Cythera, Olivia gazes not at the painting but at Miss Julie. Riding back home on the train, she again fixates on her in the coach. When she asks Olivia to sit next to her, Olivia grasps Miss Julie’s hand and we see Miss Julie, realizing Olivia’s intent, pull away and look strangely at her.
Later, when Miss Julie’s beloved former student Laura (Elly Claus) drops by, Olivia tries to understand whether Laura and Miss Julie had a similar experience together. “Laura, do you love her? Tell me,” Olivia says, and it’s more a proclamation than a question. “Does your heart beat when you see her? Does it stop when your hands touch? Does your throat close up when you speak to her?”
We’re an hour in at this point, and Olivia has offered mysterious and confusing implications that vaguely suggest lesbianism. The progression toward an explicit showcase of lesbian desire in the latter part of the film grows more astounding as the love that dare not speak its name becomes both audible and visible (it’s doubly astounding given that the film’s period setting makes it seem even older than it is).
Miss Julie keeps finding reasons to go visit Olivia in her room at bedtime. On one particular night, as Miss Julie goes to tuck Olivia in, we see a genuine hunger in her that she’s trying to suppress. She tells Olivia to shut her eyes and then leans over and kisses them far more intensely than she should. Olivia clutches Miss Julie’s hand and begins kissing it.
“You’re too passionate, my dear,” Miss Julie responds, pulling away.
The next day, together in Miss Julie’s office, Miss Julie plays it cool, but stares longingly at Olivia when she’s not looking. Olivia suddenly looks up and meets her gaze, and then lunging towards Miss Julie and kneeling next to her desk, Olivia declares, “I love you. I love you. I love you.” Miss Julie does not move—her reaction betrays her mixed emotions. She averts her eyes, half in despair and half in shock, as Olivia buries her face, crying.
In another sequence that closely resembles Mädchen, the gir
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