Legend 07/1

Legend 07/1

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                Legend 07 

The same "Friday" from Signora Robinson. Zeudi Araya, 1970s.

17-year-old Bianca Passarge from Hamburg dances on wine bottles in a cat costume, 1958.

The first material here 👇


This is the second part of the material 👇

💉 "The Label of the Beast" and its legalization.

Residents of England attending Euro 2020 matches at Wembley will have to use #COVID19 vaccination passports. This will be the first time that such certificates/passports will be used at a sporting event. To get to Wembley, fans will have to prove they have received two doses of the vaccine at least 14 days before the match, or a negative covid test taken within 48 hours.

🇨🇳 need hunger and food shortages. 

What the iveges in the media said a year ago that it is a conspiracy theory is now being discussed on American TV. The Rockefeller Operation Lockstep 2010 document is being discussed on Fox News. 

However, despite the one-by-one global kagal cover lying on their covid operations, the slaughter of livestock/birds may occur against the background of the breakdown of supply chains, not after: China reports an outbreak of H5N8 avian influenza in Shaanxi Province - Ministry of Agriculture


It's collusion.

🇺🇸 🇨🇳Mister coronavirus is almost recognized for financing and creating couridosis 👇


Although you can read the second part after, the second that is (2). Nothing's going to change. You can even read diagonally. Or start at the end. The amount will not change from the variables. 

NOTE COMMITTEE Nuremberg2.0:

'Crown crisis needs to be renamed 'Crown scandal'

This is:

The largest tort case in history

The greatest crime against humanity ever committed

Responsible should be:

Criminally liable for crimes against humanity.

Claims for civil damages have been filed.


No country has excess mortality

Mortality from the corona virus is equal to seasonal influenza

94% of bergamo deaths were caused by transferring patients to nursing homes, where they infected elderly people with weak immune systems

Doctors and hospitals around the world were paid for the declaration - "deceased victims of Covid-19"

States with and without isolation have comparable statistics on disease and mortality.

An autopsy showed:

Almost all deaths are caused by serious pre-existing diseases 

Almost all of the dead were very elderly

Sweden (without isolation) and the UK (strict isolation) have comparable statistics on disease and mortality


Hospitals remain empty and some face bankruptcy

The population has T-cell immunity from previous flu waves

Collective immunity requires infection only 15-25% of the population and has already been achieved

Only if a person has symptoms can the infection be contagious


Many scientists call this a PCR test pandemic, not a corona pandemic

Very healthy and non-infectious people can give a positive result

The probability of false positives is 89-94% or almost always

Prof. Drosten developed his PCR test based on SARS, which has never "seen" the real kouid virus from Wuhan from China

The PCR test is not based on scientific evidence for infections

PCR tests are useless for detecting infections

A positive PCR test does not imply infection or that an intact virus has been detected

Amplification of samples over 35 cycles is unreliable, but WHO has recommended 45 cycles


The German government has blocked, introduced social distancing / wearing masks on the basis of a consensus

The blockage was introduced when the virus in their opinion was already retreating

The locks were based on non-existent infections

Former President of the Federal Government of Germany Constitutional Court doubts the constitutionality of measures in the case

Former UK Supreme Court Justice Lord Sumpsion concluded that there is no factual basis for panic or legal basis for covid measures

German RKI (CDC equivalent) recommended not to conduct autopsies

Measures to remove the kovide are not unconstitutional enough and should be lifted immediately

No serious scientist confirms the veracity of Neil Ferguson's infamous fake computer models, warning of millions of deaths

The main media have not been able to report the true facts of the so-called pandemic (sad for the Russian media, Friends, and for journalists, laughing after such files and lies, to start in the deputies, in the infamous EdRo, of course)

Democracy is in danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models

Drosten (PCR test), Ethiopian Tedros from WHO and others have committed crimes against humanity, as defined in the International Penal Code

Politicians can avoid falling with quacks and criminals by starting a long-overdue public scientific debate (but we don't even see it in our country, where the media continue to lie)


Politicians and the mainstream media deliberately drove the population to panic.

Children were deliberately forced to feel responsible "for the excruciating and painful death of their parents and grandparents if they do not abide by the rules of the

The PCR test is used to create fear, not to diagnose

The second wave is out of the question.

Injuries and injuries:

Evidence of enormous damage to health and economic damage to the population.

