Lesbian Horror Story

Lesbian Horror Story

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I've decided to extract all the lesbian movies from my list of Gay Horror & Thriller Flicks and make a separate one out of it.

As of August the 17th 2012, I cannot post or reply to comments anymore, because I don't have, nor do I want, a Facebook account.
Unrated | 80 min | Sci-Fi, Comedy, Horror
This one is on top, because it's the only horror movie I know of which has lesbian lead character in a non-tragic protagonist role.

I could make a long list on how amateurish it sometimes gets, but while watching it was continuously entertaining. And I don't mean in a so-bad-it's-good way. The worst thing perhaps was the frog-man himself. I usually don't judge a low budget movie by its special effects. But the frog-man even looks worse than Octaman. Strangely enough none of the imdb reviewers seem to understand why the lead character is gay. Most of them compare it to the 70's exploitation genre or to Troma pictures, commenting only on the sex scenes, as if these were meant to attract an all straight male audience. Just one reviewer understood this wasn't the case and immediately trashes it at propaganda. Well it isn't about that either of course, but he made a few understandable points. In gay male (horror) movies females are usually ignored or presented as fag hags. Not always - but it happens a lot. In Frog-g-g! most males are represented as brutal, loudmouthed, aggressive, sexist slobs. I agree it tastes a bit like a simplistic feminist statement. But it didn't bother me very much. I've seen so many straight horror movies that present women as helpless scream queens. It's equally naive.

The story is very familiar. Basically it's an old-fashioned monster movie like for instance The Horror of Party Beach (1964), Brides of Blood (1968), Octaman (1971), Spawn of the Slithes (1978) and Humanoids from the Deep (1980). Toxic waste has caused some serious mutations in animal and plant life. A female scientist, accompanied by her girlfriend, discovers it, but the local sheriff doesn't believe her.

It's a nice film. I've rated it generously a 6, mainly because of its entertaining values.
My thoughts about this movie are somehow contradicting. I agree it's a good movie and of important historic significance to the horror genre of cinema. But I don't think it's as big a masterpiece as 'The Innocents' or 'Night of the Demon'. I really wonder how much credits it should deserve solely on base of its presumed originality. It's even difficult to determine the originality of the book 'The Haunting of Hill House' on which it is based. Well to me at least. For instance, there are several similarities between this book and the William Castle movie 'The House on Haunted Hill'. The title to begin with. Both feature a group of strangers who have to spend the night together in a spooky mansion where a lot of evil things happened in the past. And in both cases a charismatic gentleman was responsible for this setup. But the gentleman's wife - again in both cases - turns up as some kind of non-cooperative outsider to the group. Each one features a creepy caretaker couple. A hysteric girl, a skeptic non-believing, all-American young guy. Can this all be just a coincidence? Probably, because both were made in 1959. Although there was some time between the two. The William Castle movie had its release date on February 17, 1959. Shirley Jackson's short novel was published by The Viking Press in October... The movie itself also has some odd similarities with some of its predecessors. The scene where Eleanor drives to Hill House, to flee her past but unaware of a far more gruesome destiny, reminded me of Psycho. When she drives her car through the gate, even the music shares some resemblance! The way Hill House was 'portrayed' against a background of clouds, somehow looked very artificial. It reminded me of some Roger Corman flick. Can't remember which one. The House of Usher or The Terror... (have to re-watch them both). At the first glance I immediately tried to figure out whether it was created by the use of a mat painting or perhaps a miniature model of the house. Well, I was wrong. I just read that this effect was achieved by the use of infrared film stock. However it didn't work for me. Just like a bad Photoshop assembly never convinces.

The most remarkable scenes in this movie are those when things literally go bump in the night, as well as those involving the spiral staircase. I really wonder why some reviewers assume the possibility that the events at Hill House never actually happen, but are just figments of Eleanor's imagination. Because we all see that the pounding noises, the rattling doorknobs and the bending doors are noted by the other characters. This in contrast to 'The Innocents', in which really never is made clear whether the ghosts are for real or not.

I don't think the cinematography is nearly as beautiful as in 'The Innocents' or 'Night of the Demon'. Neither do I think the editing is as clever as in for instance 'Psycho', just to name one. The sets lacked some credibility too. The lighting could have been more effectifly adjusted, I guess. The camerawork was rather decent.

This movie features a lesbian supporting character. Although never mentioned, it's quite obvious.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a good movie. And it's very entertaining. I rated it an 8, since it has a decent imdb average rating of 7.7. It shouldn't rise. If it surpasses 'The Innocents' I will change my vote.
A rather openly lesbian character. A supporting role. Very unusual for it's time.
Passed | 71 min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Approved | 130 min | Drama, Mystery, Romance
I like this movie. Very entertaining. I will write a little review about it later on.

One of the supporting characters is a lesbian. Not really a nice characterization. I have mixed feelings about that. The emancipation of gays still is far from what it should be. Nevertheless one can hardly demand every gay character in a movie to be likable. But at the same time, there've already been so much movies made with unlikable homosexuals. And it continues to go on, to some degree. Well, as said, I've mixed feelings about this aspect. But it wasn't bad enough to spoil the fun while watching.
Lesbian vampires Didn't like this one very much.

