Leora Rlc

Leora Rlc


Leora Rlc

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Nov 23

 On 8/16/2019 at 4:44 AM, Alittle said:

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 On 8/16/2019 at 12:37 AM, Rob1 said:

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 On 8/17/2019 at 1:06 AM, Scorpio 22 said:

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 On 8/17/2019 at 2:22 PM, philo said:

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2 yr

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Nov 23

StnCld316 ,
August 14, 2019 in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)

Leora has been looking sexy most of the day, and now while laying on her bed in her panties she is looking even more sexy. I guess most of us well have to wait and see how long it well take for her to get her first guest. Finally another real voyeur apartment I can view with out a bunch of scripted crap.

Not time for her to bugger off and get someone new and more entertaining instead. 

Never a surprise to me. Leora's game plan. Leora knows that her "show" can get real boring fast but she knows when to add that little bit more to keep the viewers strung along. She is "prostituting" h

This makes me think of the old saying "Money makes the world go round"
You really can't blame the tenants of these apartments for trying to make a buck. Wouldn't we all do the same if the opportu

not suprised. She missed all attention. SMH......

Leora loves attention..... Never. I'm sure she has plenty to show that members have never seen before. 

Yeah I'm sure she will have plenty visiting. About the same she had in Russia. Maybe her female friend will and give you fans some "Lesbian" action. lol 

Reading all this is so fucking hilarious. When reality (as much as RLC is reality) doesn't fit the bill, make shit up. Dream big, it might be all you get. lmao

If they have not split then why is it just Leora's name on RLC?.

For some to think she is single and it worked. Look how many assumed she was and were disappointed to find out they are still together. How many would have rejoined if they knew Paul could join her at any minute. 

If Paul comes back into this apartment after RLC bills it as a “single “ then I will consider it FALSE ADVERTISING and simply stop watching. We all have that option and to pretend otherwise is to consent to the deception.

Yeah I'm sure she will have plenty visiting. About the same she had in Russia. Maybe her female friend will and give you fans some "Lesbian" action. lol 

One thing I love about this forum. Soon as a female visits automatically they are going to get it on with the female tenant. Lmao 

If Paul comes back into this apartment after RLC bills it as a “single “ then I will consider it FALSE ADVERTISING and simply stop watching. We all have that option and to pretend otherwise is to consent to the deception.

Well we will wait and see. Anyone that has seen them interacting knows fine well she's not "Single". 

I’m personally not that interested in who is or isn’t married so I don’t pretend to know the status of anyone on RLC...except for the case of Nelly and Bogdan who married (reception) on RLC. My interest only is in receiving what was advertised when I subscribed.

Not time for her to bugger off and get someone new and more entertaining instead. 

Never a surprise to me. Leora's game plan. Leora knows that her "show" can get real boring fast but she knows when to add that little bit more to keep the viewers strung along. She is "prostituting" h

This makes me think of the old saying "Money makes the world go round"
You really can't blame the tenants of these apartments for trying to make a buck. Wouldn't we all do the same if the opportu

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Nov 23

 On 8/16/2019 at 12:37 AM, Rob1 said:

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 On 8/17/2019 at 5:43 PM, PoeBoy said:

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 On 8/17/2019 at 5:47 PM, PoeBoy said:

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 On 8/18/2019 at 6:45 AM, RoadRage said:

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2 yr

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Nov 23

StnCld316 ,
August 15, 2019 in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)

I'm hoping Leora has left Paul behind. I've said all along she needs someone much better (more endurance) in the sack. I'm not suggesting anyone could ever please her as well as she pleases herself, but at least it would up the game considerably.  

Not time for her to bugger off and get someone new and more entertaining instead. 

Never a surprise to me. Leora's game plan. Leora knows that her "show" can get real boring fast but she knows when to add that little bit more to keep the viewers strung along. She is "prostituting" h

This makes me think of the old saying "Money makes the world go round"
You really can't blame the tenants of these apartments for trying to make a buck. Wouldn't we all do the same if the opportu

If they have not split then why is it just Leora's name on RLC?.

I'm hoping Leora has left Paul behind. I've said all along she needs someone much better (more endurance) in the sack. I'm not suggesting anyone could ever please her as well as she pleases herself, but at least it would up the game considerably.  

She was literally in the middle of nowhere . It was a city but ten minutes out was wilderness. I use to look it up on Google Earth. There are pictures. Beautiful mountains  but, I think this girl needs a life. My niece lives in Prague. I may have to visit and walk the streets looking for Leora . Actually ,I can't afford to leave town and my niece is crazy so I wouldn't visit if I could . 

Maybe Paul finally got his finger out his nose and got a job. Depending on how long Leora will be staying, sure he will make an appearance at some point. 

Another theory would be that Paul and Leora were never married in the first place, and they were just an actress and an actor put together by RLC because at the time they were only taking in "couples".

Another theory would be that Paul and Leora were never married in the first place, and they were just an actress and an actor put together by RLC because at the time they were only taking in "couples".

I don't think they were, although for a moment earlier this year I thought maybe they had done that, based on what appeared to be a wedding band on Leora's hand. I've often wondered how many other partners each has had in the past because back in their original apartment neither one seemed to have a good feel of what they were doing. Paul was really hair-triggered and would often barely last a minute. Leora wasn't so much into masturbation from what I saw, nor did I ever see her push him out of the way so she could finish herself off (something common before the loss of the Russian apartments).  

It wouldn't bother me one bit if Paul never showed his nose-picking self again. Leora needs a guy with some stamina and fewer inhibitions. Two guys, for that matter. Or three, one for each hole. Toss in a lady from time to time so Leora gets some girly flavor other than her own. Of course, I'll never see it since I won't sign up with Segpay. Heard too many bad reports about them. But hey, what's life without a dream?

hahahaha its so funny how a mature, styled and kinky woman can make all the other bitches on RLC look like poor street whores. Leora proves that CLASS outweighs SLUTTY any day. The other girls are licking, sticking, flicking and giving all kind of action (girl on girl; girl boy girl; girl, girl, girl) no matter what the combo is, they just can't beat a pro like Leora. It's obvious she's got a dedicated following and when she knows the spot light is on her, she works the stage and crowd like a master. Thumbs up to you Ms. Leora, you can have your thrown!!!! The queen has returned.

She ask for asileum in UE? Because to have all official documents to stay in Europe (Czechia) in 2 month... Something strange! ...

Not time for her to bugger off and get someone new and more entertaining instead. 

Never a surprise to me. Leora's game plan. Leora knows that her "show" can get real boring fast but she knows when to add that little bit more to keep the viewers strung along. She is "prostituting" h

This makes me think of the old saying "Money makes the world go round"
You really can't blame the tenants of these apartments for trying to make a buck. Wouldn't we all do the same if the opportu

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