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Lesbian Get


Lesbian Get

Kathy Belge is a writer and coauthor of Lipstick & Dipstick’s Essential Guide to Lesbian Relationships and Queer: The Ultimate LGBT Guide for Teens.

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What are some signs you might be a lesbian? Is there a test to see if you are a lesbian or not? When you are questioning your sexuality and wondering if you are a lesbian or not, you may be hoping there are certain signs that will help you figure it out. Although this is not a sure-fire test, if you experience three or more of these eight signs, you might be a lesbian. It’s worth investigating further.

These are a few signs that you might be a lesbian or bisexual. Of course, there is no 100% sure way to tell. Discovering your sexual orientation takes time and self-exploration. Be patient with yourself and give yourself the time you need to figure it out.

When you’re on a date with a guy, you’re thinking about how you can’t wait until it’s over so you can call your BFF--Not to tell her about the date, but to hear her voice and listen to how her day was. And then to make a plan to see her soon. All of this before you plan a second date with the dude.

When you watch movies, your eyes are drawn to the female lead and not the hunky male. You can’t help noticing how beautiful she is and you watch the movie over and over just to see that one moment where the camera closes in on her slightly parted lips and all you can think about is ​ kissing them.

When you’re out on the town or at the mall, you tend to notice girls first and eventually you notice that there’s a man there too. You do this before you even think. It's an instinct.

You seek out girls and women for friendships, conversations, support, and fun. All of your best friends are women, except maybe a few sensitive or gay men.

You’ve asked yourself “Am I a lesbian?” “Am I gay?” “ Am I bisexual? ” If you’re asking yourself these questions, it’s a sign that you could be lesbian or bisexual. People who are not attracted to the same sex don’t tend to ask themselves if they are gay or not.

You’ve had a relationship with a woman and it was great. It’s over now and so you don’t know if it was a one-off thing or if you’re a lesbian for real. If you’ve had one relationship with a woman, chances are you have the capability to fall in love with a woman again, even if you’ve dated men before or since.

You get tingly feelings when you read lesbian romance or watch lesbian romantic movies. When you watch a romantic movie or read a lesbian romance novel, you feel something deep inside when the couple kisses for the first time. You imagine yourself in a similar situation and it makes you feel happy and good inside. You have a sense of longing that echoes that of the heroines of the romance.

Although you don’t need to have kissed someone or had sex to know if you are a lesbian or not, if you have and you liked it, that’s a positive sign that you might be a lesbian. It is especially a good sign if when you’re kissing you feel a desire to go further than just kissing.