The Malaysian way of eliminating COVID19 infection had to be implemented around the world at once 👇


In one hospital, a shaman doctor performed a rite of passage to expel the coronavirus from the ear of 👂 infected COVID19 patient. 

The results of the magician's work and the statistics of his rite of passage to the coronavirus in the bottle were not reported ...

🇺🇸American policies on coVID19 coronavirus and how to protect against it. 


"Wash your hands. Don't touch your face," they said, and they did so.



In the United States, there was one of many lawsuits between divorced parents regarding the future of children. One disagreement was the issue of vaccination, which the mother refused to do. The vaccine industry decided to make this process revealing and not only paid for the pro-vaccine grief-father of lawyers, but also sent there as a top expert one of the most influential characters in the field, the author of the vaccine against rubella vaccinator Stanley Plotkin. 

This move turned out to be an absolute PR failure for them.

Pltkin, who agreed to testify as an expert, was forced to answer questions from his mother under oath as part of a procedure called "deposit".

During this interrogation Plotkin actually confirmed all the accusations and suspicions about vaccinations and vaccinators, which the industry and the press have a habit of rejecting with the label "conspiracy theory".

Plotkin was interrogated by a specialist with an honorary diploma from THE UC Berkeley School of Law and experience in the Supreme Court of Israel - Aaron Siri.

Almost immediately, the lawyer forced the vaccine expert to admit an open conflict of interest.

Plotkin confirmed that he actually came to testify in favor of forcing the child to introduce farm-perparates manufactured by Merck, GSK, Sanofi and Pfizer, each of which Plotkin himself regularly receives millions of dollars for decades.

Further, Siri, using the tax documents he had received in advance, forced Plotkin to admit that he had "mistakenly" about the pharmaceutical industry's lack of funding for his pseudo-public organization, Voices for Vaccines, and to confirm that, like the rest of the world-based similar "Parents for Even More Injections" his pseudo-OA exists for the money of the pharmaceutical industry.

The next round of questions Siri proved that Plotkin personally embodies all the signs of "corrupt science" as she was once described in a very famous article on the subject Marcia Angell - was. Editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.


- Plotkin forgets to point out the conflict of interest that his work as a consultant in the same companies, whose products he evaluates,

- In addition to "advising" he sits on corporate advisory boards,

- has patent and royalty agreements,

- agreed to sign unknown by whom written in the interests of corporations pseudo-scientific publications,

- promotes pharma drugs at industry-sponsored symposiums,

- Welcomes from farm companies expensive gifts and travel.

Siri methodically walked through each of these points, having irrefutable evidence on his hands.

And in each of them, Plotkin was forced to answer "Yes."

In the part of the interrogation, which was devoted to the actual testing of vaccines, Plotkin under pressure provided by Siri evidence was forced to admit that

- Many vaccines from the current children's calendar were tested for safety only for a few days, which is insufficient (and this is also directly confirmed by Plotkin) to detect damage to the immune system,

- in the published test results, the data on adverse reactions are deliberately concealed or understated, while the effectiveness of the test is overstated,

- The effect of vaccination is weak and lasts only a few years,

- Reporting on adverse reactions in postmarketing surveillance records only 1 out of 100 real-life by-effects.

Plotkin has shown that he is an atheist, disdains someone else's faith and denies anyone's right to refuse vaccination on religious grounds.

After that, the Israeli lawyer decided to demonstrate the level of humanism of the doctor himself and moved on to the questions, which came in a two-minute form on the link:

Have you ever used orphans to test experimental vaccines?

" Yes

Have you ever used the mentally retarded in your vaccine research?

- I do not remember my participation in research involving the mentally retarded. In the 1960s, this was considered a common practice. Although, perhaps, I still participated in such research.

- Do you remember this article about the rubella vaccine?

"Yes, I do."

13 mentally retarded children were vaccinated with this experimental vaccine.

"Ok. Yes. In that case, I did it.

- Have you ever argued that it is best to put experiments on those who can contribute less to society, for example on children with disabilities?

- I don't remember exactly, but it is possible.

The lawyer cites Plotkin's article, which contains the statement that vaccines should first be tested not on healthy children and adults, but on children and adults, "which is people in form, but not in the sense of social potential."

"Yes, I do."

"It's very similar to Nazi philosophy.

"A yuga.

