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Lauren Boebert bizarrely claims student loan forgiveness is funding ‘lesbian dance theory’ degrees




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Lauren Boebert during a Save America Rally at the Adams County Fairgrounds. (Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images)
Republican representative Lauren Boebert has bizarrely claimed president Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan is funding degrees in “lesbian dance theory”.
The Colorado right-winger made the claims during a rant in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Democrat president Joe Biden’s plans to scrap up to $20,000 of student debt for millions of Americans.
“How the heck can Joe Biden call America First conservatives a threat to democracy with a straight face and a dry diaper?” she said. “He’s the one who has allowed millions to invade our southern border. He’s the one who is robbing hardworking Americans to pay for Karen’s daughter’s degree in lesbian dance theory.”
The confusing speech from Boebert garnered a confused and resentful response on social media, where the talk was clipped and posted. Many took the chance to lambast the vitriol behind Boebert’s speech… but absolutely loved the idea of a lesbian dance theory class.
“If I only could’ve majored in lesbian dance theory. I’d be a TikTok billionaire and wouldn’t need student loans relief,” joked one user, while another satirised typical criticisms made by Republicans against the concept of student loan relief, saying : “The optics of lesbian dance theory majors buying avocado toast and lattes with their loan forgiveness checks [cheques] while hard-working Americans struggle to afford basic necessities like AR-15s [rifles] and SUVs are just terrible for Biden.”
The optics of lesbian dance theory majors buying avocado toast and lattes with their loan forgiveness checks while hard-working Americans struggle to afford basic necessities like AR-15s and SUVs are just terrible for Biden.

— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) August 29, 2022
sick burns 101: don't make the thing you're fabricating sound so cool that people wish it were real https://t.co/W8BnWS0uPD

— ya girl (@goldengateblond) August 28, 2022
While the jokes at Boebert’s confusing attempt at wit overwhelmed Twitter, others weren’t so amused, calling Boebert’s accusations “homophobic” and “bigoted”.
“She said the quiet part out loud so let’s add homophobia to her list of ‘character flaws’,” said one user, while another said: “ Lauren Boebert is the prime example of what happens in a country when it values guns over education.”
The Trump-supporting Republican has made multiple outrageous anti-LGBTQ+ claims, including saying she believes LGBTQ+ people should stay in the closet until they’re 21.
She made these claims in a tweet on 1 April which read: “We require people to be 21 to purchase alcohol beverages, and 21 to purchase tobacco products.
“Why is it so unreasonable to require people to reach a certain level of maturity before making life-altering decisions about their sexuality and identity?”
Of course, many have since pointed out people are able to, in fact, choose a sexuality label as many times as they please. Others questioned why she was so against so-called “life-altering” decisions based on sexuality and not the ability to buy guns.
We require people to be 21 to purchase alcohol beverages, and 21 to purchase tobacco products.

Why is it so unreasonable to require people to reach a certain level of maturity before making life-altering decisions buying a gun?

— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) April 1, 2022
Celebs you didn’t know have an LGBT sibling
Boebert has also recently come under scrutiny for suggesting children in public schools should be forced to undergo “biblical citizenship training”, during an August episode of FlashPoint – a Christian news show which airs on the Victory Channel.
“Maybe we need to have some sort of legislation that requires… biblical citizenship training in our schools. And that’s how we get things turned around,” she said during the clip.
joe biden ,
Lauren Boebert

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Home Opinion Op-ed What Lauren Boebert taught me about lesbian dance theory

TAGS Donald Trump GOP Lauren Boebert Ron DeSantis
Victoria A. Brownworth is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated award-winning journalist whose work has appeared in The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Baltimore Sun, DAME, The Advocate, Bay Area Reporter and Curve among other publications. She was among the OUT 100 and is the author and editor of more than 20 books, including the Lambda Award-winning Coming Out of Cancer: Writings from the Lesbian Cancer Epidemic and Ordinary Mayhem: A Novel, and the award-winning From Where They Sit: Black Writers Write Black Youth and Too Queer: Essays from a Radical Life.

