Legend Of Queen Opala 2

Legend Of Queen Opala 2


Legend Of Queen Opala 2
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Over the course of the days since the launch of Legend of Queen Opala II, I've got a lot of questions and statements about the game, and thought it might be a good idea to clear some of that up! But be warned, some of it may contain story spoilers! Q) Why can't I romance anyone in the party? A) For several reasons, the main issue being adding a scene to the game cost $100-500 and takes a month to finish, since the artists who worked on the game didn't do it for free and had lives of their own. I also didn't want the main protagonist to simply be Jake 2.0 from the first game, basically a pervert who is out to hump everyone in his path. Q) Why doesn't the game has a branching story like the first game? A) The first game was about the same size as the starting point from the main protagonist's house to Frontier Aqueduct and the areas in between, but Legend of Queen Opala II is 10-20 times bigger than that. Making a branching story would take such a huge amount of time when you consider the sheer size and the fact which party members you have with you, and any combination of them, all affect the conversations spoken across the story. Q) Why can't I marry Opala, Farah or Osira like in the first game? A) There wasn't enough time to add that feature in the game since fans were getting too impatient and I needed to move on and focus on a third game instead, but it'll be in the Golden Edition version. Q) Why isn't there any end-game content after the last boss where we live with the choices we made? A) Because I wanted everyone to have the chance to unlock all the Bad Endings, and they aren't exactly endings if you can continue to play after them, now are they? But there was also the fact I didn't want players to accidently lock themselves into a Bad Ending and permanently lose partymembers and love interests because of it, with no posibility to have them return without starting a new playthrough. Q) Why isn't there a evil ending for the main character where he takes over Egypt? A) This worked in the first game because you had Osira use her minions to take over, and then you could betray her, it would be harder for the main protagonist to suddenly rise to power as Pharaoh within this game since the Egyptian Army is still around, and has no reason to suddenly start following him. Q) Why are there so few scenes between the protagonist and the egyptian girls? A) In the first game, players complained the scenes were too far apart, the only way this could be corrected in a game 10-20 times larger, without having the main character reduced to a horny bunny who humps at every town you reach, was to space out scenes between other characters. Q) Why is the game so hard once you reach Thebes and the locations after it? A) The fault really is all mine, I had to take into consideration there would be both new players and gamers who'd be importing their lvl. 20-50 characters from Episode II, which made it very difficult to find a good balance...I still wouldn't say it's impossible though, it just requires better gear management to counter alignments and spells, along with much more strategy, but enemies you encounter during the main story will have their defense nerfed for Golden Edition. Q) Why is the battle again Altum so difficult, maybe even harder than the final boss? A) Call me crazy, but I'd like to think Altum has been the real threat and main enemy since the first game, and because of that, I wanted the battle against him to last long and be difficult, making him too easy or too quick to kill would've been so anticlimactic. Q) Why is everything so expensives when it comes to properties? A) I really dislike games where you can raise tons of money, but don't have anything worthwhile to spend it on, so I added the option to buy your own upgradable land and properties to let you spend some of that money on when you find yourself with a huge amount of gold...you're not to meant to buy everything as soon as you see it, you're meant to spend your money on what you need. Q) Why doesn't the relationship meter do anything? A) It does, but people just seem to take for granted that it'll be something groundbreaking, it was only meant to reflect how much the characters like you, I've never said it's there to reward you - and if you're angry about The Daily Fap, just don't, it's a fictional magazine with "their" own views on those women, what the magazines shows and say doesn't have to be the truth, in fact, I even made it tell a few lies to prove the point it's a fictional magazine likely to publish fake news and not based on real journalism.

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Update
Support me and production of the LoQO games at - https://www.patreon.com/GabeWork?ty=c

Aw'right, nothing but text to share this time.
Still working full time on the story mode and making really good progression, I do think I dare even say the High Lord Gathering part of the game will be all done by the next update! If so, that also means the following beta should be hitting very early next month. :3

And if the good flow continues, April might even see two betas released, with the later being with all the additional locations unlocking for exploration at long last!

