Lesbian Foot Smelling

Lesbian Foot Smelling


Lesbian Foot Smelling
Hi all,

I am a lover of feet smell and so are many of you... I know that every girl has her own odor, but I have always smelled caucasian feet (I am italian). I was wondering if any of you has had experiences with girls of different races and noticed abything specific about the smell of asian, black, indian or other feet.

Just curios... I am not foot racist... I like them all! :-)
I'vd had black, latina, persian and asian and saw no difference at all, but I am not a big fan of aroma
I've read that Latino feet tend to be somewhat more fragrant "intrinsically" in terms of general perspiration. But it's probably true that overall, racial and ethnic differences are minimal.

I would speculate that foot hygiene and especially type of enclosure (type of sock and/or shoe) plus, obviously, length of time enclosed - well, maybe also degree of sweating - are critical factors.
...and I would tend to stay away from smelly feet. But in terms of feet that have softness and a great feel, I would say Asian women have the softest, creamiest, and greatest feeling feet when you hold them, lick, suck, etc.
good question, an Ex-girlfriend of mine is Mexican and she would let me smell her feet sometimes. She was actually turned on by it, her feet didnt smell any different, at least I didnt think so.

I find Asian women's feet tend to be only lightly smelly with just a hint of sweat and not really a strong musty smell.

Black girl's feet tend to be aromatic and have a more tangy scent to them and again not a strong musty smell.

I find Italian women's feet always have a strong smell to them and they seem to have that combination of mustiness and cheesey smell, it's a rather pleasent odour.

By far the best smelling feet hands down are those of Eastern European women. Czech, Slovak and Russian women definetly have the best smelling feet, at least to me, it's the perfect foot smell for the turn on value.
I've smelled and tasted the feet of black, white, and puerto rican women, and there is no real inherent difference in smell or taste. There are a few factors that will determine what a girl's feet smell like. A girl's hygiene,or lack thereof, how much her feet sweat, chemical composition of the body what type of shoes and socks she wears, whether or not she uses perfumed foot lotions,and even what she eats will determine what her feet smell or taste like; not her "race" or nationality.
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Hey guys,

I'm currently a junior in college and had a recent foot experience with a classmate. There is this sophmore in my biology class named Elena who I noticed almost always wore Sperrys. She's white and probably about 5'7. We had talked some freshman year when she was also in another of my classes and we were put on a project team together and she had the same sperrys she wears now. I was curious as to how old the shoes could of been so I looked on facebook and saw pictures from her enior year of highschool when she was wearing them, so I knew they had to be at least a bit stinky. I was pretty sure she had a thing for me or at least thought I was super nice and chill, so I tried to figure out a way to get to smell her shoes and/or feet.

So after class one day I asked her if she wanted to get together to study for an exam we had coming up. She said yes and we agreed to meet in her common room area in her dorm. So when I walk in to meet her there she was wearing the Sperrys as usual, and the common room was empty. After studying for about 20 minutes or so and going through some practice questions I asked her if she liked her Sperrys cause I didnt have any and a friend of mine who's a girl asked me if she should get some (which wasen't true, I kinda just made it up on the spot). "Yeah, I love them" she said letting out a little giggle since it was probably pretty random that I brought that up out of the blue. "Are they good to wear without socks?" I asked a little nervously. "Yeah, I never wear socks with mine. Some people wear those no-show socks but they never stay on my feet. Otherwise regular socks just look weird with them." From there we kinda moved on to talking about some biology concepts for another 10-15 minutes or so.

I really wanted to get back on the topic of shoes so I asked her, "I know it's a little strange for me to keep asking about them, but how long have you had your Sperrys? It seems like a type of shoe I might want to get next and obviously girls are better to get information from about this stuff than guys haha". "Ummmm, probably for about 3 or 3 and a half years or so" she responded. "Damn" I said "You've gotten some good use out of them. They must be pretty warn haha". "Yeah they are I guess. They're just super comfy honestly". After the short exchange she said she had to run to the bathroom real quick and kicked off her sperrys because the bathroom floors were aparently really sticky from being mopped recently, so she was just gonna grab her shower flip-flops from her room, which was right near the bathroom. The second she left and turned the corner and was out of sight, I looked around again to make sure no one was around. Thankfully no one was. We were sitting at a table so I had to bend down a little to put my nose by her sperrys and smell them. The insides were defintly worn and they were pretty stinky. I didnt want to move them so I just stuck my nose into them for probably about a minute or so before I heard what sounded like a door being open and closed. 

