Les Positions Du Kamasutra

Les Positions Du Kamasutra


Les Positions Du Kamasutra
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Les positions du kamasutra sont une bonne option pour varier les plaisirs au lit. Cela permet aux amants de découvrir d'autres voies du plaisir, de visualiser des parties du corps de l'autre qui ne sont pas toujours au 1?? plan et de pimenter l'acte grùce au simple caractÚre inédit de la situation.
Contrairement aux idées reçues, le manuel de référence en la matiÚre ne présente pas que des exemples incongrus ou des schémas acrobatiques : voici les 8 positions les plus simples du Kamasutra.
Le Kamasutra est l’un des livres les plus connus dans le monde. Il a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©digĂ© par Vatsyayana, un Ă©crivain de l’Inde mĂ©diĂ©vale.
Il se prĂ©sente sous la forme d’un recueil comprenant en tout sept livres. Le livre le plus connu est considĂ©rĂ© comme un"dictionnaire" des diffĂ©rentes positions sexuelles. 
On trouve en tout 64 positions sexuelles dans le Kamasutra et certaines positions sont plus simples que d'autres. Il appartient Ă  chaque couple de trouver les positions qui leur conviennent.
Inutile de se lancer des défis ambitieux. Pour explorer le Kamasutra, le couple peut commencer par revoir les classiques du genre.
Les partenaires dĂ©butants ou peu Ă  l'aise avec leur sexualitĂ© apprĂ©cieront les positions du Kamasutra les plus utilisĂ©es. Rien ne les empĂȘche d'en tirer des variantes.
La levrette compte parmi les positions du Kamasutra les plus utilisées. Elle implique une forme de soumission qui provoque de l'excitation. La femme est à 4 pattes et l'homme se place à genoux derriÚre elle pour la pénétrer.
La femme est à 4 pattes au bord d'un lit et l'homme la pénÚtre par-derriÚre debout au sol.
Le missionnaire est sans doute la position la plus utilisée et la plus simple du Kamasutra.
La femme est allongée sur le dos, l'homme s'allonge sur elle et la pénÚtre. Cette position est particuliÚrement confortable pour la femme, car c'est l'homme qui soutient le poids de son propre corps et qui effectue les mouvements de va-et-vient.
La femme enroule ses jambes autour de la taille de son partenaire. Dans cette position, la pénétration est plus profonde et le plaisir parfois plus intense.
L'andromaque est l'inverse du missionnaire. C'est une position du Kamasutra qui est simple à réaliser.
L'andromaque consiste pour la femme à chevaucher l'homme est allongé sur le dos. Dans ce cas de figure, c'est la femme qui initie le mouvement de l'acte sexuel, elle peut ainsi contrÎler la cadence et retarder ou précipiter la jouissance.
L'homme redresse son torse jusqu'Ă  toucher la poitrine de sa partenaire avec son buste, les amants font l'amour les yeux dans les yeux pour plus de romantisme.
Les grands classiques ne sont pas les seules positions accessibles aux non-initiés. Voici le top 5 des positions du Kamasutra simples à réaliser :
Le 69 est à mi-chemin des préliminaires. En apparence acrobatique, cette position du Kamasutra est simple et demande peu d'efforts.
La femme est allongĂ©e sur le dos, l'homme s'allonge sur elle tĂȘte bĂȘche pour placer sa bouche au niveau du clitoris de la femme. Cette derniĂšre quant Ă  elle a accĂšs au pĂ©nis de son amant avec sa bouche. Il pratique un cunnilingus tandis qu'elle lui fait une fellation.
Le 69 fait partie des positions préférées des hommes.
La balançoire part du mĂȘme principe que la levrette.
L'homme contemple le dos de sa partenaire pendant le coĂŻt. Il est assis les jambes tendus, elle le chevauche dos Ă  lui. Dans cette position, la femme contrĂŽle le rythme de l'acte sexuel.
La pie permet d'expérimenter le sexe sur une chaise. L'homme s'assoit et la femme vient s'assoir sur lui et face à lui. Les cuisses sont écartées pour favoriser la pénétration. C'est ainsi la femme qui dirige les ébats.