Crime. Good movie. Will rewatch it soon, so I can write a little review on it.
R | 99 min | Biography, Crime, Drama
R | 108 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery
TV-MA | 23 min | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
R | 109 min | Biography, Crime, Drama
R | 97 min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Spoiler: At the end there's the revealing of the repressed lesbianism of one of the characters
R | 99 min | Adventure, Horror, Thriller
Some kind of remake/reworking of "The Innocents" / "The Turn of the Screw"
R | 105 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Not Rated | 74 min | Drama, Horror, Romance
R | 110 min | Drama, Horror, Romance
Not Rated | 89 min | Horror, Mystery
Unrated | 78 min | Adventure, Comedy, Thriller
Not Rated | 117 min | Drama, Horror
R | 147 min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Not Rated | 96 min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir
R | 101 min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
PG-13 | 254 min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Not Rated | 91 min | Drama, Mystery, Romance
PG-13 | 105 min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
R | 90 min | Adventure, Fantasy, Horror
R | 92 min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
R | 101 min | Crime, Musical, Mystery
PG | 98 min | Comedy, Mystery, Horror
R | 131 min | Biography, Drama, History
TV-14 | 89 min | Action, Adventure, Drama
Not Rated | 108 min | Horror, Romance
GP | 94 min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Not Rated | 120 min | Comedy, Horror, Musical
R | 95 min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
X | 90 min | Comedy, Crime, Fantasy
Not Rated | 110 min | Drama, Horror
Not Rated | 88 min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Not Rated | 119 min | Crime, Drama, Thriller
R | 80 min | Fantasy, Horror, Romance

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Donnie Lopez is a gay Latino/Hispanic social and political commentator,โ€ฆ
A sexy and titillating horror film has hit the small screen just in time for summer, Monstrous (2020). Director Bruce Wemple and screenwriter Anna Shields explore the uniquely constructed Bigfoot film.
In the Adirondack Mountains New York in 2017, a woman mysteriously goes missing in the forest (along with many others). This is an area that is typically known for its rare sightings of Sasquatch. A young woman goes in search of her missing friend into the very same forest where the friend is said to have been last. While she goes ever deeper into the mountains and forest, she realizes that the area harbor a strange yet dark secret. Over the course of discovering what occurred in this forest, she discovers that not all life forms living in the forest are as they appear.
Sylvia (Anna Shields) is a smart 20-something woman who goes searching for answers after her female friend disappears. Her adorable friend Jamie (Grant Schumacher), the bigfoot conspiracy theorist, proves to be the catalyst in helping her to get and locate information about the disappearances that have been occurring. This is before he contracts a food ailment from a lunch burrito that renders him unable to assist for some time. She attempts to retrace her friendโ€™s footsteps on the night of the disappearance.
Sylvia on her journey finds Alex (Rachel Finninger), who is searching for someone to help with the cost to travel to Whitehall and accompanies her on this trip. During their road trip they have discussions about life, sharing a motel room, and even about their respective sexualities. Alex proves to be an interesting, smart, and capable woman with a few hidden weapons. On their trip into the woods Sylvia finds herself being slightly more attracted to Alex than before.
The evil monstrous creature with many names โ€” Bigfoot, Yeti, or Sasquatch โ€” makes the first appearance within a few moments of the filmโ€™s opening scene. It is clear from the loud howling that it is not happy. The reason for the Yetiโ€™s unhappiness becomes more clear as Sylvia starts to understand what happened in the woods before she ever set foot there. The cabin in the woods is Alexโ€™s home, where she has a protective alarm that keeps wild animals away. While exploring the house, Sylvia starts to wonder if the disappearances were accidents or if there is something malevolent at work.
Bigfoot as being the touchstone of the narrative changes as the story progresses from uncovering what lives in the woods to finding out what secrets people hold. While the idea behind this film is refreshing and it does provide a few red herrings to keep the film interesting, it itself seems to be more of a lesbian murder mystery than a monster flick. The focus of monstrosity becomes less on outwards appearance and more about what hides in human skin.ย 
The romantic attraction or lusty behavior between Sylvia and Alex happen at a swift pace, maybe a little faster than it should, but for anyone in the gay community this idea is not new or even seemingly out of the ordinary. The relationship that develops between these two characters takes a hard turn when Sylvia goes snooping into Alexโ€™s bag and notices a knife. Doubt is quickly cast on this seemingly perfect few-hour road-trip relationship. Sylvia starts to investigate the homes where Alex takes refuge and finds evidence as to disappearances, Bigfoot, and the house in the woods.
Moments that truly work for this film are itโ€™s jump and scare moments. In one scene there will be a tranquil panning of the camera of a house and in the next there is a horror scene. While not often, the movie does manage to get a few scares in before the full Bigfoot costume is revealed. The opening shots in the cloak of night of Bigfoot help to tease out the monster even, but other scenes in pitch daylight do not prove to have the same affects on the audience. When the Yeti makes its appearance, it does fall short of expectations. The scene in which violence is experienced and understood from the Yetiโ€™s point of view feels almost forced and unbelievable. If there is a gripe with the film, it would have to be the ending, which is unbelievable. Jamie makes a final appearance after being absent from the scene for a while, and in his own way, manages to help Sylvia out in typical horror movie fashion. The filmโ€™s ending is just a little underwhelming when compared with the entirety of the film.
Monstrous is an attempt to reinvigorate the Yeti monster movie. While there are parts that fall short of what is usually considered a monster movie, it has its own charm.ย At first watch the film appears to be about Sasquatch, but under further investigation it is clear that this film has another side, one that attempts to explore the monsters we have in our own community rather than those we make up. While there are holes in the narrative and even a few costume and makeup flaws, it is still an enjoyable film to watch. Perhaps this will allow for other films to take more risks.
Monstrous is now available via on demand and DVD from Uncorkโ€™d Entertainment.
Donnie Lopez is a gay Latino/Hispanic social and political commentator, writer, entertainment journalist, and professor. He writes on topics that affect Hispanic/Latino culture. With his novel insight, veracity, and sense of humor, he entertains as well as educates the world.
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