- Have you ever conducted experiments using an experimental vaccine on infants whose mothers were in prison?

"Yes, I do."

- Have you ever used people living in colonial-ruled countries to experiment with experimental vaccines?

" Yes

- Did you conduct these experiments in the Belgian Congo?

"Yes, I do."

- Did more than a million people participate in this experiment?

"Yes, I do."

The morning after this interrogation, Mr. Plotkin refused to participate in the trial officially. 

However, he was asked about: 

The use of aborted fetal tissue;

Vaccines have been experimentally tested on orphans, mentally retarded children and on mothers' babies in prisons;

Experimental tests for 1 million people took place in the then colonial Belgian Congo. 

There's a lot of information in this shocking 9 hour video. 

Meanwhile, South Korea has not stopped fighting the infection/COVID19 virus👇


🇨🇳 A minute of humor from Chinese idiots 👇


🇺🇸🇨🇳 FinanceYahoo: China has 500,000 infected COVID-19s, 200 to 500 carriers in the U.S.

The manager of the cremation center in Wuhan said she received 127 bodies in one day, but only eight of them were labeled as COVID-19 victims and all other bodies were labeled as "sick with pneumonia." Against this background, it doesn't seem surprising to see an article from Yahu, where it is widely believed that in the U.S. alone, 200 to 500 infected people are spreading the virus.

  "Today, the first case of coronavirus death in the United States was confirmed. U.S. authorities also uncovered at least three separate cases of unrelated transmissions of the virus earlier this week. These figures support our estimate of 200 to 500 infected people in the U.S. currently spreading the virus," the report said.

Omitting the description of the horrors that the article describes and concerning the identity of the author of the material, based on the metamatic conclusions of the author, made from his own assumptions that the official figures are false, it should be noted that the author, describing China and the number of infected there, used the image of the South Korean Busan. Although, it is hardly possible to judge the author strictly for this, as he himself reports, he is only "scientific director Inan Dogan, Ph.D." which obviously does not imply a deep immersion in medicine, biology, mathematics and other when he wrote articles on coronavirus. 

The error of the article is that it assumes that the number of reported viral infections in China is understated, while the number of real reported deaths is accurate. It seems logical that if we assume that the number of infections is under-reported, then, accordingly, the number of deaths is probably also understated? 

If so, either the virus is much more deadly than the author, who has already caught up with the horror in the Western everyman, or in China even more unregistered cases than the author believes.

We do not think that it is possible to seriously relate to the author and look in the opposite direction from the mortality rate, the number of infected is not known. 

If we add to the facts of the author of the article about the horrors in China, we can safely say that the number of infected in China should be in the millions, not half a million. 

However, in fact, if you are concerned about your own health, it doesn't matter what the spread of the virus is. For, any reasoning is interesting, but will never be backed up by facts. Given that it is unlikely that somewhere take tests from the dead from the common cold, malaise, old age and other, it must be said that no one will ever know how many people are infected and how many died, neither in China, nor anywhere else.

Similarly, it is not possible to determine how many people are infected with the flu each year and how many deaths occur as a result of influenza. Ratings and guesses are the most you can afford. 

However, in any case, rest assured, governments will always lie about it.

The wife of the COVID-19 patient shared information about the testing process in Paris👇

 A post on one of the popular forums from South Africa in March 2021 : 

"I just got the news that I was influenced by COVID19. My wife called me this morning and told me she had bad news. Her company is closing. They are totally dependent on China for the supply of their products, and because of the production stoppage they can no longer get the product for sale. They also forced customers to terminate their contracts for fear of getting an infected product. It is funny that there is no case of COVID19 in sub-equatorial Africa. So, the new symptoms of COVID19 now also include job loss. Also, while I was at the bank this morning, where I was chatting with an acquaintance whose son also works for a company that relies on components from China to produce his product, and they're almost over there, too."

A post on one of the popular forums from the United States: 

👆srin messages to the Irishwoman in one of the chats: "Overall, I think he enjoys a long vacation away from me. 

The room has a TV, free Wi-Fi and decent food. " 

 Hospital in Iran 🇮🇷 

In Iran, due to rapidly changing numbers, medical staff continue to surprise the world amid a battle with the crown 👑. They are resolute, courageous and energetic. 


Dancing in the face of seemingly insurmountable life problems should be a lesson for Italy and other panickers. We're talking about citizens, not oyatola. 

