Lesbian Humping Stories

Lesbian Humping Stories


Lesbian Humping Stories
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Summer Humping Dry Humping with My Friend.
A Girl who Squirts Roommates share a brand new vibrator.
Friend Helping a Friend High school girls discover each other.
Couch Time Fun I get off while cuddling with my best friend on the couch.
Mutual Masturbation Sensual experience shared by two girls.
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Ok. I've had a number of requests to tell more about that summer with Dana. I never felt comfortable telling the whole story, but it's been a few years now, so what the hell. It started with our week at soccer camp and for sure didn't end with the time we discovered how to rub ourselves on each other's legs. That ended up being the big spark, and neither one of us could get enough of rubbing ourselves against all kinds of things that summer, including each other.
Anytime Dana or I would try something new, we would share it with each other, and if it was a good one, then we'd do it together the next time we were together. We tried everything. If there was something we could rub against or something that vibrated anywhere in our houses, then trust me, we got intimate with it. However, the best, or at least most erotic ones, were the ones that involved us rubbing on each other. Mindblowing orgasms that I can still feel today. Despite wanting to share a mutual orgasm, we never thought of what we did as bisexual. We both had boyfriends and weren't into girls, but this was just our secret and sort of just an extension of masturbation that just happened to be way more intense because it was "shared."
One time we were having a sleepover at my house and the house was empty. It was too early to go to sleep, but we ended up making ourselves horny and then started suggesting things we could rub against. We ended up in my sister's room and on her bed is a pillow in the shape of a heart. However, the way it is made, it actually looks more like a bubble-butt ass than a heart. Dana asked if I had ever "done it with the ass pillow" and I laughed but said no. We looked around at a couple of other items, but Dana ended up coming back to her bed and picked up the pillow again. "Well...shall we?" she asked. I didn't feel comfortable humping my sister's pillow. That was a little gross. And, besides, she might be able to smell us on it afterward which could cause major trouble.
"I don't think so, D. It just doesn't seem cool, you know."
"Yea, I know, but it seems fun humping an ass. I know, let me hump your ass and I'll let you hump mine?" she said jokingly but with a grin that suggested she might be a bit serious.
"That wouldn't work," I said immediately, laughing. "Stupid. Let's go downstairs and find something else."
"No, seriously. It would work. Just give me a minute and I'll show what I'm talking about." And without even waiting for my reply, she walked toward my room and jumped on the bed. "I'll go first. We will both have to be naked, so lose the shorts and lay down along here, face down," she said while pointing alongside the edge of the bed. "And we'll even make it fun for you, too, with this," she said while pulling down the sheet and rolling them into a thick rope like we would with towels that we would hump. She laid it down on the bed and tapped it as if to say, "straddle this."
I still was a little reluctant but not really sure why. We had tried to do a number of things that didn't end up getting us off, but the effort of trying to masturbate with each other while using creative things was a turn on all by itself, so usually we would always both be up for trying anything new. "Ok, I guess, but it seems a bit weird" I said as I pulled down my shorts and panties in one motion and then climbed up on the bed and straddled the rolled-up sheet. I had to adjust it into the proper location (I was a pro with the rolled up towel/sheet method), and then laid down.
Dana pulled down her shorts and panties and climbed up on the bed and straddled my butt. This wasn't going to work. She kept wiggling around to try to find a good spot but couldn't. Then she ended up just rubbing one of my butt cheeks.
I wasn't exactly sure what Dana was thinking of doing, but was pretty sure that this wasn't going to work. Again, we've tried things before that hadn't gotten us to the O-zone, but they were still fun and ended up warming us up for something that did. As I was thinking through this, Dana kept rubbing herself up and down on my right butt cheek, and even though it was a turn-on to have her rubbing on me like this, we both knew it was unlikely to get her where she needed to be. I wasn't going to wait, however, and I had a wound up sheet rope underneath my privates so what was I waiting for. I began to squirm around on it until I found the right angle and rhythm.
