Lesbian Dom Stories

Lesbian Dom Stories


Lesbian Dom Stories
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Even though she is also a girl, that never stopped her lust for her 3rd period Chemistry teacher.
13 pages Completed February 1, 2016 Shawn 
Willow Richardson is the mother of Stacy who's in the 10th grade. One day she met Stacy's algebra teacher in a PT conference and well... read the story and find out.
2 pages June 16, 2021 marcus uwu 
Miss Roberts, your regular secondary school teacher. Her life was a struggle, dealing with filthy teens problems and the mundane life of a millennial dance professor. Although most of her colleagues bored her intensely, a certain fetching English teacher may have caught her eye…
28 pages Completed June 3, 2014 Nenen 
You know about Kaitlynn. And we've mention Emilee (previously Kylie) before. But you have no idea what goes on. An old face from the original story makes an apperience
-note: Kylie is 18-
'Look, they've all said that. Every single one. But it never lasts. Forever doesn't always mean forever,'
Emelia is the most polpuar girl in school. She has the perfect, super hot, rich boyfriend, perfect parents and an amazing social life.
Maisie, however, is a loner, bullied and ...
40 pages February 28, 2018 Clouds In My Coffee 
She was beautiful. I was head over heels for her. She took my breath away. Eva Klum was something else to make me fall for her this hard. Who thought I'll end up loving my teacher who is also my brother's fiancé. Who thought she will love me back after resisting me for so long that I'd t...
13 pages December 17, 2013 Bailey 
Aphrodite is a Lesbian Teen Girl who thought she would never find true Love , but when Shes starts to fall for her Chemistry teacher , she starts to question herself. What Is Love? GxG TeacherxStudent ♥
49 pages October 19, 2015 Glory 
When 17 year old Kate is failing her Math class, who could save her? Mr. Joey is who, but he will not give her the extra credit that she’s use to! What will happen when he tells her to “love him” as extra credit?
Meet Sarah Richpal, a rich bully with a dark past. Together with Mr. Joey's brother...
11 pages November 7, 2012 Brenda 
Forbidden. That's the name I would give our relationships. He's my math teacher and... my lover. She's my best friend.. with benefits. Can this work?
A Bisexual/lesbian story. !Trigger Warning! Will contain references to cutting and suicide later on.
Naomi was my best friend until that night. But now she's much more. I knew she struggled with family life, but never realised how bad it really was. I want to help her, but this isn't just an...
2 pages Completed September 11, 2020 a.o 
A lesbian dinner date full of body language and deep feelings of love. Authors note: this is a one shot. I had a assignment for my AP English class to do a creative writing piece and so i created this. I love that i made my male English teacher read this

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Fast story without any preparation
I am not a story writer but I am needing to put myself out there for any dominant people to...

