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Where can I get a tradelink? Classic Game How to play? Conditions of the classic game: The higher the bet, the greater the chance to win. Rolling in 29 seconds The next game will start in 9 seconds. GO, Dota 2, H1Z1: Right here everyone can try his luck and get awesome skins. Classic Game — the game for those who like playing for the high stakes. Those wishing to try their luck place a bet on a general deposit that is raffled among players at the end of a round. Fast game — the game to try your luck instantly. There are only 3 players, the max bet is limited. The winner gets a total deposit of 3 players. Double game — in this mode you can get Fast Coins service currency and exchange them for skins in the Store. Guess the winner color and return your bet multiplied by 2 or Sign in throuhg Steam. Put an actual Trade Offer link into a Settings Make you inventory public in the Steam Profile Select the game, place a bet and try your luck! For Classic Game and Fast Game: Select the game mode and click at Bet items. Select skins that you want to deposit as a bet from your inventory. For Jackpot, Double and Coinflip Game: Enter a wishful number of Fast Coins as a bet and click at the color slot button, that will win in the round from your coin of view. The bet of a chosen color will be placed automatically. A bet sum limit is indicated in the selected game. Inappropriate bets are canceled automatically. The acceptable number of skins per one bet is indicated in the selected game mode. The number of accepted bets per one round is different for every game mode. The max number of skins if it is prescribed on the round deposit for Classic Game and Fast Game is indicated in the selected game mode. The allotted time if it is prescribed of one round is indicated in the selected game. Skins are appraised regularly in accordance with Markets Prices and set up as an average sum for a certain period of time. Site Skin prices can differ from prices of Steam Market. The ways of winner determination differ in every game mode. In the Double Game if the winner is black or red slot, the gamer wins the placed bet multiplied by 2. The green slot returns the placed bet multiplied by Escrow - a new type of SteamGuard, that secures users accounts from unauthorized trades. Otherwise, Trade Offers are frozen for 12 hours to secure the users. Our bots accept incoming trades with min lags, then they send skins to the game, thus it is almost impossible to cancel a deposited bet. We are working only with Steam Trade Offer System. Every bet is confirmed by Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. Thus, the situations when your items play in the game without your confirmation or accidently are impossible. We cannot return the deposited and raffled skins. Because of increasing of scam we are compeled to add system of protection. In order that to take away things from virtual inventory and also to receive yours prize. Referral Program — an encouragement system of users, who invite new players referrals to our project. Referral is a new project user, who follows your referral link after login. You get coins for each referral, who is signed in following your referral link. Collected Coins can be exchanged for skins in the Store. The Coins are sent to you after your referral has been signed in following your link. Everyone, who becomes a referral, gets the of coins. Classic Game — the game for those, who like playing for the high stakes. The winner is determined by the Ticket System in the Classic Game. In this mode, you can make one bet within one round. Chances of the winning are indicated in percentage terms. You can see the percent of your chance under your avatar during the current round. The winner is determined at the end of a round time or once the max number of skins is achieved on the deposit. Random skins of the general deposit are taken as a Service Commission. From the beginners commission is not charged. The winner gets a general deposit of 3 players. The winner is determined randomly, but the higher the bet, the greater the chance to win. One player can place one bet per one game round in this game. You can see the percent of your chance next to the players bet sum of the round on the right hand of avatars and list of deposited skins. The winner is determined once 3 players place their bets in the current game round. Random skins from the general deposit of the round are taken as a Service Commission. Double Game — is a mode of a game, where gamers bet on black, red or green slots. In this mode Fast Coins are placed into as bets. The winner slot is determined at the end of the round. If the winner is black or red slot, the gamer wins the placed bet multiplied by 2. The bet sum of every slot can be different. For every cent of skin value you get one coin. You can send max 15 items at a time. You can sweeten an unlimited number of times till the beginning of the round. The sum of a bet of every slot can be different. The winner slot is determined at the end of a round. There is no commission at all. Skins appear immediately in your inventory! If you attempt to buy skins with Fast Coins but you see the message that the store is blocked, then it means that you have played on our service insufficiently to buy skins with Fast Coins. You need to win the number of Fast Coins which is specified in a pop-up window. Only the won coins are considered not total amount on balance. This restriction is imposed for protection against unfair players who exchange skins without playing service games. The restriction does not apply to the withdrawal of the skins sold by you in the store during the day. Select the game mode and click at Deposit more or Place a bet. Click at Make Offer. Bot accepts your bet and places it into the game. Commission depends on a selected game mode and total deposit of a round. There is no commission in the Double Game. How to get them back or exchange for others? Random skins from a general deposit are taken as a Service Commission. There is no opportunity to return you taken as a Service Commission skins or exchange them for others. If a Service Commission is bigger than it is indicated by our rules, contact our tech support. In the chat it is forbidden:. Chat Moderating is provided manually and automatically. Relocks duration increases on time automatically. The appeal of the received one week period Ban is carried out through tech support. Moderators have the right to delete messages or ban the chat participant without explanatio. Get free coins through 0:


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