I sat back up in my chair and shortly I saw her walking back. "Did you find out the defintion of those terms yet from the textbook?" she asked. I responded that I haden't yet since I was having some trouble finding them in the book. So we were silent for a few minutes just flipping through the book trying to find these terms, but I couldnt really focus. She hadent put her shoes back on and I could smell the sperrys a little since they were pretty close. "Are those your sperrys?" I asked with a smile trying to poke fun at her, "They must be a little smelly". "Yeah, they tend to get a little stinky sometimes haha, but I don't smell it so i dont know what you're talking about". "It defintley smells a little like shoes or feet or something like that, and I know its not me cause I have my shoes on and no one else is here". I really tried to be funny about it and kinda poke fun at her in a playful way. "Oh stop" she said smiling back, "I really don't smell anything. Stop trying to distract from studying, as much I would like to be distracted from it haha".

"Okay. Just so I can see if i'm crazy and imagining this or not, do you care if I smell them real quick?" She laughed for a second and responded, "Ummmm I guess so haha. I'm gonna keep trying to find these terms though so that I can move on to these stupid practice problems." So I pushed my chair back a bit and moved her sperrys towards me. I picked the right one up and took a whiff, and it was a bit smelly. Then I picked up her left one and did the same thing with the same result. "Okay, i'm definitly not trying to be mean or anything but they are a little sinky" I said laughing. "Fineeeeeee" she said in a drawn out voice, "I guess you were right then". "Well just for the sake of accuracy, could I smell your feet real quick? Cause it might have been them rather than the shoes. I don't wanna accuse the wrong thing" I said really nevously but trying to laugh it off like a joke. "Ummm, I guess? But you gotta move towards me cause I don't wanna have to move and not be able to still look through the book". So I pushed my chair to the right of where she was sitting and told her to put her feet and rest them on my knees real quick. I first lifted her right foot and took a couple of whiffs by her toes and then by the middle of her sole and did the same thing with the left. They were a bit stinky too, but I had an idea and just thought to go with it since I'd made it this far.

Smiling I said to her, "They are a bit smelly too haha. I don't know which one it could have been!" "It was probably both haha" she responded. "I mean, we've put this much work into the investigation, so I think its only fair to definitively determine if it was more the feet or shoes". "We gotta focus Matt! haha". She was obviously not super bothered by it but just was set on trying to get this studying done as soon as possible. So I thought about how to work around all this really quickly. "Okay, how about this. You can look up the terms and start the practice questions if you finish finding the terms while I finish the proper investigation haha. And anything that isin't finished or if you want to leave some extra work for me since I kinda started all this, I will do them on my own and send you my study guide. I'll even include all the work i've done before this. Is that fair?" "Ugh, you really are invested in this arent you" she said with a laugh and smile while sighing a bit, "I guess that's fair. But we're not doing it in the middle of the common room for someone to come and see me haha". "That's fair" I responded, "where should we go then?" "Let's just go to my room since it's super close anyways."

So she slipped her Sperrys back on and put all her papers and books together to carry while I did the same. When we walked into her room she asked, "Okay Matt, happy? haha". "I'm just trying to make an informed claim! I don't wanna wrongfully accuse!" I said laughing although I was still nervous and wondering if she thought this was all really strange. "I know i know, i'm just messing with ya. I ultimatly have to do less work, so if anything I actually benefit the most from this haha." After putting our stuff down and taking a few second of silence she asked, "Soooo, how are we doing this?" I took a second to think cause I really wasen't sure and didn't wanna sound super weird. "Maybe if you just lie down on your stomach on your bed or on the floor or something? This way you can still use your computer and write stuff and still be in a conformtable position and all". She said ok and moved some of the clothes that were on her bed and layed down on her stomach with her shoes and feet hanging off the end while she put her school stuff in front of her. "Does this work?" she asked. "Yup!" I responded, "And remeber that you can save more work for me if you so choose haha." "Oh don't worry, I will" she said laughing back at me.