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The GOP is mad. The Biden-Harris administration announced their student loan forgiveness plan on August 24 and Republicans just can’t stop talking about how terrible it is. For them.
The plan cancels up to $10,000 in student debt for federal borrowers who make less than $125,000 a year and $20,000 in student debt for Pell Grant recipients. Only low-income borrowers are eligible for Pell Grants.
GOP objections speak to who the GOP is: white, male, wealthy, racist, misogynist, anti-LGBTQ and, to quote President Biden, “semi-fascist.” 
Republicans took to the immediacy of Twitter to voice their collective and individual outrage. Class warfare was their first gambit — an interesting choice given that the GOP’s December 2017 tax bill was the biggest corporate welfare scam in history. Republican House reps and senators concern trolled about working-class people having to pay for the college loans of snobby young coastal elites with “useless degrees.” 
The White House Twitter account, now run by deputy director of platforms Megan Coyne , formerly social media director for New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, fought back, racking up hundreds of thousands of likes. 
Coyne countered with tweets citing GOP House reps and senators who had their pandemic Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans forgiven. Among them were the notorious MAGA homophobe and transphobe Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, accused sex-trafficker Rep. Matt Gaetz, and Pennsylvania’s own Rep. Mike Kelly. 
Kelly tweeted , “Asking plumbers and carpenters to pay off the loans of Wall Street advisors and lawyers isn’t just unfair. It’s also bad policy.”
The White House replied , “Congressman Mike Kelly had $987,237 in PPP loans forgiven.” 
It didn’t take long for class warfare to slide seamlessly into the anti-LGBTQ dog-whistling the GOP has been employing throughout the midterms. Greene’s MAGA bestie, Rep. Lauren Boebert, told Fox News, “Joe Biden is robbing hard-working Americans to pay for Karen’s daughter’s degree in lesbian dance theory.”
The prototype of a Karen invoking Karen as a meme is so meta.
The internet loves to drag Boebert, and drag her they did. We each took our turns at besting each other’s clever responses. I posted , “The Wife and I went to school together and we both missed lesbian dance theory.” My tweet querying “The only question now is how long will it take Ron DeSantis to ban Lesbian Dance Theory in the schools?” went viral. One queer pastor, Rev. E. Carrington Heath, did a little thread opining on the classes for Lesbian Dance Theory. Martina Navratilova tweeted , “Wow- to think she had to write this down. And this 65 year old lesbian has never heard of lesbian dance theory, but maybe it’s a thing. Lauren- you are grasping at straws darling. And I am really glad you are straight.” 
But it wasn’t all fun and games. These commentaries may be amusing in the short term, but they are harmful, and that harm is cumulative.
Donald Trump Jr.’s partner, Kimberly Guilfoyle, said on Newsmax that the loan forgiveness plan was “Paying off loans for people they want to have some bizarre basket weaving degree and they want all of us to subsidize their laziness and their inability to even try to contribute to society.” 
Yet Guilfoyle was paid $60,000 of taxpayer money to give a two-minute introduction to Trump on January 6th — right before he told the insurrectionists he would meet them at the Capitol as he tried to overturn the election. If anyone can be characterized as failing to contribute to society, it’s the Trump enclave.
The gendered and racialized commentary from the GOP is so on brand. Republicans are mad because those eligible for debt relief are disproportionately young, female and Black. Many are LGBTQ. Their income strata is households earning between $51,000 and $82,000 a year. The schools they are attending are overwhelmingly community and other small colleges. HBCUs represent another large swath of schools those eligible for loan forgiveness attended. Trade schools are also where Pell Grant recipients can be found.
While Lauren Boebert’s comment might have sparked some humorous rejoinders from queers on social media, her messaging to the Fox News audience stokes all their inherent fears of a “homosexual agenda” that electeds like Ron DeSantis have been parroting for months, while also making claims that gay and trans people are attempting to inculcate children with queer and trans ideology. 
