Lesbian Game Videos

Lesbian Game Videos


10 Video Games That Let You Play As a Lesbian or Bisexual Woman
Emily Kaldwin punched me in the face once and made me gay – it was awesome.
Happy International Women’s Day! Today is a day where women are celebrated everywhere even if they deserve to be celebrated each and every single day, but hey, that’s just me being plain ol’ bitter. That aside though, International Women’s Day is particularly important to me and here’s why:
It’s been a few years since I’ve come out that scary old closet, but I always remember the date. It brings a smile on my face to know how far I’ve come, and a large part of it is due to video games and the continuous development of diversity within them. We’ve still got a long way to go, but as I was writing this I realized that I felt happy, happy to see myself in characters that I never dreamed I would be able to. To me, playing a character who I can identify with is absolutely everything. Some might not feel that way, but I know a lot of people feel the way I do too.
And that’s okay. Because video games are cool and we like to get ourselves lost in them, so why shouldn’t we be able to relate to something that we feel is a part of us?
So, my bisexual and lesbian sisters, this list is for you. I present to you: 10 Video Games That Let You Play as a Lesbian or Bisexual Woman.
When not sleeping (which is...a lot of the time), Aimee is writing up a storm for her latest ideas. Hailing from the city Birmingham, she's had a love for video games since playing Star Wars Episode 1: Racer on the PC with her trusty joystick! Since then she's developed a firm love for RPGs and JRPGs and considers them her second love, straight after dogs. Her favourite games are: Tales of Berseria, Dragon Age II (don't judge!), Final Fantasy X and Pyre. You can hear her ramble about them @honhonitsaimee on Twitter.
Make DragonBall Z Great Again      Since DragonBall Xenoverse 2 was recently announced to come out later this year, hordes of fans have been swamped with discussion on how…
Felicem Diem Marmota monaxi! Every once in a while, a game comes along that feels bigger than it really is — impossibly vast despite its fixed map, deeper than…
I Am America, (And So Can You!) The final battle begins in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 6, so strap on, put those tray tables up,…
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