7 Lesbian Stereotypes That Are Actually True - and the Surprising Reasons Why

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Stereotyping is a necessary evil. Stereotyping simplifies complex information so our brains can easily understand it, reducing the amount of processing we go through when seeing or meeting new people That said, it also causes us to generalize. If we see one hipster drinking PBR and wearing an “Everyone loves Grandpa!” T-shirt, our brain is like, #YesAllHipsters.
When it comes to lesbians, I was curious if the stereotypes had a basis in reality, partly because I am a former gym teacher who drives a truck and loves cats and has a wardrobe that’s 90 percent flannel. I've probed the data to see if the old lines about U-Hauling, lesbian bed death and others had any statistical sway. The results were surprising.
The most common lesbian joke is often attributed to comedian Lea Delaria, who once remarked: “What does a lesbian bring on a second date? A U-Haul.” This plays into the notion that queer women tend to move in together at lightning-fast speeds. While there are no significant statistics comparing the cohabitation speeds of queer vs. straight women, there is some science that pinpoints why a lesbian couple might move in together sooner than a hetero couple. Some of these reasons have to do with societal norms, financial benefits and hormones.
“U-hauling happens for two reasons,” explains clinical psychologist Lauren Costine at AfterEllen . “Biologically our brains are wired for a relationships and connection. We emit much more oxytocin than men. Oxytocin is a hormone women emit when they’re falling in love, having sex, or breastfeeding. It’s biological encouragement to attach. It feels so good that for some women, in this case lesbians, they can’t get enough. Since there’s two women, there’s twice as much oxytocin floating around.”
And we all know what happens when you leave oxytocin floating around: trips to Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Another oft-recited stereotype is that lesbians are known to process everything to death. Q: How many lesbians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: I don’t know. Should we use LEDs? What wattage? Are these recyclable? Maybe this is a sign we should be lowering our carbon footprint. Let’s make a pro and con list of solar panel options and revisit this next year.
Processing is the tendency to overanalyze and overdiscuss every aspect that can be analyzed or discussed. When it comes to relationships, it turns out this works in lesbians’ favor. According to a 12-year study by John Gottman of the University of Washington and Robert Levenson of the UC Berkeley, gay and lesbian couples are excellent communicators who use fewer “controlling, hostile emotional tactics” when fighting, such as belligerence, domineering, and fear. “The difference on these ‘control’ related emotions suggests that fairness and power-sharing between the partners is more important and more common in gay and lesbian relationships than in straight ones,” Gottman explained.
The dreaded “bed death,” or the notion that lesbians in committed relationships stop having sex with each other, is a touchy topic. According to Karen Blair, a professor at St. Francis Xavier University and a member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex , only 15 percent of lesbian couples engage in sex more than twice a week, compared to 50 percent or more of other comparison groups (straight couples and gay men).
But! While it’s true that lesbians have less frequent sex than their straight counterparts, lesbian sex lasts far longer:
“Women in same-sex relationships reported significantly longer durations of sexual encounters than individuals in all three comparison groups, with their median duration falling within the 30 to 45 minute range, compared to the 15 to 30 minute range most commonly reported by participants in other types of relationships.” Also, almost 10 percent of lesbians get it on for more than two hours, compared to 1.9 percent of straight couples.
“Furthermore,” Blair explains, “very few women in same-sex relationships reported very brief sexual encounters, possibly providing a hint as to why their sexual frequency numbers tend to be lower than the other three groups.”
4. Lesbians know how to please their partners.
No doubt partially due to lesbians’ excellent communication skills and lengthy lap-nap sessions, lesbians have more orgasms than straight and bi women. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine polled 1,497 men and 1,353 women who'd been sexually active within the past year. Participants were asked to state their gender, sexual orientation and the percentage of time they orgasmed "with a familiar partner."
Researchers found that heterosexual women reported orgasming just 61.6 percent of the time, and bisexual women following close behind with 58 percent. Lesbians, however, reported coming 74.7 percent of the sexytime.
Way to bring your gAy game, wimmin.
5. The L Word: Lesbians love Leisha.
According to data culled from its four million users, online dating site OkCupid revealed in a survey that “The L Word” was not only the most common phrase used on lesbians’ profiles, it was used so frequently it didn’t even fit on the graph relative to the amount of times lesbians used it. Analysts had to shrink it down to fit OkC’s template. Love it or hate it, if you like ladies, you probably watched the Showtime series that aired from 2004 to 2009. More than once.
Also unsurprising is the prevalence of Tegan and Sara and Ani DiFranco mentions, as well as cult fave TV show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," which featured one of the first lesbian kiss scenes on U.S. television.
6. Lesbians are kinkier and druggier.
Curiously, straight women were more “into sports” (so there goes that lesbian stereotype?), as well as optimistic and far more likely to identify as religious.
7. Lesbians reject cultural norms and dominant beauty standards.
Research has shown that lesbians tend to have better body images than straight women, possibly because they have a broader definition than the general public of what’s beautiful and sexy. (This also contributes to queer women having better sex, as the better one feels about one’s body, the more enjoyable sex is .) Some researchers posit that because dating a same-sex partner is already a move away from the mainstream, lesbians would also reject cultural messages about the “ideal” female body. Feminist values, which many lesbians ascribe to, also play into lesbians’ tendency to enjoy, celebrate and accept more body diversity than their straight counterparts.
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8 Hidden Signs She Is Secretly Curious (And 7 Obvious Ones)

Chris Flynn
Dec 17, 2017

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For obvious reasons, “curiosities” is something that no one likes to talk about. When it comes to who men and women might be interested in, people often believe that if they do not fit into the normal stereotypes, that something is wrong with them. Those who do not fit into acceptable standards for men and women or the heterosexual lifestyle often live in fear and embarrassment, afraid to come out for fear of rejection or being a victim of hate crimes. In some countries, the LGBT community is not encouraged and there are even laws that prevent such people from coming out.
Guys, if you are interested in a girl and you feel that she is giving you a hard time or does not seem interested in you despite all your efforts, then it is possible that she is a lesbian. It is either obvious or it is not. Maybe you wonder how girls know how to find other girls to date. Well, the signs are not always obvious. If you continue reading, you will find the hidden signs and the obvious ones that she is a lesbian. Rather than assuming, you can always ask. It is, after all, the adult and human thing to do.
If she is a lesbian, she is going to be noticeably uncomfortable around guys. You may assume that she is innocent or that she is just sheltered, but the truth is that she would rather be around her girlfriends than around you. Even if she does have a boyfriend, it is just to save face and because it is the norm to do so. However, while she may be a good friend, she may be a terrible girlfriend. The chemistry you share may be way off and you may wonder if you were doing something wrong. It is not you; it is her. She is most likely a closeted lesbian and ashamed to come out. If she fakes a lot then, it may be the time you ask her if she is a lesbian.

