Leisure time - Иностранные языки и языкознание сочинение

Leisure time - Иностранные языки и языкознание сочинение

When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and entertain us. Some people find that collecting stamps, badges, model cars, planes or ships, bottles, or antiques are relaxing hobbies. Free time is organized in many schools.

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and entertain us.
People who work indoors and spend most of their time sitting and doing sedentary office work can add physical activity to their lives by doing sports during their leisure time, such as playing a ball game, going camping, hiking or fishing. On the other hand, people whose jobs involve a lot of physical activity may prefer to spend their free time doing quiet, relaxing activities, such as reading books or magazines or watching TV. Some people find that collecting stamps, postcards, badges, model cars, planes or ships, bottles, or antiques are relaxing hobbies.
Free time is organized in many schools and institutions. Schools may offer many extracurricular activities including hobby groups, sports activities, and choirs. Other institutions such as retirement homes and hospitals also offer activities such as clubs and meetings for playing games or simply organized periods for conversation.
Most people like socializing with friends for dinner or a drink after a hard day at work. For many young people, having a regular night out a week is a normal part of their free time, whether it is joining friends for a drink in a pub, dining out in a restaurant, watching a film, playing video games or dancing at a club.
Some people do leisure activities that also have a longer-term goal. In some cases, people do a leisure activity that they hope to turn into a full-time activity (e.g., volunteer paramedics who hope to eventually become professional paramedics). Many people also study part-time in evening university or college courses, both for the love of learning, and to help their career prospects.
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Description of the mode of the schoolboy's day: wakeup time and bedtime, personal care, breakfast, lunch, dinner, going to school and playing with friends, personal time for relaxation and conversation with friends on the phone. Child domestic duties. презентация [3,4 M], добавлен 16.10.2013
Personal identity deals with questions about ourselves qua people (or persons). The most common question is what it takes for us to persist from one time to another. What is necessary, and what is sufficient, for some past or future being to be you? топик [10,4 K], добавлен 25.08.2006
Basic problems of teenagers in a world. Question of spending their free time, relations with parents and unhappy love. Use for sniffing glue products and solvents. Danger of AIDS, his action on the immune system. Reasons on which are widespread smoking. реферат [16,5 K], добавлен 08.02.2010
Ben Johnson is the English poet and dramatist, theorist of drama, one of the most well-educated people of the time. Kick-up success of his comedies. In the works an author ridiculed an aristocracy. Ben Johnson is single in literature of the epoch. дипломная работа [63,3 K], добавлен 21.07.2009
The main theories in the field of human origin, their basic content and direction of research. Basic stages of human development from the primitive to the modern form of the form. Character change erectus skeleton human time frame of the process. презентация [614,1 K], добавлен 26.09.2014
Once, when I went to school, my father has told that I should try to organize my time wisely to achieve good results in every way. Certainly, I wished to be a success in my life! That is why I have decided to start to schedule my day hour by hour. сочинение [10,5 K], добавлен 20.05.2007
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Leisure time сочинение. Иностранные языки и языкознание.
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