Legal Document Assistant firm in Los Angeles

Legal Document Assistant firm in Los Angeles

Legal Document Assistant firm in Los Angeles

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My name is James F. I am not an Attorney, I cannot give you legal advice. I provide self-help services mainly in the form of the information contained in this site at the specific direction of my clients only. The purpose of this website is to familiarize you with the Small Claims Court process in the State of California. In addition to the Small Claims Court process, this article will contain information on mediation which can save you time, money, preserve relationships and keep you from having to go through trial. Many different types of disputes can be resolved in Small Claims Court. Before I talk about anything else though, I need to make sure that I impress upon my readers the absolute requirement that a Small Plaintiff first demand payment or equitable relief from the Small Claims Defendant before they sue in Small Claims Court. They will also advise you on any issues which might make it appropriate to sue in Limited Civil Court, or even Unlimited Civil Court. There are quite a few reasons why it is a good thing to talk with an Attorney before filing a Small Claims Lawsuit against another person. You can inexpensively speak with an Attorney using a LegalShield Membership. The Small Claims Process click here to read my full article. It is a very helpful membership which provides a whole stack of benefits including but not limited to: LegalShield will help you and will drastically increase the odds of you getting paid. US , you can purchase a membership through this site and also through www. Thank you and please feel free to share this website with anybody you know who might want to file a Small Claims Complaint in the State of California. The purpose of this article is to familiarize you with the Enforcement of Judgment process in the State of California. This article will help you, but it is still advisable to speak with an Attorney. LegalShield is a very cost effective way of speaking with an Attorney. The Enforcement of Judgment Process click here to read my full article. Thank you for checking out www. Please feel free to share this website with anybody you know who has a Small Claims need in the State of California, any type of Enforcement of Judgment need in the State of California, who might want to sell their Judgment in any State, who needs any type of Legal Document Assistance in California, or who has any type of legal situation with which they need help in any State in the USA because LegalShield can help in all 50 states. Make sure to bookmark this website and also, please sign up for my newsletter. Free Legal Self-Help Information. Affordable Legal Document Assistance. Before you file a Small Claim File you must first demand payment from the person you intend to sue! If you are having a hard time enforcing your judgment you can contact me about selling your judgment. I buy judgments on a contingent basis at a discount. Please contact me so that I can explain. I can also help you find a cash buyer. Cash buyers buy at a deeper discount than do contingent buyers. Website for my standing offer to build a website like www. The Enforcement of Judgment Process The purpose of this article is to familiarize you with the Enforcement of Judgment process in the State of California. Court filing fees and service of process fees vary, contact us today for more information.

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