Lesbian Pedicure

Lesbian Pedicure


Lesbian Pedicure

A Cute and Easy Summer Nail Trick For Lazy Girls

A Cute and Easy Summer Nail Trick For Lazy Girls

Springtime Foot Care Tips For Diabetics

Springtime Foot Care Tips For Diabetics
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Here’s how to throw the ultimate girls night in pedicure party that will leave you and your friends feeling relaxed, glam and fabulous. 
With pretty much everyone convinced that staying in is the new going out, searches for girls night in ideas are through the roof. And though you’ll certainly find plenty of fun activities you and your ladies can do at home, a girls night in pedicure party is the ultimate girly evening. 
Reminiscent of slumber parties from your middle school days, getting together to paint your tootsies is a nostalgic blast from the past. And not only will it leave you thinking back to teenage wonders like TRL and Mean Girls , a pedicure party will leave your feet feeling pretty magical, as well. 
If your friends are worth their salt, they’re chill and don’t expect you to roll out the red carpet for a casual ladies night at home. But because it doesn’t take much effort to set the stage for a pedi party, you can give them the A-list treatment anyway. Here are some ideas to give your foot-centric gathering a special touch.
There are a million types of pedicure tools you could supply at your girls night in gathering, but here are the must-have basics:
All you have to do now to enjoy your girls night in pedicure party is sweetly arrange all your pedi basins and tools, set out your cocktails or smoothies, push play on that Spotify playlist, and voilà — a ladies night to remember. This is of course assuming you know how to give yourself the ultimate DIY pedicure because (like us), you've gone to the nail salon a million times. But no worries if you or your girls need a few pointers. All you have to do is follow these steps for a DIY pedicure — French tips being completely optional. 
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I did not write this story. It was originally on DOSF but the writer stopped. Then someone else continued w/o his permission. I will only include the original chapters.
If anyone knows the original author's name please post it.
Slave to a White Girl
Part I

My name is Shawna and i am a 20 year old African American girl. I first
met Miss Amber at a volenteer event put on through area high schools at
age 18. Miss Amber is the same age has the most beautiful blue eyes and
long dark hair. Ive never been into girls before but there was something
about her.

She was our group leader and was very take charge in her role and I
submitted to her every order, everyone else thought she was stuck up. I
didnt leave her side except to follow orders for the whole day. She took
to me in a weird way, she appreciated my willingness to take orders and
at days end she told me i should come watch her at soccer practice and
talk more about the volenteer work we did. Needless to say i jumped at
the chance.

After her practice we met up along with one of her other friends. Miss
Amber said i should carry her back back because she was tired from
practice. As the three of us went to her house, neither of them really
talked to me, i just walked behind Miss Amber most of the way.

We sat on her front porch, they were both in chairs and i was leaning
against the railling. Miss Amber told me to sit down, but there were no
other chairs, i took a spot at her feet. Her attention then turned to
me. "I lliked the way you were willing to listen to me. Are you laways
that submissive?" I didnt know what to say, at first i was just happy
she noticed anything at all about me. My reply finally came, "No, but
you seemed to have the best ideas." "Good. Why dont you pull my shoes
off and give me a foot massage." I sat there at her feet looking up at
her not knowing what to say, but i didnt want to dissapoint her either. I
could of got up and walked away, instead i undid her laces and pulled
off her trainers. Having never given a foot massage before she let me
know right away i was doing it to hard. "Take your time, GENTLY pull on
my toes and rub." Her socks were so sweaty and i could smell her feet, i
loved it. Her friend made a comment but i didnt hear it, i could not
have cared less about anything, the only thing i wanted was to please my
new "friend". She must have approved of my job as she went back talking
to her friend. 45 min later she said "take my socks off, take my
trainers and socks inside and ask my mother where to put them. Then ask
where i keep my flip flops, get them and bring them out to me." I
wondered why she just didnt tell me herself then i realized she just
wanted to let her mother know she had someone fetching things for her,
made me feel even better, like she was showing me off! I couldnt help it
once i got to her room, i had to smell her socks. I didnt want to
dissapoint her so got her flip flops and ran back down to the porch. She
kept talking to her friend and just held her foot out, i knew what i
was to do. i dropped to my knees and put her shoe on, then i sat there
and waited for her to lift up her other foot and did the same. What
happened to me why do i feel the need to serve her?She got my number
told me to go home and she will call me. then her and her friend left
for a walk as i stood there.
Part 2
A week went by and my new friend had not called. I wondered if she was
just laughing about the way I let her treat me, I must have looked like a
fool to her friend and mother. I didnt care really, i kept those socks
instead of putting them in her dirty clothes basket. I slept with them
under my pillow, I layed them on the floor, bowed down and kissed them
wishing she was standing over me and practiced massaging them. Another

