Lesbian Horse

Lesbian Horse


Lesbian Horse

↑ 1.0 1.1 Lex Rudera (12-25-2013). Super Lesbian Horse RPG is Released . Equestria Gaming. Retrieved on 2016 December 15.

↑ Ponett on Tumblr . Retrieved on 2016 December 15.

↑ Ponett's tumblr (2017-07-04) - EDIT 1/13/2017: Hello. You may be wondering where...

↑ Ponett (2015-12-23). After working on this on and off since, what,... . Twitter. Retrieved on 2016 December 15.

↑ Bobby Schroeder (2013-07-13). Super Lesbian Horse RPG - First Trailer . YouTube. Retrieved on 2016 December 15.

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Super Lesbian Horse RPG -preemptive game of the year edition- (commonly referred to as "slur-pee-gee" or "slurp") is an RPG Maker game that was released by Ponett (Bobby Schroeder), and has been cited by Equestria Gaming as "the strangest RPG released yet." [1]

The project was released six months later than expected, on Christmas Day. [1] The game was created by Ponett, a Tumblr user. [2] A download link remained on her Tumblr for a few years after release until being removed. [3]

The game is currently serving as the predecessor to an original game being created by Bobby, under the name "Super Lesbian Animal RPG," that has been in various stages of production since 2015. [4] Bobby no longer refers to SLHRPG as anything other than "the original game" or similar.

The game features overworld traveling in the style that is reminiscent of the EarthBound style, and maintains this way of playing in combat. The first trailer of the game [5] presents a basic rundown of the game's playing. Many enemies featured are characters that are well known (or comical imitations of) characters from other fandoms and memes.

Only four out of six mane cast are playable in this game: Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash as the protagonists, and then Twilight and Applejack as the "third wheel" and "fourth wheel", respectively. Meanwhile, Rarity remains an NPC and Pinkie Pie opens up an inn near the town of Ponett, working for Mr. and Mrs. Cake.

Other important cast from the original show include Spike , who acts as a bestiary, the Cutie Mark Crusaders who open up sundries to support the heroines with items and armory, Babs Seed who opens a gem trading store (an equivalence to Dragon Quest 's Mini Medal trading), and Shining Armor , who appears briefly as an NPC.

Fluttershy wakes up one morning to visit her girlfriend Rainbow Dash in the town of Ponett. After exchanging a kiss, the lesbian horses decide to go a date. Unfortunately, the date is cut short by Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Ponett, who messes around with Rainbow Dash's basement and turns it into a dungeon for the sake of "friendship experience".

After the three mares reach the end of a long, overly-simplified corridor, they realize there is something wrong. The dungeon leads to someplace deeper than Twilight believes, with the surroundings falling apart as if reality itself is distorted, and powerful monsters lurk around the area. After the cast defeats the boss of Twilight's dungeon, a mysterious tape-face sorcerer calling himself "Javis" appears and greets them. After verbally shoving him off, the cast find themselves in the cave near Ponett.

The day after the incident, Twilight calls the couple to her house and expresses her worry about Javis. As the three are beginning their adventure to find out who Javis is, it appears that Applejack is missing, with evidence showing that she has gone to Ferus, a rather dangerous area to the east of Equus Island. The heroines travel across the region of Ferus and stumble on its desert as well as the Mysterious Ruin, where they find Applejack trapped inside.