It was a little awkward, but we both put in the effort. I mean, I probably had the better end of the deal as I was grinding in a way that was going to pay off, and I had Dana rubbing her now slick and warm private folds on my bare ass cheek. We kept this up for a few minutes and then, as sort of expected, Dana slowed down and suggested we try something different. She moved up to the small of my back where she could straddle me and at the same time grind herself onto my skin. As soon as we started that, she immediately let out an approving moan. Ok, now this one was likely to work. I, however, was fine all along, and was working myself against the rolled up towel.
We both moaned softly for a few minutes, and I could tell that Dana was getting close. I was waiting for her, as I knew I could get myself to the finish line in less than a minute if I focused. Her breathing got shallow, and then she just stopped.
"Yes, but I want to try something different."
I wasn't thrilled as I was close and feeling good, and turning over would take me away from my sheet rope. But Dana was panting and obviously excited to try something, so I rolled over. As soon as I got settled, she straddled me again and scooched down so our privates were touching. Oh...I get it. She wanted to do "that." Like I said before, despite all of the times we masturbated together and even rubbed against each other, it never felt like we were lesbians. We were both very happy and horny heterosexuals who just liked to help each other get off. However, this, I thought, was a pretty big step toward having lesbian sex with each other rather than just making ourselves come. She moved her mound around and I could feel her heat and slick lips touch me all around down there. What was more erotic though, was that she was on top of me just like my boyfriend would be. Her face was inches above my shoulder and I could hear her pleasured moans next to my ear and could feel her warm breath on my shoulder and neck. What were we doing, and what did this mean? Was she going to want to do more? If she did, what would I do? Would l let her? I was petrified, but sort of excited at the same time.
After a couple of minutes of this, I think Dana realized that it was going to be hard to climax. Even though it felt good and was very, very sexual, it wasn't going to get me to orgasm either. She scooted up a bit and started grinding my tummy. This wasn't going to get me off, but it sure was sensual to feel here wetness and heat against my skin. She continued to grind into me, and her moaning got louder.
"Take your top off," she told me out of nowhere. "I want to grind on your boob."
Crazy, right? I sure didn't know where this was going, but she pulled off of me, and then I sat up and pulled my top and bra off without thinking twice. I laid back down on the bed as she straddled me once more. She started again at the wet spot on my stomach that she had made just moments earlier and got into a rhythm. Then she scooted up to my left boob. It was a little awkward as I'm wider there than my stomach so she didn't really fit the same. I didn't think it was going to work, either. My boob was just moving around as opposed to being firm enough for her to rub her clit against it. However, I wasn't going to ask her to stop by any means. There she was, her most private feminine parts just inches away from my face. I was mesmerized. I had never been this close to the female anatomy. I could feel its heat. I could hear the wet sounds as she grinded up and back. I could smell her excitement and desire. I was intoxicated.
I think the sensual nature of what we were doing made up for the lack of friction because her breathing quickened, and I could tell she was going to be able to come. I, myself, was so turned on as well and wasn't going to be left out, so I reached around her with my left hand and started feverishly rubbing myself. Dana was getting close, and I was going to join her. Then, I thought about what if she moves again. It seems like every time she nears orgasm, she stops and moves up higher. Is this a pre-conceived plan of hers? The only thing higher, was my mouth. What if she straddled my face? Would I let her? Would I enjoy it?
Just as these thoughts were going through my head, she announced that she was going to explode. Hearing that, and thinking (fantasizing?) of her rubbing her clit on my tongue, caused an almost immediate orgasm. We both moaned and shook together for what seemed like an entire minute.
She then rolled off of me and laid down next to me on the bed as we continued to catch our breath in the post-orgasm afterglow. "Wow," she said. "Sorry if I surprised you. I didn't think of that until the last minute, but it was such a turn on."
"Maybe next time, you can try it on me, if you like."
"I was just thinking the same thing," I said, wondering when "next time" would be.
So happy to see another story from you! Dry humping is one of my favorite topics but there's not many stories on Literotica about it. Can't wait to hear more about you and Dana's adventures ;)
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