My mother called "Shawna, Amber on the phone for you"! I dont think I
ever ran so fast down the stairs! She told me to meet her at the mall in
2 hours if I wanted to hang out, and bring the socks I took, clean.
Ughhh she knew! What else could I do? I took a few more deep sniffs,
then washed them, as she told me to do.

I met her at the designated spot, her friend was there again. They had
already been shopping a bit as there were a few bags near them. Miss
Amber smiled, said hi and asked if I was ready to get shopping. Hell
yea! "Carry the bags" she ordered. She jumped right into her role and
again I couldnt help but feel proud to carry out her order.

She talked about a family get together she must attend and she needed to
find a pair of new sandals, so off to the shoe store we went. She
pointed to where she wanted their bags placed and I put them down as
told while they browsed the shoes. When I got back to them she had
picked out three pairs she liked. She handed them to me and told me to
ask the sales rep if they have them in a 6.5. When the rep came back
with the boxes i took them over to Miss Amber who was already seated.
"Cool, lets see how they look" she said bouncing her foot and smilling. I
dropped to my knees and asked which ones she wanted to try first. "You
pick" she said. I pulled her ankle boots off then her socks. I was going
to put her socks in her boots untill she said "Wait! I have a better
place". With that she layed one over each of my shoulders and laughed.
If I wasnt in a humiliating position enough, she upped the ante. I
slipped the first pair on her and carefully did the straps. While I
stayed on the floor Miss Amber walked around in them a bit and this
carried on till she tried them all. She asked her friend which ones she
liked best and she immediately replied the silver ones. Then she stood
above me and asked my opinion. I looked up at her and asked what color
dress she planned on wearing. Blue was her reply. Then I asked what
color her nails would be. Blue again was her reply. I told her I thought
the blue strappy heels would look great. She smiled down at me and said
she thought so as well. She looked so pleased with me i couldnt help
but keep smilling while I undid the straps and put her socks and boots
back on.

I once again gathered the bags together and set out behind them. She
then stopped and asked if I would like to do her nails for her. "Yeah,
Id love to!" was my reply. "Lets go to the bookstore and find a book on
pedicures so you can do it properly" was her next idea and I thought it
was a great one! Once in the bookstore she found a clerk and pointed to
me saying, "she has a question for you". "Ahh, do you have a book that
teaches you how to give pedicures?" I asked and Miss Amber added, "A
beginners book, nothing too complicated, yet". The clerk just looked at
us and told us to follow her. When she showed us the books available,
she asked if their would be anything else. I looked at Miss Amber then
the clerk and asked, "anything on giving foot massages?" Miss Amber
looked truly pleased at my request! "OK, Shawna pick your books out" was
Miss Ambers next order. I found "Pedicures for Dummies" and Miss Amber
and her friend laughed. Then I found one on a massage book focussing on
the foot. She bought them both for me as gifts if I promised to study
them. No problem there I thought!!