The Mysterious Ruin, much like Rainbow Dash's Basement beforehand, is plagued with surreal environment and bizarre monsters. As the four wander to the innermost chamber, they confront Javis and realize his plan. Javis originally had come to the Equus Islands because he had noticed Twilight's dungeon, believing that the citizens of Equus built dungeons commonly and planning to fly under the radar with dungeons of his own, which housed three machines called scramblers. Scramblers were meant to break down a universe into its rawest form, in this case allowing Javis' master (Queen Verena) to conquer it easily upon arrival. Realizing Javis is truly evil, the heroines make a stand against him, but during the confrontation, Rainbow Dash, being too arrogant and overprotective toward Fluttershy, accidentally calls the latter a fragile weakling. She also casts all the blame of the crisis toward Twilight. Amidst of the team's bickering, Javis flees and leave his minions behind. After a boss fight, The team becomes scattered to the point Applejack, the only one who's not having any problem, forces herself into the leader position to get the team going. The heroines trash Javis' portal and travel to their next destination, the tallest mountain in Equus Island (Mt. Gay) where the final battle awaits them.

The heroines arrives at Mt. Gay to realize it's been turned into a bizarre world of Javis' creations. In what seems to be the final battle, Javis teleports the cast elsewhere, separating them. Rainbow reunites with Fluttershy shortly afterward and delivers a heartfelt speech explaining her love for Fluttershy. Fluttershy, realizing Rainbow's devotion, forgives her. The couple traces for Applejack and Twilight, preparing for the final battle with Javis. Javis is defeated, but has stalled long enough that his master materializes in front of everyone present. Queen Verena states her plans for universal domination, but is felled by the reunited ponies. Verena, not wanting to accept defeat, consumes the entirety of Mt. Gay and emerges as an all-powerful abomination. After the group escapes the mountain, almost everypony seems content to flee and pursue help, but Fluttershy, who has learned a lesson on getting over her cowardice, challenges Verena into a battle. With the power of love, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash transform into powerful, love-fueled creatures, and defeat Verena again with their powerful Love Cannon. After Verena's defeat, she gives up on conquering the Equus Islands (and, by extension, the universe) and retreats. Javis, however, is left behind, his cane (which grants him his magical abilities) stolen by Verena. He then gets placed under royal arrest by Twilight.

Peace finally returns to the ponies' world. Twilight finally realizes that she cannot force ponies into friendship experiences and bonding like she tried with her dungeons, while the main couple finally gets together again. Twilight and Applejack return to their lives, while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash returns to the former's place, determined to finally spend some time together.

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β€” Our... " heroic " main character in a nutshell
"The Lesbian Horses will come after us, and lesbihonest , I don't know what they're capable of!"
Spiarmin : I swear, if you were any more bloody conceited your head would explode from too much ego.
Twieren : If I weren't so bloody conceited, we'd all be bloody dead!
Spiarmin : No. That's not right, is it? You could easily have been a thousand times nicer from the start, not done everything on your own, but then you wouldn't get the pleasure of being Right. You wanted it to be like this, to have them all in your debt, have them all know deep down that you saved all their lives and that they can never repay you and you can spend the rest of your life lording it over them because otherwise you would have died alone, old and shrivelled and in tears because the idea of you, the long suffering, wrongly persecuted Twieren Sparkljaeger being Right was the only true love you would ever know.
How could they all be so naΓ―ve? How could they all just go about their daily business, getting fat and lazy and slovenly? Look at those store owners, hawking cheap and gaudy trinkets instead of manuals in martial arts, ninja stars and assorted medieval armour!
The Festival of Light is a celebration of Princess Pixestia and her tireless crusade of raising the life-giving sun in the sky each morning. But to Twieren Sparkljaeger, it has a different meaning, the true meaning, a darker meaning. True, they need the sun, but it doesn't have to be so bright, and that brightness fed The Enemy.
On the first Festival of Light, back when it was called The Sundance Festival, a truly evil Dark Lord appeared. A Dark Lord by the name of Light. With his magic notebook, an artefact capable of bringing imagination to life, he created the Enemy among them. But the Dark Lord was sly, and the townspeople fools. His vile creations acted like everyone else, more human even, but for all their affability, they still preyed upon the town. Slowly at first, but gaining steam over a thousand years, and now, Twieren was sure, They would strike with their full might and annihilate everything she'd ever known. That was why she had to stop them.
That was why she had to be prepared.
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