With that short and sweet information dump, see you next week!

-Gabriel Log
Good game overall, rather liked it, good hidden stuff, gets a bit... empty towards the end though.

Major complaints:
1) Oh sweet prevert god, Y U get so hard!?!? The difficulty before was manageable, a few fights were interesting, a few boring, but most could not be just burned through without grinding, but after getting to Thebes, the difficulty curve becomes a brick wall. Basic mooks start dealing damage like I would expect a boss, and even with lvl 35 chars, full meteor and ragnarok armor, I still get hit like I am in a boss fight. And the enemies have way too much health and defenses, making every fight a drag out match. The Master Hen'T
All art has now been collected, voice actresses fired and pretty much all lose ends within the game tied up.
This upcoming Friday, February the 7th, I'll be releasing the game around 9PM in GMT+1 time, I believe that is 3PM in USA, eastern coast and 3AM in Australia.

The downside is a big portion of the later half of the game and sex scene won't be voiced, but replacing the voice actresses would take too long to do now.
I may release a new version of the game later down the line with new voice actresses for some of the parts, but that won't be until months from now when (hopefully) the third game is already in production.
This was more or less going to be used as a new feature for the next game, but between waiting for the last few Western Edition illustrations for the birthing/pregnancy system, the last record lines from a few of the voice actresses and spending days fixing/perfecting spellings...I decided to use some of the time to introduce the new feature for this game instead!

Property purchase, letting you buy and own every blacksmith, tavern, inn etc. in the game!
Different businesses also gives different bonuses, like free drinks, sleeping for free, increased stock and so on, so not just for show and/or personal satisfaction.
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It's vry interesting this points that you show us! I play many parts of the game and the part after Thebes is very hard, but it's good to pass if I had more life/mana. I see some bugs in the game but I want to talk in particcular cause that get spoils of the game

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The following scenes happen as part of the main story of The Legend of Queen Opala 2

The following scenes are not required and can be missed

The following scenes requre special actions to be triggered

The following scenes happen as part of of a game over. (In order to get the Bad Endings you have to beat the game first and then do what is required.)

The Dust of Secrets is a special reward that will unlock any and all Scene CGs for viewing in the Art Gallery, including Scenes that you missed!

The item is a reward from the Traveling Scholar in Valethorn . However, he will only become available there after you have completed the entire story on New Game Ultra .

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The land of Namaria has a large number of quests, both related to and aside from the main storyline, that are available for you to help the land's citizens. Below is a list of these quests and how to clear them

NOTE: You can view which quests you have cleared/started by buying the Quest Log. Quests essential to the main storyline are italicized.

A new day has arrived in Namaria, take your time exploring and getting used to the area.

The Shadow Spike appearing at the Hills of Sanctus changes everything. It would be a good idea to escort the unfamiliar girl to the nearest town.

Client is in the inn of Castle Resteed . To clear, buy a treasure shovel and go to Breeze Woods . Go to the second screen from the start with a lake and use the shovel in the upper left camping area (between the fireplace and a log.)
Dealing with Lord Kross ' castle guards, you and your team decide to go and search for Lady Farah at Rockgard Village .

To learn more about the Shadow Spikes, you need to find an alchemist who lives in a calm shore community named Baltera Village .

No client. To clear, find the Crystal Fragment in Greystone Ruins . The path you follow will cross a building. Go to the left and make your way through the basement to the other side (possible without lockpick). Up the stairs is a chest.

No client. To clear, speak with Master Hen'Tai in the bar in Castle Resteed (fat man by the counter).

NOTE : You cannot get this Achievement in New Game + later! You must take the evil path on this if you plan to get all of the Achievements. However, if you do this, you can never do the regular Master Hen'tai fights, not only in this playthrough, but in any future New Game + playthroughs, which is a shame, since those become very challenging fights late game.

Client is a Castle Guard in the lower left screen of Castle Resteed . To clear, kill the 4 thugs that appear during nightfall. Locations are: upper left screen, screen with Item shop, upper right screen, screen right of where client is.

