Legends Of Galactic Heroes Porn

Legends Of Galactic Heroes Porn


Legends Of Galactic Heroes Porn
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Tropes used in Legend of Galactic Heroes include:

↑ The narrative of the main series takes place between January 3596 and July 3601

↑ Considering the limits of natural population growth, the fact that Alliance territory can only be reached through a couple of narrow space corridors no doubt guarded by Imperial fleets with orders not to allow passage to the rebel territories, the fact that it would likely be difficult for fleeing dissidents to bring along everything you need for colonising new planets thus placing a burden on existing Alliance infrastructure, the social and political implications of admitting large numbers of new citizens whose ideas of how the government should be run might be at odds with those of the original founders and so on makes it difficult to see how this could work.

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 "In every time, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same..."

An enormous, sprawling 110-episode (plus side stories) Space Opera originally released to home video (making this the longest-running OVA of all time, although it was later shown on TV). This is in Japan, of course, as neither the anime, nor the manga, nor the huge series of novels written by Yoshiki Tanaka which spawned the franchise have ever been released in America. (A noble yet feeble attempt at licensing a dub version of the anime was made many years ago, but no one bit, and thus the only way the series is accessible in English nowadays is through Fan Subs .)

The meat of the story is this: sometime in the 36th century [1] , humanity has spread out amongst the stars and has split off into two great superpowers which are now sadly engaged in a decades-long knock-down, drag-out war with each other. Fighting in the forces of the Galactic Empire (whose government is based on 19th century Prussia,) is an ambitious young noble named Reinhard von Müsel, better known by the name granted to him later, Reinhard von Lohengramm. Fighting for the opposing Free Planets Alliance (a government which resembles a crumbling, bloated 20th Century democracy,) is Yang Wen-Li, an easygoing historian who reluctantly joined the military because he was broke. Together, these two men (both tactical geniuses) are destined to commit great deeds, eventually becoming the series' titular Galactic Heroes.

The story is played very straight and seriously and is crammed with detail. (It's also crammed with characters , from the big players at the top of the government to the lowly farmers and grunt soldiers at the bottom who get everything done. There's, in fact, so many that each episode always shows a character's name when he first shows up on screen in case you forgot who he was.) At times, this can become confusing--to the point where one really needs a scorecard of some sort to keep all of the character's names and ambitions straight. Also, the pace of the story can be very slow. It's possible to watch an episode where the heroes prepare for an invasion, skip ahead three episodes, and find the heroes still preparing for that same invasion.

 Narrator: After the encounter called the Battle of Astarte, the survivors of the Imperial Fleet numbered 2,450,000 and the Alliance, 4,060,000. However, compared to the Imperial Fleet's 150,000 casualties, the Alliance's numbered ten times as many, 1,500,000.

 Reuenthal: The best way to capture a beast is to use a trap. And such a clichéd trap was enough to catch a simpleton like you.

 My friends, let us sing a song
sing a long ring a bell, liberty!
Oh hail! Liberty bell!
True freedom for all men.

 Yang: "All right! It's time! All ships... RUN!!"

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The cast of Legend of the Galactic Heroes is almost as immense in scale as the series itself. So immense, in fact, that at the beginning of the show (and once each subsequent season) they have to put subtitles bearing their names for each of their on-camera appearances! Here is a list of these truly memorable individuals who helped shape the face of history forever.

As always, please beware of spoilers. Humans are only human after all.

 "Do you think that what was possible for Rudolph is impossible for me?"

A young noble whose family had fallen on hard times, Reinhard von Musel was nevertheless content, with his best friend and older sister providing him with all the happiness he needed. This changed when he found out that his sister Annerose had been taken to the Imperial Palace as a concubine for the Kaiser. This abuse of authority drove him to swear a lofty oath: he would fight and eliminate anyone who stood in his way to rescue his sister, or die in the attempt. Along with his friend, Siegfried Kircheis, he abandoned his father and entered the Imperial military academy in the Imperial capital. With the patronage of Kaiser Friedrich IV he rather quickly rose to the rank of Admiral and was later inducted into the high nobility with the title of Count von Lohengramm.

Reinhard von Lohengramm possesses a strategic genius evident both on and off the battlefield, and perhaps even more importantly, a keen eye for human talent. His nigh-unfaltering confidence, personal charisma, and refusal to cater to those with noble lineage garner him a significant power base among common soldiers and dissatisfied nobles alike. He has also earned himself quite a few enemies among in the more conservative nobility for these very qualities, but he is in many ways protected both by his military reputation and the Kaiser's favor.

When Reinhard took to the field personally, it was aboard the white battleship, Brunhilde.

 "Please, Lord Reinhard, promise me that you will conquer the universe."

If Reinhard von Lohengramm was compared to the light that would lead the Empire into a new age, then Siegfried Kircheis would have been the shadow that followed directly behind. Kircheis and Reinhard became close friends at a young age, and even then, Reinhard insisted on calling him by his surname Kircheis because he felt that Siegfried was too common a name for such an extraordinary person. Kircheis adored both Reinhard and Annerose, so much so that when Annerose was taken away and Reinhard swore to rescue her and asked for his assistance, Kircheis promised to follow and help him in any way he could. He joined military school and rose quickly through the ranks alongside Reinhard. Along the way he made another promise, this time to Annerose - to protect Reinhard and guide him on his way to power.

Even though Kircheis' talents rival those of Reinhard himself, Kircheis does not share in his ambition, drive, and charisma. He is deeply devoted toward his friend, and possesses a wisdom, composure, and sense of morality that Reinhard occasionally lacks. Reinhard fully recognizes his friend's talents and depends heavily on Kircheis' advice and direction, if only in private.

As a military commander, Kircheis is as kind and benevolent as he is brilliant, often demonstrating his preference for avoiding as much bloodshed as possible. He directs his forces aboard the red flagship, appropriately named Barbarossa.

 "I don't care if you belittle republican democracy, profit at the expense of a nation, or deceive the people. But I won't allow you to soil the Kaiser's dignity with your
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