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We live in a broken world. …Is what a close friend of mine always tells me. People get hurt, they hurt others, good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to the ones who least deserve it. Ok , I’ll entertain that idea. I’m sure there have been times when I’ve joined in chorus with millions of others “Oh, the INJUSTICE” or “It’s NOT fair.” It is thoughts like these that seem to flood the mind when trying to answer the questions of durable poverty and world peace. The cynic will agree, these aims are pipe dreams. These goals are simply unrealistic because as long as human race retains the ability of choice, they will 9/10 times choose what benefits themselves. There would be nothing wrong with that statement except that it follows: that 9/10 times they choose what’s best for them…not considering the effects it will have on their neighbor.
This is America. You work for what you earn, and God bless your soul that you might get what you deserve. Some, might be comfortable not looking at what has to live on the streets of capitalism. Others might do one better and condemn the disparity. But most , I like to hope, will open their wallets when prompted by the relief organizations, and do spare the crying kid a candy, and look to offer a sympathetic smile to the struggling. They will shake their heads in disgust at the bigotry of discrimination, and they know not to assume the issues and faults of their fellow neighbor.
And then this brilliant questions comes up! Don’t you know that world hunger will never be eradicated? Didn’t anyone tell you that poor people want to be poor? You can donate, but you do realize that there will be more orphans in “need” of your help next year? And the next and the next? And there is no end solution!
…It is my prayer that whenever faced with such vapid questions that every one in this “most” group of people takes a breath of patience, and enlightens the busy bodies of the truth. The truth is that yes, they’re right . I understand that earthquakes are natural disasters and the one I donated to last night (because I could and wanted to) will most definitely not be the last one to shake our earth. And yes, I’ve come to grips with the reality that there are people who abuse the generosity of others. And I am sorry if even helping one person in need is not enough for you. I’m sorry you don’t get your (in this case of donating) moneys worth in pitching in for whatever basic resources some people for whatever reason live without.
I pick up the pennies on the side of the street. Because I believe that life should be lived marginally. Why vote if I am only one person, and my vote will be overridden anyway by the electoral college? Why attempt to heal people if they are going to die in the end anyway? Why study if I am not going to use any of this in my real career? Why live. Why give. Why give to those who didn’t earn it. It is because Today, I have enough. I have enough, and I am able to help.
I always wondered why in literature, negative traits are typically described as fundamentally human; ie Greed, lust, pride. I argue that compassion is what defines, and ultimately motivates humanity. Motivates action. Motivates thought. Thought that ends up proliferating ideas of welfare and manages to seep into slumbering minds that are living without their neighbors. And appropriately for this season of dazzling lights and cozy homes, where everyone wants to shower their loved ones with gifts and affection, where everyone is facing inward as they reflect on their lives in the dregs of 2017, I invite you to find the reason within you and get your “whys.” Of all the things that you do, please do them deliberately. Do them deliberately, consciously, mindfully, presently; do them because you know their purpose. And this “purpose,” can be as easy as: I do this because I like it. Or as disciplined as: because I know that this is good for me, and will bear me good results in the long run.
So I answer non-rhetorically: I know that I’m imperfect and I know that there will always be someone above and someone below my skill sets. But nobody practices to be second best. Nobody sets their goals to be subpar. If you think one’s goals are subpar, that is merely a reflection of your current mindset. To that person, your “mediocrity” just might sound like paradise. Some want a three story house with an oceanside view, some want a hidden shack on the cliffs of Sweden, some want to dream all day, others want to please you. Whatever the reasons for our tangle of starkly specific or contrasting versions of life, it only matters that we recognize that they are never in vain.
Yes, I think that feeding America is important. I disdain the fact that some children don’t have shoes, though would love a pair. I understand that capitalism and the new world order has pitted brown against white against black, and that our lenses can never fully be “objective.” Yet all that means is that I have several causes to struggle for. Several seemingly lost causes to you, perhaps. What you’re missing is that your sense of victory is also different than mine. Just like mine may differ from him. But truly, what little girl doesn’t want to go to sleep every night, a winner? And what if, we were in complete control of our victories and losses? We are. And that’s the rhyme of life.
2)You can justify nothingness in consciousness.
We have become experts in learning things about people and clicking “upload” to our mental file on them inside our head. Upon meeting someone for the first time, our minds process appearance, gait, mannerisms, etc., and race to match them with existing labels inside our heads. We find it comforting to be able to take this foreign person (or anything novel for that matter) and make them fit our dimensions of familiarity.