Client is the alchemist in Tower of Illumi . Bring him a Wood Squirrel, Wild Rabbit, and Water Toad. To increase chance of capturing, buy Hunter Gloves. Wood squirrel is found in Mountain Road . Water Toad can be found in Breeze Woods and Azure Falls . Wild Rabbits can be found in Breeze Woods .

Client is a man in front of inn in Rockgard Village . Fight bandits in front of the weapon shop and return his wallet.

Client is Shady Warrior in Rockgard Village . To steal the jewel in the tavern, stand near it and press Enter/Space when the guards on the left look away (about half a minute after entering). Give jewel to client after stealing.

Client is an old man in Baltera Village . Find 5 Lost Cargo and return them to him. One is in the west of the village while the other 4 are in Namarian Shores . All 5 are near the water, so don't stray too far.

Client is a shy man in western portion of Baltera Village . Hand him Purple Tussian (found in a cave in center portion of Namarian Shores).

Shadow Spikes appear to be a bigger threat than first believed, it is vital you seek more information beyond Frontier Aqueduct .

Client is Duchess Velvetta . To access, you must buy Greenfield Lands first. Speak to client then head to Echo Forest . Take northern path when you reach the intersection with the sign and enter Temple of Moon . To solve the puzzle inside the temple, all switches (left and right sides) must be pulled to the right. Defeat boss (advice: do mission after obtaining Gauntlet of Nabonaga at the very least. Have Gold equipment or stronger) and open chest behind it for Artifact of Life. Give Artifact of Life to Duchess Velvetta to clear.

Client is Gordo in Gordo Farm . Fight the bandits in Breeze Woods (in a campsite in the southern part of the isle, the area with the 3 tents).

Client is bartender in Grand Aideen Tavern. Enter the basement and get 3 closed jars. To do so, you have to push some boxes around (approach and press Enter).
Client is kid in Eastern area of Grand Aideen . To clear, find the four kids in the city. Locations are shown below:

Street Vendor Area - Southern Aideen

Distant Wagon Area - Western Aideen

Client is the worried woman in the screen with the Grand Aideen weapon shop. Find her daughter in the screen west of where the save crystal is. Choose whether you let her keep your pet or not (giving her your pet gives a Good point and the Achievement Kind Hearted; keeping your pet does not give and Evil point). Speak to client again after.

Note: if you do not give her your pet, you can never get the Achievement, even with New Game +. You must take the "good" choice here if you want all Achievements. This means that you also cannot allow your first run to be all-good or all-evil, if you plan to get all Achievements eventually.

Client is a soldier inside Castle Aideen (first room you walk in to, to the left at the long table). To clear, talk to center street vendor (screen with save crystal) and he'll mention a woman living beside the item shop. Speak to said woman (in house beside item shop. Screen to the east of where the save crystal is). Speak to street vendor again after. Bring Mega Magical Growth to client.

Madam Sonya 's Palace of Pleasure in Grand Aideen is looking to recruit some more... talent for the brothel. She has many clients who like a little variation in their partner. There are 6 monsters out there who you will run into who are not up for a fight. You will let them know that Madam Sonya is looking for employees and give them a copy of the letter she gave you. If you run into a monster that does not attack you upon approach, and is female, talk to her. Maybe she needs a job.

After meeting with the King of Namaria, you learn Queen Opala 's kidnapper was last seen heading for Mount Dreadclaw .

Client is a soldier near entrance to Northern Gate . In Dreadclaw Pass , enter cave, head west, head south (so you will be outside of cave). head south (to enter new cave with pinkish walls and Impregnators), speak to Latex in lower left corner. If you did not accept Layla into the party, Latex will join. Speak to client again to finish.

Starts upon entering Valethorn . To clear, head into woods east of Valethorn village. Head to northern cave to find villagers. Head to east-northern cave to find more villagers and a fight against a Giga Plump and 2 Lizardmen. Quest ends upon saving all villagers. If you speak to Iliona in the Valethorn Item shop upon finishing the quest, she will join you if you did not accept Murdock into your party.

