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13 reasons lesbians and cats are soulmates and the stereotype is completely true

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Since the dawning of time, lesbians and cats have been inextricably linked. Lesbians can’t get enough of cats and cats can’t get enough of lesbians (?!).
We’ve drawn up a thoroughly-researched list of scientific reasons to explain the similarities between lesbians and cats, and thus, got to the bottom of why they are so perfectly matched.
Lesbians stay home and cuddle, cats stay home and cuddle. THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME!
They stand by their humans, their wives, their girlfriends, their whatever. They stand by stuff.
Butch, boy, femme and pirate are among cats’ and lesbians’ favourite looks.
There’s another video just like the one above that shows a lesbian pushing a glass off a table as her wife pleads with her not to.
Lesbians, much like cats, are known for being extremely temperamental. You just cannot tame them. Either of them.
There’s nothing more appealing than a can of “chicken cake”.
As you can see, cats are prone to this behaviour too.
They are renowned for their tiredness and laziness.
Just try getting up for a drink in the night – you’ll find them all lurking in the dark for no good reason.
We don’t know why they feel the need to do this, but it is possible that it’s to do with being at eye-level.
They hide under the sofa, behind the sofa, at the top of the stairs… anywhere they can get to, for safety.
Honestly, head out to the garden and shake some treats. It’s not just cats that will flock to your door.
Celebs you didn’t know have an LGBT sibling
Prickly tongues are more efficient for grooming, as the lesbian has discovered.

