Leora Reallifecams

Leora Reallifecams


Leora Reallifecams
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Nov 23

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2 yr

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Nov 23

StnCld316 ,
August 14, 2019 in Leora (08/14/19)

Since this is a New Apartment, Please Keep the Subject Matter to the Current Surroundings. If you want to talk about the Old Apartment Please do it in the Topic already in the Archives.

Not time for her to bugger off and get someone new and more entertaining instead. 

Never a surprise to me. Leora's game plan. Leora knows that her "show" can get real boring fast but she knows when to add that little bit more to keep the viewers strung along. She is "prostituting" h

This makes me think of the old saying "Money makes the world go round"
You really can't blame the tenants of these apartments for trying to make a buck. Wouldn't we all do the same if the opportu

Welcome back Leora, I am glad you found your way to the former Donna/Steve apt. I simply hope that you have left the dog (the real one and Paul) behind you. Look forward to whatever you add to the Project.  I believe you are located in Prague now. At least that brings you an hour or two closer to the west coast!

Time will tell if they have split or not. Not is my guess. 

Being My favorite Queen, and the one who made me sign up a few years ago..."I am glad she is back." I am sure she won't be alone for long either. I do wonder if its to late, or to soon seeing that most of all in the Chat seems to still be stuck on the three Barcelona apartments that's been nothing but bad Porn and full of shit....I all so think that there are a few Chatters who are starting to go limp over these fast a waste full Tricks too after reading much earlier how they was glad to see Leora's return, but seem to have forgotten how they once called her boring before her departure too. Like it or not Leora has always been the true Queen and hopefully she well continue to do her thing for the viewers like she did in the past.  "Welcome back Leora no matter who's apartment it was before you got it or what part of the world you live in, the viewers need your presents."

wouahh Leora est revenue!!! c'est Noel!!!

MMMAISSSSSSSSS, qui garde le chien??????

Leora turning up suggests RLC is fighting back.  

I'm hoping she will have lots of lady visitors - didn't we all hope she and her only friend would one day indulge with each other? We don't want her getting lonely.

Meanwhile, I expect she's missing the companionship of the Dog.

RLC à mis un temps record pour déplacer Léora : appartement,visa,voyage etc.Implicitement, reconnaisse la valeur sûre de LEORA dans leur business.

RLC put a record time to move Léora, apartment, visa, travel etc.Implicitly, recognize the value of LEORA in their business.

salut !! quel est le time code de Léora ? quel nouveau pays possible? merci!

Not time for her to bugger off and get someone new and more entertaining instead. 

Never a surprise to me. Leora's game plan. Leora knows that her "show" can get real boring fast but she knows when to add that little bit more to keep the viewers strung along. She is "prostituting" h

This makes me think of the old saying "Money makes the world go round"
You really can't blame the tenants of these apartments for trying to make a buck. Wouldn't we all do the same if the opportu

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