Le loup fait partie des positions du Kamasutra debout.
La femme prend appui avec ses mains contre un mur et son partenaire se place derriÚre elle en lui agrippant les hanches pour la pénétrer plus facilement.
Cette position est utilisée pour faire l'amour dans des lieux insolites, car elle permet aux amants d'éviter de se déshabiller complÚtement pour un coït d'autant plus rapide. La femme peut se baisser en avant pour permettre à l'homme de la pénétrer plus simplement.
La mystĂ©rieuse entrevue se pratique comme le loup, mais sans appui. Les partenaires ont intĂ©rĂȘt Ă  faire sensiblement la mĂȘme taille.
Les petites cuillÚres permettent de faciliter l'acte sexuel en période de fin de grossesse.
Les 2 amants sont allongés sur le cÎté, l'homme derriÚre la femme. Dans cette configuration, le partenaire atteint plus favorablement le point G de son amante.
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Last modified on Wednesday 6 October 2021
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If you're bored of your bedroom antics and fancy spicing things up between the sheets, look no further than these Kamasutra or Kama Sutra sex positions. From doggy style to rocking horse, Catherine wheels to triangles, there are 100 sex positions to flick through.
While the woman lies on her back and lifts both knees up towards her chest, the man kneels facing her. She can then rest her feet on his chest, while he places his forearms on her knees. The woman can then grab the man’s thighs and pull him closer for deeper penetration. The more he presses down on her knees, the greater the pleasure for her.

A relatively simple sex position, which doesn’t require too much flexibility.
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Only suitable for extremely strong and flexible men – he makes a bridge, while the woman straddles him. She can then move up and down by pushing off the floor with her feet – not for the faint-hearted!
Similar to the missionary position, the grip requires the woman to lay on her back and raise her hips slightly (it may be more comfortable to place a cushion under the woman’s bottom). The man then places himself between her legs, while she moves her pelvis side to side.
Simple and good if you’re not feeling too energetic.
The man lays on his side, while the woman lays on her back at a right angle to her partner. She puts her knees over his hip to allow easy penetration.
Extremely easy and perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon or if you need to slow it down a bit during a long sex session.
Why not invest in a hand-held massaging tool to relax you both even more? The Lovely Wand is highly recommended – see more details here at Amazon.
Similar to reverse cowgirl, the rider involves the woman straddling the man while facing away from him. She then leans forward and while balancing herself on his knees slides up and down. The man can also control penetration by holding onto the woman’s waist.
Not too much flexibility required and both sets of hands are free and well place for extra stimulation.
The woman lays on her back with her legs in the air and knees slightly bent (she may need a cushion under her bottom to make it more comfortable). The man then kneels between her legs and holds onto her ankles while he enters her.
Relatively easy and deep penetration.
This position is ideal for an impromptu sex session. The man and the woman stand face to face and he stimulates her genitals with his penis before penetrating her.
An easy position if the woman is a similar height to the man (or wearing heels), but if not a table or work surface will help!
An easy sex position which requires minimal effort and increases tightness.
The man lies flat on his back, while the woman lies on top of him with her legs together. He is then able to penetrate her as she slides up and down on his body.
And try this top tip - keeping your socks on could increase your chances of having an orgasm .
He stands and she wraps her legs around his waist while he supports her by holding her bottom and back. For more support and deeper penetration she can rest her back against a wall.
Ideal for anytime/anywhere sex, but does require a certain degree of strength and energy from both the man and woman.
The man kneels while the woman lies on her back and rests her feet on his chest. The man controls the penetration, which can be very deep - the perfect position for less endowed men.
This position requires quite a lot of strength and flexibility.
The woman crouches down onto the man’s lap, while she controls the penetration by rocking back and forth on her heels.
The woman curls up into a ball with her knees drawn up to her chest, while the man spoons her from behind. This position is ideal if you’re feeling lazy and it is also great for pregnant women too - the woman simply needs to lower her legs to accommodate her growing bump.
Perfect for when you’re feeling a little bit lazy - the woman lies on her back with her legs parted and knees slightly bent. The man sits between her legs with his legs stretched either side of her. He can then lift her hips for easier penetration while she lays back and enjoys!