Next we went to the eatery and we were going to share a basket of fries.
When they arrived, Miss Amber said "OK Shawna, if you really like me
bossing you around here is the big test, you can say no and leave or
follow my order". "OK" I said softly, but I was to far gone. "When you
put my boots back on you smudged them. I think instead of eating with us
you should lick them clean and maybe next time you will be more mindful
of what you are doing" she said in a really dissapointed tone. I just
sat there, looked around at all the people, back at her and then her
friend. If it was just her and I, Id be under the table no questions,
but this was a test. I got up looked her in those beautiful eyes and
said "Im sorry I smudged your boots Amber" and crawled under the table
onto the dirty floor and began licking her boots clean. People pointed
and laughed, her friend said "oh god". Nothing else mattered anymore,
only to please Miss Amber. "Done with that one?" she asked. "Yes" I
replied. Then she recrossed her legs so I could clean her other boot.
When I was done, her friend asked "what about mine?" Would you like to
clean Kelly's shoes also Shawna, it would make me happy and her and I
can continue our conversation. "Yes Amber" is all I could say and
started to lick Kelly's shoes as well. Though pleasing Kelly meant
nothing to me, pleasing Miss Amber meant everything so I did my best on
Kelly's flats while they talked and laughed.

People were still pointing when we left, me carrying the bags while they
walked ahead a bit. When we got to Miss Amber's car she said for me to
wait untill she calls again but she has another gift besides the books
she bought me. "Got my clean socks Shawna?" she asked. I pulled them out
of my pocket. "Take my boots and socks off, put the clean socks and my
boots back on and you can take my sweaty ones. And DO NOT smudge my
boots again!" After i loaded the bags in the car i did as she said.
"Smell them for me" she ordered. I did as she said and they both
laughed, I on the other hand loved it, her sweaty socks right off her
beautiful feet and right out of her boots. Remember wait for MY call,
dont hang out with your other friends, stay close to home for MY call.
BYE!!!!! and they drove off.
Part 3
I waited for her call, just as she laid
it out for me. I saw none of my own friends, i studied the books she
bought for me and i worshiped her socks pretending she was relaxing
above me. My mom kept asking why i wasnt taking any of my friends calls
or going out with them, i just told her i was studying, i just didnt
tell her what! Miss Amber has me wrapped around her little finger and
she knows it.

Three weeks went by and she finaly called! She reminded me of the family
event she has to attend. "Do you think you are ready to give me a
pedicure?" she asked. "I really think i am Amber, i.." and she cut me
off. "Tomorrow, come over after school, if I am not home when you get
here, my mother will let you in. Ask her if she has anything for you to
do, if she does not, sit on the floor in the living room next to the
couch and wait for me." were her instructions. "I will be there Amber" i
said. "Good, see you tomorrow Shawna." and she hung up.

I was so happy but also scared, what if she didnt like the pedicure,
what would her mom have me do? That night i slept with my head on her
socks waiting for tomorrow.

The day could never have gone quick enough! I arrived at her house, she
wasnt there so her mom let me in. "Hi Shawna, Amber isnt home yet." she
greeted me. "Miss Kingsley, do you have anything for me to do till she
gets here?" i asked. She gave me a puzzled look and replied "No, why?"
she inquired. "Amber told me to ask if i could help with anything." i
replied. She still seemed puzzled, but i just made my way to living room
and took a spot on the floor next to the couch. "Shawna, you can sit on
the couch, for heavens sakes" she told me. "Im fine here, thanks." i
let her know.

I heard the door open and my heart sank, it was Amber. She said hi to
her mom and came into the living room. "Good, glad you arent late. Ready
to get started?" she asked. "Yes Amber" i quickly replied. Seems as
though all my converstions with her just end in me saying "Yes Amber"
with me looking up at her. "Go up to my bedroom, get the nail polish and
cotton balls on my desk and bring them down. Oh take this up with you"
she instructed and i took her backpack up and retrieved the items as