I should hope that everyone is well aware of the dangers that come with this phenomenon. Putting people into boxes, and assuming they’re really good at math, or do yoga, or are a hopeless romantic. The very slippery business of assuming X person is this , and would never do that , or could never be that . Because we know them completely, right?
By actively reducing a person to four hobbies, characteristics, or boxes, we feed into the cycle of living in an extremely limited space . This is what makes forgiving people extremely difficult. And betrayal especially painful. Consider our doubts when people say that they have “changed.” Or how we give and take credibility on the basis of a person’s ability to stay within the boundaries we impose on them. How consistent they are. Consistent to what though? Consistent to the person they were yesterday? Consistent to their tastes and values? Consistent to their goals or motivations?
To what extent do we allow people’s characters to evolve and grow? Because people will grow and change regardless of our perceptions of them. Do we allow space for them to do this in our own minds? Emphasis on the word grow. At what age did you say I had to be loyal to my set-in-stone decisions? We are extremely fickle creatures. Who I am today and who I will be tomorrow is more than the influences of my environment and less than the choices I deliberately make. It is bigger than our conscious mind thinks and smaller than our ego wants. As you intake more information, you come to new conclusions. You’re body, mind, and heart demand different things from you as you come to navigate uncharted territories .
Remember that quote that always gets thrown around and you dismiss as silly teenage self love jumbo? “I am more than the sum of all my parts.” Turns out, we are so much more. Sure, we are designed with potential and programmed with emotions that take a liking to x, y, and z things. I want to one day run a non profit. I like to dance. But I also love to socialize, and yet other days I cannot wait to be alone. I have fears that are rooted in my past, and I will overcome. I find dark humor very entertaining, but my soul refuses to believe we are just small specks flying at high speed on a pebble. How can we possibly hope to capture all of someone’s essence- their ever growing and changing essence- in a couple of terms?
Today’s paradox for you to gnaw on: In order for me to understand you better I will first have to simplify you. Your identity is not something that’s frivolous. And I want to get to know you, just as I hope you can come to know me. I believe that we take to categories and labels because it’s a double edged sword: it simplifies, and it empowers. Why do I get so excited when I find out that you also love The Beatles? Because it means that I have found a way to relate to you where I could not before. It means that you enjoy the same things about The Beatles (to some degree) that I might. In fighting for causes that are close to our hearts, we might bear up #blacklivesmatter, or #weareallimmigrants, or…#[ insert here]. Because if you are x, then it is likely that we share similar struggles. Similar experiences. With labels comes unity. With labels comes friction.
Your identity is not frivolous. It can be based on things that others deem so, but those grounds are you sacred lands. Your foundation. I would like to challenge you to grapple with not trying to solidify every single one of these important factors. Try to thrive with more space to dance, with room for sudden detours and steep inclinations. For sharp turns, and gradual spirals. Because while pain is inevitable, and change is uncomfortable by definition, we cause ourselves more harm than good in building our masks so tightly conformed to our current state .
You fascinate me. I could never know all of you, nor do I claim to. I have implicit bias that I will project, but I can actively work to reduce. Whatever boxes you want to step inside of to experience, is your choice completely, and I have to remember that we are truly capable of anything and everything we can envision. May we never deprecate the value of expanding our mental scope, and getting to know others’ perspectives along the path of our own trailblazing.
1) Generalizations make complexities possible.
2) A familiar stranger is not so strange.
Hello and welcome to my mind! This is not intended as an academic or credible discourse. Rather, it is an offering up of several already existing discourses that have been processed in my head and laid up in written word. Maybe it affects how you read the posts I will share, maybe you could not care less about who I am. For purposes of giving this blog a birthplace and setting:
I am a sophomore studying Economics at the University of California, Berkeley with a fascination for human individuality in perspective and experience and a penchant for over analyzing all aspects of life. Some people have the ability to live and breathe technical skills. In my intended field of study this is seemingly appropriate, but not the case for me at all. I am a liberal arts mind studying numbers. This is meant as a space for the sharing of ideas. These may or may not be cohesive, developed arguments; please err on the side you like. I enjoy playing with paradoxes and pushing my intellectual limits. I like dystopian novels, Inception is probably my favorite movie, my pet peeve is non confrontation, dancing is life, and I was born and raised in Southern California from migrant parents. My name is America. I write with the aim of growth.
And with that, please dip into my thoughts and take what you will.
“To begin, you sometimes have to start in the middle”

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