Patrick Kelleher


October 14, 2022

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We know there are ‘dog lesbians’ and ‘cat lesbians’ — or people like me who love them both equally — but cats have undeniably been more associated with lesbians. It’s not just a stereotype either: a poll of lesbians on @lesbian__history’s Instagram revealed that half had at least one cat but only a third had at least one dog.
Cats have historically been associated with women. Perhaps the cat-loving lesbian stereotype is because a lesbian relationship involves double the women, so double the cats. The word “puss” was used to refer to cats before it became slang for vagina. The connection can’t possibly be coincidental.
Maybe the association started with witches who, The Cut outlines, have appreciated cats for “companions in spiritual matters and in persecution.” Or maybe, the disobedient nature of cats appeals to women who are “generally disgusted by the demands of [heterosexual] marriage, gender roles, or mainstream femininity.” Lesbians do, naturally, rely less on men. Hmm.
Kate McKinnon and Ellen Degeneres are two lesbians — among many — who really love their cats, to the point that it’s inconvenient to others. But who cares? Cats rule (literally). They have been goddesses. Bow down, lesbians.
Lesbians aren’t afraid to play up to loving cats. Kate McKinnon played Barbara DeDrew, an older lesbian “cat lady” who runs a cat rescue and cycles through a bunch of obsessed lovers, on Saturday Night Live ’s Whiskers R We . The cat rescuer is a stereotype most of us welcome gladly and there is truth to it. In the aforementioned lesbian Instagram poll, almost all of the responders said they rescued their cat or dog rather than going to a breeder. Being compassionate is a vibe!
McKinnon is a real life cat lover. McKinnon rescued her cat from a pizzeria and then named him Nino, after the said restaurant. The website CatTime fills us in on the deets:
“Nino is 17 pounds from eating so many pizza crusts and Kate tries to help him lose weight but she just can’t seem to say no to her cat, who she calls her son. She talks about Nino every chance she gets.”
McKinnon says in the YouTube video that her close friends would describe her as “covered in cat hair.” She “tried” to stop Nino from jumping up on the dining room table when she first rescued him but she felt guilty after got upset that she was controlling him. He has now claimed a decorative serving tray as his own. On the dining table.
I think most of us say we originally “tried” to teach our cats to stop jumping up on the dining table. I think most of us pretend “they’re not supposed to be up there” when friends are around. The truth is that cats don’t see us as their boss and we love that they fight for their right to party.
Ellen told goodhousekeeping that she and Portia have three cats and three dogs “but, like any celebrity parent, I think it’s important to keep them out of the press.” Without being prompted, she says her favorite pet is one of the cats, Charlie, who passed away in January 2020.
We had to say goodbye to Charlie today. She was an amazing cat and gave us so much love. One of the hardest decisions to make but so glad we could end her suffering. pic.twitter.com/EkWOAw1NnX
Ellen Degeneres’ obsession with her cats is the only thing that Portia de Rossi claims bothers her in their marriage. Portia states to Jennifer Aniston :
“Every single night, just as I serve her [Ellen] dinner, just as I put it down in front of her, she gets up and feeds the cats – every single night…I love cooking, I love preparing food and I love making it the perfect temperature. I garnish. I try to make it a little romantic.”
“Somehow, I come in, they wake up and they want to be fed. I have to feed them. It’s not every night but I do know that that bugs her and I rush. I hurry up and rush and feed them but sometimes, they want choices. So I put down two different kinds.”
Cats need to be careful when inconveniencing lesbian relationships, however. Let’s not forget that Tonya killed Dana’s cat, Mr. Piddles – who supported her when she was coming out to a homophobic family – on The L Word .
When I asked Dana, a lesbian cat lover, why she thinks lesbians have a close relationship with cats and/or are associated with them, she said:
“Cats will not approach you unless they trust you…There is a sixth sense that tells us something about another person, spoken or not. Cats seem to know when you’re all alone or just need a hug. They also know when you want to be left alone [for the most part]…I have also noticed this in the lesbian community, we are all here for each other, whether we feel we need support or not…cats are honest and opinionated…cats are unafraid to tell or show how they feel about anything.”
What makes cats different to dogs mirrors lesbian history. We’ve had to be disobedient in order to live our lives honestly; we’ve gone against what we’ve been taught; we’ve remained feral despite domestication; we’ve been despised by men for rejecting them. In fact, Dana has had a lesbian cat (double whammy):
“The breeder told my family she [my Norwegian forest cat Bitten] refused to “mate” even when she was in heat…she had a big crush on Vanessa [another female cat] and they were inseparable. After Vanessa passed, Bitten was not the same, I still think Bitty died of a broken heart.”
Perhaps it’s not just a coincidence that lesbians are often associated with cats. Oral Historian Irene Reti claims that the connection is spiritual and rooted in history:
“Cat is telling us about independent grace, beauty born of self-respect and pride. Cat knows how to say when she doesn’t want to be touched. Cat knows how to ignore men. It is no accident that lesbian feminists remember, even unconsciously, who our wise and sacred companions are. We who are not afraid to be called dykes, witches, crones or hags, are also friends of cats.”
Jackson Galaxy, cat behaviourist and certified gentle soul, says that many men don’t like cats because they like to be ‘top dog’:
“[men] like to have things handed to them on a silver platter. Men like to dominate – that’s our history, we like to dominate, we want to put our fist through something and say ‘this is mine’….That’s why we like dogs. Because, by and large, we have made them – we took them out of the wild, said ‘do this job for me,’ roll over on your back, wag your tail like this, smile, let me scratch your tummy, bring me my slippers and look at me like I’m the sun God, and your dog does that. But your cat won’t do it. Men can’t put up with that.”