The woman lies on her back with one leg extended and the other raised in the air, but bent in half. The man then straddles the woman’s extended leg, while holding onto her other leg to control penetration.
Relatively easy and good if the woman is tired.
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The man sits on a chair or stool and the woman sits on his lap. With her back to him she can control the penetration by rocking back and forth on her heels. His hands are then free to play with her clitoris and breasts.
A good position for pregnant women and tired men.
The woman lays on the edge of the bed with her legs hanging off. The man then positions himself between her legs and lifts her hips and thighs to allow penetration, while she supports herself on her elbows.
This position requires a great deal of strength and flexibility.
The woman lies back with her legs open, while the man lies between her legs and slowly penetrates her. For greater intimacy, she can wrap her legs around him and control the pressure of his grinding by gently pressing on his buttocks with her feet.
Simple and an ideal sex position for a slower pace of lovemaking.
The woman lies on her back, with her knees pulled up to her chest and her feet pointing up to the ceiling. The man kneels and rests his things under her bum while penetrating her.
An easy (ish) position but the woman may tire faster than the man as she has to hold her legs in the air.
While the man lays on his side, the woman curls up into a ball and with her head at his feet, she wraps her legs around his. She can then wrap her arms around the top of his legs while he penetrates her.
A difficult position to master, but worth the extra effort.
While similar to the missionary, the classic position involves the woman laying on her back with a cushion under her bottom. This slight tilt of the pelvis allows for deeper penetration as the man places himself between her legs and enters her.
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With her back to her partner, the woman bends over, crosses her arms and rests her elbows on a chair for support. Then man then enters her from behind (ideal for anal sex) and can control the depth and pressure by holding the top of her thighs.
The woman lies on her back and pulls her knees up to her chest. The man kneels down and enters her. She can then rest her feet on his shoulders, while he supports himself with his hands either side of her shoulders.
The penetration is very deep in his sex position, so be careful not to go too fast as it may cause pain for the woman.
The man kneels down and leans back, supporting himself with his hands behind him, while the woman lies flat on her back. She then tilts her hips towards him to aid penetration, while positioning her legs either side of his hips.
This is a relatively easy position, which is highly erotic with deep penetration.
Similar to doggy style, but instead of being on all fours, the woman lowers herself onto her forearms while the man penetrates her from behind. He can also lean forward and as his hands are free he can caress her body at the same time.
While the man lays on the bed with his knees off the edge, the woman squats over him facing away. She is fully in control of depth and pace of penetration.
While this sex position is easy for the man, it requires some decent thigh muscles from the woman and be careful not to lose your balance and fall off the bed. Good luck!
This position requires good balance, but once in the rhythm it’s great for depth control.
The man kneels behind the woman and while leaning backwards uses one arm to support himself. The women kneels in front of him and supports herself on her elbows, allowing her to thrust back onto him. He can then use his spare hand to touch her.
While the man lies flat on his back, the woman simply sits on top of him with both legs to one side. The woman is in complete control. Ideal when the man is feeling tired/lazy.
Have a hand-held stimulator can also add another dimension, we like this G-spot vibrator that's available here at Amazon.
The man stands behind the woman and enters her. He’s in control of the thrusts. She may find it easier to balance with a wall to lean against.
This sex position is easy for some, but doesn’t work so well if you’re not similar heights.
The man lies on his back with his legs apart while the woman sits down between his thighs. The woman must then curl her body up into a ball while the man supports her. Her hands are free to touch herself or touch his perineum.
This position requires a certain degree of strength from both parties.
The woman lays on her back with one leg stretched out and the other resting on her partner’s shoulder. The man straddles her thigh, while holding on to her elevated leg to balance himself.
A relatively easy position which leaves both of the woman’s hands free to fondle herself or her partner.
The man sits on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor while the woman crouches (like a frog) on his lap. She can then move up and down to control the penetration, while pressing on his thighs for support.
An easy position for the man, but requires strength and balance from the woman.
The woman stands in front of the man with her back to him and their arms intertwin
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