Here @politjoystic asks, "It's time to think about why italy and South Korea have the largest outbreaks of coronavirus after China? Low immunity? The actions of the authorities? Predisposition?". 

We answer, all this predictably, about the upcoming February outbreak of COVID-19 in Italy is known back in January, that is, long before its appearance. 

The taxi driver, who has publicly stated that his taxi was damaged when the plane hit the Pentagon building on 9/11, admitted when he was recorded by a hidden camera that the attack was an internal work of U.S. intelligence agencies, that his wife works for the FBI, and that he himself damaged his car with a baseball bat, smashing his windshield. As he himself told, when he was recording a hidden camera, "Big People" came to him.

At first, on camera, Lloyd confirmed the version of damage to the car in the crash of the plane and the impact of it in the Pentagon building. However, later, when he did not see that the camera was continuing to work, he explained that he had smashed the windshield of the car with a bat, and explained the reasons why he had to publicly lie about the plane crash and claim that the car had been damaged by shrapnel in the crash.


And here's a video that clearly shows the Pentagon crashing a missile, not a plane.

And next time there will be time and mood, we will show skyscrapers 🏙 

In the video, Abdel Basset Sarout leads a chorus of terrorists singing the famous al-qaeda song about the destruction of WTC 9/11 when it was turned into a pile of stones. 

Abdel praises Osama bin Laden. Remarkably, this is the same man that the Western media proclaim as a hero. 


Meanwhile, jihadists and Western media journalists are now mourning the death of Abdel Baset Sarut, a terrorist who at one point swore allegiance to ISIS and was commander of Jaysh al-Ezzaz, an ally of al-qaeda. This video shows what kind of person he really was. The international organization of Al-Kaida, as well as the Western media, also paid tribute to the Saudi Sheikh Muhaysni Abdel Baset Sarut, the dead Syrian terrorist, who, as mentioned above, the Western media unanimously mourn and proclaim the hero. 

🇺🇸 Governor of Louisiana said people age 65 and older should be quarantined on their own. Meanwhile, the New Orleans police are already dispersing people on the street when there are too many of them. Apparently, the National Guard will arrest for walking the streets of intransigent citizens in a week or two. 


About the attitude of Europeans to Jews. 

The veto of the queen Wilhelmina in March 1939 guaranteed that the central reception camp for Jewish refugees from Germany would be built not in Veluve, but in Hugalen and in Drent. The then Minister of the Interior, after much consultation, H. van Boyen chose a place near Elspit on Veluwe. The queen of Wilhelmina, however, later regretted that the chosen place would come so close to her country house Het Loo. (Gerard de Boer Collection)

💉 The chief physician of Moderna, Inc. about moderna mRNA vaccine: a person with a mRNA vaccine with the genome is no longer a creation of God, but a creation of man, so can become the object of a patent.

Not a doctor, not an infectious diseaser, a friend of epist Epstein, an ordinary eugenicist- whistleblower notorious Gates once openly said that "experimental injection of mRNA alters the human genome", after which the term was used to describe the vaccine, which is now being tested in the West, by many scientists in their speeches to explain largely unsuspecting public. 

While many in the media, Gates' friend, the head of the CDC, the conman Fauci and his gay group of chronic liars and "fact-checkers" have declared this allegation false, speaking back in 2017 at TEDx Beacon Street, Tal Sachs, heads. A Ph.A. company that is producing an experimental injection of mRNA, which is currently being tested in humans, confirms that the mRNA vaccine can change your genetic code. 

Sachs called it "life software hacking." "We've been through a phenomenal digital science revolution, and I'm here to tell you that we're actually hacking into life software, and it's changing the way we think about disease prevention and treatment" and added that they (Moderna) think of it as an operating system that the Moderna website points out as, attention! — 

"Our operating system."

"Every cell has a thing called an RNA messenger or for the brevity of mRNA, which transmits important information from DNA in our genes to a protein, which is actually the material we're all made of," the guy says, "This is critical information that determines what the cell will do. That's why we think of it as an operating system. .... So if you really could change that... if you could enter a line of code or change a line of code, it would turn out that it has serious consequences for everything from flu to cancer." 

