Les amants œdipiens

Les amants œdipiens


Les amants œdipiens

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Preview — Les amants d'Avignon
by Elsa Triolet

Et voilà juliette noël, dactylo, à nouveau dans un train. un train bondé, comme tous les trains. elle est assise sur sa petite valise, dans le couloir encombré de valises et de gens, et pourtant quatre compartiments de ce wagon sont vides et fermés à ciel. a chaque arrêt, les nouveaux venus secouent ces portes, sur lesquelles on peut lire : nur für die wehrmacht.

March 1st 2007
by Gallimard Education

(first published January 1st 1957)

(ISBN13: 9782070344628 )

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2021 ,

Je ne connaissais Elsa Triolet qu'à peine de nom, et j'ai trouvé que Les Amants d'Avignon était la nouvelle parfaite pour découvrir son œuvre ! J'ai tout de suite accroché au style, dès les premières lignes. L'écriture est complexe, avec de longues phrases aux descriptions chargées, riches de détails, mais un rythme qui se déroule tout seul et permet de ne pas se sentir perdu. C'est un texte qui demande une certaine concentration, mais que je n'ai pas trouvé compliqué pour autant. Au contraire,
Je ne connaissais Elsa Triolet qu'à peine de nom, et j'ai trouvé que Les Amants d'Avignon était la nouvelle parfaite pour découvrir son œuvre ! J'ai tout de suite accroché au style, dès les premières lignes. L'écriture est complexe, avec de longues phrases aux descriptions chargées, riches de détails, mais un rythme qui se déroule tout seul et permet de ne pas se sentir perdu. C'est un texte qui demande une certaine concentration, mais que je n'ai pas trouvé compliqué pour autant. Au contraire, ma lecture a été plutôt fluide et agréable, et les mots d'Elsa Triolet ont créé de nombreuses images dans mon esprit. L'histoire est relativement simple, sans grand rebondissements, et a surtout un intérêt historique et biographique : la dactylo Juliette Noël discrètement engagée dans la Résistance est un peu comme une double d'Elsa Triolet à la même époque. D'ailleurs, bien que la narration soit à la troisième personne, j'ai vraiment ressenti le récit comme un témoignage de l'intérieur, quelque chose de direct et profondément sincère. Sans aucune hésitation, j'ai clairement préféré la partie centrale, qui se déroule à Avignon. C'est un "chapitre" essentiellement descriptif, dans lequel la personnage principale fait une rencontre décisif mais encore peu mise en avant. L'autrice choisit plutôt, à ce moment-là, de centrer le récit autour de la Cité des Papes. J'ai adoré sa manière de raconter ma ville, le choix des éléments mis en avant, et évidemment le contraste entre ce qu'elle en décrit en 1943, et l'image que j'en ai en y vivant plus d'un demi-siècle plus tard. C'était un passage chargé d'émotions pour moi, mais le reste du texte n'en est pas moins intéressant. Dans l'ensemble, c'est une nouvelle que j'ai beaucoup appréciée, d'autant plus avec les éléments contextuels offerts par l'édition. Le tout me donne vraiment envie de lire d'autres œuvres d'Elsa Triolet.


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Jun 07, 2021

Gréta Végső

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SPOILER WARNING! If I had to describe myself after reading this book it would be the words confused and disappointed. Firstly, I have never been so confused during reading a book. Due to the vague descriptions I had to keep going back and re-reading sentences to have an idea how we got where we are. Most of the time it was not even obvious which character was speaking. When I finally figured out or had a vague understanding of a relationship or intention, the author threw in a sentence or word t
SPOILER WARNING! If I had to describe myself after reading this book it would be the words confused and disappointed. Firstly, I have never been so confused during reading a book. Due to the vague descriptions I had to keep going back and re-reading sentences to have an idea how we got where we are. Most of the time it was not even obvious which character was speaking. When I finally figured out or had a vague understanding of a relationship or intention, the author threw in a sentence or word that created a brand new confusing situation tthat neede to be untangled. For a moment I even thought I bought the shortened version of the book but unfortunately I did not. The intentions and motives of Juliette, the doctor, Célestine or anyone were and still are totally unclear to me. What was she? A typist? A spy? What was the role of anyone? What was in the letter that Célestine read at the end? Why did he leave? Why did she do all these things? How did the resistance operate? These might have been clear to the author or French people in the 1940's but not for the regular reader. This level of mystery and secrecy could have been used to build up tension for a big reveal or plot twist at the end but that sadly never happened. It felt like not even the author knew what she was doing with the story. The fog surrounding the plot is a smaller issue than the lack of detail in the description of people. Elsa Triolet spent 10 pages describing a snowy landscape but barely wrote anything about the main character's physical appereance, let alone inner traits. Even more disenchanting was the lack of personality of basically anyone in the story. All we know is that Juliette is pretty and loves her family, I guess... She did not really show it though. She was cold and indifferent through the majority of the book. I did not expect a whole journey of personal growth since it is not a psychological book, but not being able to find a single sign of personality in the whole book - or not seeing at all why Juliette loved Célestine - was just simply disappointing. The book is called The lovers of Avignon, but out of the 110 pages only 20-30 were about the actual lovers, and I cannot possibly name one act that could be considered romantic in the slightest. Not to mention the plot takes place in almost every city/village but Avignon itself. Also, we have absolutely no idea when and how Juliette and her lover met. Was it before the story started or was it in the book? When they interacted in the story they already knew each other. Later on they went to Avignon where they just went on a walk in the city and then Juliette left. That was the 30 page the title refers to. What was the purpose of this? What was so special about him? Just to say something positive, I found quite a few fascinating and very cleverly put together sentences and metaphors that I will come back and read again. I don't really know if I would recommend it to anyone though...

