Leg Show Jo Gallery

Leg Show Jo Gallery


Leg Show Jo Gallery







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Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/27/2014 1:15:17 PM

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Nylon Whispers
Fantasies, Fiction And Personal Stories

Nick Danger
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March 14, 2019

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Mature Ladies In Stockings & Fluffy mule slippers

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Connecting people through photography.

I'm always ready for a Leg Show magazine photo shoot! giggles
High time to put on the hot pants again...of course with tights
Another glimpse into my limited design skills and the imagined cover of a leg publication for the leg fetishists out there, hopefully a few of you will pay tribute to this image in the way the cover asks you to, so relax, get your lube and enjoy and feel free to send an image or two of your pleasure with this photo to me at dianalondontv@hotmail.co.uk , i would love to see the pleasure this image inspires.
And just so you know there is a little creativity still inside me, here is my latest tribute to one of my favourite magazines and my only chance to be their cover girl...forgive me! I hope you enjoy xx
My own interpretation of the ultimate naughty Leg Fetish magazine.
I do love this red dress and beautiful Lucy Choi Heels.
A delicious magazine for those of a leg fetish persuasion.
Oh and if anyone kind enough is reading, i have had to cancel my Flickr Pro account due to a lack of funds at present, i do miss some of the features....over to that kind person out there....PM if you are able to help.
I am enjoying playing around with some of these images and converting them into a cover girl style..(i must do a centrefold at some stage soon!). This was one of my favourite ever outfits and evenings, taken out by a gentleman who was down in London on business and wanted a little entertainment. A very pleasure filled evening and my outfit of classic black from head to toe seemed to have the desired effect on certain parts of his body. I do hope you enjoy these little magazine covers..I will try a few different ideas over the next few posts.
Here i am wearing White lingerie and fully fashioned nylon stockings on National Nylon Stockings Day the 15th May.
A recent photo taken of me showing off my suspender tabs and stocking tops

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