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In which Daenerys Targaryen takes a liking to the youngest Lannister.
well Brenda and Teresa smut, what else do you want
Going into a 'haunted house' is never a good idea. That's something Amelia should have thought of before accepting a dare and meeting a rather interesting (and horny) vampire.
Olivia Fisher comes from privilege. An overachieving athlete with wealthy parents, she's bored of the same old trajectories life always seems to take, but often too shy and apprehensive to correct them. Life is planned for her. Diana Kwame plans her own life. The confident but apathetic queer, biracial daughter of a Mojave native father and a Mexican mother, she's used to being the outcast in her extremely conservative town and high school. When the two of them are forced together by circumstances and choices, they start to bring down barriers one by one and side by side. But a pair of initials carved on a school locker suggests this story may have been told before in this very high school.
AU: The Doctor coaches Yaz on Venusian Aikido during a work-out session, which leads to the two needing to cool off in the shower. Includes shameless smut with plot and fluff.
After finding out Kara's real identity, her girlfriend Lena is understandably upset. When Supergirl arrives at her office like a wounded puppy, it's then Lena realises her hands aren't so clean either, she's been hiding a secret of her own too. [BDSM/Top Lena.]
A bunch of my ideas for fics that I'm practically forcing myself not to write since I need to finish my other ones. If you do end up using one for a fic, please gift it to me and give credit I'd love to read!
Tsuyu comes to Mei's workshop at night
Peridot is annoying enough to make Lapis do something to stop it
Rachel and Chloe just want some after sex cuddeling time but there black and grey fluff furball, sees that a little diffrent
"Oh Rachel you and Chloe are this young and I know what youre learning code means" "NO MOM!! really she help me prepaering for the test, I know im smart but Chloe is a smartass in Chem. Mom we dont have sex, I swear" Rachel say in a seroius tone. But is she really right with that!?
(no lis or bts events, both are 19th)
the girls were stuck on a flight that was who knows how many hours long. jennie and jisoo sat in the front seats in first class, so they could sleep away from their noisy members. rosé and lisa stayed together in the back. what could go wrong?
Elsa, the Queen of Winter, is the embodiment of confidence and control, and her life is seemingly perfect. But when the Faerie Queen Maleficent appears, warning the Faerie Queens of danger on the horizon, Elsa's life is suddenly turned upside down. Heavily AU, fantasy, a lot of mixing Disney tales, and Elsanna smut (NOT sisters though).
Before she could even comprehend it, the girl was walking toward her. As she approached, more of her features became visible as she wasn’t fading into the colors of the sunrise.
The one where Lauren meets the *literal* girl of her dreams.
Breanna is a long lost Mikaelson and she doesn’t even know it. Neither do the actual Mikaelsons. She lives with her best friends, Morgan, Essa, Alyssa and McKenna. Breanna is a tribrid, the first of her kind, before Hope. However, unlike Hope, Breanna’s vampire and werewolf sides are not subdued. When they run into five boys who just so happen to be hiding from Breanna’s long lost family, what will happen? and will the Mikaelsons accept Breanna into their always and forever, or will she be outcast? Will they ignore her existence? Where did she come from? How is she what she is? Why can she tell the future and read people’s minds? I guess you’ll have to read to find out.
A shadow had been following Becca all day. In the street, in the office, and when she gets home. Luckily, it's just her imagination, right?
Chloe and Rachel make an night stopover at the beach at there world traviling mission with there van "gladys", the marrierd couple will have a romantic, cute and smuty time.
(Comics "Waves & Strings" Spoilers // both are 22, no lis or bts events)
Prompt: Delores and Charlotte Hale from Westworld (Fleshed this out a little bit and set it around season 3, the little tendernesses that they only know how to show to themselves through being gentle with each other.) Delores vs. Delores.
Lia and Yeji, fucking each other on the couch in the living room, after Yeji promised Lia her rewards for helping her plucking her pubic hair.

"Now, slave, it is time for me to Punish you for cancelling your last appointment. There will be two Punishments, the first for cancelling and the second for doing that while I was on holiday! Both will be rather harder than you would perhaps wish!"
She knew I dreaded the Cane, hated it.
That increased the effectiveness, as it was a most vivid demonstration of her Domination that she could force me to accept it despite my fear.
Asking, during our initial friendly discussion, to be Punished with the Cane had been difficult for me. She would never guess how difficult. I shuddered at the thought of it cutting across my bottom raising a think red welt on my flesh, a welt that burned and seared like fire
I bent over as she directed, my neck and spread hands in the slots of the Stocks. She lowered the top bar and fastened it so that I was helpless. Then she had me spread my legs wide into the foot-bar and similarly secured that.
I now stood with my bottom thrust out, presented for Punishment.
Collecting a Cane she stood to one side, measuring her distance.
"Twelve strokes in all, slave. The first 6 delivered slowly, the last six very fast, one after another with no pause for the pain to abate!"
She drew back her arm, aimed - and the Cane whistled through the air to land much harder on my bottom than I had expected. Behind the Gag I shrieked as the pain tore my flash, slowly subsiding as my bottom jerked and writhed in protest. A flushed red welt rose where it had landed.
I shrieked again - again, again, again and again as she completed the first section of my Punishment. Allowing a pause she ran her hand over the ridges raised on my flesh.
"Very satisfactory!"she remarked approvingly as she resumed her stance, the Cane levelled and ready for the second part of the Punishment!

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