Stereotyping is bad, but you can obviously tell a girl is a lesbian by the way she dresses. Gays are usually very flamboyant, but lesbians are not usually that outlandish. If she is into tomboy styles, that is a clear indication that she is gay. By tomboy styles, she wears flannels and clothing that is bigger than her or just clothing that you would expect men to wear. Not all girls who dress like tomboys are lesbians. Some lesbians are very feminine, but you may see them wearing accessories that indicate their LGBTQ lifestyle. These accessories may be rainbow bracelets or even rings. She is technically saying who she is without making a statement. They also have a preference for Chuck Taylor sneakers, ties, and wearing their pants low just like the guys do.

No adult woman should have regular sleepovers with her girlfriends. After a girls’ night out, someone may get drunk and need to sleep over, but after college, there is little need for girlfriends to have regular sleepovers. If your girlfriend is sleeping over regularly with her girlfriends, you may never think that anything is wrong with it, but there are so many things that are wrong with it. She may be using the sleepover as a way to sleep with her lesbian friends and you will be none the wiser. After the sleepover, she acts normal and as though nothing happened. A good excuse for a girl to cheat on her boyfriend with her girlfriend is just to have an innocent sleepover.

Like clothing, a hairstyle could tell so much about a person. Some hairstyles are worn mostly by lesbian women. Mohawks tend to be a favorite hairstyle of lesbians. Lesbians prefer short haircuts, so every female sporting a short haircut comes across as being suspicious. Straight women also don’t wear much hair gel. It is something that guys usually do. So, if she has a military cut or a cut that a guy will wear and too much hair gel, it is likely that she is a lesbian. Another sign is that she may have pretty-boy haircuts or wear bobs. These cuts are usually paired with her lesbian clothing. Just note that some models are expected to sport these hairstyles for their fashion shows and they may be straight.

If she refers to her boyfriend as her partner, then she is probably gay. Usually, girls are eager to say their boyfriend or their man. They barely use partner to refer to a heterosexual relationship. If she is hiding the fact that she is a lesbian, some of the terminology may slip now and then. You will probably find older women who are unmarried and living with men referring to them as their partner. It is unlikely that you will find any woman under forty using this term to refer to her significant other. Homosexuals usually use the term partner, because in some states and countries, gay marriages are illegal, and partner seems to be the more socially acceptable term than referring to someone as your boyfriend or your girlfriend.

There is a good reason behind speculating that lesbians have short fingernails. Lesbians usually don’t take time to get their nails done or add extensions to them because their fingers are a vital part of their intimate lives. Now that you are informed, it is highly unlikely that she is going to have long nails because they can be uncomfortable for her partner. Some females may have short nails because they are professional athletes and refuse to injure their teammates or because they are musicians and long nails make it uncomfortable to play an instrument. So, whilst straight girls get glammed up and go to the salon to get their nails done, you are unlikely to ever see a lesbian getting her nails done.

It is normal for straight women to have had a childhood of boy band posters and crushes on every popular guy. Lesbians do not have these crushes but they have girl crushes. If she is secretly a lesbian, she probably had pictures of powerful female celebrities on her walls and would have told her parents that they were her role models. She was never going to admit to them that she had a crush. Girls with female crushes may just hint that if they were lesbians, they would want to be with Blake Lively, Angelina Jolie or even Scarlett Johansson. Straight girls tend to have girl crushes too, but a lesbian is probably going to obsess about her girl crush and doodle their names together with a heart when she is daydreaming.

Someone’s mannerisms say a lot about who they are as a person. With gays, you can easily tell, but lesbians can be a bit subtler. You should observe how she walks and how she sits. If she sits with her legs spread or walks similar to how a guy will, then she is probably a lesbian or a girl who had too many brothers and male influences in her life growing up. Some lesbians tend to want to hide the fact that they are indeed female by hiding their bust area or wearing clothes to minimize it. A lesbian may also stare at you longer than usual and lick her lips while she is talking to you. She may also be a bit too close for comfort and in your personal space.

A closeted lesbian may have a few friends that she is possessive of. She does not want them to have other friends and she does not like them talking to men. If you have a girlfriend and she is super possessive of her friends or gets jealous easily when they do things without including her, those friends that she seems possessive and protective of can actually be her girlfriend who is posing as her best friend. They may have their reasons for carrying on a secret relationship and involving an unsuspecting male. But if you have a girlfriend and she gets more jealous of her female friends than she gets with you, she may be secretly homosexual. Even if you have a female friend who seems too jealous and too possessive, she may be a lesbian.

If she talks like a lesbian, then maybe she is a lesbian. They are very sensitive and vocal about issues that are related to gender and the LGBTQ community. Does she talk about other lesbians or shows that have lesbian characters? Well, most females do, but if she talks like she could relate to those characters, then she is definitely a lesbian. Some lesbians may also be considered man haters and have a lot of negative things to say about men. A lot of females may have negative things to say about men, but they still find a way to sleep with them. With lesbians, t
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