Client is weapon shop owner in Totville (to reach Totville, go past Azure Falls ). To clear, defeat all Blackeagle Bandits and Sorceress in northernmost mine in Totville. Choose to defeat bandits and get +1 good standing, choose to let them go and get +1 evil standing and 5,000 gold. Speak to client after to finish.

Note: In LoQO II Episode 1 the game will crash if you try to buy weapons from the blacksmith. Armor may be bought without issue. This was fixed with Episode 1 v. 1.01, so if you are still having problems with this blacksmith, you are probably playing an out of date version. Especially true if you are still playing Episode 1.

Client is a soldier in front of Item shop in Tel Ravida . To clear speak to either Milana , Farah , Layla or Emeralda in the Tel Ravida tavern, mention the soldier, ask them to do the favor, and talk to the client again.

Must clear "Alchemist's Potion" first and have been to Grand Aideen . Client is the alchemist in Tower of Illumi . Bring him a Grey Mouse, Shadow Rabbit, and Silver Frog. Grey Mouse can be found in Greystone Ruins , Silver Frog in Azure Falls (or in the mine in Totville ), and Shadow Rabbit can be found in Dreadclaw Pass , Mount Dreadclaw and Echo Forest .

Must be a member of the Guild of Heroes and have previously completed 'Porking Bandits'. Client is Gordo. Sleep until nightfall and fight 3 groups of enemies outside of the farmhouse. Speak to client after all three fights.

Must have "Ribbon of Speech" first (obtained from Traveling Scholar in Totville ). Client is a goat in Shaabera (screen west of tavern). To clear, go to the Temple of Sun and kill the Evil Ragnarok (located somewhere to the right of the temple). Speak to client after.

Must clear "Artifact of Life" first and must be a member of the Guild of Heroes . Client is Duchess Velvetta . Go to Aideen cemetery at night and speak to the biggest grave. Defeat Duke Legacus. Return to Duchess Mansion and enter basement. Defeat Duchess Velvetta and her zombies. Choice to spare her or let her die (Good/Evil counter) after fight. If playing Western version, a third option obtains a scene.

In Shaabera , just outside of the tavern, there is a man who is looking for an adventurer to help him retrieve his missing barrels from the Sand Giants. Go to the Dunes of Shaabera and find the two caves with Sand Giants lurking outside of them; one cave will have two barrels and the other will have just one.

In Shaabera , just south of the save point, there is a man who is desperate to steal another man's rooster/cock. Sleep till night, find the tavern and head west two screens, enter the house. Wait until the man is walking and is no longer looking into the hallway, then head straight in and steal the rooster; if you fail he will just toss you outside, but after you succeed the man will no longer be a threat to you. Sleep till morning and return to the client.

In Shaabera , the local service lady handling the Distant Wagon Service is asking for a traveler to help her find 3 pieces of Purple Ore. It is said that the ore can only be found in cold places by the sea. Once you've crossed the sea and are on the world map, head east along the frozen coast until you discover the Blackeagle Ship area, enter in. Before you go onto the ship, head south until you see the Purple Ore, mine it to get Purple Ore (3x).

Have to be a member of the Guild of Heroes . In Grand Aideen , a castle guard working at the castle's dungeon is looking to recapture 10 escaped convicts. Members of the Blackeagle gang have escaped from prison and are on the loose across Namaria, you are tasked with hauling those troublesome bandits back in so they can serve their time. Some of these bandits have most likely teamed up and will attack you in group!

Boots of Nabonaga - This artifact is told to be found somewhere in the heart of the Blackeagle Fortress , east of Rockgard Village .

Armor of Nabonaga - To find this artifact, you must travel to the far east, past Echo Forest and search beyond the vast Dunes of Shaabera .

Blade of Nabonaga - No doubt the hardest artifact to recover, you must head to the port town of Tel Ravida and travel across the great ocean. Episode II starts here.

In Solheim , a blacksmith is looking for a miner who can get him 10 gold lumps. You can fin
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