Cats don’t seek to aggravate us when they refuse to get off the dining table, they seek to cohabitate and exist with mutual respect. Some people view that as defying humankind’s supposed superiority. Not lesbian cat-lovers, though. We know a cat’s worth.
While cats paw an expensive vase off a side table and watch it shatter on the floor, they want humans to get one thing straight: they domesticated themselves . They’ve spent centuries resisting human dominance. They helped keep mice and rats away from our food in the beginning, we liked them around, but they decided to give us a chance at friendship. Cats have strict boundaries. Perhaps that’s another thing lesbians relate to or, for the lesbian codependents among us, aspire to.
I’ll leave you with a quote by Robert A. Heinlen , “Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”
I like grumpy cat and conspiracy cat
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Sunday Opinion | I’m a Lesbian Who Hates Cats. I’m Going to Die Alone.
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I’m a Lesbian Who Hates Cats. I’m Going to Die Alone.
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I’m a newly single, 34-year-old lesbian, and I have a list of relationship deal breakers. I keep it on my phone, where an alarm reminds me to reread it each month. On this list are 49 (so far) personality or lifestyle traits I now know, from excruciating experience, that I’m so unwilling to negotiate — they can kill even the sweetest, most tender bud on the vine of romance.
Here are some of my personal deal breakers:
Self-loathing/not out of the closet/a Trump voter.
A birthday monster (someone who refers to their “birthday week” or “birthday month” and is “ha-ha, kidding!” but not at all kidding).
Someone who actually just needs a mommy.
Bad at basic living, such as shopping for groceries, cooking or cleaning.
Born into major financial privilege and pretending to be broke.
Someone who posts excessively on social media about CrossFit, yoga or marathons.
All of these mean it’s just not going to work.
After a particularly bad date this year, I went to a bar with a friend. We laughed as she read the list aloud and joked about adding pettier items to it (wears Keen sandals to a first date/can’t come up with a single hobby besides “hanging out with my friends”).
We were tipsy by the time she got to No. 29: “Loves cats and has a cat that only lives inside/has more than one cat.”
Her voice faltered on this item. I took a sip of my cocktail. My friend looked up at me.
“You’re going to die alone,” she said.
It’s important to keep blunt people in your life. She’s right. I’ve long since accepted it. I’m a lesbian who hates cats, and I am going to die alone.
Do you know who mostly owns cats? Women. Queers. Not all women, and not all queers, obviously, but go on, I dare you — try being queer and hating cats and looking online for dates. So many queers on Tinder or Her or OkCupid are obsessed with their cats. Sometimes they will post pictures of their cats as their only profile picture. The picture they want to show to prospective lovers as representative of who they are? A tabby wrapped in a blanket.
Even if there’s no cat picture on their profile, even if you meet that rare someone who doesn’t show you cat pictures on their phone immediately on your first date, nine times out of 10, you will walk in their front door and see a haughty, fluffy tail moving away from you. “Oh, that’s Shadow,” your new date will say. “I got her with my ex. Watch out when you go around corners — she likes to play-attack.”
No cat is play-attacking you, my friends. There is only attacking and not-attacking, and I am consistently amazed at the number of people who think it’s cute to be pounced on in the dark, in your own home, by something with razor-wire claws.
Cats are the worst pet. Cats can literally eat you after a period of 24 hours if you die in an apartment with them. They don’t wait to see if you’re maybe just sleeping super hard. They start with the eyeballs.
Cats go to the bathroom in a box inside your house, kick their own feces, which can be riddled with nasty viruses, and then hop on counters where food is being prepared or wander lazily on dining room tables, where food is served and eaten. People seem fine with this. People I cannot date.
Cats get litter between their toes and track it all over the house, so the pleasure of being barefoot is ruined at every gross, gravelly step. If you are dating someone who allows their cat in bed with them, then see above: Cats kick their own feces, so now there is both cat litter and cat feces in the bed. The bed is where sex and sleeping happen, by the way — important activities to share with someone you’re dating.
Cats don’t love you. They don’t. It has been proven. They are narcissistic serial killers who are manipulating you with their every move. They’re not excited when you come home from work or a trip; in fact, they punish you for leaving by peeing on soft surfaces or destroying the first couch you ever bought that wasn’t from Ikea.
I’ve often wondered why women and queers love cats so much, and in the end, I think it might be this: It’s possible we’ve been conditioned to love and perform labor for creatures that don’t necessarily love us back, care about our needs and may even wish us ill. Like women loving cis men. Like all of us in the dating world, intrigued by the person who doesn’t want us but is terribly, terribly cute and elusive and gives us just enough hope to continue the pursuit.
Cats mirror bad relationships. They ghost you. You want your cat to love you, so you feed your cat special food it likes; you brush it, you clean up after it and try really hard to win its affection, and in the end — where’s the cat? The cat has been on the top shelf of the closet, sleeping, for 11 hours; the cat doesn’t care. Cats string you along with tiny rewards — a burst of purring on the couch, a 20-second “making biscuits” chest massage (claws can absolutely be felt, but isn’t he sweet!) — and keep you emotionally invested in the relationship.
People who really love cats are masochists; they’re so happy to be even acknowledged by their evil-yet-adorable pets that they will keep taking care of them indefinitely, aware they’re being used. Aware that they’re being exposed to bacteria and the incredible nastiness that is cat litter and still O.K. with their end of the bargain.
Maybe this is what’s really behind No. 29 on my list of deal breakers: Truly loving cats means hating yourself. And that’s a quality I cannot accept in dates. But message me if you’re a dog person.

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