Jul 21, 2020

Small Feet

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Je voulais connaitre l’écriture et l’univers d’Elsa Triolet... c’est l’histoire d’une jeune et belle dactylo, célibataire , ayant adopté un petit espagnol , qui au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale se retrouve résistante , passeuse , indicatrice factrice entre paris valence et Lyons au risque de sa vie . Sans consommer l’amour qu’elle porte à célestin, un autre résistant. Femme libre dans tous les sens du terme , mais seule et souvent affamée et gelée .

Jul 15, 2020

Elsa Bordier

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Une nouvelle très étrange, comme des instantanés, des saynètes, de la vie de Juliette Noël, jeune et belle dactylo entrée dans la Résistance. De sa plume élégante et sensible, Elsa Triolet place devant nos yeux quelques instants volés à une histoire plus dense sans se soucier de tout nous raconter. C'est comme contempler quelques pièces de puzzle éparses et se satisfaire de leur beauté.
Une nouvelle très étrange, comme des instantanés, des saynètes, de la vie de Juliette Noël, jeune et belle dactylo entrée dans la Résistance. De sa plume élégante et sensible, Elsa Triolet place devant nos yeux quelques instants volés à une histoire plus dense sans se soucier de tout nous raconter. C'est comme contempler quelques pièces de puzzle éparses et se satisfaire de leur beauté.

historical-fiction ,

Väike pilguheit natsi-okupeeritud Prantsusmaa ellu ja sealsete tavaliste inimeste osalemisse kohalikus vastuliikumises. Sujuvalt kirjutatud ja just selline päevaga neelatav pildike. Olustikutunnetuse annab hästi edasi.

May 27, 2020


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Un plaisir de suivre les actes résistants de Juliette, dactylo "banale". On y trouve de l'héroïsme, des promenades et un peu d'amour.
Un plaisir de suivre les actes résistants de Juliette, dactylo "banale". On y trouve de l'héroïsme, des promenades et un peu d'amour.

universidad ,
mi-colección ,
libros-en-francés ,

Valoro mucho la figura de Elsa Triolet, pero este relato no he podido soportarlo. Quizá vuelva a él más adelante y redescubra su valor, pero hoy por hoy me causa mucho tedio.

Es que no he entendido el propósito de esta historia...


rated it
it was amazing

Feb 22, 2020


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May 28, 2021


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Aug 27, 2014

Rea Katsapi

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it was ok

Jul 05, 2013

Marian Pe Hache

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Mar 17, 2018

Muriel P

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Jul 11, 2020


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Jul 19, 2022

Émilie St-Martin

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Jan 02, 2019


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Dec 31, 2017

Krasimir Shtakov

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Sep 21, 2020


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Dec 21, 2020


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May 15, 2013


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Mar 07, 2019


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Apr 26, 2017


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May 21, 2012

Laure D

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Mar 07, 2014


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Apr 18, 2017


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Dec 20, 2012

Raiko Uri

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Sep 20, 2020


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Jan 22, 2019


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Jul 22, 2022


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Jul 12, 2019

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Elsa Yur'evna Triolet (September 24 1896 - June 16, 1970) was a French writer. Born Ella Kagan (Russian: Элла Каган) into a Jewish family of a lawyer and a music teacher in Moscow, she and her sister, Lilya Brik received excellent educations; they were able to speak fluent German and French and play the piano. Elsa graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture. Elsa enjoyed poetry and in 1915
Elsa Yur'evna Triolet (September 24 1896 - June 16, 1970) was a French writer. Born Ella Kagan (Russian: Элла Каган) into a Jewish family of a lawyer and a music teacher in Moscow, she and her sister, Lilya Brik received excellent educations; they were able to speak fluent German and French and play the piano. Elsa graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture. Elsa enjoyed poetry and in 1915 befriended the aspiring futurist poet and graphic artist Vladimir Mayakovsky. When she invited him home, the poet fell madly in love with her older sister Lilya, who was married to Osip Brik. Elsa was the first to translate Mayakovsky's poetry (as well as volumes of other Russian-language poetry) to French. In 1918, at the outset of Russian Civil War, Elsa married the French cavalry officer André Triolet and emigrated to France, but for years in her letters to Lilya Elsa admitted to being heartbroken. Later she divorced Triolet. In the early 1920s, Elsa described her visit to Tahiti in her letters to Victor Shklovsky, who subsequently showed them to Maxim Gorky. Gorky suggested that the author should consider a literary career. The 1925 book In Tahiti, written in Russian, was based on these letters. In 1928 Elsa met French writer Louis Aragon. They married and stayed together for 42 years. She influenced Aragon to join the French Communist Party. Triolet and Aragon fought in the French Resistance. In 1944 Triolet was the first woman to be awarded the Prix Goncourt. She died, aged 73, in Moulin de Villeneuve, Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines, France of a heart attack. In 2010, La Poste, the French post office, issued three stamps honoring Triolet.

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