So I started by taking each of her Sperrys off and smelling them for a minute or two each (I really am not sure about the exact time but just taking a guess). "Okay" I said "I'm gonna put the shoes and feet on a scale from 1-10 so that it's easier to evaluate". "Whatver floats your boat haha" she answered. I then ran my nose up and down each of her feet, smelling them for around the same amount of time I smelt the shoes. "I'm gonna say a 4.5 for the shoes and a 4 for the feet" I said. She just let out a little laugh and didn't say anything so I thought I should say something to break up the awkwardness a little. "Do you care if I keep going for thoroughness sake?" I asked. "Umm, I don't care I guess haha. I'm in the middle of a question anyways". So I sniffed her shoes again and decided to smell inbetween her toes. I seperated each one and stuck my nose inbetween them, between the second and third toe was porbably the stinkiest. "Haha that tickles a little" she said, "Sorry" I responded. 

"To finish off the investigation once and for all, do you maybe have any shoes besides the Sperrys that I could use for comparison?" There was a few second of silence as I saw her finishing up one of the questions she was in the middle of. "Umm, yeah probably. In my closet to the left there are some sneakers, uggs, and flats I have and wear somewhat regulalry." So I walked over to her closet and took out the three pairs of shoes and asked, "Well since you wear the Sperrys without socks, which of these do you not wear socks with?" Again there was some silence as she finished up finding something in the textbook, "Umm, the uggs and flats I don't wear socks with. I wear socks with the sneakers sometimes, but not always." "Do you mind if I smell them?" I asked. "At this point, why not haha" she answered, "I actually wore my sneakers for most of yesterday and today, so they might have the most smell" she said laughing and kinda rolling her eyes at the whole situation. So I took them back over where her other shoes and her feet were, which was also where she couldnt really see me since I was right by her feet and she was facing forwards. I smelt each of the shoes and could defintley tell the sneakers were almost as stinky as the sperrys, with the flats and uggs having a little smell to them, but not a ton. 

"You were right" I said "The sneakers definitly did have the most smell to them. Almost as much as the Sperrys." "Collecting a lot of data I suppose" she said smiling again but not really looking back at my directly. "Did you wear socks with the sneakers yesterday and/or today when you wore them?" I asked. "Yesterday I didnt since I was just going to class and then went to do some work and go see a movie with some friends. Today I did since I had a cardio class earlier in the day and just left the socks on." "Gotcha" I said. She seemed to be continuing to work so I didnt really say anything and took a few more minutes smelling her shoes, focusing mostly on the Sperrys since they had the best smell to them out of the four pairs of shoes. "Mind if I do one more foot check and then call it case closed?" "Sure haha. I stopped at question number 2 and am just gonna go on facebook or something cause I need a break". "Okay, no problemo. I did promise to do most of the practice problems anyways." So I spent a good 3-4 minutes with each foot, again smelling in between the toes while a few times she flinched a little bit and giggled when it tickled. When I was done I said, "Case closed!". "What's the official ruling haha" she asked. "The official ruling is that the Sperrys were the majority culprit!" I said in a kinda playful over-the-top manner. She got up from her stomach and got off the bed smilling and saying how ridiclous I was sometimes. She gave me the practice question paper with a mark where she had stopped working and I spent a few hours finishing them all up and, as promised, sent the pictures of them to her over text. She responded saying "Thanks! . This is gonna be really helpful!". After a wekk or so after this experience the professor of our class announced the date for the next exam and she said to me that we should get together and study again since the way I did the practice problems was really helpful for her. I will be sure to update if anything like this happens again with her!
Really enjoyed the story! Loved how detailed it was and I got a bit envious with you being able to take in all her scents haha. Hope you post more if more experiences follow!
Thank you! I posted another experience I had before this one, and I plan on posting more in the near future hopefully
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