Thus Guilfoyle, who hasn’t worked a real job in years herself, using classic racialized buzzwords like “lazy” and phrases like “not contributing to society” feeds on the cultural resentments that Donald Trump, Fox News and Newsmax have long-promoted. 
Ted Cruz made a similar statement, also invoking the “lazy” student. Cruz said on his Friday podcast, “If you’re that slacker barista who wasted seven years in college studying completely useless things, now has loans and can’t get a job, Joe Biden just gave you 20 grand.” 
Moreover, the GOP mocking gender and queer studies in false narratives to attack the Biden-Harris student loan forgiveness plan is purposeful and part of their midterm strategy. Why else target “lesbian” dance theory? Boebert, who dropped out of high school due to a teen pregnancy, no doubt has her own resentments about college students — especially child-free lesbian college students with none of the patriarchal burdens a cis-het teen mother would have had. No doubt these are women who Boebert thinks have gotten something she feels cheated of, like going to college. And dancing, instead of being stuck at home with a baby in the prime of her youth.
Making the very real student debt crisis a culture war debate is insidious and damaging on a myriad of levels. It feeds the GOP narrative that LGBTQ people and people of color are not trustworthy and are undeserving — that they are not like “normal” heterosexual working people. 
This reductive trope elides the reality of how much harder LGBTQ people struggle financially, as I have reported on extensively. While Guilfoyle posits queer students of aesthetics are lazy and unproductive, most LGBTQ people are scrambling for job equity . Queer and trans people are also far more likely to be blue- and pink-collar workers, regardless of education.
The loud internet laugh over Lauren Boebert’s Lesbian Dance Theory invention was fun for the moment, but her underlying message and that of her fellow GOP as they center queer people in their class and culture wars narrative is anything but amusing.
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”‘Lesbian dance theory’ adds that frisson of bigotry that really excites your basic semi-fascist,“ one user tweeted
Lauren Boebert’s jesting that President Joe Biden’s student-debt forgiveness funds “Karen’s daughter’s degree in lesbian dance theory” has the Twitter trolls coming out of the woodwork.
“The ‘dance theory’ trope is routinely silly and philistine. ‘Lesbian dance theory’ adds that frisson of bigotry that really excites your basic semi-fascist,” one user tweeted .
The backlash comes after the Republican representative from Colorado criticized Biden’s speech at the Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Maryland last week, saying Saturday, “How the heck could Joe Biden call America First conservatives a threat to democracy with a straight face and a dry diaper?”
“He’s the one who has allowed millions to invade our southern border,” she said in an interview with Fox News’ “Hannity.” “He’s the one who is robbing hardworking Americans to pay for Karen’s daughter’s degree in lesbian dance theory.” (No, lesbian dance theory isn’t a real major but rather a blanket term used to describe degrees that have no perceived value in the real-world workplace or in society.)
Film producer Jeremy Newberger used the remarks to clap back against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, tweeting , “You know as soon as Lauren Boebert uttered the words Lesbian Dance Theory, Ron DeSantis drew up legislation to remove it from Florida schools, and GOP super PACs kicked in a s— ton of money.”
Some users embraced the ridiculousness of Boebert’s comments, as one asked , “Where does one take lesbian dance theory classes? Asking for a friend…” and another noted , “somewhere out there, right as we speak, someone is choreographing lesbian dance moves for us on TikTok, and I personally cannot wait.”
Check out more responses to Boebert’s remarks below:
Lesbian Dance Theory: a semester to learn. A lifetime to master. https://t.co/vtkPwmApfB
the idea that any american college has enough lesbian dance theory courses to constitute a major would be a historic triumph for the humanities in academia https://t.co/8LhCVXlJvj
These people always make Biden sound way cooler than he actually is https://t.co/bqFC19mLkU
Lesbian dance theory gonna do more for us all than an infinite number of cops, of that I am certain. https://t.co/valIjnMXUj
I pay taxes, too. And you can *absolutely* use my tax dollars to support students majoring in lesbian dance theory. https://t.co/8WfCLbQHiR
I took this course pass/fail at Brown and I vote. https://t.co/isaDdGBtiu
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