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Legal dream

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The BBC has updated its cookie policy. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This includes cookies from third party social media websites if you visit a page which contains embedded content from social media. Such third party cookies may track your use of the BBC website. We and our partners also use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you. However, you can change your cookie settings at any time. These are external links and will open in a new window. The hires could be an indication of the direction of the probe and the seriousness with which Mr Mueller is taking the enterprise. On Friday afternoon the National Law Journal reported that the deputy solicitor general, a criminal-law expert who has argued more than cases before the US Supreme Court, would be joining the special counsel team on a part-time basis. He is perhaps best known for his investigation into Volkswagen scheme to bypass emissions requirements on some of its autos. From to Weissmann oversaw the Enron energy company inquiry that ended in the prosecution and imprisonment of its top executive, Kenneth Lay. Those with a sense of history might have noted that Mr Mueller also tapped James Quarles, a private lawyer who was part of the Watergate Special Prosecution Force in the s and is well aware of the challenges of investigations that tread close to the presidency. It marks a rather stark change of views for the former House speaker, who just a month ago tweeted that Mr Mueller was a 'superb choice' as special counsel. And the speculation built further on Monday evening, when a close friend of the president, Christopher Ruddy, told PBS Newshour he was 'considering perhaps' firing Mr Mueller. Donald Trump has called the ongoing investigation a 'witch hunt', a 'hoax' and an excuse by Democrats for why they lost the presidential race. It may only be a matter of time before some of that attention is directed at Mr Mueller, however. Continue Change settings Find out more. Anthony Zurcher North America reporter. Media playback is unsupported on your device. Related Topics Donald Trump. More on this story. How the White House Comey story collapsed. UK Home England N. Ireland Scotland Wales Politics.

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