When i got back down, she was seated on the couch and had the tv on.
"Cool, come sit" and she patted a spot on the floor w/ her foot. "I
expect a good job now Shawna, you dont have to worry about anything
except painting them well, my nails are already bare" she let me know.
She uncrossed her legs and i undid her laces. She had on blue low cut
socks, and i took them off as well and put them into her trainers.
"Where do they go Shawna?" she asked. I pulled them back out and laid
them across my shoulders. "If you finish in time you can give me a
massage after" she let me know. She so knows she has me, i wonder what
she thinks of me. She threw down a pillow to put her feet on but i still
had to lay there to paint her nails. I spread each toe and inserted a
cotton ball and began with her big toe. After i finished painting that
one i started on the next. "Blow on each one after finishing, then go to
the next" she instructed. I slid up so i was right over her foot, and
started to blow on just her big toe. I dont know why but her sweaty feet
just take me to another place, then i look up at her and i fall deeper
and deeper into this thing i got myself into. As i was blowing her nail
dry, she lifted and rested her othe foot on my back. Just then her
mother walked in. "Amber you could have done that yourself!" her mother
cried. "Shawna wanted to do my nails for me. She really likes to follow
my orders and I like giving them" she laughed. I was so ashamed, but
kept at my task. Her mother sat down on the chair and said, "Shawna,
dont let her boss you around". Amber tapped the top of my head w/ her
foot and i replied "i like to follow Ambers orders Miss Kingsley". "Shes
like my personal servant mom, right shawna?" Amber said tapping my head
again. "Yes Amber" i said. Her mother just shook her head as i went
back to work. It took me about 45 min or so to complete my task, i
thought her toes looked great! After Amber's inspection, she said
"shawna, you can do my nails from now on!" "Thank you Amber!" i said and
i couldnt help it, i planted kisses on her feet right in front of her
mother. "Looks like you have found the friend you have always wanted
Amber!" her mother laughed. "Amber, can i get your new heels to see how
theyll look?" i asked. She looked so pleased. "Take my sneaks, socks and
other stuff back up w/ you and bring them down and my pink flip flops."
she ordered.

Once i got up to her room, i smelled and kissed her still sweaty blue
socks. I go from proud to ashamed, but mostly proud to serve her and be
so completely under her controll. i got her heels and flip flops and sat
at her feet to put her heels on. She looked so amazing as she walked
around and modeled them for us. "You really did a good job shawna, im
surprised. what do you think mom?" Amber asked. "Yes, she did, could i
borrow your "servant" Amber, i could use mine done before Saturday as
well!" her mother replied. They talked about me as if i werent even
there, and to tell you the truth, i looked at Amber for what should have
been my own reply! "I can have her do that, shawna, lets try my flip
flops now" she ordered and i crawled over to where she was standing in
front of her mother. As i undid her heels, her and her mother talked
about what color she should use, once her straps were undone she lifted
her foot out and i had her flip flop ready to slip into. They looked
great too! She made her way back to the couch, i followed like a puppy
taking her flip flops off when she held each foot out. "You have time to
give me a massage shawna" she let me know. I slid back down in position
so i could massage her foot and rest her other on me as she watched tv
and talked to her mother.

An hour later, Amber said she has to study. She told me to collect her
shoes and follow her up to her beedroom. Of course i did as instructed.
"I dont know why you like being my little slave, but i really have come
to enjoy it. I was a little uneasy at first but now we both seem to know
our places, dont we?" she asked "Yes Amber" i replied happy, it was the
first time she ever called me slave and for some reason sealed the deal
even more. "I want you here everyday afterschool, and ill let you know
about any other special tasks i have for you. I forgot to tell you to
bring my other socks over with you." she said. i pulled them out of my
pocket and she started to laugh then asked "are they clean?" "Yes Amber"
i replied! "Would you like the blue ones" she asked sweetly. "Please
Amber, ill clean them and bring them back tomorrow!" i told her. "Crawl
over and get them out my sneaks, w/ your mouth" she ordered. I fetched
them like a well trained dog and crawled back to my owner. "Good girl"
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