When the code line is "changed" or "injected," the DNA changes, which means that the individual or "subject" now has a different gene, modified by scientists. An individual or subject is no longer a creation of God, but a creation of man, which means that an individual or subject can be the object of a "patent." He goes on to say that mRNA will order cells to "code" the virus protein. This "viral protein" is foreign to the body. The human body produces an alien protein that the immune system must attack. When the body produces protein, the immune system attacks it. That is, your immune system attacks the protein that your body produces, that is, what happens in an "autoimmune response" or "autoimmune disease."

Sachs talks about the inclusion of this system; however, he does not say anything about the possibility of turning it off. When will the cells learn to stop producing this "viral protein"? And in case it turns out, Friends, that the cells will never know; And if this continues for the life of the subject whose DNA has been altered?

Dr. Lee Merritt, who studied biological weapons while working as an orthopedic surgeon in the U.S. Navy for nine years, served on the board of the Arizona Medical Association and published many peer-reviewed articles about experimental injections of the "operating system": "We will see many deaths."


Dr. Sherry J. Tenpenny, an osteopathic physician certified by the Council for Three Medical Specialties, is widely known as the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician about the adverse health effects of vaccines: "The FDA has at least twice broken the law regarding covid injections," "COVID vaccines as a depopulation agent will start operating in 3-6 months."






Knowing the historical examples, we are very likely to diagnose for the world as a whole the following situation by considering it on the example of the United States 🇺🇸 and Russia, from which the Rockefeller family so Tina has been coming out for 100 years. A friend of Epstein's paedophile king Eugenit Gates now buys up all agricultural land, as part of a temporary marriage of business and administration of the White House, in the best traditions of the oligarchy BlackRock massively buys houses, homeownership, apartments and other affordable real estate.

The world is in a very similar situation to the post-Soviet space immediately after the collapse of the Union, but only on a global scale of peace, everyone came together and decided to build democracy. In fact, they allowed a bunch of particularly unscrupulous people, who are in every state, oligarchs to clean up the already impoverished People and siphon all their assets in Russian oil/gas/water/forest/other. 

Many didn't understand what was going on. 

Now, Friends, we are in a long-term climax, and to be more precise, at the very beginning of the End, which immorals are ar arranges on our Planet right now strengthening the world corporation in order to become the new world government.

The U.S. Congress has already allowed the wealthy to monopolize everything - Bezos buys everything, including real estate, Gates in addition to closing the sun in Europe and releasing GMO mosquitoes/"mosquito syringes with vaccines" in Texas and Florida, also buys everything, including possible farmland, and the Koch industry is everywhere massively buying homes "for one family." I'm sure, Friends, a lot of people have already figured out why this is happening and what's going on. However, implying that not everyone is closely watching what is happening, we will explain what the catch is, although it is obvious - "You will have nothing and you will be happy."

Why did the so-called democratic oligarchs from both camps, both The Rep and Dems, close small businesses so actively to the noise of the #COVID19? 

All of this was designed to destroy the Middle Class as a class and prepare Americans for the Great Reboot and the Great Redistribution of Wealth?

The ultimate goal of Number Once is to make us dependent on the state/corporate matrix in everything. However, it is very difficult to call the state that the immoralities led by their philosophizing ideologue are trying to make a fascist-eugenic schwab. 

Rather, the New World Order, where there will be no States on the Planet, would be more correct to call "Perfect Fascism" where fascism translates as "the whip."

So, right now, while building future hunger and food shortages, breaking supply chains, they're destroying the middle class. When the banks take away all the savings from the UK, the power of the middle class will disappear completely, and in an instant., and then it will not be at all. Then everyone starts from scratch - except for the chosen ones. Right now in Scandinavia, the Middle Class is burdened with the highest tax, which, of course, greatly speeds up the process.

Blackrock, now buying up non-binary people all over America, uses the money of the average American, that is, the middle class (that is, they manage other people's money, not their own), and then transfer it to the "middle American". But it's not a job for the profits of the average American, it's a consolidation of the market. They will hold on until the crash, and will be saved with the transition to partial public property as part of a supposed bailout deal. Americans' assets. As a result of such a rescue, the CEOs will receive golden parachutes, and the government will actually take over all the housing purchased by Blackrock, and, as they say, "Welcome to 2030, where you have nothing and you are happy."

Nedwiga is concerned about everything, corporations, pension funds, and real estate investment groups... If you are selling a house, the buyer may be a pension fund. Investors chasing yields are buying up single-family homes, competing with ordinary Americans and raising prices. 

