Legal Consultant Profiles: 'The Flexible Foodie' Zoe Leong.

Legal Consultant Profiles: 'The Flexible Foodie' Zoe Leong.

  1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I was born in and grew up in Malaysia until I left the comfort of my parents’ home for a traditional boarding school in the UK. I have always wanted to travel and work and live abroad all my life. 12 years ago I ended up in Hong Kong, thinking it would be a 2-5 year stint and then move on to another country, but somehow I have been here ever since! I enjoy competitive and active pursuits, particularly sailing, where I met my husband. As a true Malaysian, I am also a foodie and love discovering new places to eat. 

  1. What’s your journey in the legal field been like?

I knew I always wanted to be a lawyer since I was aged 7, no joke! I trained as a barrister because I loved the adrenaline (and drama) of fighting for a client’s cause in the courtroom. I ended up joining law firms specialising in maritime law and worked in the legal shipping industry for over 10 years of my legal career. About 5 years ago, I decided to make a change and enjoyed a stint in the casino and hospitality industry (doing legal work of course) before I ventured into legal consulting which brought me into the technology and venture capital industries.

  1. What kind of clients have you worked with and on what type of matter?

I have worked with large corporate clients like the private banks, media companies, casinos and shipping companies, but the clients I love working with are the startups and entrepreneurs who are trying to build new products or services that solves problems.

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