Blackrock buys every family home or home they can find, paying 20-50% above the asking price and repurchasing ordinary home buyers, taking ownership of entire neighborhoods from the middle class. Homes appear on MLS (independent real estate advertising company) and leave under contract within a few hours. Blackrock, among other things, buys up thousands of new homes and entire neighborhoods.

Blackrock - the world's largest asset manager and a leading proponent of the Great Reboot, without which "The Game" is unlikely to take place and will be in their favor - is 120 trillion dollars - these are assets that are greater than all the wealth of the world's middle class and all the poor combined. 

"Sustainability" is the name of the game for today's investors, and with trillions of dollars, you can create a "sustainability" that no one could have imagined. 

In Texas, for example, 124 new whole residential areas were fully purchased. The average American was overbought for $32 million, as homes sold on average 20% above the listing. And now the ex-potential owner of the house from the lower to the middle class is positioned as a permanent tenant. That's a good one. it is important, Friends, to understand, because for the lower and middle class home ownership is the most important part of any financial success and future upward mobility that they now have.

This is a redistribution of wealth, and it is not the wealth of rich people that is redistributed, but our wealth, Friends. The ordinary American middle class, the salt of America's land, so to speak, heading into the hands of the world's most powerful organizations and individuals, is being abolished slowly but surely, and the traditional financial machinery is disappearing forever.

Home equity is a major financial element that middle-class families use to create wealth, and the Black Rock, funded by the Fed, buys up all the homes so that young families can't create their own wealth, i.e. THE STATE, its incentives, food stamps, handouts and more.


They use the tax dollars of the American taxpayer (and the money printed out of thin air) to get the lower and middle class and to make a fundamental reorganization of society on a socialist principle. 

Owning a home is often the 1st and most important step and can ensure the wealth and success of future generations. But as permanent, guaranteed tenants you lose a lifetime of capital and a chance for mobility. You just become a peasant who has nothing, including tools, and he is happy.

Aside from Blackrock Lloyds Bank in London also does "it" like all major financial institutions around the world. It's a big threat, and it's bigger than we can all come up with. It's a fatal blow to society.

Just think, Friends, Black Rock, Vanguard and State Street control assets worth $20 trillion. And that's not all, and that's just what's on the surface. Blackrock alone has a surplus of 10 billion dollars a year. This means that with a reduction of 5-20% they can get mortgages on 130-170k homes each year. Or they can just buy 30,000 homes a year. 

Now imagine that every major institution is doing this. It can be such a quick and instantaneous action that everything can be completed at once and neo-slavery will be built not in 30 years, but in 15 years.

People will say, "They can't just spend money to buy tens of thousands of homes that are all at a loss." However, the reality is that you can't do it, and they not only can, they actually already do, as they are funded by an endless literal stream of money including from the budget.

And what is the world reserve currency? Oh yes, it's such a green funny piece of paper with people's faces on them. 

You might ask, "Suppose banks won't finance new housing?"

"But companies buy them at a much higher price than requested, can this last long until the very end, until all the real estate goes to them?"

Banks are controlled and are in bed with the same bondage, buying up everything. You don't think that the middle- and lower-class situation will be corrected by market forces, at a time when this financial and political movement is produced by the same global kagal that the Crown 👑 invented. 

As a result, the real estate that will remain in private ownership will be squeezed under the pretext of writing off all the plebs of all debts. The one that stays privately and after that will be taken away by force.

The Great Reboot is real. And it's happening right now. It will be the greatest transfer of wealth and the greatest consolidation of power in the history of mankind. If they get away with it, the World Revolution will be the only cure for all this delusions of these inbred unscrupulous mamona servants. It's going to be terrible.

So you need to wake up now. Be active, Friends.

Write, speak, carry "Word," support each other, talk about the Important, communicate, look for people with intuition, support those who write and carry the Word, for truly carrying the Truth can not but need, for the Truth is always in the line.

Each and every "Word" often dropped casually can be the head of the corner of their structure.

It's war. Don't doubt it. 

We have done a lot to turn the agenda of globalists liars, we need more "bullets" to confront. 

Don't stop and move on in our common attempt to make the world a better place and keep it from falling into the abyss of medical fascism and segregation. And having eyes seen having ears heard, having the mind thought .


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